While growing up, she also made up her mind, sure enough, let’s get rid of the shark on the stone!
Chapter Seventy-Seven: Look Through the Keyhole
“”I really didn’t expect such a thing to happen… The double you mentioned, I have the impression that the double belongs to a double envoy named Haruki Kitahara, and he is a very powerful enemy! “”
“It seems that my eldest brother has issued an order to do everything possible to prevent others from chasing him. Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the people in front of him and warned, “Therefore, we will definitely encounter other enemies in the next journey. No matter what, we must be careful!” “”
“By the way, Fujiwara, what’s wrong with you? From now on, yourThe expression is very strange. “”
“”No, no! I don’t see anything! “Fujiwara Chika lowered her head and hid behind Shinomiya Kaguya, not daring to look at Shirogane Miyuki and Ishigami Yu at all.”
“Although everyone thought it was a bit strange, they didn’t pay much attention to it.”
“”The time on the plane will be relatively long. Everyone didn’t have a good rest yesterday, so let’s take a good rest on the plane in a while. “”
“After that, it was a long time.”
“After arriving in Egypt safe and sound, Shinomiya Kaguya took everyone to the hotel and opened a few rooms.”
“It’s almost 11 o’clock at noon now. After opening the room, Shinomiya Kaguya looked at the local time, “Everyone go back to the room to tidy up and have a good rest. We will go to the lobby for dinner later.” “”
“”Well, not bad. “Baiyin Yuxing looked at himself, “The battle last night made me covered in river water, mud, and blood. I can’t do without a good bath and a change of clothes.” “”
“”me too. “Ishigami Yu’s body was even worse. Not only were there bloodstains, but also a bunch of bullet holes. It looked tattered, just like a beggar.”
“Because after defeating Haruki Kitahara, the time for the plane to take off is not far away, neither of them have time to change clothes.”
“By the way, President, your father seems to have brought you extra clothes, right? “Ishigami Yu caught up with Baiyin Yuyuki, “I don’t have time to prepare a change of clothes, lend me one.” “”
“”No problem at all. “”
“Seeing the two of them leave, Chika Fujiwara blushed again, as if thinking of something she shouldn’t have thought of.”
“Kaguya Shinomiya glanced at her curiously, and took Fujiwara Chika and Shirogane Kei into the room. For safety reasons, she only booked two big rooms, three men lived in one room, and three girls lived in one room. between.”
“”It seems that this is the only bathroom for bathing. “Kaguya Shinomiya walked in unhappy, “If that’s the case, then I’ll wash it first, you guys wait for me outside for a while.” About 20 minutes, I will control the time. “”
“”EMMMMM. A little smile appeared on Bai Yingui’s face, “Senior Sigong said let’s wait for her for twenty minutes?” There’s no other way but to wait. “”
“While talking, Bai Yingui walked to the bathroom door lightly, “But if you have to wait for twenty minutes, it’s best to wait in front of the bathroom. In this way, after Senior Sigong comes out, he can go in to take a bath immediately, which can save a little time! “”
“”However, for such a long time, my eyes obviously won’t stay in one place, and that seems too dull. And there are only so many things that can be seen around here, so it’s impossible for my eyes to accidentally move to the keyhole~””
“Afterwards, Bai Yingui bent down and saw the peerless scenery inside through the keyhole!”
Of course, what the people outside the video saw was a cloud of white mist, probably mainly because of this part of the content. Cheng Yang’s brain said that the art resources were insufficient, and he couldn’t imagine it.
“…” Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned for a moment, and then kept patting his chest with his small hands, feeling extremely fortunate in his heart, fortunately there was no specific picture, otherwise he would be completely ashamed to see others! Why does the president’s younger sister still have such a preference!
But such a situation, of course, will cause dissatisfaction among the old drivers.
Mori Kogoro, who was still excited just now, was suddenly dull, “What kind of photographer is this! It’s too spicy! Throw away the photographer’s chicken legs at night!”
Kota Tsuchiya wiped off the nosebleed just now with no expression on his face, “I’ve already had a nosebleed, so why don’t you just show me this? Is this appropriate?”
Aitu sighed courageously, then put down the paintbrush in his hand, “I still wanted to draw materials.”
Ashusu Saho gave him a contemptuous glance, “Are you really just trying to collect material?”
Shinnosuke Nohara shook his head and sighed, “Hey, that’s it? It’s not as good as I saw when I went to the bathhouse.”
