I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, 10 moon, running out.

No one seemed to want to close the gap without a cello, etc., and from then on everyone in the barracks treated me as a swollen one as well. Everyone in town slapped me on the shoulder with a face that seemed kind of figured it out. Dan immediately went out to build the factory, and Will didn't say anything.

So what is it? The day goes around without Cyril.

A designer was immediately sent by Darth to pack the design as he looked at the site.

The place to build your quarters is not by the narrow room, but by the town entrance. I guess I'd rather be by the narrow room if I just thought about efficiency, but I'll make sure I pass through the center of town in the morning and back. That would make contact with the people of the town, and it would mean that the people of the town would have easy access to the accommodation facilities.

As for the quarters, as initially planned, they are in the form of private and shared spaces for ten people in separate buildings like cottages, connecting them in a crossing corridor to a large dining room. Though the toilet is attached to the cottage, the bath location is made independent again, free for those staying in the inn, and available for 500 gills at a time for others.

It's very luxurious to bathe in the first place with warm water. If that means it's available for 500 gills, the town folks were happy to come in. Before the quarters finished in anticipation of that, I only made the bath first. Thanks, of course, to the fact that he had picked up demonic props from Merida in addition to his hand.

Craftsmen from the next mining town, who came in front of the architecture of the quarters, were very helpful in giving their eyes to the use of storage bags and asking them to definitely sell them, but they gave them proper guidance on how to collapse and order safe rocks and even where to dispose of them.

"This mountain range collapsed and I didn't think this would happen. To be honest, it's scary to think that a dungeon like this might be operating quietly behind the mines in our town, too. You have to keep your mind shut and move."

When he cautioned himself, he stayed until the construction staff and feet arrived.

There is an inn in the town of Hoove. Mr. Azure's place is only doing it on an ad hoc basis. Plus, I can't help but have a few people in town stay at the boarding house, or even about 30 altogether.

Nor can the barracks basically accommodate the civilian population, but they will rent up a corner for a while and use it for about 20 people. In addition to that there are about 30 people in the mayor's house and 15 in the mayor's servant's cabin. The barracks and the mayor's house are really temporary, so they were supposed to move as quickly as possible when the quarters were ready.

We were all relaxed in the phase of the month of 9, but construction begins in the narrow space in parallel with the construction of the architecture. Not a single line of cooks comes from the Empire, and it was visible that it was not a bustling noise when we entered the ten moons.

So I started training to hire people from town a little early to spin the barracks and the mayor's house as a lodging for now. At the same time, dozens of orders were placed for large quantities of food and materials that would eventually be needed.

Of course, five times a day in between, he also released magic to make it easier to crush rocks with Will.

"You work too hard."

I knew what they were saying.

"Because of that nasty fiancée."

And what they say. Maybe so. Still, I was filled with a tingling sense of anticipation rather than anxiety than sadness.

And that started at the end of the month of nine.

First, someone from Dozen came at once with the architect to work on the quarters. Thirty of them. The plan is to set up the quarters as soon as possible in large numbers.

At the same time, the Empire sent a cook from the former tight conot of Lower Town, as well as the young adventurers from the orphanage, plus the luggage carrying children sent from the orphanage, and the girls in charge of the stalls. Among those who seemed to be young adventurers, only one came seconded by the guild, and I was firmly held by that person in both hands,

"Thanks to you, your illness has been completely cured and you will thus be able to work as an official of the Alliance. I'll manage the Demon Stone."

I was greeted. I was a little embarrassed. They're gonna rent a room in the barracks and build a guild outpost.

"Come on, adventurers and luggage boys are under our jurisdiction. I'll show you to your quarters. Come on."

With this said, what a Mr. Just it was who led the young men to the servant room of the mayor's mansion, a miscellaneous fish sleeper.

"Tomorrow we'll see these kids, so Ash says hello to dinner."

Speaking of which, I miss Merida's days, even though it was quite Spartan, we were raised too. At the same time, I felt a little sorry for the young adventurers. At least I need to make good rice.

A line from Darth and the Imperial Capital basically asks the mayor to stay at his house. Bring the prepared ingredients. The two butcher uncles dismantle the demonic meat and turn it to ingredients as well. A demonic butcher from Teito cooks it. Breakfast and lunch shall be prepared with the children from the orphanage and me and Sarah. Ask the townspeople for help with all of that, mainly the wives.

Then we had a bath first, and when we started making the dining room, a line came from Wang Du to do the work on the narrow room. Around fifty metres from the narrow space, rocks could have been removed in those days.

"I didn't know you'd cut a rock so far in such a short period of time...... You know, there's only one thing about mine engineers."

to the director of Wang Du who praises it. The technician

"Thanks to Merida's magician and the soldiers at the fort who worked without complaining."

I said humbly. The director, who didn't even feel it when he heard the story, was surprised enough to see our magic and lose his hips. But he was very pleased that the construction would be easier.

"Have you come to the town of Hoove just to see this magic?"

And he never tired of seeing it every time he used magic. I'm gonna take the money, right?

"Yes, when the building is finished and the construction guy returns, now the mayor's mansion is empty, right? When that happens, he says, 'A town where you can also eat magical meat while watching magic, only now until it opens!' I wonder if you'll let the nobles of the King's capital come for sightseeing."

When I said that to Dan, who came back from the soap factory launch in October,

"Arsh, let's think about that when the construction people in the quarters are gone and settled, shall we? You're running a little too far."

and was returned. But if I don't think about it now, I won't be able to make it.

That's what he tried to tell me, and Dan reached for it and hugged it all over his chest.

"Dan, what's going on?

"Ash, what's wrong? I told you not to."

"Maybe a little?

"Fuck, what were Mal and Will doing! At least Sarah would have been there."

We've both been busy training young adventurers. Mal cooks demonic meat, and Will uses magic. Sarah's trying so hard to feed me, isn't she?

"I'm not really the one in this role, 'cause there's no assholes"


But it's been a long time since I've been able to sweeten someone, and I'm relieved.

'Cause he's bound to come back.'


"She wants to be told by a firm general that she's a fluffy husband."


Dan let me go again softly. Eyes together and say it at the same time.

"" But that's Cyril ""

I know. Thank you.

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