And in this dress, it is extremely refreshing!
However, she should feel lucky. Cheng Yang still felt that Melt Lilith’s clothes were too revealing, and if he really wanted to release them intact, Yukino Yukino probably committed suicide on the spot, so when he was fantasizing about the plot, he copied a copy from the Internet again. A slightly cooler outfit.
Although it still makes Yukinoshita Yukino feel ashamed, it is still much better than the original piece of cloth by Melt Lilith!
“”Woo! ” Yuigahama Yui was pissed off by this defiant attitude, “What, your attitude! Let me ask you, you are indeed my follower, right? “”
“”Ha…what a boring question, don’t you feel the connection between us? “Archer ticked the corner of his mouth, and said with some sarcasm, “Still, just like a newborn bird will regard the first one it sees as its parents, you must also see the first one after the summoning ceremony. Heroic Spirit dares to regard him as his servantwho? “”
“Of course I can feel the connection between us! But what I want to ask is not that kind of thing, what I want to ask is, will you be my sword, obey my orders, and take the Holy Grail for me? “”
“”Ah, of course~ You just need to stay at home like a good baby, and I will solve all the enemies for you, and then get the Holy Grail. “Archer didn’t mention the matter of obeying orders at all, and set the strategy for the future on his own.”
“”What do you mean by that! Are you trying to say that I can only hold you back? “Yuhihama Yui’s eye sockets are moist from being stunned.”
“But ARCHER’s eyes widened slightly, and he said in surprise, “It’s amazing, you can understand my subtext, it seems that your rating should be slightly improved. “”
“Hmph~ You realize how awesome I am. “Yuhihama Yui proudly put her hands on her hips.”
“Then, she heard ARCHER say, “Let’s raise the evaluation from the lowest to the second last. “”
“”Hey! “Yubihama Yui’s eyes were like copper bells, and then he gritted his teeth and stared at her.”
“”A mere follower, how dare you underestimate me to such an extent! Let you see how awesome I am! “”
“Speaking, Yuigahama Yui raised his right hand, and the red tattoo on the back of his hand began to emit red light. ARCHER said in a little panic, “Wait, you don’t mean to use the Command Seal, do you? “”
“”That’s right, I want to use Command Seals! I declare with the command spell, ARCHER, from now on, you must not disobey my order! “The three command spells in Yuigahama Yui’s hand flashed red, and one of the command spells gradually dimmed until it completely lost its brilliance.”
“…” ARCHER looked blankly at her giving such a strange order, and then sighed heavily, “Ha… I really admire you! I said, do you really know what command spells are? “”
“Of course I know! It is a great magic that is given to the master by the Holy Grail and used to force the servants! “Yubihama Yui also recovered from the state of exasperation just now, and finally realized what stupid thing he did just now.”
“If the order like the one just now can take effect, then why give three Command Seals? Wouldn’t it be good to just give one? After thinking about this, her face turned a little rosy.”
“Forced order?” Sawamura Eriri’s eyes lit up again, she felt that she needed such powerful skills in her notebook!
“Write it down and write it down!” She opened her inspiration notepad, and wrote the setting of the command spell in it. Now she feels more and more that this video is a good thing, and she has already added so many sketchbooks to her. Inspiration!
“That’s right, and it’s a big magic with only three pieces! An overly vague order like yours won’t work at all, no one has ever used Command Seals like that! “Archer shook his head helplessly, as if lamenting that his master might be a fool.”
“”Generally, it is to force the servant to fight or flee. By the way, the effect of the command spell is not only that. For example, the master and the servant are in two different places. In this case, the command spell can be used The compulsory effect, let the servant appear in front of the master! “”
“”Command Seals are such a strategically valuable thing, but you wasted one so easily? ! “”
Chapter 254 Why doesn’t she know that she is sad?
“”Don’t scold, don’t scold…” Yuigahama Yui seemed to be about to cry, the person involved regretted it now, regretted it very much, the more he thought about it, the more he regretted it!”
“Looking at her appearance, ARCHER showed a rare gentle smile, “Don’t be so sad, it’s probably because your magic power is stronger, this command spell, which should have no effect at all, is still a little It works. “”
“”has an effect? Yubihama Yui’s eyes lit up, and then hurriedly asked, “What’s the effect?” “”
“”If I don’t obey your orders, my strength will probably drop by 1%, although that’s all. “Archer said with a chuckle, “However, after this incident, I realized that you are not an ordinary magician. I can raise your rating a little bit…””
“So, I won’t think you are holding me back anymore. Then, I will introduce myself again, I am ALTEREGO representing happiness, and I am here as an ARCHER, and it is your honor to conclude a contract with you here~””
“”glory? “Yuhihama Yui smiled wryly, feeling like she met an incredible heroic spirit. Was this heroic spirit really matched according to her personality?”
“Ah, by the way, you still haven’t told me what your real name is? ! “Yuhihama Yui suddenly reacted.”
