“Mr. Yukinoshita, Mr. Baiyin, you should be familiar with this place, right? Excuse me, what is this place, can you tell us?” Doma Taihei asked quite politely.
“…” Hikigu Hachiman was stunned for a moment before realizing that Mr. Yukinoshita was talking about him. That’s right, after all, Yukinoshita Hachiman is shown in the video, and he has nothing to do with Qigu Hachiman.
Just when he was in a daze, Baiyin Yuxing explained, “It seems that the Holy Master hasn’t shown up to tell you yet? You’re not mistaken, but in the video, he buried the earth twice. Holy Lord of Miss Help!”
“This space is a training space created by the Holy Lord. It is specially created for us to improve our combat experience! According to the Holy Lord, there will be extremely terrifying enemies coming in the future, so we need to improve ourselves as much as possible. combat power.”
“In this space, the flow of time is extremely fast compared to the outside world. A day passes in this space, and only a minute passes in the outside world. At the same time, the space is filled with healing breath, which can greatly increase the speed of our recovery from injuries.”
“Oh! One day has passed here, and only one minute has passed outside?! It’s great! It can be used to play games!” Mima Doma’s eyes lit up, and then the Parad in her body jumped out very excitedly, I clapped hands with her.
“Ahahaha.” Baiyin Yuxing laughed dryly twice. As expected of a genius player UMR, he really wants to play games all the time, but it’s a pity that he can’t play games here! After all, Yu Ishigami wanted to come in with the game at the beginning, but he couldn’t start it at all.
“Although it may hurt your heart to say it, I still want to tell you that apart from training combat skills, you can’t do other things in this space, not even reading books.”
“Hey, why is this…” Domabu and Palad withered in an instant.
Doma Taiping helplessly patted Domabu’s head, “Xiaobu, don’t make trouble, just listen to what he has to say!”
Afterwards, he smiled apologetically at Baiyin Yuxing, “I’m sorry, please continue.”
“No, it’s nothing.” Baiyin Yuxing also smiled indifferently, and then continued, “Of course, this space is not just for training, but also has some benefits. That is a holy space created by the Holy Lord. Crystal Summoning System.”
“Under this system, there will be training for one hour each day, training for three hours, fighting with your companions in the training ground and defeating him, these three daily tasks. After completion, you can get 1, 2, and 4 respectively Saint Quartz fragments, 7 Saint Quartz fragments can be synthesized into one Saint Quartz.”
“Three holy crystals can be drawn once, and ten consecutive draws can be drawn once, that is to say, thirty holy crystals can be drawn for eleven consecutive draws.”
“EMMMMM…” Buried in Doma fell into silence, what’s going on with the setting of this cheating card-drawing mobile game? She really came to save the world, right? Are you really not playing a large-scale card draw mobile game?
But Baiyin Yuxing didn’t notice the deep thinking buried in the soil, and continued to explain, “As for the rewards of the card pool, to be honest, it was a scam at the beginning, but it is much better now. There are life-extending pills in it, which can keep youth forever The spring water that stays here, the potion that can cure all diseases, the clothes that glow like game clothes, and all kinds of delicacies.”
“It’s all a hodgepodge.” Buried Doma finally couldn’t help complaining. The first few things are really great, but what about the delicious food and the fashion with special lighting effects? Moreover, she had a hunch that these two things were definitely the easiest to draw!
“Ahem, why don’t I show it to all the new friends.” Hikigu Hachiman cleared his throat, and his conscience was disturbed if he kept asking Shirogane Miyuki to explain.
Then he waved his hand lightly in front of everyone’s expectant eyes, and a large area of ​​colored particles was assembled and arranged in front of him, finally becoming a summoning interface.
He pressed the ten consecutive summons with ease, and in the next second, there was a flicker in the sky, and a total of eleven blue lights descended from the sky and landed in front of Hiki Valley Hachiman.
