I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16-year-old, moon of nine, gathered people.

A prince like my brother could hardly let go of his hand, but he finally let go of the cough he said Kohon the Kosal Marquis. Let's go back to this gap. Kenan and Marquis Cosal will do something about the rest.

"Then I'll be back with Sarah."

"Wait! No, please wait"

Shut up. Royce called out to me about to go home. It's kind of sparkling my eyes at you for snagging until a moment ago.

"What is it"

"Is Sarah Kilik's princess?"

"Well, yes."

"Then have a glance before you go home"

Stupid. I looked at Royce in silence with cold eyes. Kenan twisted Royce when he saw it.

"Stay. What are you doing, Kenan? I just..."

You still say that? I was polite,

"Staying in the same town. I'll see you soon. Rest now."

I said. Let's go home. At that time, there was a slight sign of people outside the room. When will I be able to return? Tons.

"We have it in an urgent messenger from the Dozen! Lord Cosal, please."

I opened the door for you. Outside the door stood soldiers from the barracks and soldiers who seemed to have just come running on horses.

"Oh, it's you, what?"

Looks like we know who Marquis Cosal is.

"That's the one"

The soldier glanced at the room.

"If you're here, everything's fine."

"is that, after you have all stood the dozen, an apostle has come from the Empire"

"Oh, did you just come? But like this town, we might not have needed that much assistance."

Marquis Cosal said so gladly, as if he were in a little trouble.

"That's the messenger."

"What, say it quickly"

The messenger said out loud that he would breathe a little.

"Here, my royal brother Alexei and all the Knights!

"Hey, my God!

Both the Marquis Cosal and the Prince seem just as surprised. Alec. I thought you wanted to come. But once I contacted the Royal Family of Findaria, I was wondering if it would take a while to get permission and get a big welcome.

"I'm asking Darth to stay because of the Lord's absence, but I want to head to Hoove soon. Okay, anyway, I'm here to turn to Master Kosal for judgment!

Oh, I'm glad it was just the guild leader.


As I looked sideways at the surprised and voiceless faces, I asked the messenger:

"Uh, was the guild general of the empire with you?

For a moment the messenger was wondering if he could answer, and this is what he answered when he asked him to look at the Marquis Cosal and nod.

"Yes, a few of you are adventurers and a small number of you are waiting with your royal brother Alexei"

"Good. Now we can handle the dungeon."

I was relieved. But I'm sure you're talking about making it hard.

"Um, and"

The soldiers still seemed to have something left to say.

"What, there's more?

"Yes, a line at the McKenney Chamber of Commerce is already headed this way, claiming that we don't need permission because we're the merchants we always go to"

"McKenny? I can't help that. The McKenney Chamber of Commerce is probably the most troubled place with the cramps closed. Hmm? McKenny?

Mr. McKenney is in charge of the business of Demon Stone, so he knows his face with lords everywhere. Marquis Cosal thought for a moment and looked at me.

"That's right. I'm Will and Mal's father."

"I see, when you say that, Will does look just like you... Kilik's last name is the same as his family's, so I thought he was related. With that said, McKenny had a deal with Merida, too. That or McKenny's Lost Children, huh?"

Marquis Cosal is convinced by himself.

"Did you get the title by yourself, without using my father's name? I see, there are things that do just attract people"

After so crushing, I turned to Prince Yusuf.

"We will contact Wang Capital, but it will take a long time to get back and forth. It would be helpful if Yusuf could decide what to do."

When I say that,

"Mm-hmm. I'm listening to the possibility of overlapping between me and an apostle from the Empire. Judgment has also been entrusted, but it was said that maximum convenience should be exercised. I never thought you'd be here."

Prince Yusuf answered calmly.

"Your body seems to have recovered as rumored. The trouble with narrow paths closing would be the Empire rather than the Findaria. I need you to contact me right away and get me on my way."

"Ha. Now let's go back to the barracks and set up a messenger. Arsh."

Marquis Cosal spoke to me.

"Can you come with me? Ask Ash about the lodging, the deputy in the barracks."

That's what I'm laughing at.

"Even though we have them coming to contain the demons, from the distribution of the goods to the place of accommodation. I was no longer going to be surprised by anything."

Well, we just need someone who can.

"Well, let's go back together"

I left the room greeting the prince with the Marquis Cosal. Kenan says he's going to stay in the situation. He was originally in the Knights of the King's Capital, so he was close to both the prince and Royce. The Prince's eyes shine in anticipation of Kenan. Surprisingly, so is Royce. I guess you still want to hear about dungeons and demons.

How was it when Cyril and the others were 13 or 4 years old? Don't let your eyes shine on demonic stories and adventures innocently like a prince... I feel like you weren't there. No, I just feel that way, I'm sure he was innocent, I guess.

"I'm so sorry I let you do the whole thing like Arsh, Sarah and the maid"

On the way back to the barracks with Sarah, Marquis Kosal lowered his head in a sorry way.

"When I say lord's daughter, the point is, it's a choreographer. There was no lady in Kilik drinking tea gracefully. It doesn't matter."

and Sarah said so teasingly.

"Me, too, because the title is Marquis, but it doesn't mean I have a territory, because I'm originally an innkeeper general. I'm used to taking care of people. Besides, I was wondering if this could happen, and everyone in town and in the barracks was working on this mansion, so, well, I'm glad it helped."

"Did you clean up and get your room ready?"

and Sarah nodded nicely as well.

"Nevertheless, who is the royal brother? I thought it was an emergency and called out everywhere, but when I think about it, there's no way I can have so many guests in this small town. What's the matter?"

"Alec is a knight, and you must have some experience in camping. The Knights of the Empire also enter the dungeon as part of their training, so they are instant warriors. And Mr. Greg is coming."


This is the Guild Director.

"Oh, you heard that before. You know, I have experience with guild leaders in Merida."

"At first glance, I'm a good man, but I can count on you very much"

And let him work his way to the limit with his casual face, Mr. Greg said.

"I don't know if it's in the same mansion, but the room on the left of the mayor's mansion has been vacated. There's another one in the prince's room, and if you put a regular room in it, a dozen people can sleep."

"I hope it's as many people as possible."

"I guess Mr. Greg and the adventurer could use a cabin in the garden. Otherwise it could be at Mr. Azure's."


"I'm a former innkeeper. We're staying, but maybe we can figure it out for about 10 more people."

It would be a lot better than a miscellaneous fish sleep.

"There are other decent lodgings, and the McKenney Chamber of Commerce folks will want to be there"

Though I'm sure you'd say it's best with Will and Mal.

"Don't really count on me"

I nodded forcefully to Lord Cosal, who said so in relief.

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