“” That cassette can’t win! Didn’t I give you a new cassette? Only use that. “”
“”Palad? “Tu Jian Bu followed the sound and saw that Palad was sitting on the roof of the car not far away.”
“Seeing that she didn’t respond, Prallad urged again, “Use it, it’s a cassette that only you can use! “”
“Kohei Imamura also understood at this time, he shouted angrily, “Palade! You bastard! He actually stole my cassette without the permission of me, the game administrator! That cassette, and that player drive, I’m going to destroy them all! “”
“”Don’t think about it! ” Arima Gongsheng stopped him, and the GASHACON holy sword in his hand was chopped on Imamura Kohei’s wrist, “Doma, if you have a way, use it quickly! We can’t solve this guy’s immortality alone! “”
“”But this cassette…” Buried Doma was about to say that this cassette could not be used, but in a blink of an eye she remembered that the Almighty Brothers XX transfer cassette she was holding was also a pure black cassette that could not be used at first. ”
“”That’s right, I also used a cartridge without games for no reason… So, the reason why I can use this kind of cartridge is myself? “”
“Suddenly, a bright light flashed in her eyes, “I remembered, when I was young, I always conceived games by myself, and this Almighty Brothers XX cassette is just one of the games I imagined when I was young! The orange and teal hero duo…so, now this cartridge also requires me to create the game myself? “”
“Gritting her teeth, she took out the pure white cassette from her bosom and inserted it into the player drive again. However, just like last night, it didn’t work at all.”
“Move, move for me! “”
“But no matter how hard she pulled the lever on the player drive, the cassette didn’t respond at all, and even burst out a strong white light, knocking her to the ground!”
“Seeing this scene, Imamura Kohei, who was still angry just now, burst out laughing, “Palad, it seems that your calculations are empty! Hahahahaha! “”
“”Unable to use, how is this possible? “Tachibana Hilfenfort, who was flying in the sky, quickly stopped attacking and said, “Xiao Bu, think about it carefully, you are the first case of Bengyuan virus infection in the world. The origin of the cassette! You should have the power to make cassettes! “”
“At this time, Prallard also smiled and said, “Yes, that’s it. Because of knowing this, Doma Taihei was silenced!” Come on, UMR, show your strength! “”
“Tomama gritted his teeth, endured the pain of being backlashed by the cassette just now, and pulled the lever of the player driver again, “Come out, come out quickly! “”
“Hahahaha, stop dreaming, there is no such power at all! Miracles don’t happen twice! Kohei Imamura laughed wildly and stoppedTachibana Hilfenford in front of him was blown away, and Arima Kosei was entangled by a large number of Bengyuan body miscellaneous soldiers. Now he can go to the soil to bury him without any hindrance! ”
“Looking at Imamura Kohei who kept approaching him, the expression on Doma’s face became more and more anxious, and the movements of his hands became more and more flustered, but even so, the cassette still didn’t respond at all.”
“She wants to use the power of the horse charm on Imamura Kohei, but if she can’t control the other party, she may be dodged by him, and the power of this horse charm will be wasted! Imamura Kohei must be defeated first. !”
“However, this cassette can’t be used at all! If I can’t use this cassette, how can I defeat him! Could it be that, as Kohei Imamura said, I don’t have that kind of power at all? Doma I couldn’t help feeling pessimistic in my heart.”
“”It’s over, whether it’s that cassette or your player drive, I will completely destroy it! “Kohei Imamura raised the GASHACON bird-shaped bow in his hand, and two energy arrows shot out!”
“”what! ! Doma Buichi exclaimed, and quickly covered his face with his hands, but after waiting for a while, he didn’t feel the pain of being attacked.”
“She slowly opened her eyes, and saw Tachibana Hilfenford standing in front of her. Even though the knight slot was about to bottom out, Tachibana Hilfenford was not afraid, “Is this the power of level X? That’s how it feels! “”
“”It’s a good provocation, then I’ll give you the priority to deal with you! “Imamura Kohei is not angry either. He looks around and sees that they are all local chickens and dogs, and they are the first to sell their labels!”
“Tachibana Hilfenford fired two missiles, but Imamura Kohei used the GASHACON sparrow bow to cut them off. In the next moment, he almost teleported to Tachibana Hilfenford. Slash.”
“”Ugh! ! ! “Tachibana Hilfenford was cut and flew out, and the transformation was canceled immediately, with scars all over his body, “Xiao Bu, why can’t you transform? Is that all you have! Think about your elder brother, he has entrusted everything to you! “”
“The picture of his brother before his death seemed to appear in front of Doma Buried. At that time, Doma Taihei entrusted her with the player driver and said at the last moment of his life, “Xiao Bu, your fate is up to you to decide . “”
“”Ah, that’s right, the hope my brother entrusted to me must not let it go to waste! My fate is decided by myself! “The pupils buried in the soil turned blood red again, and the pink breath permeated her whole body, and then merged into that pure white cassette.”
