“”I don’t smoke, and I don’t drink too much alcohol. I go to bed at 11 o’clock in the evening. I must sleep for 8 hours a day. Before going to bed, I will drink a cup of hot milk and do 20 minutes of stretching exercises to completely relax my body before going to bed. “”
“”Sleep until dawn like this, wake up every morning like a baby, and never leave any fatigue and stress until the next day! Even the doctor said I was normal. “”
“”What else are you talking about? “Gaosaka Daisuke showed some doubts on his tense face, but this man’s strange behavior made him feel even more frightened from the bottom of his heart!”
“This man is absolutely wrong!”
“”I’m explaining that I long for a peaceful life from the bottom of my heart! “Sigong Yunying looked at the policeman in front of him with a calm face, “I don’t aspire to be better than others, but at the same time, I don’t create troubles that give me headaches, or things that keep me awake at night. Enemy, this is my attitude towards life! “”
“Sigong Yunying slowly raised his right hand, and for some reason, the nails on his hand grew rapidly!”
“At the same time, a human-shaped existence appeared beside him!”
Daisuke Takasaka in the video doesn’t seem to be able to see the existence of the doll, but the audience watching the video can see it clearly!
That’s a big pink cat!
Similarly, it is also Sigong Yunying’s stand-in!
Chapter Thirty-Five: Change Everything in the Room
“Hiss! His nails have grown!” Tong Gu Kazuto roared as if he had discovered something, “I know! It can’t be wrong! There is always only one truth! That’s right, this must be his stand-in ability ——Make your nails grow longer!”
“Kirito-kun…” Yuuki Asuna looked at him speechlessly, “How do you use that boring ability? If he only has that boring ability, how can he beat him with a baton and has been trained for a long time? The policeman? Why is he so crazy?”
“Eh…” Asked three times by Yuuki Asuna’s soul, Kiritani Kazuto also realized the point of the question, but he was obviously unwilling to admit defeat. He said with a serious expression, “Asuna, have you ever heard But, there is a peerless magic art called Jiuyin White Bone Claw?”
Yuuki Asuna: “???”
Do you think his substitute is to let his nails grow wildly, and then help him learn the Nine Yin White Bone Claw? It’s outrageous!
“Pink, a big pink cat?!” Kaguya Shinomiya’s eyes seemed to sparkle, “What a cute big cat! I really want it! Why isn’t my substitute like this?”
“Miss Kaguya, your substitute is already very good.” Hayasaka Ai’s eyes were full of envy, her substitute was a pervert wearing tights!
“”However, if I really want to do it, I will definitely not lose to anyone. “”
“”KILLERQUEEN (Killer Queen), that’s what I named it. But even if you say that, you can’t see it, can you? “”
“Shinomiya Yunying looked at Takasaka Daisuke coldly, and the murderous intent in his eyes became stronger, “Mr. Police Officer, for me, you are the trouble that hinders my sleep now, and you are my enemy. In other words, before going to bed at night, I must execute you! Only in this way can I sleep well tonight. “”
“I warned you to stay still! “Daisuke Kosaka can’t see the killer queen, and he doesn’t know what Shinomiya Yunying is planning. But, he knows one thing very well! This man intends to kill him!”
“Before the enemy launches an attack, he intends to take the initiative!”
“”Drink! Daisuke Kosaka yelled, raised his baton and hit Shinomiya Yunying’s shoulder. He used most of his strength, trying to incapacitate the enemy’s arm with one blow! Faced with such pain, most people basically It hurts so much that you lose your resistance!”
“However, his batonBut it stayed in the air, as if it was caught by something! ”
“”how so? Can’t move! Obviously the baton didn’t touch anything, but it couldn’t move no matter what! It’s like being clamped tightly with a vise! “”
“”Mr. Police Officer, before you die, let me tell you, this is not an illusion, but your baton was indeed caught by my substitute. “Sigong Yunying said with a blank face, “By the way, the so-called doubles have their own abilities, and my double, the killer queen, has the ability…””
“”Turns everything it touches into a bomb. Anything will do, even if it’s just a baton. “”
“Daisuke Takasaka’s face changed suddenly. Although his long-standing common sense told him that such a thing is impossible! But… the unusually confident attitude of Shinomiya Yunying, and the fact that the baton was forcibly stopped in the air. Everything is being told to him.”
“What Shinomiya Yunying said is true!”
“We must throw away the baton quickly! Daisuke Takasaka had such a thought in his mind, and quickly dropped the baton with both hands.”
“At this moment, the Killer Queen gave Daisuke Takasaka a thumbs up!”
“A silent explosion spread from the baton, covering Daisuke Takasaka in an instant!”
