Compared with Shinomiya Yunying’s annoyance, Takasaka Daisuke seemed much happier, “It seems that my hard work in the video was not in vain. Kyosuke, you have to learn a lot from me and think about everything! ”
“Understood.” Kosaka Kyousuke said helplessly, curling his lips. Why only tell him one, doesn’t Kirino need to be told? Or, do you think Kirino is more reliable than him?
…Although, Kosaka Kyousuke also admitted that Kirino is indeed more reliable than him.
“After handing over the recorder and the information I found so far to Huangguang Sigong, Kaguya Sigong quickly received a call from him, “Huiye, I have listened to the recording, you did a good job, I will told my father about it. “”
“”But then again, I didn’t expect that it would be Yunying… Moreover, he actually has such a bad habit. A regretful voice came from the other side of the phone, “Oh, Yunying!” Oh Yunying! My lovely cloud eagle! “”
“…” Sigong Yunying stared blankly at this scene, and then spat out with a wow, “Wow, why is this guy more disgusting in the video than in reality? No, no! This must be him The real appearance! Well, that’s it!”
“This shit is me?” Sigong Huang Guang also felt nauseous watching it. What kind of mentality did he have in the video to say such disgusting words!
Those who didn’t know thought he was a base plus disgusting younger brother!
“This Sigong Huangguang seems to be pretty good?” Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that there would be another pervert like Sigong Yunying!
The scene of Sigong Yunying holding the severed hand of the dead body and licking her fingers made her sick to the core. She probably would have nightmares at night!
“Kaguya Shinomiya seemed to be used to this tone for a long time, she waited for a while before continuing to ask, “So, what should we do with him now? “”
“”Hui Ye, what do you think? “Si Gong Huang Guang didn’t answer, but asked a question instead.”
“Kaguya Sigong pondered for a moment, “He not only violated the law, he committed homicide many times, but also offended the dignity of the eldest son of Sigong, your elder brother. In my opinion, he should be sentenced to death! “”
“Hahaha, Kaguya, oh, my lovely Kaguya! “Sigong Huang Guang seemed very satisfied, “Since you think so, then, the task of executing Yunying is entrusted to you!” “”
Xiaoniaoyou Liuhua: “…”
She took back what she said just now, this man who can make his sister kill his brother with a smile is definitely not a good person!
“…” Kaguya Shinomiya hung up the phone quietly, and then turned to everyone, “Everyone, the task of executing Yunying Shinomiya has been entrusted to us! “”
“”Sigong Yunying’s stand-in is extremely suitable for assassination! Therefore, we must try our best to guarantee a one-hit kill! Once he escapes, we are likely to fall into his endless assassination, and eventually the entire army will be wiped out! “”
“”At this moment, he didn’t know that his affairs had been exposed, and he was defenseless! Therefore, we need to adopt the method of assassination! “”
“Everyone, let’s discuss tactics. “”
“”Wouldn’t it be better to go straight up? Use my substitute to beat him into a hornet’s nest! “Fujiwara Chika made a da da da gesture.”
“Yu Ishigami fed steak to his six stand-ins,” although what Fujiwara said sounded like a mentally retarded person, there was some truth to it. Shinomiya Yunying’s stand-in ability can only be activated by touching an enemy or an object, which means that it is a melee stand-in. Well, as long as you don’t get close to him, shoot him with a long-range stand-in! “”
“Ishigami Yu showed a confident smile, “My sexy pistol, and Fujiwara’s Aerosmith, are the most suitable for long-range shooting! “”
“Well, there is a certain possibility. Shinomiya Kaguya nodded, then looked at the stern Baiyin Yuyuki and asked, “President, do you have anything to say?” “”
“”There’s only one thing I’m going to say, and that’s to be vigilant! “Baiyin Yuxing warned, “This man has committed more than a hundred murders and has never been found. If it weren’t for the ability of Melancholic Blues and that recorder, he is still at large! “”
“”You can imagine how cautious he is. Facing such a person, if you are not careful, it will be absolutely dangerous! “”
“Brother, you are so cowardly, as a man whose dream is to become a gang superstar, how can you be so cowardly?” Bai Yingui squinted at Baiyin Yuxing, “By the way, brother, it’s almost time for you to work Are you still going?”
“No, no need…” Baiyin Yuxing gently turned his head, with a very complicated expression on his face, “I’m afraid that the boss will kneel down for me as soon as I arrive at the shop where I work… After all, I’m A man who dreams of becoming a gangster superstar.”
“” Right there. “Sigong Kaguya stood opposite Sigong Yunying’s room. She put away the binoculars in her hand and said in a deep voice, “My brother seems to be confident that no one will find him, and he returned home as if nothing happened! “”
“Ishigami, Fujiwara, it’s up to youTime, be sure to kill with one hit! “”
“”give it to me! “Fujiwara Chika slapped her vicious chest vigorously.”
