“”Although it’s a bit embarrassing to say it, but I’m sorry, I lost it. “Just as she sat down, ARCHER appeared behind her.”
“Hearing ARCHER’s words, Yuigahama Yui didn’t feel discouraged, “It seems that both Lancer and Lancer’s master are quite cautious people. “”
“ARCHER was silent for a while, and then put a ruby ​​necklace on the sofa, “This, is it yours? “”
“Ah, you picked it up…Thank you. Yubihama Yui hurriedly put away the gems, and said happily, “I was too tired just now, so I forgot about this.” This gem, my father said it is an heirloom of our family, fortunately you picked it up. “”
“”Since it’s such a precious thing, at least be careful, don’t lose it… I won’t pick it up for you again in the future, idiot. “Archer’s expression is a bit complicated at the moment.”
“Yugahama Yui didn’t pay attention to ARCHER’s words, and went straight to her room to put away the ruby ​​necklace.”
“”and many more! Just as Yuigahama Yui came out of the room, he suddenly stopped and remembered something, “If Lancer knew that Xiaoxue was still alive, he would definitely try to kill her again!” ARCHER, take me to Xiaoxue’s house! “”
“”Ha… Really, I just came back, even if it is to squeeze labor, there must be a limit, right? “Archer complained, but her hands were not slow, she lifted Yuigahama Yui’s collar and rushed out.”
“Hey, wait, wait! Why did you mention my collar! It hurts! “”
“”Ah, I forgot to tell you, my sense of touch is very poor among the five senses, especially the fingers, so it is really difficult to make complicated movements like a princess hug, so that’s all I can do. “For some reason, ARCHER’s voice sounds pleasant.”
“”fraud! Just by hearing your voice, you can tell that you are lying to me! “”
“”This is your illusion~””
“”Who on earth is it? “Yukinoshita Yukino stared at the direction of the voice, but she never saw anyone. With some doubts, she returned home.”
“Put the ruby ​​necklaceAfter putting it in the drawer, she lay on the bed, quietly recalling what happened in school, “Those three people, who could they be?””
“Huh? Why does she still have a ruby ​​necklace here?” Miura Yuiko’s eyes widened. Before that, she thought it was the ARCHER who took the necklace back from Yukinoshita Yukino, but now it seems that the necklace is clearly still in Yukino. hands!
“Could it be that ARCHER bought a fake in the pirate market?” She couldn’t help guessing maliciously, and then looked at Yuigahama Yui curiously, “Yui, since it is your family’s heirloom, then you must Are you familiar with this? Can you recognize which one is the real one?”
Yuigahama Yui, who was eating the cake, froze again. Could she say that she didn’t even know there was such a thing at home?
On the other hand, Yukinoshita Yukino on the other side has some bad premonitions in her heart, right? No way? This ARCHER dressed so neatly can’t be really her, right? !
“Just when Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to close her eyes and take a good rest, suddenly, an ominous premonition flooded her heart!”
“Just like when I was killed before, it was a sense of despair about to fall into the abyss!”
“She opened her eyes suddenly, and rolled off the bed. At this moment, a spear fell from the sky, landed on the position where she was just now, and pierced through the bed!”
“Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t have time to react to what happened, so she picked up a stick at the side and put herself on guard.”
“At this time, Lancer suddenly appeared, and took out the spear that penetrated the bed. Although the sneak attack failed, he didn’t seem to have any unpleasantness.”
“Perhaps because he thought there was no chance of a miss, he praised with a smile, “It was a good shot just now, an ordinary person can escape my sneak attack, even if it is only once in a while, it is definitely worthy of your pride for the rest of your life. “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino just increased the strength of holding the stick and didn’t say anything.”
“Hey, don’t you want to talk to me? Unfortunately, I still want to say that I chatted with you before killing you. After all, you are such a cute girl. It would be a waste to kill you directly, right? Lancer raised his eyebrows a little bored, and then the expression on his face became ferocious in an instant, “If that’s the case, then I’ll finish my task as soon as possible!” “”
“Afterwards, Lancer disappeared in front of her eyes in an instant.”
“So fast! Yukinoshita Yukino only had time to conjure up this idea in her heart, and then the stick in her hand was blown away, and the whole person was kicked flying!”
“Her body flew into the living room like a cannonball and smashed a series of furniture into pieces.”
“”Hmm…cough…cough cough…” Yukinoshita Yukino struggled to get up from the broken furniture with a bit of bitterness on her face. Although she knew that she was definitely not that person’s opponent, she didn’t expect that , in front of that person, she is so vulnerable.”
“LANCER came out of the room quite leisurely, “In this way, you will understand, right? You will never win against me, raise your hands and give up resistance, in this way, I can at least let you die without pain, “”
“”When a person is killed, he will die. This is a matter of course. Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t answer him, and while struggling to throw away the pieces of furniture buried on her body, she said softly but firmly, “However, I, who was killed once, was resurrected again!” How can a life saved by others be killed by a random murderer like you without doing anything like this! “”
“”Ah! “LANCER sneered, holding the spear, and kicking his feet, the scarlet spear gave off a trace of red light, just like blood-red lightning! And this lightning, I am afraid that it only takes a moment, it is enough to penetrate her heart!”
“At this moment, as if responding to Yukinoshita Yukino’s unyielding spirit and strong desire to survive, three red Command Spells emerged from the back of her hand!”
Chapter 259: Seventh Servant Saber
“At that moment, a strong flash of light exploded!”
“”It’s actually the seventh follower? ! “”
“Lancer only had time to yell out such a sentence, and the spear in his hand was forcibly stopped by a huge force! Then it was forcibly swept away by that huge force!”
