“What’s going on?” Buried Doma and Ming Caicai Ebina walked to the school gate at this time, and seeing the crowd gathered, they couldn’t help being a little curious.
Just after she asked aloud, the gathered crowd suddenly burst into panic shouts, and then they all dispersed in a panic, revealing the figure inside.
It was a man lying on the ground, and a strange figure that looked like a ball.
“Hahahaha! I am Pachinko’s Bengyuan body, the little steel ball monster, and my level is fifty!” The little steel ball monster laughed wildly there, “I want to take this man’s body and become a complete existence!”
This Bengyuan body is quite crazy, but Cheng Yang, who is watching the screen, is really dumbfounded.
Didn’t he tamper with the Bengyuan body to make the Bengyuan body strong enough to appear on the stage? When it reaches level ninety-nine, it’s still a bit of a head start, but what a fart at level fifty! It is an insult to the invincible cassette that you can hold on to the invincible cassette for a second!
Could it be that the hands and feet he moved were not right? A bug?
Of course, there is no BUG in fact, but his setting is too vague. Obviously, the little steel ball monster has just reached level 50, and he already feels that he is strong enough, at least to the extent that he is invincible. It can be killed indiscriminately! Commonly known as, inflated!
“It’s the Bengen body!” Doma’s expression changed, and then he pushed Ebina, “Ebina, stay away first!”
Although I don’t know how the body collapsed, but it doesn’t matter, just do it and you’re done!
Then, a ball of data flew out of her body and turned into Palad. She looked very happy when she saw the collapsed body, “Xiao Bu, let’s play and see who can heal faster. This patient’s game sickness! MAX’s big transformation!”
“Not bad, then let’s compete! Let me pass the level with my life!” Afterwards, Doma buried and took out the game cassette, “HYPER Transformation!”
“Oh! Transformed, transformed!”
“Palad flew out of Xiaobu’s body! Pabao, my Pabao, she’s so cute! Especially when she’s being beaten and crying, she’s even cuter!”
“Huh? Something’s wrong with you!”
Following Doma Buried and Palad’s transformation, the crowd who had just dispersed in a panic gathered around and started taking pictures and videos by the way, preparing to post likes on Moments.
Chapter 249 Is This Restaurant Poisonous?
“Huh???” The little steel ball freak was immediately dumbfounded, and the two guys on the opposite side who were not easy to mess with at first glance made him a little weak. Maybe, he meant maybe, could he not beat the opponent?
impossible! No way! His little steel ball monster is invincible!
In the next second, he denied this possibility. How could he, an invincible little steel ball geek, lose to a golden guy with an axe? This guy with the ax looks like a woodcutter, what else is he doing with the axe?
Besides, facing his little steel ball monster, two of them played at the same time, what does that mean? This shows that the two people on the opposite side think that he is too powerful. In terms of fighting alone, neither of these two people is his opponent, so they can only play two against one!
“It’s a pity.” After figuring this out, the little steel ball monster was no longer afraid. Instead, he shook his head and felt a little pity. It would be great if there was one more person on the opposite side.
In the future, the world will say that in ancient times there were three heroes fighting Lu Bu, and today there are three heroes fighting steel balls! It’s so embarrassing to say that!
Just as he was thinking wildly, Domabuki kicked him on the head, kicking him to death!
Just like what Cheng Yang thought, it took only one second to kill him, and any extra second would be an insult to the invincible cassette.
Cheng Yang’s face was as black as coke, “Damn little steel ball monster, dare to play me! If you run to give away the head at level 50, isn’t that acting?! Hey, the role of the dog food book has not been played, but After all, it is still somewhat useful, at least you can harvest a wave of leeks and collect more fantasy power.”
He shook his head and said, “From now on, this book won’t be called dog food book, but leek book. It’s just for cutting leeks! It’s the training space to improve combat effectiveness!”
“You’re too fast, Xiaobu.” Before Palad could do anything, the matter was over, so he had no choice but to cancel the transformation.
“Hey, I’m sorry, Palad, I didn’t know he was so ungrateful.” Tu Jianbu said hey.
Palad rolled his eyes and flew back into Domabuki’s body, and then Domabuki greeted Ebi’s famous Caicai and wanted to go home.
“I’m alright? I’m alright!” But at this moment, OboromomokaBut the man knelt down towards the soil with ecstasy on his face, “Benefactor!”
“Huh?” Tu Jianbu was stunned for a moment, then moved aside, “Well, it’s no big deal, there’s no need to do this, get up quickly.”
“Benefactor! I used to be a jerk, that’s why no one is willing to help me when I have a game attack, only you, only you are willing to help me!” Oboro Taolu cried with tears in his eyes, “From now on In the future, I will reform myself and work hard! I will also return the money to the students who were blackmailed by me before!”
