I want to protect you in this hand.

Dan's turn continued

With Dan, whose sales were his first, he stood for the sale of tea.

"Cold tea, warm tea, would you like -"

"Tired body, some sweet tea."

He seems concerned, but he seems concerned about Dan and he's hard to come by.

"Yo, Dan, Arsh, sweet and cold."

Guild leader!

"For 300 gills."

"Car, it's cold."

"Gilmouth, what the hell?"

"Something cold tea, this is a sweet one"

"Heh, give me a drink, too."

"I can't be sweet. Give me warm tea."

Here comes the stream!

I wasn't used to it and it was my Dan, but I managed to follow him and sell him out. You're not used to cold drinks, and there were many orders of warm tea.

"Will you stop tomorrow?"

I was also asked, so it would be a success.

"... tired"

"Not yet."

And so, it's a sales announcement!

# 1, cold and sweet tea, 20 cups! 200 of 300 gills, profits. 4000 gills of money.

Second place. Warm tea, 20 cups! Of 200 gills, profits 150. 3000 gills of money.

Third place. Cold tea, 10 cups. Of 200 gills, profits 150. 1,500 gills of money.

4th. Sweet and warm tea, five cups. 200 of 300 gills, profit. 1000 gills of money.

As a loss of 2,000 for the rest of the sale, it's a profit of 9500, minus 7500.

"Wow, are you"

"At this rate, you're gonna pay for a water bottle in a week, right? After that, it's purely profitable."

I was thinking.


"From next year on, it's Wang Du, isn't it?


"Cyril and Will are hanging in there as adventurers. I just don't like spending it. I want to try something in Wang Du."

"You're studying."

"That's it, we can't catch up! You always want to walk shoulder to shoulder."

"Any Dan is Dan..."

"Is Arsh sweet?

"Hmmm... not sweet or anything"


"I ran out, I can't stop"


"Damn! Ha! Sounds like Arsh. I want to run out first."

"Well, then."

"" In the king's capital, it's a battle!

During the test period, tea sales in Wangdu were decided.

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