“The powerful ripple power poured into Chika Fujiwara’s body, but Kei Shirogane’s face became more and more ugly, “No, it’s too late! Although using ripples can heal Miss Qianhua’s injury, but the time is too slow. Before that, Miss Qianhua had already suffocated to death due to difficulty in breathing! “”
“”What should I do, do I want to find my brother? No, there is still some distance from here to my brother’s room, and with my brother’s golden experience, it will take some time to make the parts that replace the tongue, and the time is too late! “”
“”What should I do, what should I do to save Miss Qianhua? ! “”
“At this moment, Bai Yingui suddenly remembered that she had seen a similar situation in a movie, it seemed to be called Chainsaw 5…in it, a policeman’s head was soaked in water and he couldn’t breathe, so he I stabbed my own throat with a pen!”
“”Sister Qianhua, to be honest, I don’t know if the things in the movie are effective… But anyway, there is no other way, so let’s try it like this! “Bai Yingui took out a pen from his purse, pointed it at Chika Fujiwara’s throat, and stabbed it directly!”
“Ah!!! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts! It’s so painful!” Chika Fujiwara felt her neck get cold when she saw it, and rolled on the floor while clutching her neck, with teary eyes, “Xiao Gui, the things in the movie can’t be taken seriously. Yes! Although this kind of medical treatment really exists, only professional doctors can use it! And if it is not disinfected, it will cause inflammation!”
Fortunately, in addition to water, she also has a psychological shadow on the pen!
This video is designed to add psychological shadow to her, right?
“Then, Bai Yingui gently pulled out the refill inside the pen, making the pen a hollow tube.”
“Fujiwara Chika’s body froze for a moment, and the next second, she started breathing again.”
“”call. “Bai Yinkei breathed a sigh of relief, put his hands on Fujiwara Chika’s face again, and healed her with ripples.”
“”Great, Miss Qianhua can breathe again! Next, I will use ripples to heal Qianhua’s tongue first, then pull out the tube, and then use ripples to heal Qianhua’s neck. In this way, there will be no problem! “”
Chika Fujiwara, who was watching the video, also breathed a sigh of relief. She patted her chest very gratefully, “It’s great, it’s great that I didn’t die because of the cheating reason of my teammates trusting the plot of the movie!”
“”Hoho…is that woman Kei Shirogane who killed Kurosawa Jin and Vodka? “On the opposite side of the hotel, two men are watching the situation with binoculars.”
“One of the men said softly, “This kind of healing power and temporary decision-making power, I seem to understand why those two people died in her hands. “”
“”Yeah, this woman was able to save Fujiwara Chika’s life, which really surprised me. “Another man gently hugged the previous man, and there was a shark in the cup in his hand, “To be honest, I thought that the double ‘shock’ alone would be enough to complete this task, but this woman’s strength is too troublesome Yes! “”
“”It was said in the news that her elder brother Baiyin Yuxing is a stand-in messenger who can perform healing, but I didn’t expect this woman to be the same. Sure enough, we should give priority to killing the healing role! “”
“”Let’s start with this woman first… But, the previous attack has already alarmed the snake, she must be very vigilant now! It seems that I still need your help, Tichano. “”
“The corner of the man’s mouth curled up, “As the subordinates of the boss Shinomiya Huangguang, we must obey the boss’s orders.”, kill them all! “”
“”The boss also promised us that as long as we finish this task, we will be transferred to other big cities. To be honest, I have had enough of the sandstorm in Egypt! By the way, Skellow, did you put that on? “”
“Hahaha, don’t worry, it’s installed, just like our previous actions! As long as you lead them near the water source, my double ‘Shock’ will be invincible! “”
“Skearo looked at the sharks in his water glass, looking very confident, “The battle plan is very useful, they will die one by one just like our previous enemies! At that time, we can transfer to a big city with pleasant scenery! “”
“”At that time, the wind and sand will not hurt your skin anymore. “”
“Hehehe…you’re right. Ticano put one hand on Shikjaro, “Just like before, let’s kill the enemies one by one!” Just use Fujiwara Chika…””
“”Cough cough cough! “On the other side, Chika Fujiwara, who was finally completely healed by Bai Yingui’s Ripple, coughed lightly. She was still a little uncomfortable after going through that kind of rough treatment.”