“The life saved by my benefactor, I will never let it go to waste again!” After speaking, he got up and ran, shouting while running, “Work, here I come! I love work!”
“…” Tu Jianbu blinked his eyes, with a dazed expression on his face, “Is there still such an effect in treating game disease?”
“It’s probably just that he’s come to his senses, right?” Domabu shuddered. If the treatment of gaming sickness really had such an effect, those company bosses would definitely infect the people in their company with gaming sickness in the first place!
I am the man who wants to become the king of the harem: I thought that the Bengyuan body should have been completely deleted, but I didn’t expect that not only Palad is still there, but also the Bengyuan body virus is still there, and even infected of patients. Great! This is so good!
I am the man who wants to become the king of the harem: I have already installed a hundred gigabytes of beautiful girl games on my computer, and now I am short of the Bengyuan virus. So, does anyone have the Bengyuan virus? I am willing to pay a lot of money to buy!
Xiaotongtong’s: same purchase! Sister…hehehe…my sister…hehehe…
Saori Bajina: I am also very interested in this virus, Mrs. Xiao Tongtong, if you have news about the virus, please don’t forget it!
Xiao Tongtong: Don’t worry, Saori, with the relationship between the two of us, I will definitely give you a share when I find it!
Kuri Gohan and Kameha Isao: I would like to know another thing, is the collapse virus simply not deleted, or was Kohei Imamura brought it out again?
I’m not a god, and I’m not a second child: what nonsense! Kohei Imamura is living a very good and peaceful life now, so how could he engage in the collapse virus again? Impossible, absolutely impossible! Besides, isn’t it said in the video? The Bengyuan virus is a mutated computer virus, and Imamura Kohei just used these viruses to develop a cassette.
Kuri Gohan and Kiba Isao: How do you know so well? Ah, wait, this ID… you must be the real person, right?
I’m not a god, and I’m not a second-degree disease: I’m not right! I’m just an ordinary person passing by!
Xia Chuan Zhenliang: This kind of reaction can be understood as a self-destruct, right?
The True Eye of the Evil King is the strongest: Well, my eyes have already seen it, and this is undoubtedly Kohei Imamura himself!
Undoubtedly, this time the dog food book still caused a lot of discussion, especially if you want to infect your computer with the Bengyuan virus and create a bunch of dead houses where lovely wives come out, you are looking for Bengyuan virus everywhere.
More than half a month later, when the discussion gradually died down, the corner of Cheng Yang’s mouth twitched, “The time has come! It’s time to cut another wave of leeks!”
On an ordinary weekend, the Hikigu family was invited by Yukinoshita’s mother to a restaurant for a dinner.
“Hachiman, come, come and sit with your two older sisters, and Komachi too.” Yukinoshita’s mother greeted with a light smile when she saw Hikigaya’s family enter the restaurant.
“Mom.” Hikigu Hachiman walked over, and sat obediently beside Yukinoshita Yukino. Now that he is no longer blushing because of such a trivial matter, his social skills have been upgraded!
Hikigaya Komachi also greeted everyone with a smile, and then sat next to his brother.
“Mr. Yukinoshita, Mrs. Yukinoshita, thank you for your invitation.” Hikigu’s father seemed a little embarrassed.
Although Yukinoshita’s family can’t be called a wealthy family, they can at least be called landlords and gentry. Yukinoshita’s father is the president of a construction company and a county councilor, and his mother is a member of the local guardian association.
If it wasn’t for his son Hikiya Hachiman’s honor, it would be absolutely impossible for ordinary working-class people like him to come into contact with the Yukinoshita family.
Just as the group started cooking happily, suddenly, the TV in the restaurant went black again.
Yukinoshita’s mother fell silent. The last time I was eating with Hayama’s family at this restaurant, the TV was turned off. This time again? This restaurant is toxic!
Chapter 250: The Pressure Comes to Yonoshita’s Side
“This is the movement that composes the legend of heroes. Seven masters, seven heroes from the past, present, and future, a total of fourteen people around the cup of omnipotence. Yes, this is only fourteen people A war, but a war capable of affecting the entire world!”
“She is the flower of the high mountains in the school, the Snow Queen. Even though she has been isolated and bullied by her classmates, she still has the belief of “absolute justice” and walks on the right path.”
“Even though her appearance is so indifferent, she is indeed a correct and gentle person.”
“But unfortunately, this world is neither correct nor gentle, and her path is destined to be full of difficulties.”
“”Perhaps, my wish was indeed borrowed, and it was just a longing at first. But even so… the wish for everyone to be happy is still beautiful! In the end, the desire rooted in my heart is the desire to completely subvert this hell! “”
“Its name is Yukinoshita Yukino!”