When the blue light dissipated, everyone finally saw the true appearance of these treasures, Mapo Tofu, it was Mapo Tofu! Eleven servings of mapo tofu!
“…” Hikigu Hachiman’s eyes were dull, as if he couldn’t control himself, he stretched out his hand, wanting to press Shilian again.
But Baiyin Yuxing quickly stopped him, “Stop it, Hachiman! The pond is full of mapo tofu!”
Later, everyone happily finished eating Mapo tofu…Except Qigu Hachiman.
Hikigaya Hachiman: Look, the world where I am the only one injured is complete.
Chapter 247 I don’t want you to think, I want me to think
After eating mapo tofu, looking at the devastated Hikigu Hachiman, Tujian Bui and others couldn’t bear it.
“Ah, that’s right!” Mimi Doma slapped his hands suddenly, and took Hikigaya Hachiman out of that sad state, and then changed the subject, “I think that when Senior Koto drew the card just now, he didn’t care at all. Without hesitation, have you been here for a long time, seniors, so you have a lot of Saint Quartz?”
“No, no, actually, we didn’t stay long.” Hikigu Hachiman shook his head, “First of all, I don’t have too many Saint Quartz, at most enough for two ten rounds, I just simply can’t save stones, I have The stone just wants to be pumped.”
“In addition, the methods of obtaining Saint Quartz that I just told you are just one of them. The other is to sign in. If you call the word “sign in” in your mind, a sign-in interface will appear in front of you. Every day you sign in, there will be a holy crystal. Crystals. For every seven consecutive days of signing in, five additional Saint Crystals will be given.”
“In addition, occasionally when some spaces are maintained, a wave of maintenance stones will be sent.” Hikigu Hachiman shrugged, “As the saying goes, getting rich depends on maintenance.”
“…” An expression of an old man in the subway looking at his mobile phone buried in the soil, this kind of visual sense of playing card-drawing mobile games is getting more and more serious! She is a little suspicious now, did the Lord work as a dog planner in a mobile game company?
“Then is this Saint Quartz Summoning System easy to ship?” Tachibana Hilfenford asked quickly, she wanted to know this question just now, she really wanted those good things!
But as soon as this question was asked, Shirogin Yuyuki, Hikigaya Hachiman and the others fell silent, and then Domabuki and others also fell silent. They probably, maybe, should have understood.
Then, everyone said almost in unison, “This is a stupid Saint Quartz call!”
“What’s the matter, is there something wrong with the Saint Quartz summoning system I created?” Just as the group complained, the Holy Lord played by Cheng Yang finally appeared on the stage.
“Uh, it’s nothing, nothing.” Hikigu Hachiman waved his hands again and again, this feeling of being heard behind someone’s back, really embarrassed him to the point of digging out three rooms and one living room!
“Uncle Holy Master, good afternoon!” Buried Doma in the video has talked about Holy Lord twice, so Buried Doma thought he was a little familiar with him, so he waved his hands and greeted him with a smile.
Although, they didn’t actually meet each other.
“We met again, buried in the earth. Seeing that you don’t have a trace of confusion now, did Biqigu and the others explain it to you? That’s good. I still have something to do, so I won’t spend more time explaining it to you. Cultivate well here. But even if you practice, you should relax and relax. Once you feel tired, go back and rest immediately.”
After finishing speaking, Cheng Yang immediately slipped away, just kidding, he just finished making a lot of things, and now he has to be busy making the next video, and then he is also busy playing games, he is very busy!
To be honest, if it wasn’t for improving the fighting ability of these SSRs, he really didn’t want to play the role of the Holy Lord, how tired he is, staying at home every day, with Ah Xing, is it not good to be a dead house like Yingbao? At first, it was a little fresh, but now, he has only played the Holy Master a few times, and he is obviously tired! so blue!
It’s just that, if these SSRs are gathered together like this, in addition to improving their combat effectiveness, they can also better organize everyone together when fighting against the invader army mentioned by the will of the planet. Therefore, even if he does not play the Holy Master, he has to play another role.
