“At the moment when the game field unfolded, it seemed that he felt the danger. The little boy covered his head and let out a strange roar. Afterwards, the Bengyuan virus in his body multiplied rapidly, and he directly turned into a huge monster.”
“Okay, the operation begins! “Tu Jian Bu has not been upgraded. According to what Poppy told her, only at LV1 can the Bengyuan virus be stripped from the patient’s body!”
“She directly summoned her own weapon, easily dodged the monster’s attack with an elegant posture, and then hit the monster’s head with a hammer!”
“”Roar! “The monster roared, and a large amount of distorted data flew out of the little boy, and then gathered together again, turning into a strange man with a green main body that looked a bit like a western dragon, and a long-haired monster behind him. with a spiked turtle back.”
“Muji Doma, who is familiar with the game, recognized it immediately, “This is Bowser? It’s the boss of Super Mario! “”
“”Roar! “Kuba roared again, and balls of flames spurted out as if they didn’t want money!”
“”hateful! “Seeing the overwhelming flames, Tu Jianbu cursed softly, then rolled on the spot to avoid the skill, but when she got up, she found that Kuba was no longer there.”
Chapter 134 Your body, I accept it
“” Actually ran away. “Tu Jianbu reluctantly took off the cassette, canceled the transformation, and also canceled the game field, “You look so brave, why are you so cowardly? “”
“”He actually ran away. There is no way to cure his illness. If the Bengyuan virus is not completely eliminated, the patient will always be in danger. “POPPY is also very uncomfortable. She didn’t expect that the enemy would run away before the fight started.”
“Suddenly, the door of the room was opened, and a middle-aged woman broke in. The nurse who stayed outside showed a tired expression.”
“Your hospital will do anything for money! Just wait, I will not only sue you, but also expose you to the media! “The middle-aged woman walked to her son angrily, trying to grab his hand, but… her hand went straight through.”
“”Eh? Yuki? What’s wrong with you, Yuki! “The middle-aged woman panicked all of a sudden, she kept trying to catch her son, but she couldn’t, as if her son was already a ghost!”
“Doctor, what’s wrong with my son, tell me quickly! “At this time, the middle-aged woman didn’t have that kind of arrogance anymore. She cried like a pear blossom and rained, and she grabbed the railing of the hospital bed and asked POPPY.”
“Although this disease is called game disease, it is different from the game disease you imagined! Let me simply explain that your son is now in a terminally ill state! If he is not healed soon…he will die! “”
“”! ! “The middle-aged woman almost couldn’t catch her breath, and she was about to faint here, but she still tried her best to maintain her consciousness, “Doctor, save my child, please, save my child!” He is so young! “”
“Tomabuki took a look at this child called Yuki, his body seemed to be getting thinner and thinner. In other words, this appearance only came after this woman came in!”
“Before, Poppy told her that if the patient’s psychological pressure is too great, it will lead to a decline in immunity, and then the virus will multiply rapidly, and the condition will naturally aggravate.”
“Now, after this woman came in, Yuuki’s body became thinner… In other words, his pressure came from his mother?”
“Ma’am, we’ll take care of your child’s illness. “Tu Jianbu hurriedly helped the middle-aged woman who was about to fall to the ground, and then sent her outside, “However, outsiders are not allowed to watch during the treatment, after all, doctors also need to stay focused! Please also wait in the rest area of ​​the hospital lobby. “”
“After seeing off the middle-aged woman, Doma Bumi went back to Yuki’s hospital bed, only to be surprised to find that his body has solidified again!”
“”It looks much better. Domabuki showed a smiling face, and moved closer to the little boy, “Yuuki, is that your name, right?”? “”
“”Um. “The little boy nodded, looking a little shy.”
“”Super Mario, speaking of which, I like playing this too! Do you usually play other games? “”
“Hearing Bumi Doma said that he also likes Super Mario, Yuki was obviously happier, but then he sank down again, “I didn’t play anything else, this is the only game in our family, and my dad secretly gave it to me. I bought it. “”
“”I bought it secretly…” Doma was stunned for a moment, and there was a little sympathy in his eyes, “Is your mother not allowing you to play? “”
“”Um. “Yong Shu nodded, “She wants me to be a pianist, and usually only allows me to play the piano… Only when Dad tries to hold Mom back, I can play secretly for a while. “”
“”why is it like this! How can you forcibly add your own ideas to your children! “POPPY became angry when he heard this.”
“What an annoying mother!” Yuuki Asuna seemed to think of her own mother, her face was very ugly.
“Ha…” Yukinoshita Yukino also sighed, with a lingering sadness on her brows, “Parents ignore their children’s wishes, it really happens everywhere.”
