I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, 9 months old, people too free.

"Horse, Just"

"Mr. Just! And Mr. Ray!

Cyril said that bitterly, but for me he's also a master, so he's welcome.

"It hasn't been a month. You didn't even come to see me off because the dungeon was funny."

"Ha, I guess so. But you said you had a new dungeon? I have to come."

Ray, the swordsman, is nodding beside him. These two people I knew at the SEAM ended up coming all the way to the Empire in a fit of mind.

"The first step to the dungeon is me, right?"

"Well, you did."

Justo glanced at Cyril about it.

"So, how'd it go?

Cyril got stuck a lot. There's no point in bragging about that to Mr. Just. He's not an honor, he's a fruit-giving man. I mean, I don't really care about anything other than what's most interesting to me right now.

"The dungeon itself was not particularly distinctive. But we've only investigated upstairs, so we're going to find out how many floors are behind them and what they're made of."

"Well, that sounds interesting"

Mr. Just glanced over the narrow room.

"For a while, it's going to be me and Ray diving exclusively. We don't have to worry about our lives."

Unlike the adventurers of the Empire's predator, he's also the best magician in A-rank. You should be making enough money to play and live another life. That's why boring bugs make a scene. It would be a leisure time to dress, such as an unknown dungeon.

I would be very happy to have you do that, even though it is a leisure time for Mr. Just.

"Most of all, how will Findaria come out? Look at Alec and Greg."

I've already called my brother Alec. Though Alec is a casual person. I smiled bitterly with Cyril in my eyes.

"Of course, I'm with you. I know Arsh, I'm sure he's become a good magician. But Cyril, how about you? Let me see you when you're A-level."

To Justo, who sees Cyril straight, Cyril answered this by stretching his spine.


Yes, this is how Merida seniors have pulled us up and raised us. Mr. Just grinned and tried to move quickly.

"Well, shall we go? I wonder where to put my luggage. What happened to Will and Mal?"

"No, Mr. Just, first of all, meet me face-to-face today"

I blushed a little when I tried to block it.

"I don't like it. I came into the dungeon. [M] I don't want to waste any time."

"No, no, no, no, no. You talk to everybody about how we get into the dungeon."

"Arsh, why are you skirting? Get dressed. Hey!

"Already! Why is Mr. Ray keeping his sword on his back, too? Huh? What's the entrance to the dungeon? No, that's why!

You said I was about to squeeze my head off.


and there is a laugh from somewhere.


"Can't you show me Justo, too, Arsh?"

Soon everyone was getting together. Looks like the greeting is over.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I should have let this guy out of Merida. But there's nothing useful to do."

Mr. Greg is making excuses to everyone so. And I said this to Mr. Just.

"Just, if you think about efficiency, you better make a plan. That's where we start today."

"You have no choice, Greg. Well, then, we're a real team, so why don't you give us a break first?

It was Mr. Just shrugging his shoulders. It seems that what Greg, the same magician and just as powerful, says, honestly makes sense to his ears.

"Arsh, I'm sorry."

Mr. Greg looked at me better.

"Yes, you know, we don't have a lot of accommodation, so adventurers will be asked to stay in temporary accommodation, just like us"

"I don't mind. If you can eat and get some sleep, so be it."

"Shall I show you to Mr. Azure?"

When I try to take Mr. Just and Mr. Ray,

"Arsh, what happens to us?

and heard Alec in a voice that included laughter. Alec will discuss it first, though. In the meantime, I told you.

"Alec, use the left side of the second floor of the former mayor's mansion, just like Yusuf."

The Findaria side was deliberate. Hmm?

"You think it's a call?

"What kind of relationship is that?

Oh, I don't think that was a good idea. I talked about it at my usual rate.

Alec shrugged his shoulders exaggerating.

"How cold. I wouldn't mind being with you guys."

"You know, even if Alec doesn't mind, he's royal, so go with the Findarian side"

I told him. In fact, Mr. Azzuré's inn is for ordinary people.

"Arsh, isn't it the pattern we spent in our bed together"

"It is!

When we were sick, we all just talked about it! But when I looked around, some people saw with their eyes that some were covering their mouths with their hands and others were incredible, others working their heads to look at this one alternately, in good contrast to the lamb looking up to heaven.

"Don't get me wrong"

Mal! You're right! I have to say it right.

"I was with you"

Because it's not! Yes, but it's not! I squirmed all around.

"It's okay."

Cyril! Thanks! Cyril nodded forcefully to encourage me to say this.

"I was with you."

Because it's not! Because it deepens extra misunderstandings! I'd rather get my fiancée approved or something!

Look at me.

"Alec, don't tease me."

That's what Will said in his freaky voice.

"Stop discrediting my sisters. Though I guess we all just talked through the night. Me and Dan were there, and Mr. Fritz refrained."

"Ha, sorry"

I'm sorry, not at all. I'm getting cold sweats. I knew it was a joke, and I finally settled around.

"I'm so proud to be close to you."

That's what Prince Yusuf called me. Alec replied Eagle Deep.

"Lord Yusuf, by coincidence. They owe me my life."

"Oh, was it true that Lord Alec was falling ill?"

'Cause it's not about keeping secrets anymore.'

"I'd like to take a moment to talk about that."

"Because we have a party, let's all talk about it later. But now, first, what are we going to do with the immediate challenge?"


Alec turned to us.

"Arsh will join me as soon as you need me. We're going to the barracks first and we're starting to talk."

I nodded and when I gave Mr. Just and Mr. Ray a signal, I headed to Mr. Azzuré's inn.

Now that the shoulder load is down, things are finally moving in full swing.

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