I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16 years old, the moon of 8, starts to move.



The next morning, Mal wakes me up. He still seemed tired.

"How about acting like a demon?

"I originally only defeated the least in town, so I'm back to normal overnight. From the window, he's roaming the streets a few times. It's not increasing."


Dozens of adventurers dive into a dungeon in the middle of a normal dungeon, even in the absence of a surge, and finally have a demon outbreak and income and expense. Whether it's a dungeon you've been closing, assuming you have a low number of demons, or if you do poorly, it's not surprising that hundreds of demons come out. Would the escort who has left it on the meadow have left town well?

"Mr. Azure is preparing us breakfast. I give more ingredients."

"Well, then we have to go downstairs."

Get ready quickly and head to the dining room downstairs. Everyone was down there. Looks like you slept well.

"Morning, guys. Good morning, Mr. Azure, Hulem."

Good morning, and voices come home from all over. Bread with lightly roasted wheat for breakfast and the rest of yesterday's soup.

"Come on, what do we do today?

"Aren't your brothers going to kill me with a bah?

To Will's words, Hulem said so sparkling his eyes. Will laughed all the time as he looked sideways at Mr. Azure in a hurry to stop Hulem's mouth.

"Well, if I say I can get rid of it now, I can get rid of as many demons in this town as I want."

"Then, muggle"

It was only this time that Mr. Azure held me down.

"Hulem, how old are you?"

"I'm 10!

"Ten years old, yeah"

Will just thought about it for a second and started talking like this.

"Look, do you know where the demons came from"

"Yeah, he said Kilik's mountain collapsed and came out. Don't leave the house until the demons are gone, the town said."

"Seems so. So you're going to take down all the demons in town now?

"And then there's still a little bit to the mountain, so we're between the mountains and the town"

"What if we take out the guy in town, relieve ourselves and the demons come out again?

"Ah...... And your brothers."

"All night long? Just the five of us?


"You can't. We need more people."

"Well, what can I do?"

"Calm down. And shut up for a second and listen. Huh?"


Will turned to us.

"Arsh, let's sort things out"


I confronted Will. Answer the questions one by one.

"The barracks."

"I can't guess"

"What about Darth's soldiers?"

"This evening in the shortest possible time. The worst is in three or four days."

"So late"

Will opened his eyes. When Kenan,

"Exactly that..."

But when I...

"Hi Findaria. I feel like people are vulnerable to emergencies. If you want to get in full shape, that could be about it."

When I said that, I shut up. I wonder how much the border response sounds yesterday.

"That means we have to do what the five of us can do."

"You mean endless battles with demons"?

To Will's words, that's what Kenan said with a slightly fed up face.

"No, that's not all. Arsh."

"Yeah. Like Mr. Azzuré did, no matter what the food is, there's no water in each house first"

This town, close to Kilik, also has a somewhat arid climate.

"If we can't expect rescue until after tomorrow, there could be dead people in the house"

"No way!"

I looked at Kenan in dismay and went on like this.

"Before that, I think there will be people trying to get water in return for danger. I hope it's the right time."

"If it doesn't fit, the demon will do it."

I nodded. Cyril said this as the nasty silence spread, hands behind his head listening.

"The five of us can't protect the whole town anyway. If so, guide the water draw by the streets of the town while reducing the demons in the town"

"But do you trust what the drifter adventurer says? Besides, no more demons in the bag. Whether the townspeople have the courage to come and draw water through the side of the demonic corpse"

Will twisted his neck. That's when Mr. Azure...

"Counsellor's across the street from us."

I said out.


"I say Mr. Casse. If we can take Mr. Casse, we can manage..."

I see. Cyril went on to nibble.

"Look, there would have been just the right square there. The townspeople won't even get through there. Let's keep all the demons in the bag stacked up there. Then the demons you defeated in town will come in."

"That's a little... Might as well."

I was a nigga, too. What do you mean you came all the way ahead to help, but you didn't even open the door? I was really angry.

"It should be dismantled and made into good meat if it's supposed to be"

Yes. When Mal said it with a stern face, Mr. Azure turned blue. I guess Mal thinks skewers are going to be wasted or something. When I saw how Mr. Azure was doing, the demolition still seemed a little impossible. Besides, you can't go dump the rest of the demolition in the dungeon yet. When I looked at Mal like that and smiled, Will said in a serious way.

"Well, let's get out of here first and head to the square. Build up demons in the square while reducing demons, then come back here once and defeat the demons in the street. And then."

"I'll go. If I go, Mr. Casse will always open the door."

"Hulem, no! I'll go."

I squeezed my hand tightly. Adults should go. But... When I look at Mr. Azure, it reminds me of my mother, who was very weak. Mal leaned in gently.

"Mr. Azure, Hulem is 10 years old now. Quicker and more useful than weaker women. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna borrow Hulem."


"Mr. Azure, maybe some people don't have food. If that's who you are, I might bring you here. I'll leave the ingredients, so can you make as much soup as possible and wait"

"... ok. Hulem......"

"I would never leave your mother alone."

That's right. You can't leave me alone.

"Arsh, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine"

I just remembered a little bit about your mother. Will looked at me worried,

"Come on, get ready and leave right away. All right."

I called out. Me and Mal piled up the ingredients, deposited them with Mr. Azzuré and checked the equipment. It's all right.

"Then knock on the door three times when you come back. Hulem won't hold anything, just wait for me in a light outfit. That's good."


"All right, start the operation!

We jumped out the door. Come on, it's the beginning of a long day.

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