“Huh?!” Yukinoshita’s mother looked at the name in the video in surprise, and then stood up again.she! The sons and daughters taught are all saviors!
Now among her children, only Yukinoshita Yono has never been the savior of the world! She glanced at Yang Nai out of the corner of her eye, this eldest daughter who was both powerful and sensible in her eyes, now looks so dazzling to her!
There is no doubt that the pressure has come to Yukinoshita Yono’s side.
“…” Yukinoshita Yangnai closed his eyes, and shook his body violently, why did he feel disgusted?
But this feeling was thrown away by her in a blink of an eye, and she smiled and posted it to her younger sister Yukino, “As expected of Xiao Yukino, you are really amazing, my sister is proud of you~”
“Don’t be like this, sister.” Yukinoshita Yukino pushed away the elder sister who wanted to lean in a little uncomfortable, and then watched the video with a little joy. The purpose of her establishment of the service department is to “change the weak side of people” To achieve the purpose of “changing the world”, so as to make the world a better place.
Now it seems that although she failed to achieve this goal. But, she should have saved the world once, right?
“Well… In this case, there will be more stones that can be used to draw cards in the future.” Bikigu Hachiman immediately thought that Yukinoshita Yukino would definitely enter that training space. Definitely two people are faster!
Anyway, Yukinoshita Yukino is also his older sister, and the stones of the siblings are mixed together, there is nothing wrong with it!
“On a dark night, Yukinoshita Yukino and Sawagoe Hachiman walked on the bridge one after the other.”
“Huh? Wait a minute, Sawagoe Hachiman?!” Hikigu Hachiman had question marks all over his head, what is he, adopted again?
Yukinoshita’s mother was a little regretful, why wasn’t she adopted this time? She is dedicated to teaching the savior! Although the eldest daughter named Yukinoshita Yono was ineffective and did not save the world, there are two saviors among the three children, which is enough to show the gold content of her teaching ability!
If Hikigu Hachiman is still adopted by her this time, then she will definitely be a lore, and she will definitely be able to train Hachiman to be a savior again!
“My brother just changed his name again…” Hikigaya Komachi covered his mouth and smiled.
As for Biqigu’s father and Biqigu’s mother, their faces were as black as the bottom of a pot. Could it be that the two of them are cold again? Good guy, is it so dangerous to be the protagonist’s parents? !
“Sawagoe Hachiman followed behind Yukinoshita Yukino, from time to time he wanted to reach out his hand, but as if he was afraid of something, the hand that was stretched out was put down again in a blink of an eye.”
“Looking at the girl who was getting farther and farther away from him, Sawagoe Hachiman understood that if he couldn’t hold that girl’s hand, then he might not be able to hold it again.”
“So, he finally made up his mind, stepped forward quickly, and grabbed Yukinoshita Yukino’s hand.”
“”what! Yukinoshita Yukino let out a small exclamation, as if she didn’t expect him to be so bold. But unexpectedly, she didn’t refuse, but let Zegoshi Hachiman hold her hand, and then asked softly with her lips pursed. said, “Why…””
“Once you let go, you can’t hold on anymore. “Zawagoe Hachiman blushed. This strong sense of shame made him want to turn his head away, but he remained firm and forced himself to overcome his shame and put his eyes on her face.”
“”It’s really embarrassing to say such a thing, and now I feel so desperate to die. However, should I say that I want to take responsibility, or should I say that I want you to make me responsible… Maybe you don’t want to, but I want to continue to maintain a relationship with you, this is my personal wish. “”
“”Hoo…” Then, Sawagoe Hachiman put his hands on his chest, and took a long breath, as if the only way to calm him down, he said solemnly, “So, please give me the right to distort your life . “”
“”distortion? Yukinoshita Yukino seemed a little surprised, “What does this mean?” “”
“”If we are alone, then we will probably go to higher education, and then we will be unwilling to work and live an ordinary life. But if you have a relationship with the other party, you may start to take a long way, or stay where you are, this is the so-called change. Therefore, life will be slightly distorted. “”
“”Hehehe…” Yukinoshita Yukino Zhanyan let out a silver-like laugh, “You are twisted enough for saying that. Although, so do I. “”
“”In the future, it will be even more twisted. However, it is not fair to want to distort other people’s lives without betting on your own. I have almost no property, and all I can give is time, feelings, future, life and other unrealistic things. So, I give you my all, please let me twist your life. “”
“…” Yukinoshita Yukino stared blankly at the man in front of him who was almost proposing to her, and then gently leaned into his arms, “Please also leave your life to me. “”
“Pfft!!!” Hikigu Hachiman and Yukinoshita Yukino sprayed out almost at the same time, what is this all about!
Why is it such an explosive scene from the very beginning! Don’t make it look like it’s the finale!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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