“Ah, this…” Mikoto Chai Shiqin carefully looked at Baiyin Miyuki’s figure in the video, “Can you be called well-raised if you are so thin? There is no flesh at all.”
Then he looked at himself again, and raised his hair in satisfaction, “A man like me is a standard figure, a perfect handsome guy! The taste must be first-class… Ah bah, I don’t want to be eaten!”
“”Yes, Master Katz, please wait a moment. “After Baiyin Dior agreed, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then dragged Baiyin Yuxing into the kitchen.”
“Soon, Baiyin Dior came out pushing a small dining cart. Inside the dining cart was a Baiyin Yuxing who had changed into a white bathrobe, and there were several small plates next to it, containing cream, meat floss and jam.”
“Here comes the bread. “Baiyin Dior pushed the dining car in front of Katz with a forced smile, “Master Katz, please use it slowly. “”
“”Um. Kaz picked up the spoon nonchalantly, and was about to enjoy a little cream first.”
“However, the moment he put the spoon into the cream, his eyes sharpened. His eyesight was comparable to that of an astronomical telescope, and he clearly saw the chopped mushrooms in the cream! And the light from the tiny Judging from the particles, this is a kind of poisonous mushroom!”
“”Dio, how dare you…””
“Before he finished speaking, he heard Baiyin Yuxing’s roar, “Golden Experience Requiem! “”
“Nani! “Kaz didn’t have time to react, the fist of the Golden Experience Requiem directly pierced his head!”
“Success, success? “Even Baiyin Yuxing himself didn’t think that things would go so smoothly, he couldn’t help trembling with excitement, as long as Katz died, the world would no longer have to face such a desperate situation!”
“Although I heard that Katz has resurrected other members of the Night Clan, it must be because he doesn’t have Katz’s strength!”
“No, not yet! “Kaguya Shinomiya, who was standing aside, holding a knife and ready to help at any time, suddenly yelled in panic. She saw the flesh and blood of Katz scattered on the ground, still wriggling!”
“”He’s alive! His flesh and blood are still alive! Every piece of flesh and blood must be completely wiped out! “”
“After finishing speaking, Shinomiya Kaguya grabbed the knife and rushed forward, trying to stab the ultimate creature to death with the knife!”
“A certain Ninja Darkness is calling an expert!”
“Before Shinomiya Kaguya had time to get close, one of the flesh and blood turned into a spike, piercing her body! Before she even had time to make a sound, the whole person seemed to be eaten dry, turning into a mummified corpse!”
“”Sigong! “Baiyin Yuxing’s eyes widened in disbelief, and he roared like a wounded beast.Roar, “Golden Experience Requiem!””
“He wants to let the Golden Experience Requiem beat Katz alive! Use his fists to knock out every piece of Katz’s flesh and blood!”
“But this time, he failed!”
“Looking at the stand-in who blocked the Golden Experience Requiem in front of him, his face was very ugly. This stand-in still retains the characteristics of the ‘world’! There is no sign of weakening!”
“But why… Baiyin Yuxing glanced at his father, obviously his father’s soul is here! If Katz took the substitute by devouring the soul, then why…”
“Suddenly, Baiyin Yuxing’s pupils shrank, and he understood that Katz’s Beyond Paradise can modify the reality at will. In other words, Katz has changed the ownership of the double! Now, the double ‘world’ is It belongs entirely to Katz!”
“Kaz’s head, which had just been pierced, recovered in a blink of an eye. He stood up from his seat and skillfully put on a coquettish posture, “Baiyin Yuxing? You really made me careless, I really didn’t expect that your double could be preserved! Moreover, it seems that you still have memories of the past. “”
“”But that’s it, you guys have completely pissed me off! This time, I will completely wipe out all of you! None left! “”
Chapter 119 Just use me
“If you can do it, then come and try it! “Even though he knew he was invincible, Baiyin Yuxing still put on a coquettish posture without fear, and said harshly, “Golden Experience Requiem! “”
“”I just like your rebellious look! However, I prefer the way you get beaten to the ground! Platinum star o world! “”
“The two avatars stood in front of their respective bodies, and at the same time let out a battle cry, and their fists blasted at each other like a storm!”
“”Oh! “But in just a moment, Baiyin Yuxing bent his legs and almost fell to the ground. He gritted his teeth and glared at Katz.”
“No, even if you don’t talk about special abilities, just look at speed and strength, the Platinum Star o World o Transcend Heaven are far beyond my Golden Experience Requiem!”
“Hmph, it looks like it’s about to end. Katz couldn’t help but smile, “In this way, the fate of the Joestar family and I will come to an end!” “”
“”Go to hell! “Yu Ishigami saw that Shirogane Miyuki was at a disadvantage, and he was anxious. He also held a small knife, trying to learn from Shinomiya Kaguya, and wanted to stab the ultimate creature to death with the knife!”
“”Um? Katz frowned displeasedly, “A mere lowly bread dares to resist me!” In this case, let’s send you on your way first! Sine! “”
“Kaz roared, wings grew from behind, and the feathers on the wings flew out like sharp arrows, piercing everyone in the room except Baiyin Yuxing into a hornet’s nest!”