“”Are you all right, Miss Qianhua? ” Bai Yingui looked at Chika Fujiwara’s body, “If you still have any untreated areas, just tell me, so that I can continue to treat you with ripples. “”
“”No, ahem…I’m fine, I’m really saved, I thought I was going to die. “Fujiwara Chika patted her chest with lingering fear.”
“”Sister Qianhua, what did you see, and how did the enemy double attack you? “”
“”That guy…cough cough. “Fujiwara Chika said a few words and started coughing again.”
“Bai Yingui quickly patted her on the back, “Sister Qianhua, are you really all right? Don’t force yourself, if you are not feeling well, just practice first. “”
“No, no problem, I can talk, ahem…” Chika Fujiwara coughed a few more times, and then said, “That guy… that guy is a stone-like stand-in, and he’s big. The door escaped to the outside! “”
“Bai Yingui was stunned for a moment, looked at the door of the room that showed no sign of opening, tilted his head, with a puzzled expression, “Huh? Like a rock, and very big, and escaped through the door? “”
“”But, Miss Qianhua, you first said that when you saw the enemy, it was in a coffee cup! If it is so big, how can it be hidden in a coffee cup? It’s inconsistent! Could it be that this stand-in can change the body size arbitrarily? “”
“”Do not! Even that is weird! I have been here just now, there is no sign of the door being opened at all, and I have not heard the sound of the door being opened! “”
“”Sister Qianhua, what you said is so strange… Ah, really, fortunately, Senior Sigong prepared the camera in advance, I’d better use the hermit’s purple to find out where the enemy is. “”
Chapter 80 Well, this is a prank
“Let me find out where Shinomiya-senpai put the camera. “Bai Yingui walked up to the luggage, ready to open it and rummage through it.”
“At this moment, Chika Fujiwara realized that the enemy’s stand-in is a type that can be moved freely in the water, so what about Shinomiya Kaguya who is taking a bath?”
“No, go and see! Must go and see!”
“”Little Gui! “Fujiwara Chika hastily walked outside the bathroom, and shouted in a panic, “We… must never break in! “”
“”Clam? Bai Yingui was putting his hand on the zipper of the suitcase at this time, “What are you talking about, sister Qianhua, of course you can’t break in, Senior Sigong is taking a shower.” “”
“No, that’s not what I want to say! Chika Fujiwara’s face is full of horror, what’s going on? Why is what I said completely different from what I wanted to say!”
“What I want to say is, I have to break in to see if Kaguya is safe! Could it be because the tongue that just grew back doesn’t match my original tongue?”
“Chika Fujiwara patted the door of the bathroom anxiously, “Xiao Kei, look, look…you must not peek! “”
“”? ? ? “Bai Yingui’s head is full of question marks, I’ve seen it all, you tell me this?”
“”Sister Qianhua, what’s wrong with you, I feel strange about you today. “She patted the suitcase at her feet helplessly, “Stop making trouble, I still have to find out where the enemy is.” “”
“No, what matters now is not where the enemy is, but Kaguya’s safety! The enemy’s double is invincible in the water, and now Kaguya is the person closest to the water! Fujiwara Chika anxiously pushed the bathroom door , trying to open the door.”
“But the bathroom door was locked from the inside. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t open it, but the door made a strange noise.”
“Finally, the noise caught Shinomiya Kaguya’s attention, “What happened, so noisy? “”
“But after a while, Shinomiya Kaguya put on her clothes and came out of the bathroom. She, who had been guarding against the enemy, was still quite vigilant, “Could it be the enemy? “”
“”Well, that’s right, Sister Qianhua said that she saw the enemy and was injured, but I have already healed Sister Qianhua. “”
“”Uh-huh. Seeing that Kaguya Shinomiya finally came out without incident, Chika Fujiwara nodded excitedly, and then said, “Yes, there are no enemies at all!” “”
“As soon as I said this, Fujiwara Chika was stunned. This is not what she wanted to say!”
“”what? Bai Yingui was also stunned, “Wait, sister Qianhua, that’s not what you said just now!” You MingMing said that there is a big, rock-like stand-in, and didn’t you have your tongue bitten off? Could it be that you want to say that this is all your prank? “”
“No, it’s not a prank! There really is an enemy, it’s a shark, a shark that can move freely in the water! Chika Fujiwara jumped up and down, but when she said it, “Well, it’s all mine.” Prank Oh! “”
“”Fujiwara-senpai…” Bai Yingui looked at her angrily, and she was so angry that she refused to call out even Miss Qianhua, “I said I didn’t see the enemy’s substitute at all, but your prank this time It’s too much, how can I cut off my tongue! I was almost scared to death! I almost can’t save you! “”
“Phew, Fujiwara, you really are…” Kaguya Shinomiya also shook her head helplessly, “Although you usually like to play these pranks, this time it’s too much, how can you make fun of your own life?” ? “”
“”And now we may be attacked by the enemy at any time, we must be vigilant at all times, but we can’t play with you. “”
“No, it’s not a prank this time, there are real enemies! Chika Fujiwara is in a hurry, but she doesn’t know how to explain it.”