Baiyin Yuxing looked at his younger sister speechlessly. He never expected that his younger sister would have lily tendencies?
On the other hand, Bai Yingui turned his head away in embarrassment, and muttered, “It’s all because Senior Sigong is so cute…”
Although she has never done this kind of thing now, she can understand her mood in the video very well! After all, her aesthetics are exactly the same as her brother’s! Kaguya Shinomiya grew up perfectly on the XP system of their two siblings!
“You…” Baiyin Yuxing, who never thought that his younger sister would dare to talk back, was trembling with anger. In fact, he really wanted to say “call me if you want to see it”, but after thinking about it, brother’s The majesty and face still need to be maintained, so I dare not say it.
“”oh oh! “Bai Yingui made an excited voice.”
“Fujiwara Chika also hurried over and asked in a low voice, “Xiao Kei, Xiao Kei, what do you see? “”
“Bai Yingui turned his head to the side, licked his lips, and gave a thumbs up, “Senior Shinomiya just took off his clothes and was wiping his body. He hasn’t soaked in the bathtub yet, so I can see everything! All in all… NICE! “”
“Hey hey hey, let me be healthy! After Bai Yingui got out of the way, Fujiwara Chika also bent down and looked in through the keyhole, “Huh?” “”
“Chika Fujiwara stood up, tilted her head, and fell into deep thought again, “Is it my illusion? I just thought I saw a shark in there. “”
“Damn it! Fujiwara! How dare you compare me to a shark!” Kaguya Shinomiya bit her handkerchief and was so angry, “I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you tomorrow!”
“”What kind of shark, there are only mermaids in it! Bai Yingui squeezed Fujiwara Chika away in dissatisfaction, and then began to appreciate it carefully, “Oh! NICE!”
“”Could it be my illusion?” Fujiwara Chika walked to the sofa and sat down in confusion, brewed a cup of instant coffee for herself, added some milk and sugar, and stirred it gently with a spoon, “Last night I didn’t sleep all night in order to find the chairman and the others, so it seems normal to have hallucinations, right?”」
“Fujiwara Chika decided it was a hallucination, so she stopped thinking about it. She planned to drink a cup of hot coffee and enjoy it.”
“But when she lowered her head, she found that the spoon she was holding in her hand to stir the coffee had disappeared.”
Chapter 78: The Shark
“”Huh? “Fujiwara Chika looked at her hand blankly, obviously not realizing what happened, “Where’s the spoon? “”
“”I was holding the spoon just now, right? She scratched her head and thought seriously, “What’s the situation?” Did my memory drop dramatically after just one night of no sleep? “”
“”It shouldn’t be. “Fujiwara Chika searched carefully around the table, she did remember that she was holding a spoon just now!”
“After searching for a long time, she couldn’t find the spoon. After all, she gave up thinking, “Did I really not have a spoon… Forget it, let’s get another one.” “”
“Afterwards, Chika Fujiwara took out another spoon, sat on the sofa, and gently stirred the coffee.”
“”Um? “Fujiwara Chika heard the sound of iron collision, couldn’t help blinking, “Sound? Why does stirring coffee make this sound? “”
“She picked up the spoon and saw the remains of a spoon hanging from it!”
“”It’s the spoon from just now…” Chika Fujiwara stared blankly at the wreckage hanging on the spoon, and then glanced at the coffee blankly, “I should make coffee, not sulfuric acid, right? “”
“Just as she was dazed, a tiny shark jumped out of the coffee and ate the piece of debris on the spoon into its mouth!”
“She just looked at the shark swimming in her coffee stupidly, “Is this also an illusion? “”
“Idiot, what an illusion! This is a real shark… No, this is an attack by a double!” Chika Fujiwara stomped her feet angrily, why does she feel that she is so stupid in the video! She is obviously a genius!
“At this point, the shark jumped up again and tried to bite her!”
“”There’s a shark in the coffee! Chika Fujiwara quickly threw away the coffee in her hand and shouted, “Aviation Smith!” “”
“A small plane coming out of her chugs right into the coffee mug!”
“”What’s wrong? What happened? “Bai Yingui, who was admiring the peerless scenery, suddenly heard gunshots, and hurriedly looked over.”