“A brand new game, complete!”
One hundred and eighty eighth chapter full level with one knife, straight up to ninety-nine
“”Could it be that…” Kohei Imamura was so angry that his voice distorted on the spot, “Buried in the soil! How dare you create games in front of me, the game administrator! The second time, this is the second time! Oh no tired! “”
“The corner of Doma buried his mouth with an evil smile, and inserted that kind of cassette into the player drive, “MAX has a big transformation! “”
“”LEVELMAX! The highest level of powerful body! “”
“A huge reinforced armor appeared from above the sky. The face of EX-Aid was depicted on the chest of the armor. She kicked her legs and jumped into the armor. After putting on the armor, she fell heavily on the ground, splashing Make a layer of dust!”
“”Now, my level is the highest level, level ninety-nine! “”
“I thought that Imamura Kohei was enough to cheat, but the one who actually cheated hasn’t come out yet!” Wugeng Liuli was dumbfounded, why do you guys always have to cheat when playing games! Can you play the game seriously!
How on earth did you soar all the way from two tenth levels to ninety-nineth level!
Could this be the legendary full level of one knife, straight up to ninety-nine?
And Kiritani Kazuto nodded lightly, “It seems that this person has the essence of cheating, what he said is true, how can you play games without cheating? It’s very difficult.”
“At this time, Imamura Kohei has adjusted his mentality. Although he is facing the highest level of EX-AID, he doesn’t feel anything scary at all. As soon as he spreads his hands, a large number of Bengyuan body miscellaneous soldiers appear behind him. .”
“”No matter how high your level is, you can’t break through me who has an immortal body! “A large number of miscellaneous soldiers behind him merged together, and turned into a huge monster with a collapsed body!”
“The monster rushed in front of Domabuki, and punched her in the head. The huge force even made the sound of piercing through the air!”
“However, Tu Jianbu didn’t even move to dodge. He just punched hard, not to mention the scars on his body, and he didn’t even take a step back! Instead, it was the hand of this huge Bengyuan body, because of the backlash of this power And it broke right away!”
“”Eat my trick! “Toma buried the arm holding the huge Bengen body, and then the whole person spun like an electric fan, and finally threw the huge Bengen body towards Kohei Imamura!”
“Hoo hoo!”
“Accompanied by the whistling sound, the huge avalanche body flew past like a shell.”
“”what? Throwing out such a huge weirdo! “Kohei Imamura was taken aback, and he was hit before he could dodge!”
“The moment the giant avalanche hit Kohei Imamura, it exploded!”
“An explosion resounded through the sky, Imamura Kohei fell in the flames, but before a blink of an eye he got up again in the flames, “It’s useless! I am immortal! “”
“But what he said just nowAfter finishing speaking, Tu Jianbu, who rushed over, punched him flying. The huge force made him smash through several layers of walls, and finally embedded in a wall! ”
“”I am, Immortal… Woo! “”
“As soon as he came down from the wall, he was strangled by Domabu again, and then he just watched Domabu put a strange octagonal stone on his forehead.”
“What is this?! Unknown things always make people panic!”
“Kohei Imamura looked at this stone in panic. As the stone gradually emitted light, he actually saw the armor on his body disappearing!”
“In just a few seconds, the stone stopped glowing, and then turned into light spots and disappeared, but at the same time, the armor on Kohei Imamura also completely disappeared!”
“As Doma buried his neck, he collapsed on the ground, coughing non-stop, and the panic in his eyes couldn’t go away.”
“”Ahem… what did you do? What the hell did you do to me? ! “After feeling better, he hastily pressed the button on the faulty driver, trying to transform again, but no matter how he pressed it, it didn’t work!”
“”I used the prop just now to restore your body to a state where it was not affected by any external force. Of course, the antibodies including the collapse body in your body have also been cleared! Therefore, you who are not qualified can no longer transform! Kohei Imamura, although I don’t know what you’re planning, but that’s it! “”
“Buryu Doma also removed the cassette, and didn’t attack him again.”
“”what are you doing? Didn’t you always want to kill him to avenge your brother? Orange Hilfenford grabbed her collar and asked, “Are you trying to forgive him?” “”
“No, I will not forgive him! Tu Jianbu looked at the man kneeling on the ground with complicated emotions, “My hatred for him has not diminished until now!” I wish I could kill him all the time! But no! Before being an Avenger, I was a doctor! “”
“”Although I’m just a doctor who doesn’t understand any medical knowledge, I can’t wantonly take the lives of others! Otherwise, what is the difference between me and him! My brother would never want me to be like that! “”
“Then Domabuki glanced at the policeman who was coming here from a distance, “His crime will naturally be judged by the law!” Imamura Kohei, pay for your sins! “”
Tu Jianbu secretly glanced at his brother, “Brother, you won’t be angry if I didn’t avenge you?”
