“After finishing speaking, he wanted to leave, but he was stopped by Doma Buried, “Since you said you didn’t do anything, let’s meet with POPPY, as long as she is sure she is voluntary, we will not come again Bother you! “”
“Amanozaki Ren smiled softly again, “Sorry, miss, business confidentiality. “”
Chapter 192 On, blast him!
“Failed to find Poppy from Fantasy Game Company, Domabuki and the others had no choice but to disperse and went back to school. After all, they are still students.”
“After school, Doma was walking on the way to CR. Suddenly, she saw an acquaintance, one of the many Kamen Rider Chronicle players she met yesterday!”
“That person is trotting all the way with a game cassette, probably going to play games again!”
“Hey, wait, don’t play that game! Buried in Tujian shouted, and chased after him, but that man obviously ran much faster than her, no matter how fast she speeded up, she could only follow behind that man.”
“When she finally rushed over, a group of players were fighting with the Bengyuan body miscellaneous soldiers.”
“”You have to stop them, the boss of the collapse body, let me attack! “Tu Jianbu took out the Ultimate Almighty X cassette, level 99 must have a pressure of level 99! No matter how low the level of the enemy is, you must use the cassette of level 99 to crush! This This is the respect for the enemy!”
“However, what Bui Doma doesn’t know is that there are two other players who have completed their transformations and are hiding aside! After the two were robbed of the BOSS before, they thought Bui Doma would appear again next time. Since she dares to grab the boss, then they dare to grab the cassette!”
“At this moment, when Bumi Doma took out the cassette, the eyes of the two of them lit up. They looked at each other excitedly, and the opportunity came!”
“”This is ours! “”
“Two people jumped out on the spot, one grabbed the empty hand buried in the soil, and the other reached out to grab the cassette.”
“Hey, what are you doing? This cassette cannot be given to you! “Tu Jianbu was holding on to the cassette, but after all, she was no match for the two players who had transformed! The cassette in her hand was snatched away after only holding on for a few seconds!”
“The person who snatched the cassette hastily pressed the button on the cassette. Of course, he couldn’t transform into an extreme all-around player, he just summoned the Gashacon Destroyer.”
“However, even if it was just like this, he was already very excited. He happily rushed into the battlefield, “There are advanced weapons! Watch me kill! “”
“But the other person saw the card box buried in Tujian’s waist to hold game cassettes. There were several cassettes there. His eyes lit up, and he took all of them away while Tujian was not paying attention. , “Bring it you! “”
“This man used too much force, and even pushed the soil to the ground, but he didn’t care. In the eyes of people who are too addicted to the game, women? What is that? Women will only affect the speed of my game! ”
“”My cassette…” fell to the ground and buried in the soil, looking at everything in front of her in confusion. Without the cassette, she didn’t even know how to save these people.”
“This is probably the legendary self-inflicted evil.” Kirisaki Chitoge’s head was full of black lines. He had seen someone who wanted to die, but he had never seen someone who wanted to die like this!
Others are giving priority to protecting the nanny in team battles, but they are lucky, they snatched the nanny’s equipment first, so that the nanny couldn’t even go on the field!
She had never seen this operation before!
“Have you had fun, baby? Just when Doma was at a loss, Palad slowly walked over, “Welcome to the ultimate game world, Kamen Rider Chronicle!” I have been looking forward to this game for a long time, thanks to Kohei Imamura, it is because of him that this game can come out! “”
“”Palad…did you kill Kohei Imamura just because you wanted to take over the game? “Tu Jianbu looked at him viciously, she hates death, and she hates murderers even more!”
“Facing Domabu’s accusation, Palade felt no guilt, she just spread her hands with a smile on her face, “That’s right! Now that I think about it, Kohei Imamura is really pitiful. The game I worked so hard to make has just become my thing. “”
A certain UP owner on Perili Perili saw this scene and his eyes lit up, “Tsk tsk tsk, the things that have been made so hard have been robbed like this.Tauren? ”
And Kohei Imamura cried even more, “Ah, yes, yes, I am pitiful, can’t I be pitiful? Can you stop whipping my dead body?”
He just felt that he was already finished, and he should be able to be a little transparent in peace, why did he drag out and flog the corpse? Is there any humanity left!
“He smiled at Doma, and Prallad took his own cassette and walked into the battlefield happily, “Okay, let me enjoy this game too. “”
“” Transformation! “”
“When his game domain unfolded, the Bengyuan bodies on the scene turned into a bunch of data and disappeared.”
