I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, 9 moon. Sounds like the Virgin.

As for the prince, I would have to show him to the best room. Then I guess the room upstairs on the right. More before that.

"Sarah, boil a lot of hot water, prepare warm tea and. And extra doughnuts?

"Hot water boils right down. I think the doughnuts are faster to fry because they have extra seeds. Isn't that better than Arsh's molasses cookies?

"I don't know if molasses cookies are good for nobles."

When I was in a meeting with Sarah,

"What are you bringing!

And my voice flies. Shut up, though.

"Good, don't blame me. I came untouched. You must be confused."

And a quiet voice conquered the LORD of his voice.

"Yes, but"

"Good. My daughter. The soldiers are tired. Why don't you give me a break early?"

It was the prince who spoke directly. I don't know his name.

"Yes, I did. Everyone, please go upstairs."

Sarah glanced at me and pulled into the kitchen. As I grabbed a row of princes and went upstairs, I first led them to the ensuing room on the right.

"This is the biggest room in our mansion"

"Hmm, that's narrow."

Naturally. What do you expect from a township mayor's mansion with a population of 500? Mostly I just manage.

"There are other rooms on the right side of the second floor, so please feel free to use them if you are offering"

That's what I said, I tried to go back and help Sarah. I have to hand out tea. Two people, presumably accompanied, tried to help. Thank you.

"On the right. What happens on the left?"

The loud man was loud everywhere.

"Perhaps there are other guests, so I'd like you to leave the left side open."

That's what I said. Didn't you also ask the Empire for help? Where else to stay.

"This one's royal. What are you talking about, even though one mansion is missing?"

Still loud.

"We have also heard that you have guests from the imperial side. Are they staying in the barracks?"

"Oh, that's..."

"Royce, that's enough. You really..."

"Master Yusuf..."

Yay, the prince pissed me off. I left the room like that.

"So for now I will guide you around the waters of the mansion, can you please carry hot water, etc."

I quickly led the accompanying person to the bath and kitchen, and although there are manpower in the barracks, there is basically no one in this mansion, so I asked the cook and others to arrange their own if I was going to use the mansion. It was turning blue, but I couldn't help it.


The kitchen was full of good smell.

"There's plenty of doughnuts. Because I kept a lot of unsweetened tea."


I had a large plate of freshly fried doughnuts and a cup taken by the person accompanying me and handed them out in turn from the back of the second floor. Much appreciated. I didn't want to see a loud man and the prince's order came to an end.

"Excuse me, sir."

"It's late!"

See? I don't have a choice, it's a special service.

"Can I add sugar for tea? Then which is warm or cold?"

I ignored the loud man and told the prince so.

"You have cold tea? Then give it to me. I don't need sugar."

"I'm hot. With sugar."

I served you tea quickly cold. Stay hot on the loud man.


"Hmm. Fair enough"

I'm getting used to the noise. Placing the doughnuts in a pile in front of the prince's invisible glitter, I gently tried to leave the room when I entrusted him with a cup of tea. Someone with you will do it later.

"My daughter."

Hmm? I saw the prince when he called me, but maybe the prince is younger. It's a bit illuminating when they say my daughter. The voice-changing is definitely over, but I'm still on my way to growing tall, just about the size of Mal. Hazel eyes on flax hair, similar to Dan's.

"Thank you"

I laughed nicely. At least, the prince can like it. At that time, I heard a slight voice outside the door. Tons.

"It's in the hoot"

Kenan's here, too.

Oh, it's the voice of Lord Cosal. I didn't expect you to come, but I guess you had to follow me when the royal family came. I'm sorry.

"My daughter, give me the door."

Yes, yes. Gachari.

"Royce, you are! Why did you bring the prince here on your own! I thought you said the mayor's house wasn't where people could live!

When he entered, Marquis Cosal was angry with this loud man. Yay.

"But the barracks are small, not like lodging Master Yusuf. And apparently the soldiers said the mansion has been recently taken care of..."

"That's why I didn't even look down! All of a sudden he's gone, so it was a fuss!

"But in fact, the mansion was so small that it was maintained..."

I think narrow is superfluous.

"Yes, my daughter, an extra cup of tea."

A loud man came to say great things.

"Daughter? Why is my daughter in this mansion etc...... ah!

Hi, I turned my eyes around to make sure I didn't look like a loud man.

"Please, have a seat"

"No, but"

"Go ahead. Kenan, too."

I even made cold tea for the two of you who sat shabby.

Well, only to get away from the trouble. I just tried to leave the room.

"So, Arsh, why are you here?"

Kenan...... Something extra.

"Why, I was just cleaning up"

I accidentally spoke normally, and the little man looked away.

Do you know this girl?

"Neither do I know you."

Marquis Cosal sighed like he was awake.

"Royce, we'll be in touch. A line of Virgins said to have healed the disease in the Empire happened to be in the dozen, so they immediately headed to Hoove and said they were defeating the demons."

"Of course, I was looking forward to seeing you. Dark hair, amber eyes. That's beautiful."

Shut up but say something nice once in a while. The prince looked at me all the time. The little man continued.

"Besides, there are two beautiful Kilik princesses. Everyone with you has a different color. It's the young people who look good. It's a frontier land, but we had a little fun."

Well, he talks a lot. blocked it, Kenan said.

"Arsh, put on a scarf for me."

Nothing, I wasn't hiding it. Kenan and the Marquis Cosal stood up and thanked me again. And I turned to the prince, and introduced him like this.

"Dear Yusuf, this is Marquis Arshmaria Tonia, called the Virgin of the Empire."


The prince stood up and walked over here, taking both my hands and saying:

"I was just wondering what mysterious Amber eyes are from earlier. I sincerely thank you for facing the ordeal of our country together."

Um, there's no place for a non-hit. Here's how I returned it, too.

"It was a coincidence, but it was most important."

And it's time to let go of my hand. Marquis Cosal really coughed up.

It's Royce.

Shut up, Royce. You just said this all over again with a reddish, troubled face.

"That, my daughter, no, Lord Arshmalia, that"

"Was the tea tasty?

When I say that, with a small voice,

"Yes, very"

I replied. Well, I guess he's not a bad person. Just shut up. Thus came a line of Prince Findaria to the border town first.

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