“”Ah, speaking of it, I actually have a bit of amnesia, I can’t remember what my real name is at all~””
“”It’s clear that you are lying to me! “Yugahama Yui puffed up her cheeks and glared at ARCHER.”
“However, ARCHER ignored her anger at all, and turned into a light spot and disappeared in place at a leisurely pace.”
Seeing this, Miura Yuko felt more sympathetic to her good sister Yuhihama Yui, who had been robbed of her man by Yukinoshita Yukino, and after she decided to participate in the Holy Grail War, she summoned a girl who looked exactly like Yukinoshita Yukino Heroic Spirits!
Looking at this heroic spirit every day, what a psychological harm this is to Yui!
Not to mention the psychological trauma, even being called ARC by thisHER’s heroic spirits are bullying, so pitiful!
“Don’t be too sad, Yui, no matter what happens, you have to remember, we are still here!” Miura Yuiko looked at her worriedly, afraid that she would not be able to stand the stimulation and do something wrong.
“???” Yuigahama Yui, who was eating cake, slowly typed a few question marks, what happened? When was she sad, why didn’t she know?
Forget it, never mind, eat cake! So, she happily ate the cake again.
“In the early morning of the next day, Yuigahama Yui took ARCHER to the school. On the way, they met a strange male student who came out of the school.”
“”The school uniform on him is not from our school, so why did he walk out of our school? It’s impossible to go to the wrong school, right? Yuigahama Yui walked into the school muttering.”
“The moment she stepped into the school, a huge pressure hit her, as if walking into thick blood, every step she took, she had to make a huge effort! And mixed in the air The strong smell of blood made her nauseous from the bottom of her heart!”
“But the strange thing is that none of the classmates and teachers who came and went around thought it was strange! If you look carefully, you will find that there is a little laxity in their eyes. It is obvious that someone has tampered They can’t detect the intense discomfort!”
“”This is an enchantment, right? “”
“Shortly after she asked the question, ARCHER’s voice sounded in her ear, “Well, that’s right! It really surprised me that someone would target a whole school. This master who doesn’t know who it is is really ruthless. “”
“”What is the effect of this enchantment? “Yubihama Yui frowned and thought about it, but then she shook her head. She didn’t see the actual enchantment formation, so she couldn’t figure it out just by thinking about it!”
“”ARCHER, you leave for now, find a way to find this enchantment formation in the school, within today, I will remove this formation! “”
“”Are you serious? There was a little surprise in ARCHER’s voice, “You should know that during the Holy Grail War, it is very dangerous to leave your followers without permission!” After all, a weak Master is easier to deal with than a powerful Heroic Spirit! “”
“Yuhihama Yui was silent at first, and then smiled, “Don’t worry, I’m not a magician who can be dealt with so easily! If I encounter an enemy, I will find a way to survive! If it really can’t last, isn’t there still a Command Seal? “”
“…Hmph, forget it, I admit defeat, and I don’t know if it’s good to have you as the master. Then I’ll leave first, you have to protect yourself, I don’t want to leave the stage because of such a stupid reason as the Master being alone and being killed. “”
“As we talked, ARCHER’s voice became smaller and smaller, apparently he had gone far away.”
“Although she is a bit harsh, she is still very gentle in her heart. Yuigahama Yui showed a little smile on his face, and then the smile dimmed again, “It’s like Xiaoxue.” “”
“Why can she call me so affectionate…” Yukinoshita Yukino turned the teacup with some embarrassment.
Now she has just established the Ministry of Service not long ago, and after the establishment, Hikigu Hachiman has been drawn in, after all, she is her younger brother. The so-called younger brother is basically equivalent to free labor, no need for nothing!
Then, the two of them read books and drank tea in the service department, living a leisurely life like a pension… After all, they didn’t get famous, and they didn’t entrust them at all.
Of course, Yuigahama Yui hasn’t come yet, and Yukinoshita Yukino naturally doesn’t know her yet.
But seeing Yubihama Yui calling her name so kindly always made her feel a little flustered. Although the content of the video is now magical, she still hasn’t forgotten the previous love triangle! It should, probably, maybe it wasn’t her who took love with a knife, right?
“After school in the afternoon, Yukinoshita Yukino, like every girl who fell in love, walked into the club room with a sweet smile on her face.”
“Seeing the empty club room, she was a little disappointed, but she cheered up in a blink of an eye, “Hachiman’s classroom is farther away from here, didn’t you always come a few minutes late before?” Just wait a little while. “”
“She sat on the seat full of anticipation, and then started to boil water, ready to brew black tea when Sawagoe Hachiman arrived in the club room.”
“After boiling the water, she turned around and saw three chairs in the department room.”
“Yeah, there were originally three people in this service department… This fact made Yukinoshita Yukino feel depressed, “Yuki, will you come back again? “”
Chapter 255: The Blue Tights on the Roof
“Yukigahama Yui, whom Yukinoshita Yukino is thinking about, is following ARCHER to the roof of a teaching building.”
“The moment she saw the enchantment formation, Yuigahama Yui fell silent. She has already understood the function of this formation.”