“Yu Ishigami didn’t speak, just reloaded his bullets silently, but his stand-ins seemed very motivated…Maybe it’s because he just ate steak?”
“Don’t worry, Kaguya, it’s absolutely fine to leave it to us! “”
“”That’s right, we will definitely kick the bullet into his head hard! “”
“”We’re the best at passing the ball! “”
“Looking at these energetic stand-ins, Shinomiya Kaguya relaxed slightly, “I’ll leave it to you. “”
“Aerosmith, strike! “Following Chika Fujiwara’s voice, a model-like airplane flew out of her body.”
“At the same time, Yu Ishigami fired six bullets in one go!”
“He hates the number four. If it is four, he will definitely encounter misfortune! But correspondingly, as long as it is not four, there is absolutely no problem!”
Chapter 38: Roast Chicken
“Bang! Bang! Bang!”
“Following a few gunshots, Shinomiya Yunying fell directly to the ground, and the stand-ins of Yu Ishigami clapped their hands happily, “Good! Perfect hit! “”
“Chika Fujiwara’s Aviation Smith also flew back the same way, “Heh heh heh, as long as I do it myself, it’s so easy! “”
“”how is this possible? “However, unlike Chika Fujiwara’s optimistic attitude, Miyuki Shirogin obviously couldn’t believe this fact. In his opinion, how could such a cautious person die so easily?”
“”How is it impossible? Chairman, are you looking down on my Aerosmith and Ishigami’s sexy pistol? He has already been beaten into a sieve by us! “Fujiwara Chika is very dissatisfied with Miyukyo Shirogin’s distrust.”
“That’s right! I’ve been beaten into a sieve, how can I still be alive? The president just doesn’t trust me all day long! I’m obviously a very reliable minor!” Chika Fujiwara stuffed potato chips into her mouth. , while talking angrily.
“Anyway, I’ll go and see the situation first. “Kaguya Shinomiya also frowned, she also couldn’t believe that her brother who was cautious by nature would die so easily.”
“Wait, Shinomiya! “Baiyin Yuxing pulled Shinomiya Kaguya who wanted to go there and said, “Let me go, my double gold experience can turn objects into body organs, and has a certain healing effect. Even if you are seriously injured, you can think about it.” Way to survive! “”
“No, compared to your golden experience, my steel chain fingers have more advantages. Shinomiya Kaguya shook his head lightly, “After all, if anything happens, I can just use the zipper to open it and escape into the zipper space.” “”
“Isn’t this stand-in amazing?” Doma Bumi showed an expression of envy and hatred. If she also has this stand-in, then she can just hide in the zip space and play games! No matter how long I played, my brother couldn’t find her! There is no way to scold her!
EMMMM… But, there should be electricity and internet there, right? If not, the steel chain fingers are useless (violent theory)!
“”But, Miss Kaguya…””
“Ai Hayasaka wanted to say something else, but Kaguya Shinomiya smiled, “Don’t worry about me, Hayasaka. I made up my mind and decided to go there! “”
“”…” Ai Hayasaka looked at Kaguya Shinomiya who she had served since she was a child, and the eyes of Kaguya Shinomiya were shining with a light she had never seen before!”
“At this moment, she understood that Shinomiya Kaguya, who had already died under the corrupt system of the Shinomiya family, is now alive again!”
“Ai Hayasaka set her sights on Miyuki Shirogane, is it all because of this man?”
“Hayasaka, what you said is too embarrassing!” Kaguya Shinomiya covered her face and jumped onto the bed, writhing like a worm.
What do you mean she came back to life because of the president? Doesn’t this mean that her life is prepared for the president? !
Although, she also admitted that it was the president who turned her from an ice sculpture into a sand sculpture…
“Miss Kaguya, although I don’t know what you’re thinking, the me in the video definitely doesn’t mean that!” Ai Hayasaka complained blankly.
“Finally, Hayasaka Ai’s expressionless face showed a rare smile, “Yes, Miss Kaguya! I’ll be here waiting for your return. “”
“After convincing Shirogane Miyuki and Hayasaka to love them, Shinomiya Kaguya looked around vigilantly under their worried eyes, and slowly walked towards Shinomiya Yuntaka’s body.”
“She scanned the room and heard almost no sound. This silence made her feel uneasy from the bottom of her heart!”
“Sigong Kaguya slowly squatted down, turned over the corpse lying on the ground, and the moment she saw the appearance of the corpse clearly, her pupils shrank sharply, “This man is not Sigong Yun eagle! “”
“That’s right! This is not Shinomiya Yunying! It’s just that the appearance is 60 to 70% similar to Sigong Yunying! Such a face, wearing the same clothes, and deliberately imitating the expression, it is impossible to distinguish it from a little distance Out!”
