But…how about investing in the aerospace industry?
Wait a minute! Sigong Yanan suddenly realized that even if the sex of all human beings is sacrificed,How can anyone dare to let him invest in the aerospace industry after he has said such things as fate!
Chapter Fifty-Five Dululululu
“”Master Sigong, recently we finally found someone who has the ability to find objects in a directional way. Presumably this substitute will be able to find the bug arrow for you! “”
“In Sigong Huangguang’s office, the woman said with some embarrassment, “But…””
“”but what? “Sigong Huang Guang frowned, it can be seen that the expression is very worried.”
“”But, that person is from the Sijo family, the true concubine of Sijo! “”
“The people of the Sijo family…” Sigong Huangguang’s face turned gloomy. The people of this family are not something he can order at will.”
“The members of the Shijo family originally belonged to the Shinomiya family, but they couldn’t stand the gradually decaying Shinomiya family, and then separated from the Shinomiya family and established the Shijo family. Today, this family’s political and economic capabilities are only limited. It’s just lower than the Shinomiya’s.”
“After thinking about it, Shinomiya Huangguang called Shinomiya Kaguya.”
“”Is there a problem? “Kaguya Shinomiya’s indifferent voice soon came from the opposite side.”
“Hehehe, don’t be so indifferent, Kaguya. “Sigong Huangguang laughed softly, and then he lowered his voice, “Kaguya, I remember that in your school, there is a girl named Shijo Makoto, right?” “”
“”Ah, yes. What, are you finally planning to take action on the little girl? I can call the police for you. “”
“Hahaha, my lovely Kaguya, you really know how to joke. Actually, I want you to treat her to a meal. You see, I don’t know her, so it’s not easy to invite her in person, right? I can only ask you to help. “”
“”Please eat? Shinomiya Kaguya’s doubtful voice came from the phone, “What are you calling for?” “”
“Don’t be so vigilant, Kaguya, no matter what, the Shinomiya family and the Shijo family are both a family. Strictly speaking, the grandfather of Concubine Sijo is still your cousin and me. That child should also call me grandfather, right? Isn’t it natural for an elder to want to meet a younger generation? “”
“”And…” Sigong Huang Guang’s voice was a little sad and sentimental, “We are also a family, why do we have to fight each other? Kaguya, I know that my father has done many wrong things in running the Shinomiya family, but I am different. I hope to bring the possibility of innovation to the Shinomiya family! This time I plan to meet with the concubine Shijo, which is my goodwill to the Shijo family. “”
“Good intentions!” Shitiaodi, the twin brother of the real concubine Sitiao, was trembling all over at this moment, and his fists were creaking. If this bird didn’t want to use this method to trick his sister into finding bug arrows for him, Then he washes his hair upside down on the spot!
“Sister, stay away from the Sigong family from now on. The Sigong family is very sinister and all of them are bad guys!”
“Then can you get closer to the people of the Tanuma family?” Shijo Zhenfei looked at her genius brother expectantly.
Four emperors: “…”
You still think about that man! He is your girlfriend’s boyfriend! And the point now is not that the people from the Sigong family are trying to plot against you?
“Soon, Kaguya Shinomiya convinced Concubine Shijo, and brought her to Shinomiya’s house one evening.”
“”This is your first time at Shinomiya’s house, right? Take it easy, it’s just a light meal. “Kaguya Sigong laughed lightly. Although she didn’t believe what Huang Guang said, she still brought Concubine Sijo over.”
“Anyway, she doesn’t think Sigong Huangguang will do anything to the Sijo family. Unless he is ready for a full-scale war with the Sijo family!”
“And the fact is just as she thought, Sigong Huangguang didn’t do anything to Sijo Zhenfei, it was just an ordinary routine.”
Seeing this, both Shinomiya Kaguya and Sijodi seemed very puzzled. Could it be that Sigong Huangguang is a prodigal son? It shouldn’t be!
Especially Si Tiao Di, he was not only puzzled, but also flustered… mainly because he was afraid of washing his hair upside down.
“After the meal, Sigong Huangguang kindly asked the driver to take Sijo Zhenfei home.”
“After that, he also bid farewell to Shinomiya Kaguya and walked into his room.”
“When the door of the room was opened again, what came out was not Sigong Huangguang, but a slightly thin, short man with a slightly timid expression.”
