I want to protect you in this hand.

Finally, to the king's capital.

I sold it out from the second week of September and immediately I pulled my hand.

Because it's Dan's business.

Hold on to your sales trend that day, anticipate the type and number of teas, and sell. While I give you some advice, I'll see what I can do. After two weeks, I seem just tired.

After dinner


to Dan that

'Cause I'm trying to do it alone.'

When I say,

"I need your help."


"Hey, Dan."


"What are we going to do with tea next year in Merrill?

"I don't know..."

"You didn't think about it."

"... yeah"


Cyril says.

"Sooner or later, you'll be in a position to use people after your father."


"Dad, are you doing all the business, on your own?

"When I grow up to some extent, I leave it to people"

"So, Dan only sells in one place in Wangdu?

"No, I'm going to increase it one by one, ah!

"You don't have to do it all..."

"Instead, you have to get your hands off me."

"I have exams."

"Dan, come here for a second"

Oh, is that a conversation between men?

"What the fuck?"

"It's time for you to give me Arsh back."

"You're gonna hate guys who can't afford it."


"Okay, so we're gonna borrow it for a while in Wangdu, right?

"That's it, huh?

What is it? That, yeah,

"Dan, I have to do that"

"Yes, Mr. Amelia!

Amelia, Amelia,

"Oh, my gosh, Arsh, you're gonna get more Magic Replenishment."

No, look, Dan!

"Well, I want you to develop new magic tools."

"Oh, let me tell you more."

People have changed!

"Um, when you add water, I want you to build a water bottle that will be cooled automatically."

"Is there demand?"

"Now sell your tea at the guild,"

"I know. Wow, it's sweet and cold... right!

"I'm having Arsh cool down right now, but I wanted to make sure anyone could use it any day."

"Development costs money, I don't know if I can sell it."

"Starting next year, we plan to expand our business. I'm the one who bought it as a priority and, above all, came up with the idea, rather, I offered you the seeds to make money."

"I'll do it! Okay. I think I can do it with the refrigerator application, could you give me a moment?"


Thus came the day when he would go to Wang Du for exams.

The carriage is served by the lord and Dan's father. Plus, he's got a guild escort. Nico and Blanc, who don't take the exam, are with us to dive into the dungeons of the King's Capital. The Lamb Hall is shrinking in size and asking your wife to open it.

"Dan, I wrote a letter to the chief of the West Alliance of the King's Capital. He's flexible, so he'll allow you to sell tea, and Arsh,"

What is it?

"Then come and sell your lamb rate, business trip. You can't borrow the lord's oven."

No way! I told you to work even if you went to Wang Du!

"You're going to the tea sale, aren't you? Rations and hugs sell better, don't they?

Ugh, yes, I get it.

Okay, to the tea sale, I'm coming!

No! Exams, I'm going to do my best!

"Running out, won't stop, huh? Be careful, go."

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