“” Tsk! Today’s young people, their abilities are really more gaudy than one! “Silver Dior spat and ran towards Shinomiya Yunying.”
“Now he is too far away from Sigong Yunying, if we don’t get closer, we won’t be able to beat him hard!”
“You bastard, did you just say that time stood still? “Sigong Yunying looked at Baiyin Dior who was running towards him, and the Killer Queen also made a gesture of preparing to press her thumb.”
“”That is to say, your ability is to stop time? How many seconds can you stop? Feel free to stop time and show me! When I am cornered, Loser Eater will definitely activate! “”
“Old man, stop time and don’t let him press the switch!” “”
“”Do not! I have reached the limit, I want to press, now, immediately! “Sigong Yunying pressed his thumb hard!”
“Following an explosion, Shinomiya Yunying was involved in a channel composed of colorful lights, “Success, success! The Dust Eater of the Loser is activated! I won, this is my victory! “”
Sigong Yunying tilted his head, “Ah? I won? It shouldn’t be, isn’t this something that exposes the hero? No matter how I look at it, it’s the villain. Can the villain win the protagonist? This is unscientific! You won’t beat me up again in the next reincarnation, will you? Then I might as well just die!”
It has to be said that the current Sigong Yunying is very conscious and directly substitutes the villain character.
Chapter 53: The Ambulance Scrambles for the Head
“After Sigong Yunying regained his footing, he took a closer look at his body, and it was unharmed!”
“Afterwards, he turned his gaze to the surrounding environment. It was a strange place, but there was no Baiyin Yuxing and his party here!”
“Hmph, hum ha ha ha ha ha ha! “Sigong Yunying laughed wildly, “I’m back, and the loser Shichen has successfully started!” “”
“”Ha ha ha ha! I have defeated them, and now I can be free! From now on, I can live a peaceful life forever! “”
“But then Shinomiya Yunying, who calmed down, fell into confusion, “But, it’s so strange, why did I appear here? If I used the Loser Dust to return to an hour ago, I should be at home now. “”
“”Haven’t you found out yet? “”
“Suddenly, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice rang in his ears, Shinomiya Yunying slowly turned his head, and then his pupils suddenly expanded!”
“The one standing there is Nao Hayasaka!”
“Morning, Hayasaka Nao! “Sigong Yunying’s breathing became quickened, his eyes were full of fear, “Why…why are you here? I clearly…””
“You obviously killed me, didn’t you? Nao Hayasaka said softly, “I took care of you as your maid at the beginning. Although you were influenced by the Shinomiya family and had some bad habits at the beginning, you still restrained yourself in the end. “”
“”Until that day…you knew that I was lurking by your side as a spy of your elder brother Sigong Huangguang. “Hayasaka Nao said with sadness in his tone, “You who were angry at the betrayal, for the first time, you didn’t restrain your desire and killed me. “”
“That kind of thing doesn’t matter at all! “Shinomiya Yunying grabbed Nao Hayasaka’s skirt angrily, “I’m asking why you are here!” answer me! “”
“”Ah, yes, I see, you guy, are you the new substitute messenger? ! You used your stand-in ability to pretend to be Nao Hayasaka, right? “”
“”It’s so pitiful, Yunying… It seems that you are so miserable that you don’t even know what happened to yourself. Nao Hayasaka gently pressed his hand on his body, “Next, I will prove to you that you are dead!” “”
“Then, Nao Hayasaka’s hand on him went straight through his body!”
“”Ah, ah! ! ! “Sigong Yunying’s eyes widened, his face was full of horror.”
“At this moment, a pitch-black void suddenly appeared behind him, and hundreds of hands emerged from the void.Emerged in the middle of the body, grabbed him! ”
“This, these are! “Sigong Yunying looked at those hands in fear. Although they were all ex-girlfriends who had broken up for a long time, he still recognized them at a glance. Most of these hands belonged to the woman he had killed before!”
“As for the hands he couldn’t recognize, they probably belonged to the ones he forgot after killing them.”
“Killer Queen, blow them all up!” “However, the moment his stand-in appeared, he was firmly grasped by those hands, and was even torn to pieces!”