“After he walked out of the room, his expression suddenly changed, and he kept yelling, “Dulululululu…””
“”Eh? Did the boss call me? “The young man groped his body around, “No, no! Oops, I didn’t bring my phone! “”
“But if that’s the case, why did the boss call me? Is there a public phone nearby? “He was yelling around looking for the phone, and at the same time he imitated the ringtone of the phone like a psychopath, “Dululululu…””
“Ah, I found it! “He suddenly seemed to have discovered a new world, his eyes lit up, he jumped into the artificial lake, grabbed an ornamental fish from it, and said complainingly, “Really, why did you put the public phone in the lake! Don’t these people use their brains? “”
“Huh???” Nan Chunxiang blinked blankly, “This is obviously a fish, how could he say it’s a public phone?”
“Sister Chunxiang, this person must be the legendary psychopath!” Nan Qianqiu said solemnly while holding the little bear Fujioka.
“The man didn’t care about the fish struggling in his hand. After pressing the answer button on it that didn’t exist, he put the fish to his ear,” the boss said. “”
“Then, his eyes became sharp for a moment, and he said to himself, “Oh, Tobio, my lovely TobioBio Oh! I have a mission for you, a mission that only you, only you, whom I trust the most, can complete! “”
“Boss, please tell me. “”
“”Tobio, I want you to find a way to get close to a woman named Shijo Zhenfei, and let her find a thing called a bug arrow for me! I have already figured out the character of that girl and made a detailed plan based on it. “”
“”I have already sent the information about Bug Arrow and this detailed plan to your mind. If you think about it carefully, you will definitely remember it! “”
“After the man finished speaking, he changed into that timid look again, “Yes, boss. I will definitely work hard to complete your task! “”
The yellow light of the four palaces; “???”
Is that voice mine? Why do I need to make a phone call when I am in the house? I really took off my pants and farted!
Also, why can this guy talk to me with a fish! And he also said, I called him?
Could it be that my stand-in is calling through fish? This is too wasteful!
If it is really this kind of garbage double, what can it evolve into? Evolved into the Internet, global communication? Or evolve into a forum for people to quarrel?
That’s it, evolve into a woolen yarn! Hurry up and smash it!
Chapter 56: As expected of the boss
“On this day, the four true concubines, as usual, were hurt again by the unintentional dog food of my best friend Bai Muzhu.”
“After school, she stood on the sidewalk and sighed dejectedly, “When will Nagisa break up with Tanuma-san. “”
Sijo Zhenfei: “…”
It’s over! The boat of friendship is about to capsize!
Bai Muzhu’s face was dull, I regard you as a best friend, but you want me to break up? I can’t have this girlfriend!
“Yeah, you look sad. “”
“Suddenly heard a young man’s voice, Shijo Zhenfei followed the voice and looked. It was a man with pink hair and some freckles on his face. He looked very gentle, even a little cowardly.”
“Excuse me, are you talking to me? “”
“”Yes. “The man nodded, then scratched his head shyly, “Sorry, talking to you all of a sudden scared you a bit, didn’t it?” But seeing your sad expression, I always feel that I can’t ignore it. “”
“”It was not frightened. Concubine Sijo shook her head lightly, and then she noticed a map in the man’s hand, “Are you looking for somewhere?” “”
“No, not the place! “The cowardly man just now became agitated suddenly, and then he looked at Shijo Zhenfei who seemed a little frightened, and cringed again, “Sorry, I was a little agitated just now. “”
“”But, I’m looking for something, something very important to me! The man’s expression showed sadness, “My name is Tobio. In fact, I have a girl I like very much. “”
“”However, she fell in love with my friend… At first, I wanted to bless them. But, no! I can’t do it! My love has become stronger and stronger as time goes by! I want to be with her no matter what! “”
“”Just then, I heard such a legend. About the legend of the worm arrow…” The man’s eyes revealed the light of longing, “It is said that as long as you get this worm arrow, you will be able to be with the one you love! “”
“”…” Shitiao Zhenfei seemed to be stunned, she opened her mouth wide and did not speak for a long time. This experience… bosom friend!”
“Sorry, did I talk too much? Like an innocent big boy, Tobio scratched his head shyly, “Well, you look fine, so I’ll leave first. “”
“”and many more! “Sijo Zhenfei grabbed his arm and looked at him with shortness of breath, “That arrow, let me help you find it too, is that okay?” To tell you the truth, I’m pretty good at finding stuff! “”
“Seeing the four real concubines taking the bait, Tobio’s mouth curled up into a smile. This kind of little girl whose mind is full of love is easy to deal with.”
“As expected of the boss, he easily thought of a way I couldn’t think of!”