“When this formation is full of power and activated, everyone in the whole school will gradually melt like a lump of lard in a hot pot until it turns into a pool of blood!”
“And these dead people, their flesh and soul will be collected by this barrier… and become the magic power of the heroic spirit who planted this barrier!”
“This enchantment is too scary…” Saikiza Yoshiki was trembling with fright, his fat body almost turned into a puddle of oil!
Others turned into blood, but he turned into a ball of oil… This is really a sad story.
“But don’t worry, I’m the swordsman general Ashikaga YoshikiAs a reincarnated body, this little barrier won’t hurt me at all! “Although he was still trembling, he still played the second grade as usual, and even gradually stopped the trembling of his body by this.
“”ARCHER, are all your heroic spirits like this? “Yuhihama Yui asked in a deep voice, no emotion could be heard in his tone.”
“Well, heroic spirits are similar to spirit bodies after all, just like you humans need to eat meat to replenish the energy needed for activities. If the heroic spirit wants to replenish energy, the human soul is indeed an excellent choice. “”
“Hearing this answer, Yuihama Yui’s face became even more gloomy, “Isn’t it enough to have the magic power provided by the Master? “”
“”This is the Holy Grail War after all, it’s war! Just like when the two countries are at war, no one will feel that their missiles are enough, and the heroic spirit is the same. The more magic power, the higher the chance of winning. “”
“”Phew… ARCHER, don’t use this method! “Yuhihama Yui let out a long breath, his tone full of firmness.”
“…Hmph, what a pedantic guy, but don’t worry, since I’ve made a contract with you, I won’t go against your wishes. “Although these words seem to be complaining about Yuihama Yui’s decision, ARCHER’s voice sounds a little happy. Obviously, she is not willing to use this method.”
“Hearing this reply, Yuigahama Yui finally smiled, “ARCHER, destroy this enchantment. “”
“”Hey? Want to destroy it? Come on, it’s rare to have such an interesting thing, wouldn’t it be too wasteful to destroy it? “”
“The sudden voice made Yuigahama Yui instantly alert. She looked at the speaker. It was a man in blue tights and carrying a scarlet magic gun.”
“Looking at the man’s unusual attire, she frowned slightly, “Did you set up this enchantment?” “”
“Hehe, how is it possible, I just came to check the situation on the order of the master. Then I ran into you accidentally… But since we met, it really doesn’t make sense if we don’t have a fight, right? “The man’s calm face just now became ferocious in an instant, “Right, the little girl over there?” “”
“Yuhihama Yui is keenly aware that this man’s eyes are looking at ARCHER! This guy can see spirits who have transformed into spirits! In other words, he is also a hero! And, if he is holding a gun, it is Call it Lancer!”
“What should I do? ARCHER is an archer job. The roof is too narrow, and there is no way to keep a distance. As an archer, once you are shot in the face by a spearman, you will undoubtedly lose your advantage! She is in the mind I was brainstorming wildly, and finally decided to pay attention, I must rush to a place with a wide view!”
“But before she had time to act, Lancer had already appeared by her side with a gun in hand!”
“”Sigh your misfortune in hell! “The scarlet spear in Lancer’s hand erupted with terrifying magic fluctuations. There is no doubt that if she is stabbed by this blow, she has absolutely no chance of surviving!”
“”Take it easy! Adjust gravity! “The more critical the crisis, the more calm Yuighama Yui became. As she chanted the spell, her legs showed a series of magic circuits.”
“Afterwards, under the guidance of magic, even an ordinary person like her exploded with terrifying speed, and even avoided the attack of the heroic spirit Lancer!”
“However, Lancer is not a character who misses a single hit. He has fled thousands of miles away. He quickly adjusted his posture, and the spear in his hand was about to be swung again.”
“Only this time, his spear was stopped!”
“Afterwards, ARCHER gradually revealed his figure, “Don’t pretend that I don’t exist, if you want to talk about fighting, I like it the most! “”
“As he spoke, ARCHER’s face showed a smile full of fighting spirit, “I will cut you into pieces and turn you into ㄠ! “”
“”Huh? She is obviously a little girl, but what she said is really scary! However, I don’t hate it. “LANCER raised his eyebrows, looking a little happy. He is an LSP, and he likes beautiful girls so much! Otherwise, he wouldn’t have come out to strike up a conversation the first time he saw Yuihama Yui.”
“There is no doubt that ARCHER is also a top-notch beautiful girl, which makes LANCER very excited! Especially for beautiful girls who like to fight, he is even more happy!”
“It’s actually an LSP… no wonder you’re wearing tights.” Yukinoshita Yoshino complained, then poked her sister’s arm with a smile, “Xiao Yukino, you must be careful not to be taken over by this guy when you are fighting It’s cheap~”
Yukinoshita Yukino’s face darkened, “I said it wasn’t me! And in the video, didn’t she also deny it?!”
Although she was very ashamed to see a girl who looked exactly like herself fighting in that kind of clothes, but it wasn’t her after all! That’s right, that’s not her!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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