“”enemy! It’s the enemy! “”
“”what! When Bai Yingui heard this, he quickly became vigilant, “Where is it, sister Qianhua, where is the enemy?” “”
“”Right in that coffee mug! “Fujiwara Chika looked at the coffee cup that had been smashed by herself vigilantly, pointed at it and said, “It can’t be wrong! What I saw this time was definitely not a hallucination! “”
“”Um? ” Bai Yingui carefully approached the fragments of the coffee cup on the ground, but saw nothing, “Where is it, I didn’t see it. “”
“”Eh? But, yes! I did see a shark like thing in the soup. “Fujiwara Chika also ran over and carefully observed the debris and the coffee poured on the ground, but saw nothing.”
“”Nothing special, Miss Qianhua, you won’t have hallucinations again, will you? “As soon as Bai Yingui said this, he immediately shook his head, “No, you can’t think like this!” Sigong Huangguang’s subordinates will definitely continue to chase us, so we must be vigilant at all times! So, it would be better to understand that the enemy temporarily retreated here? “”
“”Retreat? “Fujiwara Chika poured herself another glass of water. This time she didn’t make coffee, but just prepared to drink plain water. She thought it was a coffee problem!”
“She held the cup and thought, “But how on earth is the shark going to escape in such a small cup? “”
“At this time, quite by chance, she shifted her gaze to her own cup.”
“There, there’s a shark!”
“”! ! ! “This time, before Chika Fujiwara could react, the shark jumped up and bit off a small piece of her tongue!”
“Hey! It hurts!” Fujiwara Chika hurriedly covered her mouth, trembling with fright at her miserable situation in the video, and then hurriedly moved away from the water glass next to her.
She has a psychological shadow on water!
If it weren’t for the fact that people would die if they didn’t drink water, she really wanted to stop drinking water!
“”Woo! ! With a scream, she fell to the ground, and the cup in her hand fell to the ground and shattered.”
“”Miss Qianhua! Bai Yingui, who heard the noise, hurried to her side, “What’s wrong with you?” “”
“Ah… ah…” Chika Fujiwara couldn’t speak, she just pointed at the puddle of water on the ground and hesitated.”
“Sister Qianhua, have you been attacked? Wait, water, what are you pointing at? Could it be that the enemy is in the water? Bai Yingui quickly shifted his gaze to the water on the ground, but he couldn’t see anything, “No, there is no trace of the enemy!” “”
“”Ah…” Chika Fujiwara’s eyes were focused on the table behind Kei Bai Yin, where several bottles of drinks from the hotel were placed.”
“And the shark just kept moving in those drinks!”
“It’s moving, that shark is moving in the water! At this moment, Chika Fujiwara understood that the enemy’s double can move freely in the water! In the water, this double is invincible!”
“”Hey, thousandSister Hua, why have you been silent? Could it be that you can’t speak now? “”
“”Ah, ah, ah! “Fujiwara Chika showed horror, pointing to the bottles of drinks behind Kei Baiyin and kept hemming and hawing.”
“What’s the matter, sister Qianhua, what are you pointing at? Is it water? Could it be that you want to drink water now? “Bai Yingui stretched out his hand to the drink on the table.”
“Under Chika Fujiwara’s horrified gaze, Kei Shirogane’s hand is getting closer and closer to the drink! At the same time, it is also getting closer and closer to the shark!”
“No, if this continues, Kei will be attacked too!”
“A flash of determination flashed in Fujiwara Chika’s eyes, she picked up a small fragment next to her, and stabbed hard in her hand!”
“Wow! “Her hand was stabbed in an instant, and a large amount of blood gushed out like money, staining the floor red!”
“”Miss Qianhua! “Seeing this scene, Bai Yingui really didn’t go to get any more water, she moved her eyes to Fujiwara Chika, and at this moment, she finally saw what was in Fujiwara Chika’s mouth!”
“”Tongue… Miss Qianhua’s tongue is gone! Was it really attacked by the enemy? ! “”
“Bai Yingui wants to find the enemy quickly, but Chika Fujiwara’s condition doesn’t allow her to do so, “No, we can’t delay any longer. The wound on Chika’s tongue is still bleeding, and the blood is blocking her throat again. She can hardly breathe! “”
“”I must heal Sister Qianhua immediately, just use my ripples! Dad said that this power was first developed for health preservation and healing of injuries! “”
Chapter 79 It’s Great Not to Die from Teammates
“Bai Yingui quickly put his hands on Fujiwara Chika’s cheeks, and shouted, “Oba Doraemon! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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