I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, 8. Month consultation.

Kenan grabbed the cobweb and stood still.



"Keep it down."

When Marquis Cosal bowed down to Kenan, he turned to Cyril.

"Apparently, I cared about Lord Arshmalia. I'm sorry."

Gently bow your head. Cyril stays standing. I relaxed and held my mouth. What should I do? Cyril is cool.

"I see. It's not a glimmer. Elk, what's wrong"

Marquis Cosal sighed and saw Naz's father. Yes, not if Cyril sees it.

"So I told you to stop."

Naz's father finally relieved the tension.

"Dan, Arsh, and Mal, it's been a while."

"" "It's been a while. Thank you for your help with that verse" "

We greeted with a smile. Cyril and the others thank each other lightly. Marquis Cosal looked slightly at the courtesy.

"You also came to Findaria in the spring. I wonder what the problem is because I'm here again next time, but everywhere the center is hard headed. It's a hassle, but I think we should take care of the guardians here to make sure you know it's not a threat."

It's deliberate, isn't it, the way you say surveillance? It's okay, Mr. Elk is on our side.

Dan nodded eyes at Will, still looking funny, pounding Cyril's shoulder, and started talking again.

"As for the Findarian side, no matter what this one thinks or explains, that's what happens in the end when a young imperial nobleman wanders around the country"

"Well, I don't mind if you take that"

"If, yes. Suppose you can't accept that?

Marquis Cosal said this as troubled.

"That's troublesome. I'm in trouble, but I can't decide on my own, so I have to ask what I'm going to do once I get my use out to the castle."

"What about us in the meantime?

"Well, we're going to have you stay in this border town"

"That's troublesome."

Dan said that with a face that didn't seem so troubled.

"Well, what if, on the contrary, monitoring, accepting parents"

"Of course I appreciate that. Like I said, let's take everything from accommodation arrangements to what we need here so we can get around Findaria efficiently"

And when you ask them to leave efficiently. Marquis Cosal looked at me with a glimpse,

"Of course, Virgin, no, let's not let Lord Arshmaria slip away"

I also said. Dan nodded Hmm,

By the way, the guardian was your lord Kenan.

I stayed a little while.

"Of course, it doesn't mean you're alone, does it?"

I was rather surprised. What do you mean you're not alone? Dan is waiting for a response with the face that there will be more people.

"Absolutely. I myself get one deputy and one squire at a time, except for that one for each. I'll introduce you later, but the escort will also be accompanied by six martial arts officers and then two civilian"

Kenan looks at us,

"I didn't think you had a single confession on you, so let's have a squire and a samurai for each one"

I said. Uh, three Kenan minutes, six martial officers, two civilians, six with you, 15 in total? Together, we total 20. Look at us.

"It would be as minimal as that, such as a noble trip. Besides, common sense is inconceivable, such as not having one of the offerings."

And Kenan said it like it was out there. But Dan, who would have thought it was a few at most, also has a head for an unexpected number of people. Probably worried about arranging carriages or something like that. Because Dan's carriage is cozy, so it's not hard to travel long, and having another carriage means traveling with the performance of that carriage.

While I was being taken for granted, I thought it might be a good idea to experience the aristocratic travels and doings. If you're going to be a lodger any day, you can't expect an adventurer in Findaria. If so, there is also the method of aristocratic centering. (i) If there were to be 20 people attached to the nobility of a family, the room would have to be considered, and considerable profits would be expected depending on how it was done.

Or selling light journeys, thinking about educating employees for nobility.

Then the next time I went to the Empire, I thought I could talk to Alec or Florence, and, uh, everyone was out there looking at me.

"Arsh, come back"


Apparently it was blurry. I can't help thinking alone. I said this to Lord Cosal.

"It's a sudden story, could you give me a moment?"


So it's us left in the room.

"What should I do?"

To me, Will said.

"Hey, do I have to go to Findaria in the first place?

Sure, as soon as I get in, this makes me feel considerate ahead of time.

"But, you know, when I came in the spring, it wasn't like this, it was a relaxing country with a great climate."

"Sure. Mr. Elk and I are talking about business cooperation, and whatever Arsh's lodging is, Soap has been getting ready to build a factory soon."

Dan also twisted his neck.

"This is our first time, but as soon as we step in, this is it. It's weirder to tell him to make a good impression."

That's what Will said.

"Kilik would welcome you in every town, and you haven't been everywhere. Above all, there is also a dungeon. It would be essential for an arms test."


"I'm saying it like some other HR, Cyril, it's you, you decide"


Cyril looked at Will, and he looked at me. That's right, Cyril. Why do you think we all got here? Wherever you want to stay, you can do it.

"Who wanted to go to Findaria the most?"


Cyril opened her eyes. That's right, the day I first met Mr. Noah. You found out there was before the Empire, which was the farthest country, right?


Thereby Cyril glanced at the border town of Findaria, which stretched out the window.

"And the situation where you have to put up with the infirmity to travel freely through the Findaria you followed"

Exactly. And you're the one who hates being tied up more than anyone else. Cyril, it's you.

Sarah seems a little anxious because she doesn't really know what's going on. Will is smiling and reassuring.

"Kilik, Findaria, or return to the Empire. With that said, the southern part of the empire hasn't traveled yet. I thought you had Theodore's home."

Cyril snapped pompously. Let me add that too.

"Even in the north, I haven't looked around all the time to treat the disease."

"Well, even the Empire hasn't been able to get around yet."

Kirik, too.

Will says the same. Cyril exhales all the time,

"I'm not even asking someone to do something. I have money. Wherever you go, if you're free, I am."

What about me?

"I want to go to Findaria"

But you're not free, are you? Cyril niggered.

"I'm serious about negotiating."

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