It’s really hard for him, a salty fish, to play the Holy Master! He is working so hard! Even he himself was moved by himself! Must reward myself for an extra hour of gaming today!
“Hey, is Uncle Holy Master so busy?” Tu Jianbu blinked, a little surprised, she thought that since Holy Master appeared here, it meant that he had not continued to suppress that monster?
“The Holy Master is indeed very busy. According to him, most of his power is suppressing that monster, and he is rarely distracted. What appears here is just a wisp of consciousness.” Shinomiya Kaguya said with a smile.
“Oh, is it the same as the phantom of the Holy Lord that appeared when he finally fused the Almighty Novel X cassette for me?” Tujian Bu nodded suddenly, and then said with a little worry, “Uncle Holy Lord is so tired. , won’t you be exhausted?”
“Ah Choo!” Cheng Yang, who was rewarding himself for playing games, sneezed, “Who’s talking about me? Ah Xing?”
“I don’t know.” Hikigu Hachiman’s expression became slightly serious, “We once proposed to help the Lord solve the problem, but he said that this is not something we can solve. Maybe, this is indeed a very powerful enemy. The only one we have All we can do is try to strengthen ourselves.”
“Since this is the case, let’s work hard to practice too!” Tuma Buried immediately became motivated, “I must quickly make my game skills stronger so that I can help Uncle Shengzhu! Such a powerful Enemy, you can’t let Uncle Shengzhu face it alone!”
Cheng Yang, who is playing a game: Er… ah, yes, yes, yes, yes, the enemy is very powerful!
“Alaya!” A Xing, the will of the planet, suddenly broke in, almost scaring off the game controller in Cheng Yang’s hand, “I’ve finished all the games you want!”
“Oh, that’s great!” Cheng Yang’s eyes lit up, “You can start to become a heroic spirit through these games!”
“Hehehe, that would be great! In this way, there will be more SSRs that can fight!” Ah Xing looked very excited.very happy.
Then Cheng Yang took out the computer with the first game installed, this is a game describing the journey of King Arthur, the main character is of course King Arthur. Heroic spirits, of course getting Artoria out is the top priority!
But just when he was about to infect the computer with the Bengyuan virus, his eyes suddenly narrowed. He saw what was displayed on the game icon, and there was no doubt that it was a man!
“A Xing, who is this man? Lancelot?”
“Huh?” A Xing still looked puzzled, “This is King Arthur’s game, of course the cover is King Arthur, how could it be Lancelot?”
“What?! How can Artoria be a man?”
“But King Arthur is a man, and his name is not Artoria.”
“I said her name is Arturia, so she’s called Arturia! I said she’s a girl, and she is a girl! I don’t want you to think, I want me to think!” Cheng Yang grabbed Ah Xing and shook wildly stand up.
“But, in this case, doesn’t it seem unreal?” Although he was shaken, Ah Xing’s voice did not pause at all, “Whether it is the real King Arthur on our planet, or the legend passed down The image of him is a man!”
Then, he said earnestly, “Jokes are not nonsense, and adaptations are not random compilations! If we do anything wrong, others will think that our video is fake, and then we will lose our imagination!”
“How could it not be received?” Cheng Yang snorted coldly, “Let me ask you, has anyone seen King Arthur in this day and age except you?”
“Er…that’s not true. I don’t have longevity species here. How could someone live so long.” Ah Xing froze for a moment, as if he had discovered a blind spot.
“That’s right!” Cheng Yang patted his thigh with his right hand, “Since no one knows, isn’t it up to us whether King Arthur is a man or a woman?”
“It’s true.” Ah Xing’s whole ball gradually revealed the light of wisdom, “Then I’ll modify the game and change him into a girl.”
Chapter 248 The virus is coming in~
He first created a few pirated Heroes, and then Cheng Yang threw them into the pirated Hall of Heroes that Ah Xing made a while ago.
