“Tu Jianbu asked again, “By the way, what’s your name?” My name is Domabu, and I am also the Kamen Rider in CR, and we will be companions from now on. “”
“Mr. Arima glanced at her curiously. He didn’t seem to have thought that the other party was actually a Kamen Rider in CR. He thought that this little girl just came to talk to him after seeing him fighting, but he didn’t expect that she was actually a Kamen Rider. colleague.”
“” Mr. Arima. “”
“Hearing the other party’s rather indifferent tone, the corners of Doma’s mouth twitched. I always feel that this person is very difficult to get along with…”
“”Hehehe, now we have two doctors in CR. “Poppy, who also followed up, seemed very happy. Suddenly, she clapped her hands together and said, “By the way, shall we have dinner outside tonight?” After all, when new colleagues come to work, they also need to be welcomed. “”
“”Woo… POPPY, you didn’t seem to welcome me back then. “Doma looked over with a dissatisfied face, her face was full of sadness, she also wanted to eat another free meal… eh? It’s free, right?”
“”POPPY, there is no money for this dinner, right? “”
“”No, no, it can be reimbursed. “POPPY smiled and waved his hands, “Hehehe, let’s put your welcome at that time together tonight. I will fix the location in a while, and I will send you the location of the dinner later. “”
“”I won’t come tonight, you go…well, I’ll go to class first, goodbye. “When we got to the side of the road, Mr. Arima said something very bluntly, then got into a taxi and left.”
“”Hey, what’s the matter? “POPPY slumped down in sadness.”
“And Domabuki blinked, then suddenly realized, covered his face and yelled, “Ah, yes, I still have to go to class! I forgot! Bye, POPPY! “”
“After she finished speaking, she hurriedly ran away in one direction without waiting for a reply.”
“”Goodbye~” POPPY puffed up his cheeks and waved his hands weakly, like an empty-nester abandoned by his children.”
“The time soon came to the evening. After Buried Doma sent a message to his brother, he came to the address that POPPY sent her. It was a steak restaurant.”
“”It’s steak! “It was as if stars were twinkling in Tuma’s buried eyes. She wiped the corners of her mouth for fear of drooling.”
“”Hey, I heard that the steak in this restaurant is delicious, let’s eat more while it can be reimbursed. “POPPY has no intention of saving money for the boss of Fantasy Company, and even asked Xiaobu to eat more, and if he can’t finish eating, he will pack it up and take it away!”
“”Hey, then I’m not going to be polite…” Doma Bumi picked up the knife and fork with a smile, and when he was about to make a move, he suddenly froze, “Huh? “”
“She picked up the plate and inspected it carefully, and then searched around on the table, “Where is it? “”
“POPPY cut a piece of steak and put it into his own mouth, but saw that Domabu didn’t eat it, but was holding the plate as if he was looking for something, so he couldn’t help asking, “Xiaobu, what’s wrong with you? “”
“”My steak seems to be missing a part… just not so small. Tu Jianbu put down the plate blankly, “But I haven’t eaten yet.” “”
“”How could such a thing happen, did you forget to eat by yourself…””
“Before POPPY finished speaking, the two of them saw a weird person sneaking up on the table, trying to take away the remaining steak.”
“Buried in the earth: (两脸)”
「POPPY: (负丝)」
“”Hehehe~” The weirdo who got the remaining steak couldn’t help but let out a hehehe laugh, but when he was about to run away, he saw two pairs of eyes fixed on him. he.”
“The freak made a swallowing motion, then bit the steak, turned and ran.”
“Hey, stop for me! “Tu Jianbu never expected that the other party not only refused to surrender, but even dared to run away! She rushed out in a hurry.”
“Hey, wait a minute, baby. “POPPY also wants to catch up quickly, but the waiter next to them has already followed them, afraid that they are eating the overlord’s meal…”
“This can make POPPY so angry. I didn’t see your eyes so good when the weirdo was stealing food just now! When co-authoring has nothing to do with collecting money, you are blind monks. When it is related to collecting money, you are blind monks.” Everyone is Hawkeye, right?”
“No way, she could only write down the direction Bumi Doma was going after, and then went to pay.”
“Tu Jianbu, who was chasing the strange man all the way, was almost out of breath, but he could only eat dust behind the strange man, “How can this guy run so fast! “”
“In the end, she chased into a parking lot, but looking at the countless vehicles around her, she was a little confused, “Where did that guy go just now? “”
“”Damn it! My steak! “Just rememberHer steak was gone before she even took a bite, and she felt like her chest was about to explode! ”
“Suddenly, Tujian Bubu realized it. In fact, if it is reimbursed anyway, she doesn’t have to chase it out at all. Just keep going! It’s not her who gave the money anyway!”
