“”Come on. “”
“Although she didn’t know who it was, she ran over and opened the gate of CR. The one who appeared at the gate was a man in a white suit with a red rose in his mouth. He looked very stylish…a middle-aged fat man .”
“Hi, beautiful lady. The middle-aged fat man raised his eyebrows at POPPY, and without waiting for POPPY to ask, he handed over a business card, “This is my business card, please accept it. “”
“Ah, oh. “POPPY accepted the business card blankly, and then looked at the news on it, and jumped up in shock, “Hey! ! Are you the new president of Fantasy Games Company – Amanosaki Ren? ! “”
“Yes, it’s me! ” Amanosaki Ren wiped her hair, then took off the red rose in her mouth, and made a pose that looked handsome, but in fact matched with his greasy face, almost made POPPY spit out, “I The motto is, THE WHOLE WORLD ILOVEYOU! “”
“”a ha ha ha. “Although I feel a little disgusted, Poppy has received professional training anyway, and usually won’t spit it out!” She smiled dryly and said, “Then what’s the matter with the new president of Fanmen coming here?” “”
“”Oh, right! After all, CR was co-founded by Fantasy Game Company and the Ministry of Health. As the new president, you came here to check on the CR organization, right? “”
“Looking at POPPY’s appearance of guessing right, Ren Amanosaki smiled, “No! My goal is you, Ms. POPPY, I hope you can come and sing the theme song of the new game for our company! “”
“”Me, me? “POPPY pointed at himself blankly, “Why did you choose me? I still want to work in CR. “”
“”Hehehe, but compared to working in CR, singing must be more interesting, right? ” Amanosaki Ren put the red rose in his chest pocket and patted it lightly, “As you were born from music games, you must love singing. “”
“”But, but, suddenly I was asked to sing or something…” Although POPPY was a little moved, she was still timid. She still had a sense of responsibility, and she didn’t want to give up the job in CR.”
“”Don’t be shy, you have the power to charm the whole world! “Amanosaki Ren snapped his fingers lightly, and then a red heart appeared in Poppy’s eyes instantly, “You can do it, as the singer of Fantasy Company’s new game – Kamen Rider Chronicle!” “”
“POPPY froze like a puppet, and then jumped up happily, “Yeah! I will work hard! “”
“Seeing that he succeeded in hypnosis, Ren Amanosaki raised a smile in satisfaction, “That’s all right, come on, come back to your hometown with me – Fantasy Company. “”
Chapter 190 Kamen Rider Chronicle
“In a dark basement, Prallard waved the faulty drive lightly, a cloud of pitch-black smoke drifted out, and then gathered into a man—GRAPHITE!”
“”I’m alive? “GRAPHITE looked at his body, and looked at Palad happily, “It seems that everything is just like the puzzle you described. “”
“Hahaha, that’s exactly the case. I’m afraid Kohei Imamura would never have imagined that the complete Bengyuan body could be resurrected at any time. “Palad picked up a cassette with a smile on his face, “In this way, only the data of the last Bengyuan body is missing. “”
“”The last collapsed body is also coming.”Amanozaki Ren suddenly appeared at the door, he turned sideways, revealing POPPY standing outside.”
“At this time, POPPY can’t see what she used to be at all. The red hearts in her eyes clearly show that she is in a hypnotized state!”
“Hypnosis, this is really a good skill!” Sawamura Eriri’s hands were itchy just looking at it, and she really wanted to draw a notebook!
But in a blink of an eye, her high interest disappeared, “This man named Amanosaki Ren looks too greasy! I don’t have the desire to draw a book at all! Why isn’t he a handsome guy? This kind of hypnotic magic Falling into the hands of a greasy uncle is a waste of money!”
“But if you think about it carefully, if you are a handsome guy, it seems that you don’t need to be hypnotized…” Sawamura Eriri couldn’t help but fell into deep thought.
“Welcome back, Poppy. In this way, everyone is here! ’ Prallard smiled, took out a green cassette, and lightly pressed the button on it.”
“A light curtain unfolded, and then, GRAPHITE, POPPY, and Amanosaki Ren turned into a ball of data and flew into the light curtain.”
“At the same time, the green cassette in Prallard’s hand also suddenly appeared the screen that should be in the game.”
“”Kamen Rider Chronicle, this is the end! Games start! “”
“Sure enough, everything is in this guy’s calculations!” Tu Jianbu has now turned into an adult, and he dare not even maintain his child form. I’m afraid this is also in Palad’s calculations!
It’s terrifying to be able to calculate so far, Palad! This son must not stay!