Although the number of heroic spirits is a little less now, there will always be more in the future!
Moreover, Cheng Yang also asked Ah Xing to write such a setting in the game, that is, the heroic spirits will go out from time to time to perform the tasks of Alaya or the will of the planet, or go out to fight the Holy Grail War in response to the call.
With such a setting, he doesn’t have to worry that these heroic spirits will be surprised to see the Hall of Valor with only three or two big cats and kittens.
These heroic spirits will make up their own brains!
As for why not produce one or two hundred heroic spirits in one go, well… the cultivation of the collapse virus also takes time.
“Next, it’s time to invest in dog food. After all, surreal battles in reality can also harvest a wave of fantasy power. Last time Ah Xing couldn’t make the Night Clan, and I couldn’t afford to pay for dog food. Already! At least a hundred million is lost!”
Cheng Yang muttered to himself, holding a small group of Bengyuan virus in his hand, and slowly looking for the host of this group of Bengyuan virus.
He plans to find a social gangster. After all, it is still very painful when suffering from gaming disease. He really can’t bear it for ordinary people, but if it is a gangster, it will be fine! Anyway, it will definitely be cured, it’s just a pain, it won’t kill anyone!
Finally, he took a fancy to a little gangster. The range of activities of this little gangster was near Dojian Bui’s school, and it was easy for Tu Jianbu to find him.
“You bastard, the virus is coming in~”
“Hey!!!” Oboromotoka who was in the game hall couldn’t help shivering. He was a gangster who hung out around the school. He didn’t have a serious job. He only had a few friends who hung out with him, so he didn’t dare to go there. Blackmail large stores, because they are afraid of offending those relatively large gangsters.
I usually make a living by blackmailing the students in the school, and occasionally I can cheat a few JKs. Of course, he is not a pure social waste, he also has a part-time job! That is – Pachinko!
Pachinko is an extremely popular gambling item in their Sakura Country, and if he wins, he will be paid a salary! If you lose…continue to blackmail the students, anyway, they only pick those timid students, if you scare them a little, these students will not dare to speak.
However, just when he was playing Pachinko, he felt something shining into his body, but after he checked his body carefully, he didn’t feel anything unusual. After thinking about it, he felt that he was probably dazzled.
“Keep going!” Putting what happened just now behind him, he excitedly looked at the machine in front of him again. Whether he can get the salary depends on this wave!
But unfortunately, his salary today is still gone.
“Zhuo!” Momoko slapped on the machine angrily, then got up and planned to borrow some money from the students, counting the time, the school was almost over.
When he came to the school gate, the school happened to be over.
“That’s all.” After picking out a guy who seemed extremely weak, the Oboromotoka walked over with a grin on his face, “Yo, we meet again, I’m a little lacking recently… Ugh! Ohhhhhh! !!”
Before he finished speaking, he clutched his neck and knelt down on the ground in pain, “Help… ambulance, call for an ambulance…”
“What’s wrong with this man?”
“I don’t know, he knelt down suddenly, as if he was suffering, should we call an ambulance for him?”
“Come on, call an ambulance and ask for money! If it’s a classmate, it’s nothing, but this guy is a wanderer nearby.Punk, I don’t want to spend my money on him! ”
“That’s right, I was blackmailed by him for five thousand cherry blossom coins!”
“It’s still the gangster who blackmailed our students? I thought it was just a student without a school uniform, so he deserves it!”
People around were watching the fun, but no one came to help him. This is probably the so-called self-inflicted crime, right?
What kind of disease is this? It’s so uncomfortable, so painful…I…do I have to die like this?
Maybe it’s because people’s words are good when they are about to die. When he felt extremely painful and his vitality seemed to be passing away, he didn’t yell at the people around him who were dying. Instead, I recalled the days spent with my parents in my mind… I’m sorry, Dad, Mom, your son may have to leave you first.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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