“”! ! ! Baiyin Yuxing stared blankly at this scene, his body trembling with anger, “Bastard, Katz!” “”
“Heh heh heh, I deliberately left you to kill until the end. How does it feel to see all your family and friends die with your own eyes, but you have nothing to do? “”
“Kaz walked up to the dead Bai Yingui, and the bone knife in his hand shot out, chopped off Bai Yingui’s leg, hugged that leg to his chest, like holding a lute, and gently I played it with my hand, “WIN~WIN~WIN~”
“Kaz stopped playing and licked his lips, “Beforehand, I feel super cool!” Next is you, Baiyin Yuxing! “”
“Baiyin Yuxing clenched his fists, his face was extremely gloomy, “Kaz! ! “”
“” Angry? Just be angry! This proves that your soul is also becoming delicious! You’re able to keep your memory and your double because your double has some weird ability, right? So, this time, I will not only kill your body, but also completely devour your soul! Platinum star o world! “”
“Ola! “Caz’s stand-in roared and punched Shirogane Yuyuki’s head with his fist!”
“” Mu Da! “”
“But this time, the Golden Experience Requiem easily caught the fist of Platinum Star O World! Katz’s pupils shrank suddenly, something is wrong! This power and speed are not right!”
“”Masaka…masaka masaka…masaka! Katz’s expression became distorted for a moment, “What’s the matter with your substitute?” ! “”
“”what happened? I just suddenly understood, what I have experienced so far, hehehe, so it turns out, the answer is so simple! “”
“Baiyin Yuxing wiped off the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and chuckled lightly, “A trustworthy friend, a heinous soul, the courage to fight even if he loses his substitute, and, finally – the awareness to fight against fate ! “”
“”Now do you understand? This is my enlightenment, this is the enlightenment of human beings! “”
“Impossible, impossible! Just a piece of bread, don’t make me laugh out loud! Katz roared as if it was unacceptable, “Next, I will use the ability beyond heaven to make your existence completely disappear!” Not just death, but non-existence from the very beginning! Platinum Star o World o Beyond Heaven! “”
“”Golden Experience Requiem o Beyond Paradise! “”
“The fists of the two substitutes touched together, and then, the Golden Experience Requiem o Beyond Heaven seemed to flicker for a moment, and it seemed that the existence was not stable.”
“”Humph. “Kaz gently evoked a smile, but the next moment, his smile disappeared completely, and there was a trace of a smile on his substitute.The cracks finally spread to the whole body! His stand-in was blown away! ”
“No, it’s impossible! impossible! This is impossible! “At the last moment of his life, he seemed to see the depths of his soul, and another soul that was collapsing smiled from the bottom of his heart, “JOJO, is that you?” Is it you this guy moved his hands and feet? If I had known earlier, I should have wiped you out completely… I am Katz, I am Katz! “”
“Oh Noel! “Kaz raised his head to the sky and roared unwillingly, and finally his whole body dissipated completely, and his existence has disappeared! From the very beginning, he did not exist on this planet!”
“Ha…ha…” Baiyin Yuxing knelt down on the ground panting heavily, and then looked at the corpses around with sad eyes, “…everyone, they are all dead. “”
“”I…” Baiyin Yuxing looked at the golden experience Requiem o Beyond Paradise, he wanted to activate the power beyond Paradise to reshape the world, but the fuel for Transcend Paradise is the soul!”
“Just now, the evolution of the Golden Experience Requiem is not only the reason why he fully realized, but also the reason why his companion’s soul entered his body! In the battle with Katz, some of these souls were burned, If you want to reshape the world, at least one soul will be completely burned out, and it will never be resurrected!”
“”Use me. “”
“Suddenly there was a voice next to my ear. Baiyin Yuxing followed the sound and saw a man who was extremely tall, but with a gentle smile on his face like the sun, standing where Katz was originally.”
“”This voice… are you? “”
“It seems that you have heard that tape recorder, my name is Jonathan Joestar, nice to meet you, really nice. Probably because of the joy brought by conquering the former enemy, Katz has not changed the ownership of the Platinum Star to himself, but has achieved the control of the Platinum Star by forcibly manipulating my soul. “”
“”In other words, the Platinum Star has always belonged to me! The first time I fought with your golden experience, I told him that if you can reach the realm beyond heaven, then when fighting Katz, you must give priority to killing me with the ability beyond heaven! As long as my soul collapses, the Platinum Star will disappear, and you will be able to defeat Katz! “”
Chapter 120 I feel uncomfortable when I hear the bread now
“The smile on Jonathan’s face didn’t change at all, “Ah, sorry, I said too much, and I wasted some time, right? As you can see, my soul is crumbling right now, and even if I do nothing, I will disappear completely. So use me! Use my soul as fuel to reshape this world! “”
“Baiyin Yuxing was dazed for a while, and then asked aloud, “Do you know what you are talking about? If I use the ability to surpass heaven now, I can still save you! But, with you as fuel…””
“”The soul will be completely dissipated, and it will never be resurrected, right? You don’t have to do this, I am still willing to be the fuel for transcending heaven after knowing all this. “”
“Although he was talking about such a cruel topic, Jonathan still kept his sunny and warm smile, “I am an undead who should have died a long time ago. If someone like me can make a contribution to saving the world again , it would be great! “”
“Jonathan was silent for a moment, then gave Baiyin Yuxing a thumbs up, “Yuxing, you have to remember that our Joestar family has been gentlemen for generations! “”
“From the other party’s words, Baiyin Yuxing felt the strong determination, his eyes were inadvertently filled with tears, he choked up and said, “I know… Golden Experience Requiem o Beyond Paradise! “”
“Following the roar of Baiyin Yuxing, Golden Experience Requiem o Beyond Heaven punched the ground, and the dazzling white light covered the entire planet.”
