“”Humph! It’s a pity, I hate a frivolous man like you the most! “Archer snorted coldly, then slid the spikes under his feet, jumping up and down on the field as if dancing ballet.”
“Knees, feet, a total of four spikes, as she danced, constantly stabbing at Lancer. ”
“Ding ding ding!”
“Following the sound of gold and iron knocking, Lancer blocked all her attacks, but his face became more and more ugly. This woman’s speed is even faster than him!”
Chapter 256 This is my brother’s tsundere disease
“”It’s so close to the battle? “Yuhihama Yui’s expression was very strange, although she had already had a hunch when she first saw the four spikes on ARCHER’s body, these spikes were her weapons.”
“But what she thought at first was that these spikes were just a part of ARCHER’s weapon! But now it seems that her ARCHER doesn’t need a bow at all, it all depends on these four spikes!”
“”What kind of archer is this? “Yuhihama Yui complained in a low voice, feeling that the world view has begun to collapse. Fortunately, she just planned to find an open place to make room for ARCHER. Now it seems that there is no need for it at all!”
“Following a dull voice, ARCHER and LANCER separated briefly, but they were still wary of each other.”
“”I heard the little girl over there call you ARCHER, right? Are you really ARCHER? So far, I haven’t seen at all that you intend to take out your bow. “”
“Facing Lancer’s question, ARCHER just smiled coldly, “Which archer in this world knows how to use a bow? “”
“What kind of violent talk is this…” Shinomiya Kaguya’s face was dark. She quite liked archery. Originally, she saw that this was an ARCHER job agency, but she still had some expectations. Existence, what kind of archery skills can be used.
As a result, not only did this guy not take out his bow, but he also said, how can an archer use a bow? !
Isn’t this pure nonsense? !
Then what should she be called who uses a bow? Swordsman?
“”Ha ha! I don’t think your job description is ARCHER at all, is it? Lancer showed a wise smile, as if he had seen through everything, “Although your strength is far inferior to mine, your speed is faster than mine!” More importantly, I have never heard of a fighting style like dancing. Where did you come from? ! “”
“”Hmph, who knows~” ARCHER just snorted coldly, not intending to answer at all.”
“Seeing that she didn’t intend to answer, Lancer didn’t mean to press the question. Instead, he raised his spear and made a strange pose. “Actually, I just ran over to check the situation. The seven masters of the Holy Grail War There is still one place left, that is to say, the Holy Grail War has not really started yet. “”
“So, there’s no need for us to have to live and die, right? How is it over? Then let’s pretend that we haven’t met each other, and go back to our respective homes. “”
“” Anyway, sooner or later, the winner will be decided, isn’t it? Judging by your appearance, you are planning to activate the Noble Phantasm, right? Come on then! “Archer doesn’t intend to end this at all.”
“If that’s the case, then don’t blame me! “LANCER’s eyes widened suddenly, almost rounding them, fully explaining what it means to be wide-eyed with anger, and the spear in his hand burst out with a terrifying magic power that is as real as it is!”
“That terrifying wave of magic power made Yuihama Yui feel that it was difficult to breathe. At this moment, it seemed that the air was trembling! The sky was roaring!”
“That’s the Noble Phantasm…” Yuigahama Yui’s eyes showed a little horror, she just knew that the Noble Phantasm is the existence praised by the heroic spirit in the legend, it is the ultimate armament of the servants, a miracle of materialization! ”
“But she doesn’t know that the Noble Phantasm is such a terrifying thing! Just the aura it emits gives her the illusion that she is about to die!”
“Can ARCHER block this move? Yuigahama Yui’s eyes are slightly worried.”
“”Hey…” After waiting in the department room for a long time, Yukinoshita Yukino, who couldn’t wait to come to Sawagoe Hachiman, sighed countless times. She took out her mobile phone and called again. But, it was the same as before , the phone could not be connected.”
“Hachiman, where did you go? “”
“Obviously she just confessed her love to the other party, but she lost the news of Sawagoe Hachiman just the next day, which made her feel very uncomfortable.”
“However, she doesn’t believe that Hachiman will abandon her. Rather than saying that she is worried about this kind of problem, it is better to say that she is worried about Hachiman’s safety.”
