I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, moon of 8, dungeon.

The next day, there were hardly any more demons in town. After the soldiers checked the town demons in the morning, there was nothing wrong with going outside the house anymore.

"Were we really trapped in demons..."

The man looked around and snapped. When I thought the mountain had collapsed, a demon came and all I could think about was protecting my wife from looking out the window the last few days. That's how there are men standing up, while in the corner of town the housewives gather and talk, and the children run around. The store is normally open, and there are two stalls out in front of the barracks that smell delicious. Besides, one has a corner butcher's uncle.

"Come on, it's a service at first. Huh! It's the skewer of the demon that trapped us! What a fine ingredient the Imperial aristocrats are eating today, it's just that you can eat it."

Another uncle screams out loud. The meat of the demons! When a man sees a stall wondering if he can eat something like that, those young men eat flat, and look good. Oh, isn't that Hulem at Azure's? How good is demonic meat for a child? Enough to jump, huh?

Yes, the demon that tormented us. Eating could make you a little worried. Yeah.

Leaving the vibrant town that way, we are in front of a broken narrow area of the border with about 30 soldiers. There is no one at the border facility, and demons descend a little from the collapsed mountain skin.

"All right, while we have Will and Arsh attacking us from a distance, we're going to follow the trail of demons coming!

With Captain Araf's hanging voice, the 30 spread to the side and climb the mountain carefully so as not to overlook the demons.

And the dungeon was immediately revealed. It collapsed, avoiding the weakened ground, and climbed from the side and flattened a little, where a large rock would have peeled off, there was the entrance to the dungeon.

Would it be about 5 meters across and 3 meters high? The entrance, which is flat and empty from a distance, is dim, and when the demons are perplexed but the whole thing comes out, they notice us and come closer.

It's where I'm pulling in for a step and it's like a narrow square, so I could fight with regular soldiers, especially without me or Will attacking.

"Hmm, I didn't know it was this close"

To the roaring captain,

"Is it just one place?"

and Cyril returns it.

"No way, more than one!

"I don't think so first. However, it is also possible to see holes in two parts of the same dungeon. I'd like to take a look around a little more. And."


"Can't we move on? If I can cross the mountain, I can get in touch with Kilik. I have the least expectations."

Cyril glanced at Will and said.

"Dungeon demons only come down this side. Assuming that no demon had gone down to Kilik, he would have immediately tried to cross the mountain. Still not following…"

"That's what I'm talking about"

Will looks firmly up. In the meantime, if it's a dungeon, it's Cyril's turn. Cyril speaks to the captain.

"The dungeon comes first. Captain Araf, what's your experience with the dungeon?"


"Then I'll explain. The regular dungeon has a well-maintained entrance, which, when inside, is like a maze. A demon occurs there naturally"


"You'll show up like you're soaking through walls, like slime. The demons that occur are constant, but adventurers are hard to get to the lower levels, so the more demons at the lower levels come up. So there's a good deal of demons out there every day."


"And about a month a year, there are moons where more demons occur than usual. That's the 'surge'. That was the case in Merida, but the imperial dungeon didn't have much of it. This dungeon is therefore unlikely to be without it either"


Cyril explains so that all the soldiers can hear him.

"I've never seen a dungeon open naturally like this, so I can't say anything, but a normal dungeon has a flat path as if it were an artifact, and it's always thin and bright even though there's no light anywhere. Besides, there's a staircase downstairs."

Oh, and an impressive voice went up.

"And strangely, every few floors, there's a safety zone where demons never come in."

"I see."

"So if we were to explore the dungeon, I think we should start by making a map while we look for that demonic safety zone"


Captain Araf thinks arm in arm.

"Crisis has left for now, but how long before the rescue body comes from Wang Du"

"I simply want to."

To the troubled captain, Cyril clearly said so.

"As an adventurer, I don't have a chance to be present in a dungeon I've just vacated. Of course, this is a Findaria dungeon. Don't let me in because I want to."

Cyril looked over at the soldiers, including Captain Araf.

"There is also danger. But aren't you excited?"

The colour of the soldier's eyes changed. Everyone is softening when they see Captain Araf.

"Well, if you don't go in, don't go in. Not that they'll tell you what you were doing. I can't imagine what the center thinks."

The captain, after being so blurred,

"Well, as a lead team, you'd better investigate for a little while"

I said. That's right, we have to!

"But it still seems dangerous to enter all of a sudden"

That's what a serious looking soldier said. And Will answered:

"Well, we'll be a little exposed. Arsh."

"Hmm? Oh, that?

"Then you can wipe out the weak demons."

"If it's about the first floor. Do you want to go"

Me and Will asked the captain for permission. The captain is blinking at what he's going to do.

Me and Will stood mostly in front of the entrance to the dungeon. The soldiers also stand behind them, glancing in the fright and dungeon. Indeed, just like a normal dungeon, the inside of the dungeon was thin and bright, until the demons inside turned this one around in unison.


Someone's scared to death. It's okay, 'cause I get used to it. Will signaled me. I snort.

"Flame wall, max!

"Wind, blow away!

Will's flames rolled in my wind and stormed around the cave. What's left? Only demon stones.


"Oh my..."

"This is magic..."

I can hear the soldier snapping at me.

"Oh, my God, you guys, the magic you've ever had is like a plaything"

Captain Araf said it like it was out there. Oh, it's neat. Look at us in the sunshine,

"This is Merida's magician. Sure, I'm convinced."

Everyone nodded with the captain. Scared? I look over at everyone with a sunny face. There are no more scares or scares, even if there are surprises there.

Yes, once you're on your side, there's nothing you can count on more than a magician.

"Well, let's go."

Strikes are coming later. It's a marathon dungeon. Cyril and Mal carved out the first step as they stepped out on a new snowy morning.

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