“When the shock wave of the explosion stopped…the baton disappeared without a trace, and Daisuke Kosaka was seriously injured and lay on the ground unable to move.”
Sigong Yanan: “…”
Nima’s! The stand-in ability of this big pink cat is even scarier than the golden experience I have seen before!
By the way…Yesterday, that fellow Yunying gave me a gem, right? Couldn’t that thing have already been touched by the Killer Queen? !
“Hey!” Shocked by his own thoughts, Shinomiya Yan’an suddenly threw away his crutches, and stood up easily like a young man, which can be called a medical miracle!
“Throw it away, throw it all away!” Sigong Yan’an threw all the things that Sigong Yunying sent over in the room out of the window!
No, not enough insurance! The substitute can only be seen by the substitute envoy, who knows if he sneaks over to touch my things!
“Change everything in this room for me! Also, don’t allow Sigong Yunying to come within 100 meters of me!”
Damn, which dog doctor said that Yun Ying is normal? Hand fetish, murderer, that’s all, is it normal? Normal Nima!
quack! Absolute quack! I, Sigong Yanan, want to fire all the family doctors in the Sigong family! Get a new batch!
By the way, Yunying said before that he leaves work before 8 o’clock every day? Don’t save fatigue and stress for the next day?
Sigong Yan’an seemed to understand something…he must be too idle! That’s why I’m thinking wildly and messing around all day long!
From today on, let him work overtime every day until two o’clock in the morning, and go to work on time at seven o’clock in the morning! In this way, he will definitely have no chance to mess around!
Sigong Yan’an nodded in satisfaction. If Yunying hadn’t killed anyone yet, then my move would have put an end to the child Yunying killing people everywhere, and I pulled the child back from the lost cliff. What a good father~
At the same time, Sigong Huang Guang also gave orders with fear on his face.
“Change all the things in the room for me, and that fellow Shinomiya Yunying is absolutely not allowed to approach me! Also, the bodyguards should strengthen my guard! Forbid that guy to approach me within 100 meters!”
“What the hell happened? “The violent explosion left Daisuke Takasaka in a mess, and now he doesn’t even have the basic ability to sort out what happened.”
“”Just blow it up, it didn’t kill you. “Sigong Yunying looked at Daisuke Takasaka on the ground, raised his eyebrows slightly, his face was full of calmness, “Didn’t I say it? My Killer Queen can turn anything it touches into a bomb. Just now, I turned your baton into a bomb and detonated it, that’s all. It’s that simple. “”
“Uh…uh. “Daisuke Takasaka is still in a state of confusion, and he can’t even hear what Shinomiya Yunying said.”
“”Ah. “Sigong Yunying smiled slightly, “Next, I’m going to turn your clothes into bombs. This time, you will definitely die! “”
Chapter 36 Flesh Pain, Mechanical Ascension
“”Uh…” Daisuke Takasaka turned over with difficulty, and began to struggle on the ground, as if he wanted to escape.”
“Heh, hahahaha…” Sigong Yunying burst into a rare laugh, “It’s really interesting to see you like this, seeing you like this, I can’t help but want to spare your life!” “”
Kosaka Kirino’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help but have a hint of joy in his tone, “Could it be that this is how Dad survived?”
“I don’t know.” Daisuke Takasaka shook his head slowly, “To be honest, I don’t know this person at all… Until now, I don’t know when exactly this happened.”
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is also somewhat different, “Could it be that this guy still has humanity? It shouldn’t be.”
“Brother, do you think this police officer will survive?” Doma Bui was still hanging on his brother Doma Taihei, looking up his head and asking him expectantly.
“…” Doma Taiping shook his head solemnly, “Impossible! This guy also said before that he doesn’t allow anyone to disturb his peaceful life. How can he face a policeman who knows his secret? Maybe let that policeman die? This Sigong Yunying has no humanity at all!”
“Shinomiya Yunying was still laughing with his head up, and suddenly, the clothes on Daisuke Kosaka exploded! When the smoke and dust from the explosion dispersed, there was no Daisuke Kosaka on the ground anymore.”
“The laughter stopped abruptly, and Shinomiya Yunying’s face darkened again, “Unfortunately, that kind of thing is impossible!” For my peaceful life, and for me to have a good night’s sleep tonight, you must die! “”
“However, what Shinomiya Yunying, who was still laughing just now, didn’t see was that at the last moment of his life, Daisuke Takasaka exhausted all his strength and threw something into the grass next to him!”
“Speaking of which, it seems that another taxi driver ran away. “Sigong Yunying smiled slightly, “Unfortunately, your body has already been touched by my killer queen!” Anyone who may disturb my peaceful life, even if it is just a taxi driver, I will not let it go! “”
“”Murderer… would be a murderer…” At this time, the taxi driver was driving towards the city with a face full of horror. A gentlemanly guest would turn out to be a vicious murderer!”