“But this idea just turned around in her mind, and she shook her head and threw it out, “No, the point now is not the steak, but the collapse source body! “”
Chapter 137: Mother and Son
“” That Bengyuan body doesn’t look like it grew out of a computer, it must be a patient! It’s just that I don’t know if this patient has been swallowed? “Thinking of this, Tu Jianbu began to worry, “We must find this Bengyuan body quickly. “”
“But then, she heard a voice, a little girl’s voice, which sounded very immature and childish.”
“How did you get the meat in your mouth? “”
“”Stolen? Woo! You are so naughty! I told you to just wait for me a little longer. I managed to get some pocket money from my dad to buy you some food. “”
“Stolen meat? Hearing these words, Doma felt instinctively that the person this little girl was talking to was the weird guy who stole her steak before.”
“She quickly ran over following the sound, and saw a little girl about eight or nine years old holding a KFC bag, angrily preaching to the strange man, but the strange man did not attack her, but lowered his head, pitifully Let the little girl talk about her.”
“What’s going on, why didn’t this weirdo attack her? “Tu Jianbu was a little confused, but she still gritted her teeth and charged forward. Anyway, this is a weird person. Even if he doesn’t do it now, no one can guarantee that he will never do it!”
“”Get away from her!” “Tu Jianbu bumped away the strange man, and took the little girl aside.”
“Ah, it’s you. “The strange man recognized it immediately, this is the sufferer who stole the steak from him, “You actually followed…””
“”Big sister, is the meat you bought eaten by him? “The little girl who was hugged looked at Domabu with her big cute eyes, and then handed her the bag in her hand, “I’ll pay you this, don’t blame him, okay?” “”
“This attitude completely confused Doma, who was about to take out the player driver, she pointed at the strange man and said, “Aren’t you afraid of him? “”
“”Don’t be afraid. “The little girl shook her head, blinked her big cute eyes, then pulled the clothes buried in the soil and said, “Mom and Dad said that girls are going to have children, and he came out of me. My child… I didn’t teach him well. It was my fault for letting him steal something. I apologize to you, so don’t blame him, okay? “”
“I don’t know if it’s an illusion buried in the soil. When she heard these words, she seemed to see some maternal brilliance from the little girl’s face, and then she shook her head vigorously. It was an illusion! It was all an illusion! How can a little girl who is less than ten years old have motherhood! Isn’t this nonsense?!”
“Also, this isn’t her child! It’s a virus! The corner of Doma’s mouth twitched, feeling like his IQ had been pushed to the ground and ravaged crazily! What kind of parents are teaching their children nonsense!”
“She asked dumbfoundedly, “Little friend, tell my sister, did your parents say that he is your child?” “”
“No, I guessed it myself. “The little girl shook her head again, her face still a little panicked, “Besides, Mom and Dad also said that girls who give birth to babies before they are married are bad children, so I dare not tell Mom and Dad…””
“While talking, the little girl’s eyes gradually filled with tears, and she sobbed and said, “Woooooo…I’m not married yet…Woooooooo…I’m going to have a baby now, I’m Bad boy… woo woo woo woo…””
“Hearing the crying, Domabu felt that her head was getting bigger. She didn’t know how to explain to this little girl. This is not her child! She is not a bad child either!”
“But before she could organize her words, the weirdo next to her burst into tears, “Wow! ! ! Mom, I know I was wrong, I will never steal food again… Don’t be angry with me, don’t abandon me. “”
“Then, the little girl broke away from the hug buried in the earth, and hugged her son together. The mother and son cried happily.”
“This little guy is really stupid, he doesn’t even understand such trivial things, and he can’t give birth to a child for no reason!” Sakurano Kurimu put her hands on her hips, with a smug expression.
Her father looked at her with great interest, “So, do you understand?”
“I understand very well, okay?” Sakurano Kurimu seemed to be throwing her head up to the sky, “A girl can’t have a baby by herself, and she has to kiss a boy!”
“…” Her father’s expression froze for a moment, and then immediately became natural. He clapped his hands and praised his daughter, “Wow, you are indeed my daughter, you know so much.”
“of course!”
“”What’s the matter. “Tu Jianbu sighed speechlessly, saying that the mother and son seemed to have a deeper affection than the mother and son in the morning… No, she shook her head vigorously, this is not mother and son either!”
“Forget it, never mind. “I don’t plan to take care of Domabu. It seems that the relationship between mother and son is good. She’d better go back and eat steak.”
“”Little Buried! “POPPY also rushed over at this time. As soon as she came over, she saw the little girl and the weird man hugging and crying next to her. She couldn’t help but feel a little confused. Who is she? Where is she? She sawwhat? ”
“Here, what’s going on? “She pointed to the side and asked to be buried in the soil.”
