I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, uncle of the moon butcher at 8.

It was after the middle of the afternoon as well, but the soldiers from the Darth just roll out to town and meadows and quickly defeat the demons under the guidance of the Lamb. The large number of people on watch allowed the town to walk around freely, although only for a few hours.

There's no mayor, but there's a counselor. There are about five counselors in every clump of the street, including Mr. Casse, who say these people are moving that or this or this in town. The merchants in the towns of Dan, Sarah and Darth were very welcome.

But the butcher was welcomed in surprise.

"You're gonna eat that one?

"No way."

And it's a fuss.

"Even though I've been carrying food and stuff, there won't be any merchants coming to this town for a while. If you can eat demons, food will help you a lot."

The butcher's uncle seems to just want to dismantle it. But the butcher in town is going to suspect.

"Wait, wait, it's a demon in the first place, right? I don't think they want to eat in this town of Hoove."

"The Empire says it's a fine ingredient, and it's the food of your nobility."

"Is that true?

I'm still half-hearted about the butcher. Dan watched it and took the dried meat out of his luggage.

"This is demonic dried meat, would you like to try it?

"I'll try it! Imports from the Empire are expensive and untouchable, even if you want to buy them. When I got here, I said," You can dismantle it all you want, you can eat all you want, so come on. "

The butcher's uncle tried putting thinly sliced dried meat in his mouth. The townspeople around them stare at it with a hard spit. In fact, I've been snubbing around with the food I have at home for the past few days. Even though I knew it was a demon, it seemed delicious. Keep your eyes closed.

"Hey, what do you think?"

and the people in town blame their thoughts.

"Hmmm...... Even though it's dried meat, the thick gravy spreads all over your mouth, and it's as fragrant as a cow, as deep as a pig, and not like any of that."

"Enough! Let us taste it too!

"Me too!

Dan's prepared dried meat quickly subsided in the townspeople's mouth.


"This is..."

Dan laughs when he dulls,

"Fresh meat tastes better without more crumbs. It's really good when you flavor it with herbs, skewer it, and flash it over a long heat,"

I said. The townspeople accidentally swallowed their spit.

"Uncle, would you like to dismantle with Arsh and Mal this evening? Then you can sell it tomorrow."

"But hey, ladies, aren't you tired? Kill the demons at noon. Come on."

"If you say you can eat skewers, Mal will never say no. It's not too much trouble for the Ashes to defeat the demons."

I went to the dungeon from a little while ago and worked at the inn at night.

"Then I'd like to ask you. But what about the place to dismantle it?"

To my uncle, who thinks a little, the town butcher called out.

"Come to my house."

"Okay, I thought you didn't want to."

"Once you eat it, you have to admit it. Even demons can be eaten more often than just thrown away."

"You know what I mean."

The two shook hands disappointingly. Whether people in town eat or not, I would have just gradually said, but anyway, it was Dan I'm glad I brought my butcher uncle.

"I wonder if I can get the doughnuts out."

That's what Sarah told me, who had been quietly helping me sort my bags until now.

"Donuts are not what you need."

to Dan twisting his neck,

"But I know how to take demon oil from Arsh, and I've brought a lot of ingredients, and it's not that extravagant. Cookies are fine, but donuts are easier if you can get demon oil. I don't think Dan understands the need for something sweet."

and Sarah insists.

"I would have liked Sarah to have cooked some demonic meat with her uncle at the butcher's."

"Of course, I'll do it. Even Kilik has a lot of demonic dishes, and you've learned to cook Merida-style dishes in the town of Teito. But also the doughnuts."

"Okay, sweetheart."

Dan sighed a little. I wonder if doughnuts are that important. It was Dan who spent the last few days with Sarah and realised no matter how competent and stubborn Sarah was I thought she was just being quiet.

"You pass an out-of-the-box opinion, right, Sarah? I wonder if Will knows anything about Sarah."

"I know, don't I? That's what you told me."

Sarah is grinning.

"Sure. Isn't Will such a small man? Fine, do whatever you want. Think about what you're going to do with the oil."

"I know."

If the dungeon settles down sooner or later, the use of beast fat will also be considered. But even if you try to build a factory, there are too few people in town here to secure people to work for. Then we can create a base in a town where vegetable oil is also easy to use, and route the beast fat from here to there as well, producing both cheap and luxury soap. If so, what town?


Is it still Maris by the sea?


Or if it's the dozen things to do, it's also close to the Empire......


"Oh, what?

"It's nothing, I've called you three times."

"Sorry, Arsh"

Soon the Arshes were back from the meadows. To Dan with his head on, Cyril laughed and said:

"You know what, you're like Arsh and the twins"

"" Yeah?

When I saw the two of them turning around Cyril, Cyril chuckled.

"'Cause you were thinking about business, weren't you?

To Cyril who said that, I couldn't say it wasn't, Dan.

"Nothing. I'm praising you."

"Are you with Arsh?

"Yes, it just seems blurry to me."

"Isn't it terrible?

"Isn't that terrible?

My voice softened again. Dan and Arsh looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.

"You don't have a choice."

"You don't have a choice."

"'Cause that's not why I'm running the Lamb Chamber of Commerce."

So together, Dan and Arsh said,

"So, when the dungeon settles down, let's think about producing beast fat"

"Right, but there's only about 500 people in this town. I guess we're short on manpower."

"So I figured, in the town of Maris by the sea,"

"Uh, vegetable oil, too"

"Yes, yes."

And I started talking.

In the end, this is what happens, and Cyril looked at the two of them. Next door Will and Mal are seriously talking to Sarah and her butcher uncle.

Wherever you go, we're lambs.

Then what am I going to do, Cyril said, looking at the sky. I felt no more wonder and impatience. I felt like my chest could be tightened just a little bit to the feeling that what needed to be done was waiting there.

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