I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, age nine, first day of King's Capital.

It's a week's ride to Wangdu. Stay in Wangdu for two weeks. The exam will be one day, three days until the announcement, the rest will be ready, and the last week will mean that the four Zashes will go to the dungeon of King's Capital as adventurers, Cyril and Will will still go to the dungeon as luggage holders, me and Dan will sell tea, and Maria and Sophie and Mal will depend on that time.

Mal didn't like to stand still and preferred to grab his body, whether it was helping the inn or the market. My favorite is sword training. So the truth is, as an adventurer, at least as a luggage man, you must have wanted to get in the dungeon. Maria and Sophie wander off shopping in the King's Capital.

This is not my first carriage journey because I and I used to travel from time to time. But I didn't think traveling with strangers on regular flights, worrying about Kaa-chan's health, and traveling with my thoughtful companions was anything different so far.


Cyril and Will look hard at what they do like escorts. Girls talk all the time. The Zashes have no trouble reviewing exam studies. In Merida, which forms a city with dungeons in its nucleus, it is mostly a meadow, as all the way to the Wang capital was a small city with an agricultural center. Mountains can be seen in the distance; the eleventh moon is late autumn, and the sky is high and clear.

"When you go back and forth, you're just bored."

"Young is a good thing."

Soon it will be the capital of the king while they say so.

This is the best place. It's dangerous.

Says the escort.

"Even though it's the king's capital already?

"That's right. But the dungeons of the King's Capital have a lot of 'surges'. Especially for months from the eighth month, it's often full of dungeons."

"You have the Knights, don't you?

"Yeah, but look at that wall. Even with the dungeons overflowing, it is difficult to break into the king's capital. The overflowing demons spread along the streets. Sometimes the knights don't respond in time, which means the traveler before entering the king's capital is the most dangerous."

"It is."

"Because it's a demon from the top of the dungeon. Hey, it's not that strong. But because of the number, it's spectacular. If you're going to be an adventurer, just be prepared."


Line up the carriages entering the King's Capital. Even nobles and merchants are not given preferential treatment without so much. Merrill is on the east side of the king's capital, so line up at the east gate. The king's capital is a royal castle to the north, and the city falls at its feet. There are also many dungeons around, all surrounded by walls, which connect with the outside at three locations: the West Gate, the East Gate and the Central Gate. Along with that, the Alliance exists the West Alliance, the East Alliance and the Central Alliance. The Knights will also be deployed around each gate.

Everything was overwhelming.

The order comes.

"Merrill Border Uncle and the Glitter Chamber of Commerce, this time for the purpose of"

"I'm an escort to the college exam."

"Oh, you're taking your exams a lot this year"


"Excuse me, but I'm going to check with everyone here once."

I went to the reception.

"Oh, Borderline Bob."

"Oh, Captain East Gate, it's been a while."

Captain Higashimen of the Knights! Cool!

"Hasn't it been six months, hey, check it out for you soon"

I'm sorry.

"Exam escorts are rare"

"There's a lot of them this year, so we're here for Wang Du."

"Ho ho, pretty smart looking kids...... Tanya?

Oh, Mother?

"No, you're such an idiot, aren't you a toddler..."

"Wasn't Tanya your mother?

"Oh, so you're Tanya's daughter! Well Grown... Don't You Remember Me"

The captain leans in front of him.

And Cyril and Will Mal stand on both sides. After the captain, I was walking in the other one.

"That's Tanya's daughter, did you already have a night"

"Lieutenant, all of a sudden, you're rude."

The sarcastic voice puzzles the captain too. It's been a while since I've heard your mother's name and I haven't noticed, but the deputy captain's attitude wasn't a favorable one, and Cyril, Will and Mal were long gone.

"Still won't you talk? So was Tanya, she was just silently protected, and that's how she got Tonya involved."

"Come on, it's what you two chose, happiness isn't about other people getting laid"

What is this, why are you telling people you don't know about us? Why are you looking at me like that?

"I remember, the name was Arshmalia, we're from the same slum in the King's capital as Tanya and Tonia, well, I guess we're childhood friends"

"You were just being taken care of unilaterally."

"Arsh, I remember when you were a little girl, you didn't talk at all and they called you Tanya's doll, I wonder if you still won't talk"

"As usual, your luggage"

"Die! You are!

The memory of my previous life sounded, I translated it with my head for a while, and then I talked, so when I was a little girl, I could only talk to you slowly. Ah, but I can't believe they called me that...

"Tonia's in trouble, not only Tanya, but my daughter's in the luggage."

What, why can you be so malicious? No, remember, why was I trying to protect you? It was always okay at first, but the longer I stayed in the city, the more malice I got. They want Ka 'ah, they make a mistake on their own, they hate Ka 'ah, and they mock Tocha, they pity and sympathize on their own, not to mention they try to use me, their daughter... that's how they had to leave the city. And all we had to do was laugh bitterly, "If we're happy, it's okay".

"Don't bother!

Mal holds my shoulder. Maria and Sophie lean in. Zash and the others, stand behind you. And Cyril and Will put their hands on the pattern of the sword.

"Oh? Are you gonna deal with a knight?"

Come on, put your chest up!

"Who are you?

"Well, can you talk?"

"I've been saying a lot about you, but I don't have a connection with people who don't even know your name telling us who we are."

"Didn't you hear me? I'm Die, Tonia's childhood friend."

"Heh, I didn't know, I thought saying childhood friends was someone who could help me when I was in trouble. You meant someone who spoke ill."

"I didn't say anything about Tonia!

"The only childhood friend you say will be someone who will do what you say"


"He could have been a good friend. But when you chose Tanya, you weren't my friend anymore."

"I lost my friend because of you, not because of me, but because of yourself."

"What do you know!

"I only know that you and I were happy."

"I was happy..."

"That's how you can live forever, blaming Kaa-chan"


"No more malice, no more regrets."

"Tanya and Tonya..."

"Almost, it's been two years"


"It's time, before the exam, so I don't want you to get too upset."

"! I'm sorry, please, enjoy your stay in Wangdu"

Don't drop your tears! Turn up! Don't turn around!

"Tonia, you've been dead..."

"You, those are Tanya and Melon, but you're Tonya's daughter, too, right?

"Tonia's, daughter"

"Is flogging the dead and wearing young children the kind of thing a childhood friend should do"


"Shining amber eyes. You had stronger eyes than Tanya..."

Wang Du's first day. Exams in two days.

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