“Scraping each other with the Bengyuan body miscellaneous soldiers, the players who are happy to scrape are confused, what’s wrong? It can’t be that they all scraped to death at the same time, right?”
“Then, the two people who just snatched the cassette buried in Doma looked at the transformed Kamen Rider PARADOX, and jumped up excitedly in an instant, “It’s a special player with rare equipment! Everyone, we suspect that this special player is a special monster made by the game company. We can also use the cassette on his body! “”
“”Yes, yes, the two of us just snatched the cassette from a special player. Look at the weapons on ours, aren’t they more cool than yours? “”
“”Oh oh oh! There is such a good thing! “”
“”superior! Blast him! “”
“”As long as you have a blood bar, even if you are a god, we will kill you! “”
“The players trembled with excitement. In their view, this is equivalent to refreshing the world boss! And the drops are very rich!”
“That’s right, come on then. “Although he was regarded as the world boss, Palade seemed very happy. He raised his hands, and a large number of props appeared in front of him. Then, with the swing of his hands, they moved like a jigsaw puzzle, and finally synthesized three A prop flew into Palad’s body.”
“” Speed ​​up! Bounce Boost! Muscle! “”
“Facing these miscellaneous fish of at most one or two levels, Palad has no intention of keeping his hand, and getting started is a nirvana!”
“”Decisive skill! PERFECT CRITICAL COMBO! “”
“Palad turned into a beam of light, quickly shuttled among the crowd, and the powerful attack accurately hit every player!”
“All the players fell to the ground one after another, and their transformations were forcibly cancelled.”
Chapter 193 Life Only Once
“What a strong boss! “Although one of the players lost, he was not too discouraged. His face was full of fighting spirit. For a player like him, a temporary failure would only make his fighting spirit even higher! After all, the more difficult The more bosses there are, the more valuable they are for strategy!”
“Especially this kind of boss that will drop rare props, he will be even more excited when fighting!”
“Let me try again! “He took out his game cartridge, pressed the start button, and waited with great anticipation for his transformation.”
“However, the transforming device seems to be broken, and there is no response at all.”
“”Huh? “There was a puzzled expression on his face, and he pressed it a few more times, but there was still no response, but his body began to flicker!”
“”what’s up? What the hell is this doing? ! “He looked at the others in a panic, and found that all the players who were defeated by Kamen Rider PARADOX behaved the same way!”
“”Hi~ This is POPPY, the game leader! “POPPY suddenly appeared in front of everyone, the smile on his face was still extremely innocent, but the words he spoke were like the whispers of a devil!”
“”The players want to inquire about the current situation, right? Kamen Rider Chronicle is a game beyond the times, of course, even ZHAN’s punishment for defeat is beyond the times! If any player is defeated and causes a game over…then, this player will be completely wiped out! “”
“”Although this is just a game, it’s not a joke! There is no chance to renew your life, and you only have one life forever! So, all players, please be careful not to lose the battle~””
“”Ah, it seems to be too late, all players have already lost the battle now? Well, unfortunately, all of you… are going to die! “”
“Good guy, this is a familiar routine!” Kiritani Kazuto was completely paralyzed. If you guys develop games, you won’t be able to develop games unless you kill some people, right? What punishment beyond the times? The devil wants you to be punished for defeat beyond the era! Give me back to the punishment mode of the old game!
He said that this game is a scam, and now it seems that it is indeed a scam!
The so-called game is to let you game developers use fresh ideas or grand stories to make players happy, not to let you kill players!
And that sentence – although this is just a game, it is not a joke.
You people are all in collusion! Why do they even say the same thing!
Kiritani Kazuto’s hand holding the teacup trembled crazily, feeling uncomfortable all over, wouldn’t all game designers in the future do this?
Not only Kiritani Kazuto, but also countless teenagers with Internet addiction trembled and were scared! In the future, whoever dares to say anything about a game that transcends the times, they will definitely blow each other’s heads! Dogs don’t play any broken games!
“”Dead? “”
“No, I don’t want to die! “”
“”No! What are you doing! Isn’t this a game? “”
“”I don’t want to die yet! “”
“All the players are cryingGetting up, including throwing away the cassette, running outside and so on, at the last moment of their lives, they tried everything they could to survive! ”
“But it’s useless. In just a moment, they turned into a pile of data and disappeared completely.”
“”How about it, baby? Such an exciting game, there is no other game in the world, right? “Palad canceled the transformation, and the excited smile has not dissipated until now.”