“”what! “Baiyin Yuxing woke up from the bed as if he had a nightmare. He was panting heavily while wiping the sweat from his forehead, “Huh, huh…I always feel like I had a long, long dream. “”
“Brother, what are you doing? Bai Yingui, who lived in the same room as him and was only separated by a curtain, made a dissatisfied voice, “Can we stop being so noisy in the early morning?” “”
“Ah, hug, sorry. “Baiyin Yuxing dryly smiled twice, then got up, got dressed, and went to wash up.”
“During the process of washing, he kept thinking about the things in the dream in his mind. Although he couldn’t remember many things, there was only one thing called golden experience, which he remembered very clearly.”
“”This dream is too real, right? Hey, it would be great if there is a substitute. If I have a golden experience, I will turn stones into fish. Just by selling fish, I will also buy a new house so that Xiaogui can have his own room! “”
“Uh…” Bai Yingui’s expression was very complicated, “Brother, I understand your intentions, but it’s rare to have such powerful power, can you think of something higher?”
“Can a tall man be eaten?” Baiyin Yuxing rolled his eyeballs up and gouged her out, “I can see that even if I become the savior, our family should be poor or poor! What kind of gangster superstar? , might as well sell fish, maybe you can get the title of a strong fish seller. Besides, you can’t sell fish if you want to!”
Bai Yingui choked for a moment, and then retorted, “Even if I can’t sell fish, I can still be a doctor! Look at how powerful my ripples are in healing diseases and wounds!”
“Soon, Baiyin Yuxing and Baiyingui washed up and sat down at the dining table.”
“Silver Dior walked over quickly with a dinner plate in his hand, “Here comes the breadup! “”
“”Alas! “Hearing the word bread, Shirogane Yuyuki trembled all over, and even shocked Shirogane Dior.”
“This scare directly scared the dinner plate in his hand, “Wow, Yuxing, be careful! “”
“Hearing his father’s shout, Baiyin Yuxing stretched out his hand reflexively, and the next second, the dinner plate and the bread on the plate fell firmly into his hand.”
“”How did you do it? “Bai Yingui’s eyes widened, she clearly saw that the dinner plate and bread seemed to be placed in his hands by an invisible person.”
“Baiyin Yuxing blinked his eyes in the same doubt, “I don’t know…don’t care, let’s eat, why is it bread! “”
“When he said this, Baiyin Yuxing made no secret of his disgust, “I always feel uncomfortable when I hear the word bread now. “”
“”Is it so exaggerated? “Silver Dior rolled his eyes at him, “Usually, I can only eat pickles. This is the little money I finally made from live broadcasting, so I thought of buying some bread for you to try something new.” “”
“”Although I am very grateful for your kindness, Dad, but…” Baiyin Yuxing picked up a piece of bread, frowned and couldn’t eat it, and then put the bread back, “Forget it, you can eat this bread, I will eat it.” Go warm up yesterday’s leftovers. “”
“What a beautiful thing it is to eat bread. “Baiyin Dior looked at the bread, then at Baiyin Yuxing, and finally asked his daughter, “Xiaogui, is your brother stupid in reading recently? “”
“”possible. “Bai Yingui nodded while taking a bite of the bread.”
“The entire planet has been completely reshaped, the previous journey has also been turned into a dream, the Night Clan no longer exists, and human beings have returned to the age of the spirits of all things again… And Jonathan Joestar, completely disappeared!”
The video then plunges into darkness.
“Jonathan, woo woo…” Baiyin Dior, who had always had a paralyzed face and didn’t show much emotion, couldn’t help sobbing, “Although I don’t remember having you as a brother, but woo woo…”
“Uncle Jonathan, he is a real hero!” Seeing that Jonathan Joestar died completely, Baiyin Yuxing’s eyes were also a little moist. He clenched his fist and said with high spirits, “Our Joestar family I have been gentlemen from generation to generation, and I will continue to be a gentleman!”
When Bai Yingui heard his brother’s words, he thought silently in his heart, gentleman = gangster superstar?
But just as they were crying for Jonathan, the video came on again.
“”Hmm…” Jonathan opened his eyes with a muffled grunt, and in front of him was a place like a dream scene, so much so that he couldn’t help murmuring, “Is this heaven? “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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