“”what? ! “Sigong Yunying held Hayasaka Nao tightly, and this unprecedented fear made him tremble all over, “Tell me, me, where will I be taken?” What am I going to face again? ! “”
“”Who knows? The only thing I can be sure of is that the place you will go next must be a place that will not make you feel at ease. “”
“Hayasaka Nao slowly pulled Shinomiya Yunying’s hand away, and turned around, “I don’t hate you, it’s sincere, in my opinion, you will go on this path today, more or less There are at least my reasons. “”
“”The Hayasaka family is attached to the Shinomiya family. All of us in the Hayasaka family must obey the orders of Shinomiya Yanan and Shinomiya Huangguang… Although there were many reasons for betraying you at the beginning, betrayal is betrayal. I will I feel sorry for you, but I have nothing to say. “”
“”Similarly, killing is killing, no matter what reason you’ve taken this path. So, shut up obediently and accept the fate you are about to face. “”
“Tsk, a traitorous stinky mouse dares to preach to me.” Sigong Yunying lightly clenched his fists, with a very complicated expression.
“”what! ! ! “Sigong Yunying was caught in that hole, and at that time, he finally recalled the cause of his death…”
“”Do not! I have reached the limit, I want to press, now, immediately! “”
“The moment Sigong Yunying was about to press the button, another voice suddenly sounded, “Steel chain fingers! “”
“” Ali! “”
“Kaguya Shinomiya, who had agreed to meet her teammates nearby, heard the sound of fighting, and came over to see Shirogane Yuyuki and the others fighting a man. At that moment, she understood that this man was Yunying Shinomiya! ”
“Although I don’t know what Shinomiya Yunying wants to do, but as long as it’s what the enemy wants to do, then it’s good that he can’t do it!”
“Her stand-in punched her own hand with a fist, and then she directly removed that hand, and punched Shinomiya Yunying in the face with a flying punch!”
“”Pffw! “Sigong Yunying screamed and flew out. This flying punch made his already seriously injured body worse, and even his consciousness was interrupted for a moment. The killer queen who was about to detonate was also distracted by him at that moment. And stopped.”
“Nice job, little girl. “Silver Dior praised, “Smash – Varudo! Time, stand still! “”
“Oh, the president’s father praised me! He praised me!” Shinomiya Kaguya jumped on the bed and rolled around, “In this way, the president’s father will not stop me from doing things with the president. Bar?”
“”call. “Silver Dior took a deep breath, “I can’t find my beloved roller nearby, so let’s hit it straight away!” “”
“”Woo big wood big wood big wood big wood big! WRYYYYYY! “”
“Silver Dior turned around handsomely,” Then, time began to flow. “”
“When time flowed again, the power of the world’s punch after punch was instantly manifested on Shinomiya Yunying’s body. The bones on his body made the sound of breaking, and a lot of blood sprayed out. The whole person was like a bird. It flew out like a cannonball, and fell heavily to the ground!”
“Shinomiya Yunying, who has completely lost consciousness, is still muttering incessantly, “Press the switch…press the switch…””
“”Wait, what happened? The little nurse’s eyes were full of confusion just now, “Why did this person suddenly get worse and fly out!” “”
“Help, ambulance! It’s the ambulance! The nurse suddenly exclaimed, “Stop, stop quickly!” Someone is lying here! “”
“However, I don’t know if the driver didn’t see the situation clearly, or the brakes of the ambulance failed. The speed of the ambulance did not slow down at all. Amidst the screams of the nurses, the car rushed straight up and crushed Shinomiya Yunying to death!”
“Woo…” Sigong Yunying swallowed, and he admitted that he had a little PTSD about the ambulance.
Chapter 54: How can there be a prince who has been around for decades?
“After testing, this is indeed Yunying’s body. Oh, Yunying, my lovely Yunying, you committed such a crime and finally got such an ending, it really makes me… feel happy from the bottom of my heart! “”
“Sigong Huang Guang on the phone laughed softly, “My stupid O Doudou, you really used your despicable blood to make me happy. “”
Seeing this, Sigong Yunying was furious, “You bastard, Sigong Huang Guang! How dare you say that I am of low blood… Isn’t it because I am the son of my step-wife? You bastard is like a frog in the toilet!” The piss is still obscene!”
“” Are you done talking? “Kaguya Shinomiya took the rare initiative to interrupt his nonsense.”
“Oh, sorry, I’m really sorry, I forgot I was on the phone with you. My lovely Kaguya, will you forgive me? “”
“Hmph, I have no right to blame you. “”
“Hehehe, don’t worry, Kaguya, I will tell my father about this. Presumably your father will also be pleased with your growth, and then let you take on more responsibilities. “Sigong Huang Guang smiled, then hung up the phone.””Sigong Huang Guang stayed in the office, his face was as calm as water, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.”
