I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16 years old, moon of eight, warm people.

It's 30 meters to the demon. Will tries to shoot magic.

"Will, wait, I will!

"Come on, I got it."

My magic would be more accurate. I worked up the magic of fire in small pieces and struck into the demons. The demon slowly falls. At the same time, we all run for our children. And surround the children and be vigilant around them.

"Where did you come from? Go right back."

"It's an old house there. Everyone who wants to enter the barracks is turned down. The people in town managed, but you're not from town, brothers. In the meantime, over here!

Except for the demon earlier, I don't see it for now. We were guided by the child and allowed into an ancient house right next door from the barracks.

"Mother, I brought you here because someone was in trouble."

"I told you it was dangerous out there... Excuse me, this is such an old house, but I have a room, so please stay calm."

"Excuse me, I'll take care of you"

I said ancient house, but it probably seemed like a smaller inn. Most importantly, it hasn't been open for a while. It's not popular except with my mother and children. to us guarding the entrance, the child,

"They say the demon doesn't know how to open the door. When there are signs of people, they come to the building, but if the door is closed, they won't come in. You'll be fine if you stay home."

I said. She's a reliable child. We thankfully settled where it would have been previously the dining room. I have a counter and some tables. When they each secured their place, they sat down to fall. I'm tired of riding horses, and my first fight against demons in a long time used nerves.

To us like that. Mother gave us half a cup of water.

"This is all I've got. Excuse me."

I guess it's the last water in the water. Still it was clean water. Evidence I draw on every day. We appreciate it.

"How is the water?

"Usually there's a well at every corner of town, from which you can draw water freely. So I didn't do much for it. If it wasn't just two days outside, we'd be running out of water..."

"Thank you for your precious water"

A child spoke out loud to us in thanksgiving.

"I've been watching it since upstairs. Brothers, he was defeating more and more demons. I'm sure he'll save the town from now on. Isn't that right? Patience till then, right?

That trust warms my depressed heart.

"At least, the rescue voices are getting there properly. We got ahead of us, but the dozens are sending soldiers. We're a little impatient."

Will said that to encourage. The child is called Hulm, and the mother is called Azure. He used to run a lodging house, but after his father died of illness, he said he had stayed at the inn. Mr. Azure, who is a little weak, says he supports his household by sewing and so on. Of course, I'm helping all over town, too. Hulm's got his chest up, and Mr. Azure's looking at it with a smile. I got up from the chair.

"There's still room for magic. Mr. Azure, where's the water?"

"This way. In the kitchen. It's a tease, right?

It was Mr. Azure with his neck hanging.

"Arsh, can you go alone?

and Will spoke to me,

"I'm fine. I'd rather keep the water from the water bottle."

I replied.

"Tell me if you don't have enough."


When I went to the water, I put my hands on the bottom of my calf,


That said, I let the water out one by one. As much as this, I don't often use magic either. The water filled up quickly.


Mr. Azure is taken lightly.

"Because I'm from Merida"

When I say that,

"The sword and the magic..."

Mr. Azure's eyes softened. Apparently, the fairy tale is alive and well.

"That was helpful. I don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow."

"Excuse me, but ingredients, etc..."

"I'm embarrassed, but I've eaten that in the last two days, too. But there's a bit of root vegetables and dried meat, so let's make some soup."

To Mr Azure, who brightly says,

"I'm bringing the ingredients. We'll prepare dinner."


"It's okay."

I replied.

"Come on, sit down and rest for a while"

That's what I said and urged him to sit down. There was hardly any meat on his back. In my weak body, I guess I work desperately to raise a child. And yet I don't complain to any sudden customers.

"Mal, Sarah, ah, was Sarah leaving a message? The bread."

"I brought a lot"

"Shall we make some soup with lots of dried meat?"

I am tired but I have an environment where I can cook slowly. Slice the ham you brought into Kusan's soup with more dried meat and cut the bread thinly. Let's jam the bread.

"Sister, is this magic too?

"This isn't magic, but this bag is a magic bag. It's got a lot in it."

The time to prepare to leave the town of Darth was the time to transfer food from the carriage storage bag. That's how we all surround the dinner table. There's no Sarah or Dan, but there's Kenan, there's Azure and there's Hulm. Some are frightened by demons and rough, while others remain warm like this.


"Long time no see, such a good meal"

The mother and child took a bite and raised their voices as if they were surprised. Hulem was a little rushed,

"Even your mother is a good cook."

He added. I know.

"Did Mr. Azure eat at the inn?

"Yeah, with me and my husband. It's small, but it's on the side of the barracks, so I used to do it as a delicious food inn."

"Thanks to you, today, for your help"

Will bowed his head like that. Kenan is eating a lot of food at the end. I went crazy and spoke up.

"Hulem, this big brother's gonna eat it all."

"Ah, sloppy"

"Say what. It's because we're having a relaxing chat or something. See, putting this jam on is good"


That's how the dinner ended soothingly.

"One or two hours at a time. Let's start with Arsh."

"I'm sorry. Let me do that"

I was able to rent a bed in the room to rest, although it smelled a little mildew because I didn't use it. The demon said he wouldn't come in, but just in case, he decided to take turns watching through the upstairs window above the entrance. Weak at night I'm not sure I'll wake up on the way, so it's my first watch.

The dungeons always have thin lights, so I don't think there was any difference in demonic movements at night or noon. But humans lose activity at night. So going to the dungeon at night is suicide, and I wasn't interested in what was going on with the dungeon at night except when I was about to stay. But now the demon movement outside the window is dull. Demons are walking but a lot dull compared to noon. Slimes and the like, which look a little farther away, have completely stopped moving.

"So during this night, the messenger ran off with a horse."

How soon will Marquis Cosal start moving his soldiers?

"I can't just do a carriage. There must be some soldiers on foot. As early as tomorrow evening. If it's too late..."

There's nothing more to be abandoned than having Kenan. But it can be too late.

"Tomorrow at least we need to secure a water field, make allies and distribute water to the people in town"

Firstly, we must observe the demons until they take turns. The demon wandered through the night somehow seemed lost to me.

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