“”Go to his classroom and have a look! “After checking the time again, she finally couldn’t wait any longer. Before leaving the club room, she left a note on the table, in case Sawagoe Hachiman came over when she went out.”
“When she walked to Sawagoe Hachiman’s classroom, sure enough, the classroom was closed, which means that there is no one in this classroom!”
“”Where the hell is it? “Just when she was feeling confused, she suddenly heard a burst of strange sounds, like the sound of gold and iron clashing?”
“”This voice… is it from the roof of the building? Will it be Hachiman? “Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes lit up. Although there is no evidence, her current state of mind has reached the point where she might not want to let it go!”
“This sound is obviously a fight…” Hikigu Hachiman complained with a dark face, how on earth did he associate this sound of fighting with him!
“Do you have any comments? Brother, brother!” Yukinoshita narrowed her eyes slightly, and glanced at him angrily from the corner of her eyes.
Obviously, in the video, she is trying to find BiQigu Hachiman didn’t think about anything, and took the risk, but this guy didn’t appreciate it, and he dared to complain! hateful! This brother is not good at all!
“Ah, that…” Hikigu Hachiman blushed, and shyly moved his head away, “I want to say, whether that is me or not, you should give priority to protecting myself.”
“I don’t want you to be hurt…” He whispered, and then seemed to realize that he had said something strange, and hurriedly explained, “Oh no, I mean the one in the video I think so Yes, not that I think so!”
It’s fine if he doesn’t explain, but with his explanation, Yukinoshita Yukino’s face also turned red.
On the other hand, Hikigaya Komachi smiled, “I understand, I understand, this is my brother’s tsundere disease!”
“No, what kind of tsundere disease, don’t talk nonsense! I don’t have that disease!”
“Holding the expectation in her heart, Yukinoshita walked up the stairs quickly and walked all the way to the door of the roof, but she didn’t completely understand Shi Lezhi, and reason told her that the sound inside must be caused by someone fighting! ”
“So, she plans to take a peek through the crack of the door to see if it’s Hachiman. If not, then she has to leave here quickly, and then decide whether to call the teacher or call the police according to the fight.”
“So, she moved to the door, trying to see the situation clearly.”
“What came into her eyes was a man in a blue tights with a spear in his hand, and two women who were a little far away and couldn’t see clearly. Anyway, there is no sign of Sawagoshi Hachiman!”
“”Who! “Lancer immediately sensed that someone was watching.”
Chapter 257 Yui, you are so gentle
“”what! “Yukinoshita Yukino let out a small exclamation. When she was stared at by Lancer, she felt her heart was being grabbed. With just one look, she seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!”
“That terrifying killing intent seemed to penetrate her mind and shatter her soul!”
“At this moment, her mind went blank, and she could hardly think of anything. The previous considerations of notifying the teacher and calling the police have all been forgotten.”
“This is the only word left in her mind!”
“Without the slightest hesitation, she turned around and ran downstairs. The instinct engraved in the depths of her soul made her running speed even exceed her previous limit.”
“The moment she ran away, Lancer also left ARCHER and Yuigahama Yui behind, and disappeared as a spirit body, obviously chasing after her.”
“”Ah, it seems that this battle can only be forced to stop. “Archer was still a little unfulfilled, but he didn’t catch up, “The Holy Grail War is a war hidden in the crowd, so those who saw the scene, unfortunately, can only be wiped out~ That Lancer is going to do this job, right? ? If he does it, I can save some trouble. “”
“”Erase…” Yuigahama Yui frowned, as if she felt very uncomfortable with this word, and then she said to ARCHER, “ARCHER, go catch up with Lancer, don’t let him kill that student! I’ll chase after it right away! “”
“”Are you serious? ARCHER stared at her, then let out a sigh of relief as if giving up, “I really admire you.” “”
“Afterwards, ARCHER also disappeared as a spirit body, and Yuihama Yui hurriedly chased after him along the stairs.”
“”Ha…ha…ha…” After running for a while, Yukinoshita Yukino finally couldn’t hold on anymore, she leaned against the wall and panted heavily, her physical fitness was not very good, this time she ran with all her strength It’s been an unprecedented few minutes.”
