“But then, he smiled wryly and shook his head, “My soul should have dissipated, how could I go to heaven? But, yes, my soul should have dissipated, but now I…””
“Jonathan looked at his body with a strange expression.”
“”That’s right, you should indeed perish completely, even your soul has dissipated. “”
“Jonathan followed the sound, but only saw a black silhouette-like existence, which could only be vaguely seen as a person.”
“Then, he heard the black silhouette continue, “Welcome to the Hall of Valor!” This is the place of memory of the planet, and all the existences who have left important words and ink on this planet will come here, no matter whether they are the unforgiving people or the saints who saved the world, without exception. “”
“”And you, Jonathan Joestar, have undoubtedly entered the Hall of Valor as one of the saviors. “”
“”and many more. “Jonathan asked quickly, “But my soul has dissipated, why do I still come here?” “”
“”Yes, your soul has dissipated. But as I said, this is the memory of the planet, as long as the planet still has memory, you will exist. “”
“”Is that so…” Jonathan nodded half-understanding, and then asked, “Then you are?” “”
“”I? After a moment of silence, the black silhouette said softly, “I was the hero who saved the world seven times, and I was the devil who destroyed the world seven times… Anyway, just call me Gudazi first.” “”
“”Gu, dazi? “”
Chapter 121: Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young Two Heroes
Soon after this little clip is over, the video is plunged into darkness again.
“It’s really gone this time, isn’t it?” Baiyin Yuxing stepped forward to take a picture of the TV, and found that the TV had returned to the state of a rotten machine, and it couldn’t be turned on at all, “It seems that it is really finished. ”
“However, what is the Hall of Valor?” Baiyin Yuxing tilted his head in doubt, but then he gave up thinking and smiled, “Emmmm, although I don’t know what it is, it’s really great. In this case, Uncle Jonathan is not really dead.”
“Now I’m even more curious about the guy named Gudazi. How could someone be named Gudazi? It’s so strange! Besides, saving the world seven times and destroying the world seven times… It’s terrible!” Bai Yingui couldn’t bear it. Zhu shuddered, “This is definitely a super scary guy! You can feel it just by listening to the sound, it is definitely a devil-level existence!”
“It’s not that exaggerated, right? It sounds like she should be a pretty cute girl… Speaking of which, it’s already quite late, I’m going to wash the dishes. Xiaogui, you should go take a shower first.” Baiyin Yuxing got upPut away the bowl.
Just as the Baiyin family was leisurely preparing to wash up, there was a lively discussion on the Internet.
Masuzu Ayukawa: Seriously, isn’t this kind of ability that ordinary people can’t see really exciting? I seem to be a substitute!
UMR: Me too! If only there were steel chain fingers, so I can carry my snacks with me!
I hate Baichongjian: Indeed, the stand-in not only looks handsome, but also has fancy abilities, which is very interesting… However, I really want to know a question, is it cursed if you hurt a frog?
Xia Shizi: Why do you say that? It’s not the frog prince. Besides, even if it is the frog prince, the frog is also on the cursed side. How can it have the ability to curse others?
Yumeno Diko: I understand what he means. I noticed it when I was watching the video. The first time Baiyin Miyuki conjured up a frog was to let the frog eat the bomb of Shinomiya Yuntaka, and the frog died… …and then Ai Hayasaka died.
Yumeno’s son: The second time Baiyin Yuxing conjured frogs was when he was fighting against Katz’s mosquitoes, he conjured a large number of frogs, bats, geckos, etc., and these animals were quickly killed after eating the mosquitoes. Katz’s cells were killed… Then, Shinomiya Kaguya, Ishigami Yu, and Shirogane Dior all died, and even after they were resurrected, everyone died again.
It’s just flammable water: scary, scary frogs! Never dare to eat frogs again!
True Eye of the Evil King: Heh heh heh, it seems that the power I used at the beginning overflowed, which gave the frog the power to curse.
Bean sprouts are super annoying: eh? Is Xie Wang Zhenyan also a very powerful person? Amazing.
True Eye of the Evil King: Of course, the True Eye of the Evil King is the strongest!
Chiba’s Fallen Saint Black Cat: There really are guys who claim to be the strongest when I’m not around. Don’t make people laugh out loud. If you want to say the strongest, it’s undoubtedly me.
Xiao Tongtong: Stupid, stupid! What stupid things are you talking about, you stupid cat! What if the evil king’s true eyes ask you to fight for the title of strongest? You are just a second child!
Dark Flame Envoy: Uh…don’t worry, this kind of thing won’t happen. Because, the evil king’s real eye…she is just a second disease.
Eri Kashiwagi: …
I won’t lose to Takagi-san again: Good guy, today I met two outstanding people, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Hina.
