I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, 8 years old, at sunset in the moon meadow.

The soothing lunch break is just around the corner, and in the afternoon it will be second-hand again to ensure water intake for the townspeople.

"More before that."

Me and Cyril went to leave the monster for the morning in a square where there were a lot fewer demons already.

"Hey, don't!

I can't hear you. The two of us piled up the demons with a giggling grin and came back sooner. But I thought so. I was too used to demons to know, but what would you think if a normal girl was laughing dull while piling up demons?

Are you sure you're scared or creepy?


And I decided that Cyril was going to hurt me.


"At least stop laughing while defeating or putting down demons"

"What are you talking about?

"Now they won't say you're scared anymore, I'm sure."

"Don't worry about the ones who say they're scared to that extent."

"Um, but..."

You care, I knew it.

"... the problem isn't laughing or not laughing..."


"Yes, no, let's hurry.... the bugs are dropping by to say they're engaged, not at all. I wish I was scared."


Something's Cyril bumping into me, but what is it? Well, to be honest, if possible in a few days, I just want to put the demon back in my bag and leave it in the dungeon. Even Findaria is cool around here by Kilik, but summer temperatures have terrible consequences. The number of demons has decreased a lot. Will we be able to reach the border tomorrow?

Rhythm grabbed us in the morning and we go with more and more voices to the people in town while reducing the demons. In the evening there were almost no demons in the town, and the safety of the townspeople was confirmed. But there are more demons during the night. What is going on out of town?

Together with ten soldiers we took a step out of town and looked to the border. A single street runs straight from the border to the town, with meadows stretching on both sides. From there with a good view, I could clearly see a narrow space filled entirely with rocks and dirt sand.

And then, as you go around the sharpened rock skin, or over the piled rock, the whole, the whole thing and the demon descend again. Just a little way in from the border. Perhaps there's a dungeon not too far away.

Of course, all meadow demons walk across town. In numbers, it would be only a hundred or so bodies in a wide meadow.

"Tomorrow will be easier."

"Want a little less today?

"Meadows are tough to reclaim."

Next to us, who are relaxing, and so on, the soldiers are standing in frightened faces. You were supposed to have knocked down scattered demons at noon.

"You figured out that demons can be defeated. It's easier than a dungeon, no matter how much you're not attacking me. Still scared?

I overheard.


The young soldier answered immediately.

"Instead, look at that one. Why aren't you afraid? A demon I've never seen before is all for town. I'm scared of something that scares me because they told me I wouldn't be able to take him down because he wouldn't go in the door!

Oh, it's slime. Pashun. Unleashes magic on the slime beside the screaming soldier.

"That's how you and your magic take down the demons flat without changing your complexion. I'm scared of everything..."

My voice went down. Right, right? I was too used to it to know. Even I, in the previous world, would have been scared if the zombies had approached me from all over. You would have hissed yourself inside the house.

But now I'm not on the hiding side. It's the defeating side. Yeah, what the hell, like that, shitty woman guy I saw in the movie. A movie? Yes, it's familiar. Too much?

"Even though I'm 16, I"


"Don't be scared, take down demons with no fear, magician"

Everyone looked at me like I was worried. The soldier, who said he was scared, is looking down at ease.

"Not bad."


"That's cool, me!

Because they thought I was scared. Wouldn't it be cooler to have the power to go outside and defeat demons than to be stuck in a house and scared!

"You can be scared now."

I smiled as much as I could. All you have to do is give this strength that you've built up since you were eight.

"Do it, Arsh"

Will niggered.

"That's my arsh"

and Cyril. That's enough.

"I don't care any time"

and Mal.

"Do you want to work another one till sundown!

I turned to the soldier with a smile.

"If you're scared, you can watch."

Kenan left silently a long time ago. The soldiers are still confused.

Let's go.

"" "" Ooh "" "

To Will's voice, we rushed out in unison.

"What a woman..."

Potsung and twinkle fell off.

"You're a goddess."

She's cute.

"Poor thing."

The young soldier looked up all the time.

"We don't want people to hate us. They're gonna kill us, but let's take down the remaining demons carefully."

"That's about it."

The rest of the soldiers stepped forward as well.

"I am!

To the soldier who raises his face,

"You must be worried alone."

"In the meantime, I'm going to give you Arsh's liking."

"I'm a Marchant."

"Better have fewer competitors"

"I have a wife."

I don't have the strength to fight Cyril either.

Everyone laughed so loudly.

"Aren't you scared..."


The old soldier answered.

"But it's a town we protect."

There's no more fright in that eye. Another soldier, too.

"Let's be cool, too."

I said and laughed. I wasn't afraid while I was self-absorbed and waving my sword. But when I saw the demons spreading across the meadow, I was suddenly scared. The young soldier banged his own leg, banging it.

"Move, move, me! I don't like being cool with myself. Fight me too!

Someone pushed it from behind. Look, I could take a step. If I can take a step forward, I'll be fine now.

"Come on, we're going too!

Running out towards the meadows at dusk. There were no soldiers left at the entrance to the town.

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