I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, not the moon maid of 9.

The left side of the ground floor turns to water, then to the right, behind the discourse room, is a continuing room with a large double-open sweep window. Beyond the window was a terrace, and a rough orchard was seen. Perhaps it had become a private room for the mayor of the town, where there were plenty of solid desks, chairs, and books that showed signs of people.

We closed the room gently with only a peek. Then there were some small empty rooms in the back of the room. Is it a servant's room?

After looking at the ground floor and going upstairs, there is a bright ensuing room above the discourse room, behind which there are several rooms. Same on the dining room, the upstairs looks completely like a room.

"Only the mayor lived here, and this size would have been difficult just to take care of."

When I snap,

"It would be a shame to leave you alone because there's no one to inherit any traces."

sarah also says. Though Sarah's house is also a large Lordship Hall, there are a lot of people in and out there, and I think every room was used.

"We had a guest room once, didn't we? But very few customers came to the north end."

Yes, it is. And Sarah can't go home even if she wants to.

"Sarah, do you want to go home?

Is it a heartless question? But Sarah...

"Something I wasn't going to leave for another year anyway. Now I really enjoy spending time with the Ashes."

He told me.

"Sisters, what are we going to do?

Hulem seemed in such a hurry to us.

"Right, shall we ask the barracks people to make this place usable? And Hulem's secret base."

to me that Hulem,

"Why would you do that? It's not like we're sparing a secret base, is it? That was when I was younger. But you can't help but clean a room full of these."

and tilted his neck. Um, sure, no one asked me to.

"Dan, I don't know if I'm thinking too much."

"No, the barracks are small enough to put up a tent and put soldiers to sleep, right? At least you can have a room for Mr. Greg and the adventurer. I don't know what the Findarian side is going to do."

"That's right, I'm sure Mr. Greg will come. All right, the soldiers who haven't been to the dungeon are free anyway. Let me ask you something."

"Hey, Arsh, make that one."

"Is that it?"

Dan scratched his nose head a little as he lit up.

"Yeah, look, it was at the Lamb Museum, right? Miscellaneous Fish Bedroom"

"Oh, but hey, there would have been a proper bed in every room"

"It wasn't in the first floor room."

"You want to make that much?

"'Cause I really enjoyed going to the Lamb Museum to stay"

Yes, it is.

"Well, let's make a grocery bedroom and come stay before the guests arrive, and Hulem will be with us."

"Me too?

"Then you don't miss me, do you?


When that happens, we have to move on.

Not only those in the bored barracks, but also those in the bored and handy towns, helped clean up the mansion to the sight of the mayor's mansion.

The first thing I do is grab the well and make it usable, while the soldiers are moving the big stuff, cleaning, laundry, and installing the bath I brought. Since it's from the latest Merida, the bath set also has a decent drainage mechanism and I'm glad I just attached it to the bath location I've been in.

The dry summer wind quickly dried up the laundry. The white cover that was on the furniture moves straight into the room where Dan's straw was laid down and securely covers it on the straw.

"Hulem, try to get some sleep?

"Like this?"

Hulem takes off his shoes and tries to fall asleep.

"Wow, looks like he's sleeping in bed. Wow, something fun."

Next to Hulem, who looks up at the ceiling and nicks, Dan also falls asleep.

"This is it. This, unlike the bed, is good to be low."

The soldiers came to the voice.

"What, if you think I brought straw, what is this?"

"It's a cluttered fish bedroom. You can only put two in bed, but if you do this, you can sleep in a little more, right?

Dan proudly says.

"Oh, my God, you look good. Which"

The soldiers lay one after the other.

"What is this? It's fun."

Unexpectedly to the soldiers,

"Hey, good stuff, huh?

Dan hands behind his head and looks at the ceiling looking good.



"Take a break"

The wind comes in through the open window. Everyone's eyes try to close as they are.

"Hey you guys! What are you skipping!

It's the voices of the wives who help.

"Yabe, you're pissed off"

The soldiers, who would get up all the time, were taken by their wives and driven out to clean again.

When the soldiers found out how good the miscellaneous fish slept, the servant cabin behind the orchard was also replaced with the straw bed, and while they didn't know whether to use it, they managed to get the accommodation in shape.

That was how the eight months were over, and at some point the nine months.

Even today, if I send the dungeons a face to go to in a whim, me and Sarah are doing some semblance of work at the mayor's mansion. I'm clearing my plate today. With a white apron on our everyday piece and a dusty scarf wrapped around our heads, we look like twins though our eyes and hair color are different. Washing and cleaning the dishes made a distinctive noise of opening the doors of the mansion.

"What is it, someone from town?

"I don't know."

I wipe up the plate, though. If you have business, you will come. But that?

"Somebody! You're not there?"

Loud voices and signs of lots of people. I met Sarah face to face.


Um, we're the only ones in the mansion. I don't have a choice, go.


As I answered yes and headed to the front door, a dozen men had already entered the hall. I'm not a soldier in a barracks. It's a little dirty, but I'm wearing good clothes like Kenan.

"Why aren't you here any time soon?"

We were bewildered by the man who questioned us so greatly. No matter why they say you're not coming. Who are you people in the first place?

"Shit, this is why I'm not wearing a border maid. What happened to the owner of the mansion?"

Oh, a maid. I don't know what you're talking about. I tilted my neck and said:

"This is the mayor's mansion, but my husband is not here at the moment"

"Unusable! Fine. Get a room to rest and then grab a drink right away."

"He said he could rest..."

bewildered us, but when the man finally points to a young man who still seems to be a boy,

"You guys, look, you don't get it! This one can be revealed as a second prince. I came all the way from the King's Capital for your town. We're all tired. Get your room ready!

I said. Ah, second prince? Even so, I realized that I had no idea about the Royal Family of Findaria in the first place. Fine. Let's get someone from the barracks.

I'll call the clerk now.

"No, come on!

Yeah? When I looked at Sarah, I had no choice but to say this.

"I'll show you to your room."

Though I did set up the inn. I don't remember being a maid of honor.

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