“Where did POPPY go? Buried in Doma stayed in the CR boredly, looking at the game machine that Poppy usually stayed in from time to time, but the figure she was familiar with never appeared, “It’s been several days, and she hasn’t appeared yet. “”
“”I said, why is it so quiet recently? It turns out that she has disappeared. Mr. Arima looked at the book indifferently, and said casually, “I guess she went somewhere to play. After all, she also has her own life, so don’t worry too much about such trivial things.” “”
“”But, POPPY is not such an irresponsible person. “Buried in Doma still finds it strange, even if Poppy thinks she’s not too busy recently, she doesn’t need to stay here all the time, she should tell them, why did she disappear without saying a word?”
“Jingling, Lingling…”
“The emergency bell rang suddenly, and Bumi Doma quickly answered the call.”
“”There is a patient, it should not be too serious, I will go alone. “After hanging up the phone, Domabuki ran out in a hurry.”
“When she came to the designated location for the phone call, she saw a man about 20 years old sitting weakly on the ground, and there was a worker beside him. She stepped forward and asked, “Well, which one of you called the first aid? Telephone? “”
“”it’s me. “The worker raised his hand and said, “This person suddenly ran into the construction site, and then suddenly became very weak. I was afraid of accidents, so I called the emergency number, told the hospital about some general symptoms, and then transferred to your CR. up. By the way, what is CR? “”
“This is hard to explain. “Mu Tuma said vaguely, then put on the testing equipment, walked up to the man sitting on the ground, and started testing, “How do you feel now? Let me test you first. “”
“However, the patient’s condition that popped up from the testing instrument made Domabu feel a little at a loss, “How should I put it, it’s a little different from the previous symptoms…””
“At this time, the man who looked a little weak smiled rather shyly, “Sorry for the trouble, but I’m really fine, and I told this uncle worker before that I don’t need to report to the emergency room. “”
“Then, he stood up against the wall beside him, “Let’s not talk about it, in order not to be overtaken by other players, I have to chase the enemy. “”
“”Player? enemy? “Tu Jianbu was confused, but what made her even more confused was that the man in front of her took out a game cassette!”
“”Knights switch to cassettes? Why do you have this? ! “”
“”Hey hey. The man smiled complacently, “Is it envious?” It is currently on sale in limited quantities, and I was lucky enough to grab it. “”
“After speaking, he activated the cassette.”
“”KAMENRIDERCHRONICLE (Kamen Rider Chronicle)! “”
“Following a flash of bright light, the man transformed into a brown Kamen Rider with the aura of a mixed soldier, and then he yelled “I’m going to fuck” and ran out in one direction.”
“”Hey, wait a minute! “Domabu didn’t know what happened, so he quickly chased after him.”
“Doma Buried followed him all the way, and finally came to a remote street. When she saw clearly what happened on this street, she couldn’t help but froze in place.”
“Here, there are several identical brown miscellaneous soldiers Kamen Riders fighting with more than a dozen Benggen body miscellaneous soldiers! And the man who was followed by Domabu also summoned a sword and joined the battle. ”
“”The game patient and the Bengyuan body are fighting? What is this…” Tu Jianbu looked at all this blankly, his mind was like a mess, and he couldn’t figure out anything.”
“At this moment, another person with a game cassette came. He looked at the cassette in his hand curiously, and then pressed the button on the cassette, “Is this the one? “”
“The moment he pressed the button, a strong light burst out from the cassette, covering his body and transforming him into a brown miscellaneous Kamen Rider.”
“Oh, transformed! Amazing! “Although onlyTransformed into a miscellaneous soldier, but the man still seemed very excited, but after being excited, he was a little dazed, “However, how do you play this? Is there no tutorial for beginners?”
“As soon as he finished speaking, a pile of data gathered to form a human figure beside him, “Did you call me? “”
“Seeing this figure, Doma Buki couldn’t help but exclaimed, “POPPY? ! “”
Chapter 191 This game must be cheating
“Yes, my name is POPPY! He is the leader of this game, also known as the novice guide! “POPPY started to explain while jumping happily.”
“”In this game, the player will transform into a hero named RIDEPLAYER and fight against the Bengyuan body in the real world! The name of this game is ‘Kamen Rider Chronicle’! “”
“”This is the new era of gaming! The ultimate reality battle game where reality and virtuality merge! Kamen Rider Chronicles! First day of sale today! You are the one who can be a hero! At present, the playable equipment is limited, all players, please come and buy it quickly! “”
“The man who called the novice guide was dumbfounded,” he said he would be my novice guide, why did he suddenly advertise? “”
“However, POPPY did not listen to his complaints, and continued to explain, “There are thirteen Bengyuan bodies from elementary to advanced. After knocking down all the Bengyuan bodies and collecting the customs clearance certificate, the ultimate body that exists in this world The source of collapse, that is, the door to the final boss will open! “”
“It really sounds like a great game.” Kiritani Kazuto nodded slightly, but besides wanting to play this game, he felt more creepy!