“Looking at the cassettes of those dead players falling to the ground, Doma knelt down on the ground, clenched his fists tightly, his hands were scratched by the ground without knowing it, hot tears slipped down unconsciously, She clearly swore she would never see anyone die in front of her again, but she couldn’t even save these people.”
“Why do you do such a cruel thing? Why! “Buried in the soil seemed to feel no pain, he punched hard on the ground, and glared at Palad.”
“”why? If I had to say one reason, it would be unforgivable. The smile on Prallad’s face gradually disappeared, and she said softly, “For those human beings who think they are the greatest in the world, they can ask for any life in this world at will!” “”
“But don’t be so arrogant! Kamen Rider Chronicle is not a game where humans kill the Bengyuan body and attack the Bengyuan body. It’s a game where the Bengyuan body attacks human beings and causes them to perish! “”
“”Do not make jokes! I will not let you succeed! “Buddha Doma reached out to touch her waist, wanting to transform, but found nothing. Then she remembered that her cassette had been snatched away.”
“”Ha ha. Seeing the action buried in the soil, Palade chuckled twice, then picked up the player drive and a cassette from the ground, and threw them over, “As the party that was attacked in the game, enjoy it!” “”
“Ah, we humans are going to perish again, right?” Masamune Izumi looked at this scene with black lines all over his head. You villains don’t aim to destroy human beings, do you feel uncomfortable all over?
“Hey hey, great! This game is so popular right now! The daily limited game cartridges are all gone in a blink of an eye! “”
“A few days later, in the basement base of Bengyuan Body, POPPY excitedly watched the release of Fantasy Games, and then urged, “Can you speed up the progress of making the cassette? I want more players to experience this. What an awesome game! “”
“”Don’t worry, the manufacturing department is working overtime. With their overtime situation, they may be exhausted to death. “Ren Amanosaki is holding a small mirror, and with the other hand, she is fiddling with her hair with a small comb, with a very narcissistic smile on her face.”
“”The new president of Huanmeng is really talented, I must thank him! If it weren’t for him, how could Huanmeng’s new game sell so well? He turned around in a circle, took out a red rose, and kissed it, “Thank you, me!” “”
“POPPY curled his lips, ignoring this narcissistic guy, then put on a smile again, and turned his head to look at the computer, “Let me see what the outside world thinks about the new fantasy game, um, the Ministry of Health announced a ban on playing Kamen Rider Chronicle, and want to recycle game-related cassettes… huh? ! disabled? why is it like this! “”
“”Don’t make such a fuss, isn’t it just forbidden…to use? disabled? ! “Ren Amanosaki, who was still calm just now, jumped up, pulled POPPY away, and sat in front of the computer by herself.”
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Four It’s All About It
“”The action is too, too fast, right? Hateful Ministry of Health! “Just now, Amanosaki Ren, who was complacent and complacent, was panicked, “If no one plays the game, it’s meaningless. “”
“Well, it’s only natural. “Palad was not surprised, and still had a smile that everything was under control, “If they can’t even do this kind of thing, then this game of defeating humans is too simple. “”
“”Palad, you really aren’t worried at all, don’t you have any plans? “GRAPHITE raised his eyebrows and looked over curiously.”
“”Of course. “Palad looked at POPPY, “At this time, we have to rely on POPPY, the image spokesperson of our fantasy dream. “”
“”Eh, me? “POPPY pointed to himself and tilted his head.”
“The next day, Doma Buried was on his way to CR. Suddenly, the voice of POPPY came from the TV advertising on the side of the street.”
“”Hi~ players, I am the spokesperson of the brand new game that Phantasm Games has withdrawn——Kamen Rider Chronicle, and I am also the leader of this game, POPPY! “”
“”About our company’s game—Kamen Rider Chronicle, the Ministry of Health issued a notice of prohibition and recall yesterday, stating that when playing this game, once the battle is defeated, the player will die… Regarding this, the company does not Do not deny. “”
“”However, all of these are just temporary performance effects designed to allow players to enjoy the thrills and excitement, not the defects of the product itself! “”
“”As long as you defeat all the Bengyuan bodies, collect the proof of customs clearance, and defeat the ultimate Bengyuan body, which is the final BOSS, all players who fell into temporary death before will be resurrected! “”
“”Even if you are not good at studies and sports, even if you can’t handle work and interpersonal relationships well, it doesn’t matter! No matter what you look like, you have the qualifications to be a hero! As long as the level is continuously improved and all the collapsed bodies are conquered, all human beings can be saved! “”
“”This is—Kamen Rider Chronicle! chance to be a heroright now! The Kamen Rider Chronicle game cassette is now on sale, players please buy it quickly~””
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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