“Did you dump him? “She looked back expectantly, but she didn’t see anyone, so a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.”
“But, in the next second, a demonic voice rang in her ears.”
“Unfortunately, no! “”
“As soon as the words fell, a scarlet spear accurately pierced her heart!”
“Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes gradually became slack, and then she fell to the ground like this. At the last moment of her life, she just thought in her heart that Hachiman must be very sad when she heard the news of her death?”
“Then, she completely lost consciousness.”
“After feeling that her life was passing away, Lancer said regretfully, “You are such a beautiful girl, if I can, I really don’t want to kill you. That’s why I followed you all the time, and didn’t do anything until you couldn’t run anymore. It might be considered as allowing you to live a little longer. “”
“Then, he turned his gaze forward, where ARCHER was standing.”
“Originally, LANCER saw that ARCHER looked exactly like this girl, and thought there was some relationship between them. For example, ARCHER was the ancestor of this little girl or something? So he also made a plan to be blocked.”
“But I don’t know why, ARCHER didn’t try to stop him, nor did he intend to continue fighting with him, he just watched there.”
“However, one more thing is worse than one less thing. Since ARCHER didn’t make a move, he didn’t intend to continue the interrupted battle, so he turned around and left.”
“So, I just died like this?” Yukinoshita Yukino was a little confused at this moment, why is it so different when she is the protagonist?
Others appearing on the stage are pretending to be B, but she is fine, first it is a love triangle, and then she is dead as the protagonist! Is this plausible? !
There is also that ARCHER, who speaks nicely and will not disobey the master’s wishes, In the end, didn’t you completely ignore the Master’s order? !
But because of this, she was even more sure that this ARCHER was definitely not her!
“”ARCHER, what’s the matter? “It took a while for Yuigahama Yui to finally rush over. Just as she finished asking, she saw the back of Yukinoshita Yukino who fell on the ground.”
“ARCHER spread his hands and said helplessly, “Unfortunately, when I arrived, there was only this corpse, so she was out of luck. “”
“…” Yuigahama Yui was silent, and she walked over slowly, “Although you were not killed by me, at least let me take the responsibility of seeing you off. “”
“She gently hugged the corpse on the ground, and then the corpse gently turned over.”
“When she saw the face of this corpse, her body trembled violently, “Why… why is it you, today, at this time… Xiaoxue! “”
“Hot tears flowed from her pupils, and it took a while to finally stop, then she pursed her lips, and took out a red gemstone from her bosom, “No! There is a way to save it! “”
“She put the red gem on Yukinoshita Yukino’s chest, and the warm light gradually filled Yukino’s body.”
“Woooooo… Yui, you’re so gentle, I’m crying to death!” Ebina Himena hugged Yuigahama Yui’s arm, shedding tears of emotion.
Facing a rival in love, he can save people without hesitation, and it is still a precious gem that looks so hot! As expected of Yui who is gentle towards everyone!
“Of course, Yui is the gentlest girl in our class!” Before Yuigahama Yui could speak, Miura Yuiko showed off proudly.
Only Yubihama Yui held a fork and didn’t know what to do, she still wanted to continue eating cakes.
“”Woo! Yukinoshita Yukino sat up from the floor covering her head, then picked up the ruby ​​necklace on the ground, “This necklace…””
“Although she doesn’t have a very specific impression, she vaguely remembers that when her consciousness fell into darkness, someone took this ruby ​​and dispelled the darkness that enveloped her consciousness.”
“I don’t know who saved her, but as long as I hold this ruby, I will be able to find the owner of this ruby ​​one day, right?”
“So, clutching the ruby ​​necklace tightly, she staggered towards the house.”
“As soon as she was about to go downstairs to the apartment building, a childish voice suddenly sounded in her ear.”
“”Sister, if you don’t summon it again, you will die~””
“”who is it? “But when she followed the voice, she found that there was no one there.”
Chapter 258: It Couldn’t Be Her
“”Huh…” Yuigahama Yui returned home with a tired face. Before the Holy Grail War officially started, various accidents had occurred, which made her feel physically and mentally exhausted.”
“ARCHER has already been sent by her to follow Lancer, at least we must know who Lancer’s master is, otherwise the loss outweighs the gain.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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