“Soon, there was a knock on his office door, and he said softly, “Come in. “”
“The door was pushed open, and a woman quickly walked up to him, “Master Sigong, the double of the intelligence department has already found out that the arrow that the former cadre Bo Erbo was in charge of was indeed flying to Yunying Sigong on his own initiative. body, and then promoted the evolution of his double! “”
“Afterwards, according to your order, we immediately mobilized the personnel of the Black Continent branch to investigate near the ruins where the arrow was excavated. The final result is…” Speaking of this, the woman handed Sigong Huang Guang a piece of information. ”
“Sigong Huang Guang looked it up carefully, “People in ancient times used meteorites that fell from the sky to make arrows. Arrows can trigger the hidden abilities of people themselves! The arrows are divided into two types according to their uses, namely ordinary arrows for awakening the double, and… worm arrows specially responsible for the evolution of the double! “”
“That’s it, that’s it! This is what I need! “Sigong Huangguang’s eyes lit up, and his breathing became short of breath, “Yunying, my lovely Yunying! You really brought me great news! “”
“”As long as my substitute evolves, I should be in charge of the Shinomiya family! How can there be a prince who has been around for decades in this world? Old man, you should retire too! Well, to hell to retire! “Sigong Huang Guang slammed the information on the table, and there was something called ambition in his eyes!”
“…” Sigong Yan’an was almost pissed off, this son is too filial! It belongs to yes!
Shinomiya Kaguya, together with outsiders, attempted to hack him to death. Sigong Yunying is a perverted murderer. Sigong Huangguang tried to gain more power, and then hacked him to death… Are there any normal children among his children?
I don’t know who I learned these problems from! You can’t learn from him, can you?
Sigong Huang Guang swallowed his saliva, when he just saw himself on stage, he had a very bad feeling!
Although he was very happy to eat the melon of Sigong Yunying before, but now this melon fell on his head! This makes him not happy at all!
I don’t know if his bastard father was pissed off when he saw this scene?
It would be great if he could be pissed off, then he wouldn’t have to worry about losing power!
“Jingling, Lingling…”
“”Phone…” Sigong Huang Guang frowned slightly, but still chose to answer the call, “Hi, father. “”
“Yes, fine, I’ll be right over. “”
“After answering the call, Shinomiya Huangguang felt that his good mood disappeared in an instant.”
“Soon, Sigong Huang Guang entered the office of Sigong Yan’an. His face was no longer rebellious and unwilling. Instead, he bowed his head respectfully and obediently in front of Sigong Yan’an.”
“…Father, what happened, that’s it. “Sigong Huang Guang explained everything about his younger brother Sigong Yunying. However, there was only one thing he didn’t say, and that was about the double evolution, about the bug arrow!”
“Sigong Yan’an slowly opened his eyes, those cloudy eyes were as sharp as sharp knives, “Is there anything else to say? “”
“…” Sigong Huang Guang trembled, but he immediately calmed down, “Father, I have finished what I need to say. “”
“Well, good, you step back. “”
“Yes, father. “”
“After Sigong Huang Guang left the office, Sigong Yan’an smiled slowly, “Huang Guang, it seems that you seem to have some ideas that you shouldn’t have, but it doesn’t matter, just do it as much as you want. What I am after is not the same thing as what you are after! “”
“On his desk, there is not only information about Worm Arrow, but also another information – that is about Jonathan Joestar, Dio Joestar, Stone Ghost Face, and primitive people from the ancient times material!”
“Sigong Yan’an’s eyes gradually deepened, “No matter how strong the substitute is, the substitute messenger will die… For me, only eternal life is worth pursuing! Even if, the price to be paid is not being able to continue to be a human being! “”
“He clicked the mouse lightly, and the sleeping computer started instantly, and what was displayed on the screen was the news about the Shinomiya family’s investment in the aerospace industry.”
“Looking at the news on the screen, he murmured, “Ultimate creature, the most terrifying monster that the planet under our feet has bred for billions of years-Kaz! “”
“He knows that once this monster is returned to Earth, all humans will become Katz’s food, Katz’s bread!”
“But so what? Even if he sacrifices the lives of all mankind, he must obtain eternal life!”
“Eternal life…” Sigong Huang Guang trembled when he saw this, not excited, but angry!
Good guy, Shinomiya Yanan, you are a very bad old man! You don’t want me to be the prince for decades, you want me to be the prince until death!
“Oh! Immortal! Immortal body! Okay, this is good!” Sigong Yanan stood up excitedly, but then he realized that this video was used to expose heroes, that is to say, his kind The villain’s purpose has certainly failed.
Thinking about it this way, he suddenly became dull…
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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