“Well, anyway, if mom isn’t here now, you can play with confidence and boldness for a while, right? Doma smiled and handed over the handheld device on his body, “It’s very fun.” “”
“”is it okay? “Yong Shu’s eyes lit up, and after seeing Doma bowed his head, he happily took over the handset, “Thank you, sister!” “”
“Seeing Yuki having fun, Domabu felt better. She looked at the time and said to POPPY, “POPPY, it’s getting late, I have to go back first, or my brother will be worried… If you find the whereabouts of the Bengyuan body, please notify me immediately, and I will come right away. “”
“Well, I know, bye. “POPPY waved to her.”
“After spending the night peacefully, Doma Bui just woke up and finished washing. He was happy that the patient’s condition did not deteriorate. Suddenly, he received a call from POPPY, “Hi, I’m Doma Bui. “”
“”The big thing is not good, Xiaobu, Yuki has been taken away! “”
“”what? “Tu Jianbu exclaimed, “What’s going on? Who took him! “”
“”It’s Yuki’s mother, she came over early this morning and saw Yuki playing a game, she was so angry that she smashed the game console! Maybe it’s because after playing the game, he felt much relieved. Yusuke’s body didn’t become thin this time, so his mother decided that yesterday’s situation was a trick played by our hospital, and she wanted to take Yuki away! “”
“”I remember you said that if the Bengyuan body grows up on a human body, then they will completely seize the host’s body when the host’s pressure reaches its peak! No good, Yuki will definitely be attacked! Buried in Doma hurriedly asked while changing his clothes, “Do you know where they are now?” “”
“”Yes, I will send you the real-time location right now. “”
“On the other side, Yuki’s mother is holding Yuki’s hand, dragging Yuki forward like something. After all, as an adult, her pace is much larger than that of a child. If you don’t deliberately slow down, Yuki Can’t keep up at all!”
“Not only that, but her chest was also heaving, obviously extremely angry, “I told you, don’t play games, don’t play games!” Look what you are doing! Your hands are meant to play the piano, not play games! If you do this again next time, you see I won’t beat you to death! “”
“Listening to my mother’s words, Yuki pursed his lips, feeling an unusual pain in his head.”
“After walking for about ten minutes, a weird figure similar to Bowser suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. This dragon glared fiercely at Yuki, “Hehehe, I found you! I will accept your body! “”
Chapter 135: Kamen Rider Brave
“”This, what is this! “Yongshu’s mother screamed, and wanted to pull Yongshu to escape, but her feet paralyzed, and she fell directly to the ground, “Help, is there anyone, help! “”
“”Hehehe. “Kuba slowly approached Yuuki with an increasingly frightened expression, and opened his mouth to burn a flame.”
“”Stop it! “At this time, a man came over, and he also wore a player driver around his waist.”
“Huh?” Mr. Arima, who was eating, looked at the video in a daze, “How could it be me? I’m obviously just a person who knows nothing but the piano.”
“No, I don’t even know how to play the piano anymore…” Arima Kosei’s expression became bitter, and the shadow of that year still lingered in his heart, so that he couldn’t play the piano at all now.
“Kamen Rider, it sounds good too, at least…better than the piano.”
“”Um? Kuba turned his head in doubt, “Who are you?” If you want to save your life, I advise you not to interfere! “”
“”As long as I don’t intervene to save my life? Put it the other way around, it should be that you can survive only if I don’t intervene. “Mr. Arima took out a cassette from his pocket and pressed it lightly.”
“”The godslayer who took the body of the goddess! Battle Goddess! “”
“” Transformation! “”
“With the sound of a mechanical sound, a big fat Kamen Rider with a white body appeared in front of everyone, and then he said to himself, “It seems that it has been stripped out, so this form is no longer needed , The level of surgery has increased! “”
“He flipped the player drive on his waist.”
“A light curtain appeared in front of him, and then covered him again, a large amount of armor exploded, turning into aSilver and white, blue and black knights. ”
“”In this way, it will be fine. “Kongsheng Arima summoned his own weapon – a sword, and pointed the blade at Kuba, “I want to wipe you out completely!” “”
“”Same guy as yesterday. “Kuba became angry when he saw this armored man. This time he doesn’t plan to run away! He wants to take Yuki’s body completely and make himself a perfect body!”
“Come out, my servant! “Kuba stretched out his hand, and countless miscellaneous fish emerged from his side, rushing towards the newly appeared Kamen Rider.”
“”Humph. “Mr. Arima snorted coldly, raised his sword and started fighting with these trash fish. In front of his sharp sword, these trash fish are no different from paper!”