“Of course, if you are willing to help me find it together, that would be my honor. “”
“Is this really the concubine who wants us to break up?” Nagisa Kashiwagi grabbed Tanuma Tsubasa’s arm firmly, and watched the video with gritted teeth. She never thought that her best friend had thoughts about her boyfriend!
“Well, don’t be so angry.” Tsubasa Tanuma raised the corners of his mouth wildly, what, I’m still very attractive.
“Sister, you…” Si Tiaodi cried and mourned, not knowing what to say!
A person who usually looks so smart, who reads casually and doesn’t take it seriously, can be ranked third in the grade, second only to Shirogane Yuyuki and Shinomiya Kaguya!
How come you lose your wits like crazy when you come across a relationship! Such an obvious routine can actually be hooked!
“Ahahaha…” Shijo Zhenfei smiled awkwardly, then turned her head away. hateful! Why is the legend about the bug arrow not true! Otherwise, she is now on a journey to find the bug arrow!
“”A very strange thing happened recently. “At the place where the team assembled, Sigong Huiye said in a concentrated voice, “Sigong Huangguang first invited Sijo Zhenfei, and then the next day, Sijo Zhenfei disappeared!” “”
“”She didn’t return home, nor did she leave any information for her family, so she just disappeared! Moreover, on the same day, Sigong Huang Guang applied for a foreign business trip. “”
“”Now the Sijo family thinks that Sigong Huangguang has kidnapped the Sijo true concubine, we must hand them over, otherwise we will unite with other companions to suppress the SijoPalace family! Over the years, the Sigong family has made countless enemies. Individually speaking, they are indeed trash, but once they unite, they will be a big threat to the Sigong family. “”
“”However, that old man in Sigong Yan’an doesn’t know what’s going on, he doesn’t even want to deal with such a big matter! It was actually handed over to us…” Kaguya Shinomiya took a deep breath, “So, our next task is to capture the yellow light of Sigong! Find the four real concubines! “”
“”If we complete this task, the evaluation we can get will definitely far exceed the killing of Shinomiya Yunying! “”
“”I have a question. “Fujiwara Chika raised her hand, “What’s the use of kidnapping Madam Shijo?” It can’t be used to threaten the Shijo family, right? “”
“That’s definitely not possible! If Sigong Huang Guang can only come up with this kind of strategy, then I can feel at ease, after all, it seems that he is just an idiot. “Kaguya Shinomiya had a slightly puzzled expression on his face, “But why did he kidnap the real concubine Sijo? “”
“”Could it be that the four real concubines were not kidnapped? “Ishigami Yu asked, “It’s also possible that she just happened to disappear on the day Sigong Huang Guang went abroad. “”
“”If it was just a coincidence, it would be hard to justify the treat the day before. “Baiyin Yuxing looked at Shinomiya Kaguya, “Can you find the record of Shinomiya Huangguang’s travels? “”
“”No, he is very cautious, the business trip he reported is just a cover… From this point of view, the disappearance of Shijo Zhenfei is absolutely inseparable from him! “Sigong Huiye shook his head and sighed, “In short, let’s find a way to find the whereabouts of Sijo Zhenfei first. “”
“Hey, why didn’t you let me notify the family? “At this time, the woman who caused great turmoil in the Shijo family was sitting leisurely on the plane, looking curiously at the man named Tobio next to her.”
“Hahaha, think about it, you are a famous young lady, if you have to travel so far to find the bug arrow just because of a legend, your family will probably not agree, right? Tobio shrugged lightly, “At that time, you may be locked up at home, and several bodyguards will be arranged to watch over you.” “”
“”Say, that’s right. “Sijo Zhenfei shuddered, and then strengthened her determination, “If I don’t find the insect arrow, I will never go back!” “”
Chapter 57 Of course I ran away with my legs
“My name is Bai Yingui. I have a father and an elder brother in my family. Although I live in poverty, I am still happy.”
“However, I don’t know what’s going on… I have had an ability since I was a child. As long as I maintain a regular breathing rhythm, my body can instantly generate powerful strength!”
“At the same time, the power generated by this ability can also be used to treat the injuries on my body, not just simple wounds, even fractures or even serious illnesses that require amputation, can also be perfectly cured!”
“Thanks to this, I have never been at a disadvantage in a fight! No matter what kind of gangster gang it is, I will never lose!”
“Just like today…”
“”Big sister, there are more than seventy people on the opposite side! “A male youth who looked like a fish, stood beside Bai Yingui tremblingly, “We only have a dozen or so people, we can’t win, even the eldest sister can’t win!” Let’s withdraw quickly! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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