I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, moon rescue for 8.

Soon the soldiers joined and when the 15 of us broke around until sundown, the demons were almost gone. We pulled up willingly, and the soldiers with houses in the town took about three of themselves, and we took seven back to Mr. Azzuré's house.

Knock on the door three times.

"Brothers! I was worried about you because you're late!

"I'm sorry, Hulem"

Inside, Hulem wandered in front of the door worried, and Mr. Azzuré cooked and waited for me.

"Azure, I'm sorry, but can we stay?"

"I haven't taken care of it much, but if that's okay, I have a bed."

Mr Azzuré says that without even looking like that. Even though it's a small lodging, it's a calculation that there are six rooms upstairs for two and two on the ground floor for 15 critical people to stay in.

"I'm glad we haven't cleaned it up yet. Though it's full of dust."

and twinkling Mr. Azure, but I guess he was full of life and couldn't afford to get rid of the big stuff.

"Cooking is something I've been cooking for so long."

"I remember, Mother. It was always busy, wasn't it? Sometimes my uncle at the dealership gives me candy."

"Because Hulem helped you."


I guess this is how we've encouraged each other and supported each other.

"With that said, your brothers said you were from Merida, but the Empire came through?

"Oh, he's been here for two years."

To Will, who answers gently, Hulem asked innocently.

"My grandfather in the horn said that the Virgin was needed in the Empire and that she would cure the sickness. Are you sure?

Will's a little stuck, though.

"Oh, it's true. Physicians were coming to learn from Findaria, so I'm sure treatment will start soon in this country."

and returned it.

"If the Virgin had come a little sooner, I wondered if your father would have healed you too"

"You must have healed me. At least someone as sad as me and Hulem will be gone."

To the two of you who talk like that, I couldn't say anything. It was three years ago that Hulem's father disappeared, he said. Even if I was here at that time, there was nothing I could do. I glanced at this one with Kenan's worried eyes. It's all right.

I mean, Hulem's father had a lot of magic. Magic is hereditary to some extent. If Hulem had magic and that was a lot. No, even in a small town like this by then, the road to treatment will be standing. At least, we should be able to get to a therapeutic town.

"I hope Dozen's rescue comes tomorrow."

I told him to shake off that anxiety. Will,

"Right. Then the story proceeds at once. I need to find a dungeon first. If we can stop there, we'll just go through the narrow room."

and said in a bright voice. And unlike my first worst predictions, the next day the rescue from the Dozen really came.

In the morning there were almost no demons in town. When we defeat the demons we see, we spin the water draws of the townspeople just like yesterday and at an earlier pace. One soldier raised his voice when it was time for lunch.

"Look, someone's coming!


Good eyed Mal stretches his back.

"A group of about 50 people. Soldiers. Number of people on horses. Walking. Several carriages"

Will will judge when he hears that.

"Definitely, it would be from the dozen. Kenan! Cyril!


"What do we do!

Towards Kenan and Cyril who came forward, Will said,

"Can you pick me up?"

"On foot."

"No, there's a horse in a corner inn, let's borrow that"

"I hope the barracks work."

"You're not gonna come out here yet, are you?"

We all looked at the barracks together, but there was no sign of the gate opening.

"You'll lend it to us."

Saying so, Cyril and Kenan ran to the inn and immediately rode off on a horse. Looks cool riding a horse too!


I see it with Will's raw eyes, because...

"This is my fiancée!

Or so I found myself turning bright red. This is so embarrassing. I won't say it again. Am I not ashamed of Cyril?

"Look, look, there's a slime in there"

Pashun. Hmm.

"He said he would destroy the demons while they lit up..."

"Me, I'm starting to feel good about that too"

The soldiers are saying something, but I don't care.

Did you talk right away, Cyril and Kenan leading the way, the vigilant but slowly moving the group forward?


"Will! Sounds like you worked great!

It was the captain of Darth's barracks who came. The Marquis Cosal is a border town and must be in good contact with both the Empire and the Findaria. I couldn't have come.

From the time of the confrontation with the escort, Cyril, Will and Mal in particular had quickly broken down with the soldiers in the Darth barracks. Of course, the captain was the same, and he always spoke freely. What about me? I was selling Sarah and doughnuts. Of course, I was being spoken to casually.


I hear Dan from the carriage behind me. Oh, I lost my strength.

"I wonder why. When you hear Dan's voice, your anxiety goes away"

"And Mal?

"And Arsh?

I met Mal in the face.

"" You don't have to worry about food anymore ""

Ha ha. Even storage bags aren't infinite. If you were serving food for nearly 20 people, you'd be anxious, too. The carriage should have had a lot of simple soup and a lot of latitude. Whoa, it's slime. Pashun.

"Arsh, is that slime"

"Yes, it's a demon. I'm hardly in town right now, but look at the meadows on the other side."

I pointed to the captain on the border side of town.

"I see, is that it"

The captain narrowed his eyes and looked at the meadow on the other side.

"Anyway, it's a horse to this number. We can't go camping in the presence of demons. Let's go to the barracks."

First Cyril and Kenan rushed to return the horse.

My fiancée's home.

"Shut up, Will. Oh, Sarah..."


"I got caught! Sarah's a carriage."


It wasn't if I was playing like that. We haven't solved the problem yet. In the square in front of the barracks, the soldiers bowed.

"Hey, what's that!

"A demon?


Shit. There's a pile of demons.

"Will, what is this?"

That's what the captain rarely hears.

"Ah, it's the demon we defeated. I couldn't get into the storage bag, so it's a temporary storage area."

I just have to answer that. I couldn't even tell you that I left it at Naomi.

"Couldn't you have put it outside of town"

"Until yesterday, there was such a monster that it was dangerous. Besides, people wouldn't have come out of the barracks, and they wouldn't have gotten in the way."


When the captain tried to listen back, he made a noise all the time and the gate, which had not opened all the time, finally opened.

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