“Why can’t you do it?” Cheng Yang stayed in his hometown with a pensive expression on his face, and beside him was a one-to-one handicraft of Jonathan.
This hand-crafted figurine exudes a magnificent brilliance… That’s right, this whole body is a star-made sacred weapon!
This is why Cheng Yang wanted to add Jonathan to the video, and then added that Jonathan appeared in the Hall of Valor. He wanted to let the public have a preliminary impression of the Hall of Valor and the Hall of Valor, and then he can transform the heroic spirit first. The Jonathan out of it, after that, he can make a big deal out of Heroic Spirits!
Think about it, a group of people who have already died, no matter how 007 will never be exhausted, isn’t that the best wage earner?
Just thinking about it makes him so excited!
“Why did this come out without thought?” Cheng Yang looked at the will of the planet with an unhappy face, “Ah Xing, there is something wrong with this fantasy power, and the star-made sacred artifacts created are not bullet-proof.”
Planet Will seemed to have heard some stupid words, and said in silence for a while, “Do you think there is such a possibility that the star artifact refers to objects, not life.”
Cheng Yang thought, “Eh? Makes sense! But if this is the case, then my wage earner…ah bah, what about my heroic spirit? It can’t be done!”
Then he sighed again, this heroic spirit is not easy to deal with… He also thought about letting the will of the planet directly create life, and then create equipment with abilities similar to heroic spirits for them to wear. In this way, a fake Heroic Spirit is done.
Although it’s a pity that this kind of pseudo heroic spirit can’t help 007, but at least he can fight.
But it is a pity that this kind of thing cannot be done. According to A Xing, the life he just created, because it is the first generation of life, can be regarded as the direct descendant of the planet. The thoughts of the living beings share a common trend.
Therefore, the star-made sacred artifacts created from the thoughts of intelligent creatures on the current planet cannot be used by these first-generation life forms at all, and it will take at least a dozen generations to reproduce.
After they have multiplied to more than a dozen generations…the day lily is cold!
“Hey, my perfect 007 wage earner…Are you going to give up like this?” Cheng Yang was depressed for a while, and then he got up again, “No, I can’t just give up like this! Such a perfect wage earner, absolutely It can’t be gone!”
“Although it is possible to engage in the technique of heroic spirit possession, but after all, it can’t be done like this. 007, it’s still a bit worse!”
Seeing that Cheng Yang was about to fall into a daze, Planet Will tried to change the subject so that Cheng Yang could get out of the horns. The savior he hired with a lot of money is just so stupid, so isn’t his money wasted?
“By the way, Cheng Yang, why did you add a black silhouette in the end instead of showing her true face directly? Wouldn’t it be more handsome this way?” Then, Planet Will nodded as if he had guessed right, Don’t care how the ball nods!
“Hmm, it must be like this! Don’t look at me like this, I actually know a lot about human culture.”
“???” Cheng Yang was full of question marks, who did you learn this brain power from? Little Dee?
“What are you talking about, of course it’s because I haven’t figured out who the actor is yet.”
Will of the planet: “… I was careless.”
Chapter 122 Tsk, Useless Littlebreaking ball
However, being interrupted by the will of the planet, Cheng Yang broke away from his contemplation for a short time, “Don’t think about those things first, let’s get the double out first.”
“With this big wave of fantasy power coming in, we should be able to get a few more substitutes. Now is the time to call!”
After a few clicks, a bunch of stand-ins appeared on the field, namely Platinum Star, World, Golden Experience Requiem, Steel Chain Finger, Sexy Pistol, Hermit Purple, Aerosmith, and Melancholic Blues.
Feeling the empty fantasy power in his body, Cheng Yang nodded, “Well, it’s almost there, there is really not a drop left.”
As for transcending heaven… that thing is too out of the ordinary, it can’t be made directly! Can change all real doubles, so can’t even the will of the planet A Xing be changed?
Even Cheng Yang, Alaya, is working for Ah Xing. If the things he makes can surpass Ah Xing, there will be ghosts!
Unless, he is working for the star father, then there is still a possibility!
“Huh? Why did you build these doubles first?” Looking at the Platinum Star, the world, and the Golden Experience Requiem, Steel Chain Finger, and Planet Will, he didn’t have any objections, but he was a little strange when he saw the one coming out later. .
“Shouldn’t I use my fantasy power on a more powerful stand-in first? For example, Heaven’s Gate, Killer Queen, Crimson King or something?”
Cheng Yang raised his eyes and rolled his eyes at him, “Ah Xing, what do you think we do these things for?”
Hearing this, the will of the planet seemed a little dazed, and he said, “Of course it is to form a strong combat force and fight the enemies who will invade this planet in the future!”
