I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, 8 moon arm trial.

Give me 30 minutes. That's all it took. You didn't even have time for a cup of tea, and the three of them came back after a little confusion.

"Have you come to a conclusion"

Marquis Cosal asked with a smile.


When Cyril replied, the two faces of Findaria were slightly stiffened. I was wondering if this is the guy. Well, that's right. I haven't talked about it before, and I don't care what you think, Cyril is the most problematic child. I went a little crazy. But Cyril wasn't just a problem child when he decided to. Come on, indulge.

"Let's Accept Parents"

The two Findaria nobles were visibly relieved.

"Except the two of us. I don't need any more."


Kenan stood up. Cyril stays seated as if he had calmed down.

"I would have explained earlier. I can't get around to you two or anything."

"Why not?"

'Cause that's it.

Kenan tries to overlap words of annoyance. Control it. Cyril said:

"The guardian and the Marquis Cosal said. To be honest, you could say surveillance. So what do you intend to monitor"


When Kenan was stuck in words, he looked more at Marquis Cosal. Marquis Cosal sighed,

"I don't know what to monitor, so I just have the minimum necessary escort and confession for now. I don't understand better the refusal to accept that. Instead, I don't know if there's any inconvenience, but it's better for you to explore your bellies."

I said. Cyril calms down,

"If so, what do you think is inconvenient? Or the worst,"

I asked back.

"It's like, I don't know the language or customs of Findaria, but as an imperial nobleman, you know, behave tyrannically"

Cyril raised one eyebrow and urged ahead.

"It is also frivolous for the nobles of one country to look around every corner of another country in the first place."

Cyril spread his hands. Come on, what else?

"Findaria is a peaceful country, but the Empire has never had anyone with bad feelings. If they get hurt, it's an international problem."

And the rest?

"Well, that's about it to come up with...... annoying. Ask the center, not at all."

Marquis Cosal leaked the truth. Kenan shrugged his shoulder next door. You don't know what you're thinking up there? Hmm, Cyril said:

"I mean, there are two problems. One thing, I don't know what we're gonna do. Two, I want to eliminate the possibility that we might be in danger."

"Well, that's what's gonna happen, I guess"


Cyril corrected his posture.

"First of all, we are not indisposed by the words of Findaria. I had a friend from Findaria."

Mr. Elk looked proud.

"Also, for example, can't we stop no matter how many escorts we have trying to do something? In the matter of identity."

"It certainly depends on your good sense."

"Besides, if you want to explore other countries, you should be letting discreet experts look for you, not conspicuous nobles"

"Well, that's true, too"

"What can be explored by young people as old as parents deem necessary"

"Ugh, um"

Marquis Cosal is sweating. Shall I serve you some cold tea?

"Therefore, no matter how many people we have, we can't stop us, and that's what we don't need numbers if we don't try to do anything. And I claim we're not trying to do anything."

"I see."

"The first is fine. Then the second. Could it be a large number of people?"

"No, that's not first. Most bandits leave between town and town, so I can't say for sure."

"So the danger we may face is that a small number of people are opponents, either in town or at night."

"Don't be."

"Then we don't need an escort. As I said earlier, we are strong"


Kenan laughed with his nose. If a teenager told me I was strong, I might laugh.

"We can have two more people in our carriage. So you can follow me up to two. If you follow an extra carriage or something, your mobility drops. That's what I'm saying."

"But the man of confession,"

"We can do it all ourselves"

"A woman."

"Including women."

Marquis Cosal looked at us as if we were frightened. I'm sorry. We women nicked and deceived.

"Something that's really strong doesn't mean you're strong."

"Humility is a waste of time."

Cyril and Kenan flirted.

"You're good, but what about the rest?"

Kenan tries to deflect from talking to others.

"Oh, I'm fine, too."

Will put it mildly,

"I also know how to stay out of the way in an emergency"

That's what Dan said. Dan has no sword, but he is not strong. And because I'm aware of it, I'm cleaner than anyone in a way.

"If I'd heard from you earlier, half would be women. Why don't you think about women, whether you're a witness or an escort!

Yeah, because you don't need to think about it. What... Cyril checked with me and Mal and then said:

"So if the escort only had the power not to deserve to protect us, would you pull it off?"

"At least let's promise to get confirmation in the center in the direction of reducing the number of people"

Marquis Cosal sighed and compromised so. Cyril asked quietly.

"How many days would you stay here if you did?

"Depends on how many days it takes for the decision to come down, even if we hurry back and forth"

"It's just about the Imperial nobility. I see. It's a peaceful country."

Cyril's irony made the room quiet. I looked out the window and thought. A peaceful life, what is it? Cyril stood up and said:

"Time is wasted. Shall I show you the power of the escort now to send a messenger to the center as soon as possible?"

"... fine. Let them assemble in the front yard."

Once at the border, there are soldiers deployed at the border. They therefore have barracks and training grounds in the front yard.

Let's get dressed.

and Will, who tried to get dressed on the spot, but was recommended a separate room.

"Oh, lend us a dressing room too"

When I say, the Marquis Cosal,

"Are you going with me? Your lady better rest in her room."

And he cared.

"Don't you ladies struggle if you don't mind taking them."



And Kenan went out, and was taken away by the Marquis Cosal, and we were led into a separate chamber.

"Long time no see. Arms ringing"

"The Cylons aren't always the ones to deal with. You're strong, but you're a little tired."

I agree with Mal that sounds like fun. Well, I trained every morning, but how strong are the Findarian soldiers?

"Even Arsh sounds like fun"

"'Cause you're an adventurer for once? Class A?

I didn't get certified in Merida, but this time, me and Mal got Mr. Greg a proper A-level certification, too. I haven't been to the dungeon lately, so I guess the magic is a little rusty.

"Hey, the magic is"



When she heard it, Sarah said it was a little awkward.

"You don't mean swords or magic anymore. What are Arsh and Mal willing to fight for in the first place? Perhaps Will or Cyril alone would be enough."

I met Mal in the face.



I fought when I had the chance. That's what it would be.

"A quiet life doesn't come to those who want to fight."

Honesty hurts. Meet me in the front yard!

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