“Even if it’s relatively close, someone who is quite familiar with Shinomiya Yunying can tell it apart!”
“This man is a dead man trained by Sigong Yunying, just to block his assassination! So, where is the real Sigong Yunying?”
“When this question came to Kaguya Shinomiya’s mind, the hairs on her body stood on end! All the nerves in her body were telling her, Danger! Danger! Danger!”
“” Chain fingers! “Kaguya Shinomiya yelled, and a blue-and-white double appeared beside her and punched her on the head!”
“Then, the zipper was undone, and it was as if her head had been usedAs if the ax had been split, it split in two! ”
“The moment Shinomiya Kaguya’s head split open, a beam of light flew through the middle of her head, causing a violent explosion behind her!”
“”In the end what happened? “Kaguya Shinomiya quickly closed his head, turned around, and saw a huge hole in the wall!”
“Then, a strange car with a skull on its head slowly crawled out from the ruins of the wall, and a strange red light flashed from the eyes of the skull, “Look here!” “”
“When she saw that car, Kaguya Shinomiya’s face was covered with cold sweat. One second, one second later, her head would be blown into a mosaic!”
“”Is it a substitute for Shinomiya Yunying? No, not right! Kaguya Shinomiya just made a guess, but he denied it himself, “It has been found out before that his substitute is to turn objects or people it touches into bombs. This kind of talking car really doesn’t look like his.” ability! “”
“”So far, there has never been a situation where someone can have multiple doubles at the same time, and there has never been a situation where someone’s double can have multiple abilities. Instead of thinking that this is Sigong Yunying’s substitute, it is better to think that this is his subordinate’s substitute! “”
“Sigong Kaguya swallowed a mouthful of saliva, with a very nervous expression, “I have never heard that Sigong Yunying has formed his own forces, but did they all do it secretly? Not only are there dead soldiers who are used to die in place of death, but also subordinates who have substitutes! “”
“No, I don’t have any subordinates who are substitute messengers! That’s my substitute! Shinomiya Yunying is hiding in the basement, watching what happened on the ground with a monitor, with a slightly angry expression on his face.”
“”It was actually Kaguya who attacked me personally… In other words, he already got the permission of that bastard father or brother shit, right? Damn it! It must have been exposed that I killed Sigong Huangguang’s mistress! How was it exposed? Why do I keep encountering this kind of thing recently? “”
Chapter Thirty-Nine You have to drive this car
Sigong Yanan: “…”
It’s the other way around, how dare a mere rebel dare to call me an asshole dad? ! If I wasn’t afraid of your killer queen, I would have given you away right now! This rebel, don’t worry about it!
Sigong Huang Guang: “How dare you call me a shitty brother? If I wasn’t afraid of your killer queen, I would have blown you up right now!”
As for Sigong Yunying, who doesn’t have a killer queen now, he has already given up treatment… he just wants to die with more dignity in the future.
“”I told you to come over here! “The skull car continued to speak strange words, and slowly moved towards Kaguya Shinomiya.”
“”What a slow speed…” Shinomiya Kaguya’s expression became a little calmer. At this speed, as long as you keep moving, you won’t be caught up!”
“However, I don’t know how high the endurance of this car is… If it can last for a day, humans will definitely not be able to hold on!”
“”Sure enough, we still have to deal with this thing head-on! A cold light flashed in Shinomiya Kaguya’s eyes, “Steel chain fingers!” “”
“The blue-and-white human double directly waved his fist and rushed in front of the car, “Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali! Ali! “”
“After hitting the skull car with the steel chain fingers, it was smashed into the floor with another punch! The smoke and dust filled the air, covering the scene. Shinomiya Kaguya frowned slightly, although she didn’t think it was that simple, but she Still looking forward to it, he said, “Is it resolved? “”
“However, when the smoke and dust cleared, the skeleton car appeared intact! The car even continued mockingly, “Look here!” “”
“”how is this possible! “Kaguya Shinomiya’s tone was a bit out of control, “My steel chain fingers are so powerful! It has been punched so many times, and it is unscathed? ! This is too durable! “”
“Sinomiya, are you alright? What the hell is going on here? ! “Shirogin Yuyuki saw the movement here, and asked Hayasaka Ai and the others to hide around and continue to observe. On the one hand, it was to hide the combat power, and on the other hand, it was also to prevent the enemy from escaping. Then he broke in alone.”
“”and many more! Chairman, don’t come here! Shinomiya Kaguya hurriedly shouted, “Be careful with that car!” “”
“”The car? “Baiyin Yuxing’s face changed, and then he saw the skull car rushing towards him, “Golden experience!” “”
“”Woo big wood big wood big wood big wood big! “The main body is yellow, and a humanoid double wearing a beetle-shaped armor emerged from his side, aiming at the car and beating it!”
“However, even the steel chain fingers of Force A can’t move this car, let alone the golden experience of Force C!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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