“That’s right, you need heroes, so why do you make stand-ins for these villain bosses? I’m afraid it’s because the enemies haven’t arrived yet, and the human beings on your planet have already been made a mess by those villains. ”
“That’s right.” The will of the planet obviously realized this, and he felt a little lost. Such a strong double can’t be used, which makes him very insecure!
Then, the whole ball of the will of the planet suddenly lit up, probably similar to the light in front of his eyes, he said happily, “Then let’s create these doubles for others to use.”
As soon as he said this, Cheng Yang looked at him even more strangely, as if saying——Wow, everyone, come and see, there is a mental retardation here! .
This made Xingxing Will feel uncomfortable all over. He felt very uncomfortable, “Why are you looking at me like this? It’s like looking at a mentally retarded person.”
“Be confident, remove the word ‘like’, I’m looking at a mentally retarded.” Cheng Yang spread his hands helplessly, “Please, please think about it carefully, once we give these substitutes to others, it will be obvious Does it mean that our videos are not reliable? It will be troublesome to earn fantasy power in the future!”
“Oh, that’s it.” Planet Will didn’t care about Cheng Yang saying that he was mentally retarded. Anyway, he didn’t have a brain. Brainless = mentally retarded. There’s nothing wrong with it. They just told the truth.
But in a blink of an eye, the will of the planet found a blind spot, “No, if only Baiyin Yuxing and the others have a substitute, and the others don’t, won’t others also question the authenticity of our video?”
“Hey, I told you to think about it.” Cheng Yang explained helplessly, “In our video, this world was reshaped by the golden experience Requiem o Transcendent Paradise. Isn’t it reasonable to get rid of the villain’s stand-in by being shady? Everyone will automatically make up for such a trivial matter.”
“Oh, that’s amazing! As expected of the savior I hired with a lot of money! PIAPIAPIA!”
“I told you not to applaud with your mouth…” Cheng Yang’s head was full of black lines, this kind of voice is really easy to make people think wrong!
“Oh, then I won’t applaud…but I still have a question.” Planet Will quickly stopped his enthusiastic applause. Although he was very enthusiastic, he must also consider Mr. Savior’s mood.
“what is the problem?”
“Is it really impossible to create it? I don’t feel safe without more SSR!” Planet Will asked in a crying voice.
Hearing this voice, Cheng Yang seemed to have seen a little girl who looked like pear blossoms with rain. He quickly shook his head and took a deep breath. It was too dangerous! I’ve been single for a long time, even looking at a small broken ball feels pretty!
He let out a breath, and said helplessly, “Okay, okay, when my heroic spirit system is out, I will get out the heroic spirits of Sigong Yanan, Sigong Huangguang, and Sigong Yunying. It means that the parallel world did not go astray, but the hero who saved the world, and then give them the double, is that okay?”
“It’s fine, but when will your Heroic Spirit system come out?”
Cheng Yang: “…”
Can he say that he has no clue yet? Why can’t this cheating star artifact be a person!
Why can’t human beings be stars and make holy artifacts? Seeing this, he was so angry that he was trembling all over, his whole body was in cold sweat on a hot day, his hands and feet were cold, could this planet still recover? How should human beings live? This planet is full of oppression against human beings. When will human beings stand up? !
“???” Xingxing Will glanced around blankly, always feeling that someone was speaking ill of him.
“By the way, Ah Xing, can you create the Night Clan? You don’t need Katz’s level, it’s okay.” Cheng Yang chose Katz as the final boss, not only because he is a foreign race, but also because…he wanted to Let Ah Xing create the Night Clan as a kind of fire source, until the people like Baiyin Yuxing reach the full level of 100.
“EMMMMM…HonestlyWords, a little hanging ah. “The will of the planet seemed to be in a dilemma, “That Night Clan is too outrageous, not to mention eternal life, this can still be achieved with a little effort. ”
“But the rest seem to be able to turn themselves into stones and then recover. They can be digested directly just by touching food, they can compress the bones of the whole body to drill through a small gap, and they can hide from others. The inside of his body, it will turn to ashes when it is exposed to the sun… To be honest, I have never seen such an outrageous creature!”
“If you can’t reproduce this creature perfectly… In your words, it will deal a blow to the credibility of our video! Or, why don’t we make it?”
“Tsk, it’s really useless.” Cheng Yang curled his lips in disdain, “It seems that this time there is no way to start a kind of fire… We still have to improve their fighting level as we thought before!”
“However, before that, let’s throw out the substitute first.”
Chapter 123 Nan Wusan, what a fierce battle
The next day, when Yu Ishigami walked into the classroom, he felt that everyone in the classroom was looking at him.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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