“”It’s like this… blah blah blah…” Tu Jian spread his hands, then explained the matter, and finally said, “In short, it seems that they have a good relationship, that weird person doesn’t mean to be kind and filial , let’s just ignore it. “”
“After finishing speaking, she wanted to pull POPPY away, but she didn’t. She couldn’t help looking over, “POPPY? “”
“At this time, POPPY’s face was very ugly, “No… this is a virus, even if the virus itself has no intention of harming her, as long as it still exists in this girl’s body, the harm to this girl just won’t stop! One day, this girl will be devoured by him! “”
“What’s more, I said that as long as the host’s mental pressure reaches its peak, it will be immediately swallowed by the collapse virus, right? Can you guarantee that this girl will be happy forever in the future? Breaking up in a relationship, failing an exam, being blamed by your parents, not going well at work… There are many things that can cause mental stress. “”
“POPPY pursed his lips and looked at the little girl over there with a solemn expression, “The Bengyuan virus in her body is like a sword hanging over her head, if you don’t pay attention, it will kill her! “”
Chapter 138 What the hell are these eight days?
“”why is it like this. “It was only then that Doma Buried realized that his thoughts were too naive. Yes, this is a virus. Even if he simply exists in this girl’s body, it is a kind of virus to this girl. hurt!”
“”But…” Mimi Doma also pursed her lips and looked at the crying mother and child, feeling very uncomfortable. If she killed her child without authorization, the girl must be very uncomfortable, right?”
“Thinking of this, her tone inadvertently became a little irritated.” Then what should I do! “”
“POPPY gritted his teeth and pondered for a while and said, “In short, let’s find a way to contact her parents first. She may not understand the concept of death at such a young age. Let her parents make the decision for her. “”
“”we can only do this. “Tomama sighed and said, even if she thought about it with her feet, she could imagine what the parents of this girl were going to do.”
“After all, the life of a weirdo… Even if my daughter loves this weirdo as her own child, it is nothing more than an unimportant weirdo to them. How can such a weirdo compare to my daughter’s life? ”
“Buried in Doma’s mind, he walked up to the little girl with light steps, and asked softly, “Little friend, what’s your name? “”
“”Ayu, Shiraishi Ayu. “The little girl stopped crying when she heard the question, but she still twitched when she spoke.”
“”Ayu, what a nice name, my sister is called Doma Bui, and the sister here is called POPPY. “Tu Jianbu smiled softly, trying to make himself look gentle enough.”
“”Ayu, let me ask you, have you never brought your child home? “”
“Well, I dare not take him home. “Yayu nodded worriedly, then smiled and patted the shoulder of the strange man next to her, “By the way, his name is Xiaohong. Look at his red body, right?” “”
“This makes Doma Bui have to sigh, children are children, whether it is happiness or sadness, they come and go quickly.”
“”Yeah, it’s really Honghong, Xiaohong is also a very nice name. “”
“Hearing this, that weirdo also scratched his head, as if he was a little shy.”
“Then Doma buried and said with a smile, “It’s not good to go on like this. Look, how uncomfortable it is for your child to stay outside like this, and can’t eat or sleep well. Isn’t he just this time? Stealing my steak because there’s nothing to eat? “”
“So, shall we take him back to your house?” This POPPY sister and I will intercede for you, so that your parents will not blame you for being a bad boy, and maybe your child will be allowed to live at home. “”
“”Really? Ayu Shiraishi immediately looked at her expectantly, “Can I really bring Xiaohong home?” Mom and Dad really won’t be angry? “”
“Looking at Shiraishi Ayu’s clear eyes, Domabu suddenly felt a serious sense of guilt. She shook her head to get rid of that guilt, and then smiled a little stiffly, ” Well, really. “”
“Hey, do you want to kill this little red? Don’t!” Tu Jian cried while rolling on the ground, “Obviously such a cute weirdo.”
“You made your own decision, so don’t roll around here.” Doma Taihei looked at the snacks that had been rolled everywhere again, and couldn’t help but twitched his eyes a few times, and he had to clean up again in a while, “Besides That’s the only way to save that little girl’s life, right?”
“What decision did I make? I don’t have the slightest impression!”
“Maybe it’s the same as before, traveling through time and changing the past, or reshaping the world, so you don’t have any impression.” Doma Taihei said with a shrug.
“Emmmmmm… Brother, how many times do you think this planet under our feet has experienced this kind of thing?” Doma Buried couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.
“Uh, there should be at least ten times, right? Three videos so far, and there was a Gudazi who saved the world seven times in the Hall of Valor…” Doma Taihei’s face became strange, and they thisThere are too many disasters for this planet, right? But ordinary people like them don’t know anything!
“Dad, Mom, I’m back. “Ayu Shiraishi took Doma and the others back home.”
“Ayu, you’re back. Baishi’s father looked at the few people behind his daughter, and asked with some doubts, “Who are you?” “”
“At this time, he looked at Xiaohong, and he didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem. He thought it was a person wearing strange clothes.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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