I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, 9 months. Goodbye.

I've been busy ever since. First of all, why was there a mining technician at that conference venue?

"Until we arrange construction, it's dangerous to deal with rocks by amateur soldiers alone. Hurry back to town and send a supervisor along with the tools to sharpen the rocks. Of course, between the time construction starts, I'll have to get it back to you as soon as it starts."

Still a little prestigious. But thank goodness.

"I wonder if even small children have tried their best, frightened by fear...... Though I didn't know, I couldn't do any assistance. At least this much."

That is. So much talk about Hulem struck my mind. Well done, Hulem. It is a triumph of child innocence over adult sarcasm. Now construction can proceed a little safely.

"I wish I could ask the architects of Wang Capital to work on the dormitory, but that's a waste of time. I think I'm getting out of the dozen this time. What, there's a good architect in the dozen too"

That's what Marquis Cosal assured me.

"Well, I'll let you have a simple blueprint."


"Yes. Instead of setting up a big quarters, around the dining room, like this, it feels like making a bunch of cottages. All you have to do is build a dining room and one cottage, and that'll keep 10 people staying. Then make another one, one and connect it in a simple crossing."

"You mean you can stay even though you're new to the building?"

"That's right. Please design based on that. Make it as simple as possible, and the materials will be easy to match."

Upon completion of that consultation, Marquis Kosal left the town of Hoob with Prince Yusuf, who said that he would send the manpower and feet of the construction.

On the other hand, Alec is apparently waiting for Cyril. He dives into the dungeon while he waits, or gives instructions to avoid the narrow rocks at all. That also trains Will, Mal and the sword in between. So in just six days Cyril and the others returned. Looks like they flew quite a bit, and those three were just exhausted.

"How'd it go!

To Alec's words,

"I managed to get permission to use the port"

and Cyril. Dan was

"I put on a hit on factory land and got my business license. If I drop Alec off, I'll just go to Maris again"

He said.Kenan looks as if his soul is missing. I guess it was the best I could do to follow Cyril and Dan.

"All right, if you take a day off, I'll be back in the empire tomorrow!

To Alec's proclamation, the imperial side suddenly panicked. And Cyril, of course. We're staying back at Mr. Azzuré's inn, but Cyril still didn't say anything. Will and Dan both come to cares, but Cyril is kind of turning a blind eye. Cyril like that was pulled to the corner of the dining room by Will.

"You! Why aren't you telling me?"

"Apparently everyone in the barracks has spoken, so it's hard to say otherwise."

"What are we going to do? If you're bad, you won't be able to come home for months."

"I know! I know..."

Can you hear me? Unlike the caring boys, Sarah and Mal both have flat faces,

"Well, Arsh, let's go to sleep now"

That said, he pulled my hand and pulled into the room.


Pretend you didn't notice that voice.

"I can't believe it!

This is Sarah.

"I can't believe Cyril was such a tough guy. I'm going to my own fiancée, and I can't even tell you that?

"Is that why you brought me to your room?

When I asked, Sarah pummeled and said:

"Yes, I couldn't see it."

"Aren't you gonna give me a chance or something?

"Already. Even Arsh is. Why do you say that like other people?



This is Cyril's problem.


Sarah held me softly.

"Well said, Arsh"

This is Mal.

"Cyril has been a man for a long time. I don't want Arsh to be taken, so I do the backwork, and yet it's just sweet on Arsh."

"Mal, it's tough."

Even at a time like this, a giggling laugh spilled.

"It's natural to have Arsh, so I don't know how to take care of it."

Sarah sighed.

"But what do you do, if you go without saying anything"

"You don't even have to ask me that."

I get in trouble. Then Mal said.

"Mal, if Arsh is going to be happy, I won't stick to Cyril. There must be plenty of strong men in Kilik too."

"Well, what a cool son of a neighboring chief."

That's what Sarah says. Girls are good for each other. They'll always be on each other's side. Whatever happens, yes, even if Cyril goes without saying anything tomorrow, I'm sure.

I didn't get much sleep that day.

The next day, everyone in the empire was about to leave.

Say hello to Mr. Greg and Mr. Cullen.

"Oh, I'm leaving Justo, say hello"

and beside me sparing Mr. Greg goodbye, Mr. McKenney is sparing Will and Mal goodbye as well. Cyril stared at it without even riding a horse.


Cyril came to be pushed by Alec's voice.



"I can't tell you all the time, I'm sorry. I took the job of going to Kilik by sea, so..."

I'm telling you to understand Cyril's eyes. I answered.


Cyril's eyes opened.

"So, leave here and go to the Empire. I don't know when I'll be back."


"So wait here until you get back"

I finally said it. I found myself relieved around.


I answered.


"Cyril won't talk to me and I guess he'll do what he thinks. Why would I have to wait for a Cyril like that?

"That's because Arsh is my fiancée..."

"You didn't know I was going to have such a fiancée until just before I went?

Cyril swallowed something of a treat. I can't say anything because I feel bad about it.

"I won't wait"

May your voice not tremble.

"Do what you want. When Cyril comes home, I can't promise he'll wait because I don't know where he is. If you still think it's important to me then just look for me and come after me"

I said quietly so as to contain something coming up.

"But not yet then, don't think I belong to Cyril. I promised I wouldn't leave you alone. No matter how far away my body was, I wanted only my heart to take me at least. If you can't do that, I can't walk with you anymore."

Cyril, with his eyes as if he had seen something incredible, was taken to Alec without being able to say anything. I like you, so I'll be sure to come home, so tell me to wait. Said my heart was always with me even when I was away. If you'd told me that, I could have waited forever.

What a terrible thing for Kilik's man to do to his fiancée, who opens the sea route at his peril? No, it's not that cool. Because I wanted to, I would. Right, Cyril? You couldn't tell me because you didn't think you deserved me like that.

Any Cyril, even though I like it. Don't deceive me, come back to face your feelings properly. Because I'm waiting. Because I'm really waiting.

I stood in the meadows until I could no longer see a group of empires leaving.

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