“Probably because Chika Fujiwara did all kinds of bad things, so that both of them easily believed that this was her prank.”
“Is it dangerous to do pranks more often?!” Chika Fujiwara squatted down with her head in her arms, trembling with fright.
She feels that the current story is a copy of The Wolf Comes, and she is the child in the story who often lies and will be eaten by wolves in the end!
“It’s over, I’m going to be eaten by a shark! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…”
“”Hey, really, I came out of the bath not long after soaking, I thought it was an enemy. Kaguya Shinomiya looked at the clock in the living room, “It’s almost time, Kei, you can go take a shower next.” “”
“Oh, nice. “Bai Yingui picked up the clothes he had prepared just now, and happily walked into the bathroom.”
“No, you can’t let Xiaogui in! If you let her in, maybe you will be attacked by the enemy!” Fujiwara Chika quickly grabbed Bai Yingui’s arm, “Go take a bath!” Xiaogui, next, you must take a good bath! “”
“”what? ” Bai Yingui looked at her blankly, “Sister Qianhua, that’s what I planned… Also, if you don’t let go of my hand, I can’t take a bath. “”
“”Well! “Fujiwara Chika covered her mouth, no matter how stupid she is, she has realized at this time, she has been attacked by the enemy’s substitute!”
“”Miss Qianhua? Bai Yingui frowned and looked at her curiously, “What are you doing covering your mouth?” Are you not used to the climate here, are you not feeling well? Then I won’t take a shower, let’s accompany you to get some medicine first. “”
“”Fujiwara, you seem to have broken your tongue before, right? Was it not cured during the treatment just now? let me see. “Kaguya Shinomiya walked up to Chika Fujiwara and held her face in his arms.”
“Fujiwara Chika also opened her mouth obediently, and let Shinomiya Kaguya check.”
“But Shinomiya Kaguya looked at it for a long time, but couldn’t see anything, “I can’t see anything unusual at all, really I still don’t adapt to the climate here? “”
“But Chika Fujiwara replied, “No, I’m fine. There is no problem at all, Kaguya! “”
“No, that’s not what I want to say! I’ve already been attacked by the enemy’s double! Kaguya, quickly notice!”
“”If it’s okay, then it’s fine. “But Shinomiya Kaguya seemed to take Fujiwara Chika’s performance just now as a prank, and didn’t go any further.”
“Speaking of which, I’m a little thirsty, let me drink some water first. “Kaguya Shinomiya walked to the sofa, intending to pour himself a glass of water.”
“At this time, Chika Fujiwara, she clearly saw a small shark swimming in one of the drink bottles!”
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Chapter 81: Toilet God of War
“Kaguya, Kei, the enemy is right there! In the bathroom toilet! “Fujiwara Chika yelled loudly, but she was very anxious in her heart, what she wanted to say was not this!”
“The enemy, in the toilet? “Kaguya Shinomiya didn’t go to the sofa anymore, she looked at the bathroom suspiciously, “You said the enemy is in the toilet in the bathroom? “”
“Bai Yingui, who was about to go into the bathroom to take a shower, was taken aback, “Hey! Are there really enemies? Fujiwara-senpai, did you really see the enemy this time? “”
“”Yes, got it. “Chika Fujiwara couldn’t help covering her mouth as soon as she finished speaking. It’s not good. I can’t control myself to speak, and once I speak, what I convey is all false information!”
“Looking at Kei Shirogane and Kaguya Shinomiya walking into the bathroom, Chika Fujiwara couldn’t help but burst into tears. Damn it! The enemy is going to use me to lure them all to a place with water, and then kill them together!”
“What should I do to deliver the correct information to them!”
“Hehehehe, well done, FujiYuan Qianhua. Skearo shook the cup lightly, and observed their room with a smile on his face, “In addition to the CLASH (shock) that can move between liquids, there is another stand-in on the scene. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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