“”As long as it can get there… as long as it can get there! “Looking at the city not far away, the taxi driver’s eyes flickered with light. As long as he gets there, he will be safe!”
“However, just as he was about to arrive in the city, his body exploded without warning!”
“…” Seeing this, Sigong Yan’an trembled all over, damn it! Throw away everything just now!
After working for a long time, this double can also turn the human body into a bomb! Then you changed into a nightstick for a while, and changed into clothes for a while, just for fun?
Or, are you putting it here and pretending to be B?
Shinomiya Goose An’an is very sad! He felt that his dark heart had been deceived!
Also uncomfortable, there is also the yellow light of the four palaces! He’s crying right now, it’s as hard as dying his father… Well, this is not strict, if he really dies his father, then he will be happy, and he won’t be uncomfortable at all!
It should be said that it was as uncomfortable as when he suddenly had a son, but the son’s biological father was not him.
What a cheat! The previous furniture can be thrown away! But what about the body? Over the years, he and Sigong Yunying have come into contact with each other countless times!
No matter how bad the relationship is, they are still brothers, and there are still occasional business-style smiles and business-style handshakes.
How to do? Will I die out of nowhere like that taxi driver? I can’t lose my body too!
How about… subsidizing scientists to study how to upload consciousness to a computer? Sigong Huangguang’s eyes gradually revealed light.
Yes, that’s right! Just do it! Flesh pain, mechanical soaring!
“”Hmph ha ha ha! In this way, there will be no one who can hinder my peaceful life! “More than four hours later, Shinomiya Yunying, who transformed from Melancholic Blues, said so.”
“Afterwards, Ai Hayasaka released her substitute ability and said, “Miss Huiye, this is what Master Yunying did today. It can already be concluded that Master Yunying’s stand-in has the ability to turn any object into a bomb! Including the human body! “”
“”If you want to fight Master Yunying, you must be careful not to let his double touch your body or anything around you! “”
“”Hmm…” Shinomiya Kaguya frowned slightly, “I didn’t expect that my brother, who looks harmless to humans and animals, not only has a terrible substitute ability, but also behaves so terribly! Hand fetish… This is too ridiculous. Originally, with his status, most women can be said to get whatever they want, but he chose this criminal behavior! “”
“”To be honest, I want to get rid of him as soon as possible! Not only to improve your own evaluation, but also to avenge those women who died tragically… However, the problem is that all the information we get comes from your substitute, Hayasaka. With this alone, there is no way to deal with my brother Sigong Yunying! “”
“”Eh? why is that? “Fujiwara Chika looked puzzled, “Since we know that he is a criminal, wouldn’t it be better to arrest him directly?” “”
“”If only it were that simple. “Kaguya Shinomiya sighed, “The abilities of substitutes are all kinds of strange, even if there are substitutes who can fabricate fantasies, it’s not surprising, right? Therefore, asking them to check the information obtained by Hayasaka’s stand-in ability will not be able to deal a fatal blow to Shinomiya Yunying! “”
“”Even, he may even turn it around, saying that we wantonly fabricated falsehoods in order to combat his influence and increase our own power in the Sigong family. By that time, we will be the ones who are at a disadvantage. “”
“”Do not! That kind of thing doesn’t happen! “Since just now, Shirogin Yuyuki, who has not participated in the discussion, but walked slowly to a certain place and picked up something, categorically denied that possibility!”
“”What did you say? “Kaguya Shinomiya said in shock.”
“”I mean, we already have the evidence that can pin criminals to Shinomiya Yunying! “Baiyin Yuxing slowly opened his right hand, and there was a recording pen!”
“”I saw something in the grass just now, and finally found this recording pen! It seems that the murdered policeman, because of his professional habits, turned on the recorder to record while talking with Shinomiya Yunying, and finally threw the recorder out when he was not paying attention! Just to leave evidence that can testify against Shinomiya Yunying’s demonic behavior! “”
Chapter 37 Kaguya, my lovely Kaguya
“I’m an idiot! Why am I so arrogant! Throwing something right under my nose, I can’t even see it!” Sigong Yunying smashed his head on the table angrily, as if he had expected It’s time for the scene where I’m about to die!
After all, this is to expose the herovideo right? A perverted murderer with a disgusting hand fetish like him obviously does not belong to the category of a hero, at most it can be regarded as a stepping stone for a hero…
“No! I’m not a perverted murderer with a disgusting hand fetish! Bah, bah, bah!” Sigong Yunying spit a few times in a bum, and was almost brought into the ditch.
He never did those things!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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