“Seeing that his little brother was killed with a knife, Kuba was also very angry, “Damn it! Look at my trick! “”
“As soon as the words fell, balls of flames shot out from Kuba’s mouth. The terrifyingly high-temperature flames seemed to burn the air, and more than a dozen fireballs scattered in all directions, almost completely blocking the opponent’s progress. route!”
“As if seeing the opponent turned into ashes, the corner of Kuba’s mouth curled up into a smile, looking very ferocious.”
“However, Mr. Arima held a miscellaneous fish in one hand and directly used it as a shield to block a fireball. Then, the blade in his hand swung almost like an afterimage, smashing all the fireballs! ”
“”what? how so! “Kuba was stunned for a moment, and wanted to open his mouth again to spit out fireballs.”
“But Mr. Arima has already smashed a small cube on the side of the road at this time, and a coat of arms flew into his body, “Props are obtained, steel! “”
“Arima Kosei, who had his defense strengthened, directly faced the fireball and charged in front of Bowser, slashing his sword on the opponent’s head!”
“”Amazing! As soon as Doma Buichi came over, he saw Arima Kosei beating the Kuba monster violently, “Is this the new Kamen Rider?” “”
“Kamen Rider BRAVE! At this time, POPPY also rushed to the scene and began to explain, “It seems that the Kamen Rider that President Imamura mentioned is him. Appropriate! “”
“On the other side, Arima Kosei looked at Kuba who was hit by himself on the ground, took out the game cassette and inserted it into the weapon, “Decisive technique! Feiyan Sword! “”
“Then the blade in his hand flew swiftly, like a stream of light, and dozens of sword qi flew out, smashing the Bowser monster into pieces!”
“”Flying Swallow Sword? Could it be that this game cassette is a war girl…” Buried Doma was talking, and suddenly seemed to remember something, and hurriedly explained to Poppy, “Well, I don’t understand what Feiyan sword is! I have not played! Absolutely never played! Haven’t even heard of it! “”
Outside the video, a bunch of dead houses saw this scene, and they all showed expressions like “You understand it very well”.
“Xiaobu…what is the Goddess of War?” Doma Taihei looked at his sister with a scrutinizing gaze, and he instinctively felt that there might be something wrong with this game.
“That, I don’t know either.” Tu Jianbu stared at her innocent eyes with a blank face, she really didn’t know!
“Kongsei Arima took off the cassette tape around his waist, canceled the transformation, then walked up to Yuki and observed it, “It seems that there is no problem, the game disease has been completely cured. “”
“”That was the game sickness just now? “Yongshu’s mother still has lingering fears, the fear of facing unknown monsters and dying, whoever tries will know!”
“Suddenly, an angry flush appeared on her face, and she slapped Yuki’s face fiercely, “Idiot! Look what you have done! How many times have I told you, don’t play games, don’t play games! What about you? I knew I was secretly playing games with your dad! “”
“”It’s fine now, what kind of game disease is it! You know, you almost killed us both! From now on, you will remember to me, you are not allowed to play games! All your time must be spent learning the piano! “”
“Another slap sounded, but this time it wasn’t Yuuki who was slapped, but Arima-san who slapped this woman on the face!”
“The woman couldn’t believe that she was beaten, she covered her face in a daze, and Yuki, Domabuki, and Poppy were also dumbfounded.”
“At this time, the voice of Mr. Arima came out slowly, “Music is not such a simple thing! Don’t give me the banner of being good for the child and force him to learn music! This is just disgusting! “”
“Afterwards, the angry Arima put his hands in his pockets and left, leaving only the woman cursing like a shrew.”
“It was a great fight, Doma buried his heart and clapped his hands lightly, and then slipped away decisively with POPPY.”
Chapter 136: The opponent not only refused to surrender, but even ran away
“”I thought you’d help change that mother’s parenting style. Domabuki followed, and said with a business-like smile, “You seem very angry.”
“”I can’t control that kind of thing, people can change their minds so easily. Arima just shook his head indifferently, “I just simply can’t understand that woman.” “”
“”This, that’s it. “Tu Jianbu laughed a few times. She felt that if she continued to talk on this topic, she would be at the risk of stepping on a thunderbolt, so she didn’t care about it… because she also felt that it was impossible for that woman to persuade her with words.”
“There are always some people in this world who are addicted to their own world and never think about other people’sThoughts, even if this other person is her own son. Born into a family like that, she had no choice but to sympathize with the little boy. ”
Yui Hirasawa stuck out his tongue in a little fear, “It’s so scary, would anyone force their children to learn music to such an extent?”
She recalled the process of learning music. Every day, she chatted, drank tea, ate snacks, went shopping and so on… Didn’t she learn it well?
“Obviously learning music should be very simple and easy~”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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