I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16 years old, 9 months. Who's here?

The next day, Prince Yusuf made a narrow inspection and once he had a full view of the city like it, Kenan and Cyril took him into the dungeon in the afternoon. I bet you weren't supposed to have scheduled an inspection or anything in the dungeon, but you really wanted to go.

Royce, who was supposed to stop, is excited to be together, and Marquis Cosal, after making sure he was safe, looked sinister but gave permission. You should stay away from things that pose a danger to Prince Yusuf if you think about preservation. But I think it was a permit for the state of emergency that a dungeon had been created in the country, that I wanted to create one royal family in person, and that I also had faith in the Cyrus.

Meanwhile, once some exploration had progressed, Will seemed calm, shifting his interest in what to do with the narrow space at the same time that I was setting aside for a place to stay.

"It's been two weeks."


Will and I, who dropped off a line going to the dungeon, still stand today in front of a narrow room filled with rocks.

"You're not gonna start construction at all."


Besides demonic stones, wheat and so on that had been harvested should have come and gone if they had entered the 10 months after the 9 months. However,

"This won't be over for a month or so."


Will clouds his eyebrows.

"Me, I've been watching a lot of blacksmiths in Knoll."

"I know. Will's a blacksmith, Cyril's a ship. You said you wanted to get a Merida magician someday."

"Yes. That's when I heard that. Knoll is at the north end of Kilik. Still, we export metal products, including swords, to Findaria."

"Really? I thought it was for the Empire, even if it was exporting."

For Kilik's people, Findaria just passes. I thought the use of the borders here was mainly an empire.

"Findaria is a low mountain zone, even at the border with the Empire. Apparently the ore only produces along this mountain range at the border with Kilik. That's why Marquis Cosal called a miner from a nearby town, but he won't be seen forever. Even the Empire is trying to show its face."

"Speaking of which, yes."

"Ore and metal may not have to be in trouble any time soon. But if it weren't for the wheat and groceries that come in instead, I'd be in trouble this winter."

Will stared at it as if it were watering across the rock.

"But Kilik's cereal was self-sufficient, wasn't it?

"It's not 10%. Especially in the north. If I'd known before spring planting, I'd be able to increase production, but what if I already had to cover it some time this year?

"But there will also be the meat of the Dungeon's demon."

"Yeah, that would be the salvation. Perhaps there's stockpiles for the years of inaction."

Will said that to tell himself to shake off his anxiety.

I tried to remember this time last year. About the full days spent in Knoll after Mal's engagement was decided.

"You know last year in Knoll, I was teaching you how to make beast fat?

"Oh, we were all happy, and the fish fries"

"Yes, that's when I taught you how to make a ratio."

"With that said, is it? I wasn't really interested."

"Ration itself is fine, but oatmeal is important."

"Oh, I miss you, Arsh got you, you were steaming and crushing and drying in the back of the church. You've been helped to dry it off a lot because it's magic training."

Will remembers and he's giggling dull.

"That's because it's oatmeal"

"I know."

"Yeah, Kilik's an oatmeal region because he's got a lot of horses, right? It's the same as Merida's, it's only used on horses, so if you convert it properly, it'll be human food."

Will looked angry.

"Then! I might be able to figure it out this winter or so!

"The question is, how wide is it from Knoll? It's only been a year. I've also taught you how to eat, but I wonder if it spread at this year's tribal chiefs conference."

"Well, it's a conservative country."

Will put his arms together and fried the roar.

"I'm smart, but that doesn't mean I like to use my head."

I'm sorry to hear that.

I'm stuck by accident.

"How good would it be if only the sword was swinging"

Stay in one place and get everyone together and into the dungeon. Maybe that fits Will for sure.

"It's not my specialty to break rocks and carry them. But to be honest, how far will Findaria go? And I wonder what's going on with Kilik."

Yes, it is. I haven't heard from him at all. There is also great anxiety about what is happening on Kilik's side.

In the midst of a stifling thought, came an imperial line that I waited for the next day. I wonder how hastily they contacted me. Looks like the McKenney Chamber of Commerce ended up rendezvous on the way.

Did you take into account the small size of the town of Hoob, a mixture of horseback riding and carriage, but it was coming in surprisingly small numbers.

"It hurts from the empire on purpose. My name is Yusuf, Prince Findaria II."

"Um, my name is Alexei, my royal brother. We should have a proper messenger, but dealing with Kilik is also important to our country. I can't let this happen."

First of all, a royal greeting. Alec immediately loosened his expression and said this to Prince Yusuf.

"I've seen you at a young age, will you remember"

"Yes! I still can't forget how you train your sword mixed with the Knights"

Apparently, you look familiar. Relaxed air flowed so that we could get along. In the back, people come down from the carriage.

There are three carriages. There is one McKenny Chamber of Commerce thing, and Mr. McKenny is hurrying down and jumping on Will and Mal, making them laugh bitterly. When I try that, Mr. McKenney looks just like Will, and a convincing glance is flying from the people around me as to whether it was that kind of relationship.

The other would be from the Alec relationship. And the other one,

"Oh, don't be silly."

I miss it, I can hear Merida.

"It's been a month, hasn't it?

It's Mr. Greg! Mr. Greg stretched out as he stepped out of the carriage and slapped Cyril's back into a ton with his palm, hugging me all the time.

"Arsh, Cyril, Will and Mal, that way, that was a disaster."

"Yeah, I just did what I could."

"Well, that means you're lucky for Findaria, even if it's a disaster for you."

Mr. Greg looked kindly at me and said,


I called out. Cyril nodded silently. That just seems to put something together. People are still coming down from the carriage. Is that it?

"Hey, Arsh, I haven't seen you in a month, either."

It's Mr. Just!

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