That’s how Sword Art Online was advertised at the beginning. What a game beyond the times, what a symbol of a new era, anyway, how awesome it is!
The results of it? As soon as he entered the official server, he discovered…the logout button was gone!
Not only is the logout button gone, but you have to risk your life to fight! It’s just cheating!
Therefore, he is sure that this Kamen Rider Chronicle is also a cheater!
“Hey, Poppy, what are you talking about? ! “Bumi Doma was about to ask, but Poppy disappeared in a blink of an eye.”
“There is no way to ask POPPY, she can only transform immediately, and then go forward to stop these players, “Don’t get close to these collapsed bodies, it’s very dangerous! “”
“However, of course, no one listened to her, and one even pushed her, “Go away, don’t disturb us playing games!” “”
“”Why is this…” Doma looked at these people worriedly. These players are undoubtedly suffering from gaming disease. If they continue to play like this, it will be very dangerous!”
“At this moment, a Bengyuan body that is obviously different from the miscellaneous soldiers came out, and it looked like a BOSS at first glance.”
“”Since you don’t listen to persuasion, then I will take down this boss! Buried in the soil took a deep breath, took out the X-Turn Cassette, and said, “MAX has a big transformation!” “”
“”LEVELMAX! The highest level of powerful body! “”
“”The patient’s fate is changed by me! Watch me pass the level with my life! “After transforming, the thick soil buried like a giant took strong steps, almost one step at a time, directly smashed away the players and the Bengyuan body that blocked the road, and went straight to the BOSS-level Bengyuan body !”
“”Eh! Why is there such an exaggerated level guy! “The BOSS-level Bengyuan body almost lost his head in fright. He wanted to run away in a panic, but was punched in the head by Bubuyou!”
“A loud sound rang out, and a large amount of smoke and dust spread out. When the smoke and dust dispersed, I saw that the Boss-level Bengyuan body had been planted into the soil like a radish.”
“”ended! “Domabuki took out the GASHACON keyboard sword, and inserted the Ultimate Almighty X Game Cassette into the slot of the keyboard sword.”
“Pink energy is entwined on the GASHACON keyboard sword, and with the waving of the soil, the blade cuts out a huge shock wave, cutting this collapsed source body into a pile of fragmented data!”
“The players next to me were like a melon-eating crowd, watching Tu Jianbu show his power, and then canceled the transformation one after another, and scattered one by one bored.”
“”Ah, what is this… I haven’t killed a monster yet, but this guy has robbed the boss! “”
“That is to say, this guy’s strength is too terrifying! “”
“”How could there be such a player, wouldn’t it be a GM? “”
“”Just wait until the next BOSS appears. “”
“And Domabuki also quickly canceled the transformation at this time, and kept talking behind them, “Listen to me, this game is very dangerous, it will make you infected with game disease, don’t play any more! Hey, listen to me! “”
“Unfortunately, no one listened to her.”
“”Ha…” Looking at the players who had dispersed one after another, Mizuma sighed, and then went back to CR dejectedly. She planned to tell her two companions about the situation.”
“After talking about the situation with the two companions, the three of them agreed to go to Fantasy Game Company the next day to find out.”
“the next day.”
“Ren Amanosaki just got out of the car, and when he came to the fantasy game company building, he found three people blocking the door. He wiped his hair rather narcissistically, and thenThen he stepped forward, “Oh, these three should all be doctors in CR, what’s the point of coming here?”
“”Kamen Rider Chronicle should be a game designed by Kohei Imamura, why did you publish it? “Tachibana Hilfenford asked bluntly.”
“But Amanosaki Ren just smiled lightly, without any intention of answering, “Sorry, miss, this is a commercial secret. “”
“Then why is POPPY involved in this game. “Mr. Arima still had that cold look, looking very oppressive. “That guy is a collaborator of the Ministry of Health and our CR. It is impossible for him to help you voluntarily. What did you do to her?” “”
“How do you think I did anything to her? “Although Arima’s voice was so cold, Amanosaki Ren didn’t get angry, but just laughed, “It’s just that she is the image spokesperson for our company’s new game. Is there any problem?” “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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