“How could it be? It’s better to say that I’m very happy.” Doma Taihei put his hand on his sister’s head with a smile on his face, “To be honest, I’m really afraid that you will do something terrible on impulse. Very good.”
“In order to avenge me, you have to risk your own life. That kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable! Compared to avenging me, I hope you can live a happy life. No matter what happens in the future, you must Remember that, you know?”
“Well, I got it.” Tumabu nodded, and then muttered in a low voice, “But Xiaobu also hopes that my brother can pay more attention to himself… I definitely don’t want you to die.”
Listening to the muttering in his sister’s mouth, Tuma Taiping smiled gently.
“Pay for sins? Kohei Imamura slowly clenched his hand on the ground into a fist, “No, that’s not right!” It is not I who committed the crime, but you! I am a god! My talents must be manifested! Anyone who dares to hinder me is a sin! “”
“He stood up, took off the faulty driver at his waist, and aimed it at the soil in front of him. That’s right, his faulty driver can be used as a weapon!”
“Now, pay for your sins! “”
Chapter 189 This Son Is So Scary
“Is this an addiction to claiming to be a god? How can you be a god when you open your mouth?” Fu Jinglu couldn’t help complaining. This kind of behavior reminded him of the time when he was young and ignorant, calling himself the Dark Flame Envoy.
At the beginning, when he was in junior high school, he was ignorant, and suffered from the second-year disease, which is very brain-dead in the eyes of the public. Although he is cured now, he has always regarded this as his dark history!
Unexpectedly, there are people who were not even the president of the company when they were not in junior high school, and they are still suffering from secondary illness!
This made him have an urge to laugh out loud… After all, it was hard to see a person with a more serious second disease than him before!
“Ah, no, no, no! This is the big villain boss anyway, and it’s such a serious scene, you can’t laugh.” He tried his best to hold back his smile, but the curvature of the corner of his mouth couldn’t come down.
His younger sister looked at him furiously and threateningly, what’s the matter, she’s having a second stroke again?
“But just as Kohei Imamura was about to shoot, Prallard showed up next to him, knocked him to the ground with a punch, and snatched his malfunctioning driver.”
“”Why hesitate, the end of the game is clearly in sight. “Palad patted the malfunctioning drive in his hand, “This guy calls himself a god, created our Bengyuan body, but only uses me as a pawn, don’t you think it’s too much? “”
“”This guy’s body and mind are already indistinguishable from death, so there is no need to keep his hand. The loser must be like the loser, ushering in his end, otherwise, the game will not be over. “”
“Palad took the dangerous zombie cassette from Kohei Imamura’s hand and inserted it into the faulty drive. Afterwards, the faulty drive released a large amount of Brongen virus, and these viruses flooded into Kohei Imamura’s body!”
“With such a large amount of Bengyuan virus, I am afraid that I will die on the spot before the operation is performed!”
“”No…I don’t want it! “Ko ImamuraPing also understood this, his body flickered non-stop, and his face was distorted crawling on the ground, “I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!””
“”Thanks to you all the time, Mr. Game Master. “Palad patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, “Kamen Rider Chronicle is mine now, hehehehe…””
“Looking at Palad who turned around and disappeared, Imamura Kohei roared incompetently and furiously, “Oh Nore! Palad! I am a god! My dream will never end! “”
“In his roar, his body turned into a pile of data and disappeared completely.”
“Good guy, I thought the final boss would be Kohei Imamura, but looking at it now, the final boss is my Bengyuan body!”
Buried in Doma shivered, “That Palad always has a smile in his hands, and he looks like a super villain who is proficient in calculations! It must be difficult to fight against her!”
“Well, from a general point of view, it is indeed the case!” Doma Taihei nodded, and then he glanced at Domabu with concern.
His sister can still take on the appearance of Palad until now, and I don’t know if Palad is still on her, if he is still… I don’t know what conspiracy that guy has!
“After more than ten days, POPPY was bored in the CR facility, and she was waiting for Bui Doma and others to arrive.”
“Although Kohei Imamura has already died of the game disease, and there should be no one deliberately spreading the Brongen virus, but the current game disease patients still have some from time to time.”
“Boom boom boom.”
“Suddenly there was a knock on the door of CR. POPPY looked over curiously. If they were buried in Doma, or the hospital staff, they shouldn’t need to knock?”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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