“With the sound of glass breaking, the swept LANCER smashed the glass and fell downstairs, making a dull sound.”
“Yukinoshita Yukino looked at everything in front of her in a daze, seemingly confused about the situation.”
“She didn’t die again, but the one who saved her was a girl who looked about her age, only fifteen or sixteen years old.”
“The girl is wearing a blue dress, covered with some silver-white armor, and seems to be holding something in her hand, but Yukino can’t see that thing anyway, this attire looks like a knight from the past generally.”
“Through the broken window, some moonlight came in, shining on the girl in knight attire, like a goddess…”
“Yukinoshita Yukino sighed from the bottom of her heart.”
“”May I ask, are you my MASTER? “”
“The girl’s voice is clear and sweet, but at the same time, it also has the majesty of a superior… like a king!”
“”MASTER? “Yukinoshita Yukino asked in a daze.”
“Hearing Yukino’s rhetorical question, the girl seemed to understand something, without too much explanation, she said bluntly, “Saber, the follower, came here according to the call. Thereafter, myThe sword is with you, your destiny is with me! Here, the contract is established! “”
“Emmmm…she looks very experienced.” Makise Kurisu rubbed her chin and said thoughtfully, “Isn’t she the first time to participate in the Holy Grail War?”
“What’s the matter, assistant~ You seem to be very interested in this heroic spirit? Could it be that you want to fight against the mechanism with me? Huhahahaha! Not bad, assistant~ I appreciate your enlightenment!” Phoenix Academy Fiercely speaking, he fell into the state of secondary school again, and then laughed wildly.
Probably got used to it long ago, Makise Kurisu completely ignored his second-school remarks, “Although I’m also interested in Heroic Spirits, I’m more interested in the Holy Grail!”
As soon as this was said, the Phoenix Academy did not continue the second grade. He asked with some doubts, “The Holy Grail? Is it the omnipotent cup mentioned in the video? Do you need the Holy Grail for anything?”
“Yes! Not only there, but there are too many!” Makise Kurisu said decisively, and then said with enthusiasm, “If the Holy Grail is really the cup of omnipotence, then I want to know what dark matter and dark energy are? Parallel Does the universe exist? Is there a more basic super force behind the four basic forces… What’s the matter, Okabe, you have a strange expression?”
“…Ah, no, nothing.” The fierce expression of the Phoenix Court was very subtle. He felt that if the Holy Grail had its own consciousness, it would definitely have the same expression as himself when it heard these questions!
“”What is the contract…” Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to continue asking, but the girl who called herself SABER had already grasped the invisible thing with both hands, and then jumped out of the window with light steps.”
“The terrifying speed made the air explode, making a sound like an explosion!”
“”and many more! ” Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes widened in horror, the worry about SABER in her heart caused a force to surge in her body again, and she pushed away the pile of debris still buried on her body, ignoring the already pineapple The body of the pineapple staggered to the window.”
“At first glance, she didn’t see Saber’s body. She couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. But what followed was a huge doubt. Why did the guy with the long gun disappear out of thin air, and why did he suddenly appear?” Show up at her house?”
“And this girl who appeared out of nowhere, calling herself SABER, was able to jump off such a high floor without incident. Who are they?”
“SABER? Could it be a saber? Saber…is this some kind of weird code name?”
“While she was still thinking, deafening bombardments erupted downstairs! Yukinoshita Yukino quickly came to her senses, and saw a blue light and a red light at a terrifying speed that normal people can almost see clearly Fight quickly.”
“As the two rays of light collided again and again, the trees were knocked down! The earth was destroyed! The air was torn apart! All of these showed the terrifying power of the two!”
“”Is that the girl fighting the man with the spear? If the battle continues like this, it will be very dangerous if passers-by pass by! “Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t even have time to change her shoes, so she ran down in a hurry.”
“Just as she was leaving the house, SABER finally knocked Lancer into the air with a sword. In the battle just now, she had a slight advantage.”
“And Lancer, who was at a disadvantage, seemed a little frustrated at this time, “Despicable guy! Hiding your weapons is nothing in itself! I ask you, is your weapon a sword? ! “”
“”what is it then? “Saber made a gesture of holding swords in both hands, and said nonsense seriously, “It may be an axe, it may be a spear… No, it may also be a bow, Lancer. “”
“LANCER was stunned for a moment, then sneered, “Oh! Full of nonsense, you swordsman! “”
“Then, he put on the posture he had when facing ARCHER again, “We are meeting each other for the first time, although I almost killed your Master, isn’t she all right now?” So, I’ll just ask one more question by the way, how’s it going so far? “”
“”I reject! You will be defeated by me here! “Saber didn’t think about the proposal to stop at all. In her opinion, everyone in the Holy Grail War is an enemy. Whether it is now or in the future, sooner or later, the winner will be decided. If this is the case, why wait until later?”
“”yes? Then…” Lancer closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then his pupils suddenly widened, “I accept your heart! “”
“The long spear in his hand erupted with terrifying magic power fluctuations again, and then he stabbed the long spear straight out, that terrifying scarlet magic power seemed to swallow everything!”
“”GAEBOLG (Gun of Piercing Deaththorns)! “”
Chapter 260
“”! ! ! “Saber’s eyes widened suddenly, and the moment the spear was stabbed out, her skill instinct was activated!”
“At that moment, she saw the end of her heart being pierced by this spear!”
“Must dodge!”
“This thought flashed through her mind, and Saber deflected her body forcefully, but she found that no matter how she dodged and moved, the ending of being pierced by the spear could never be changed!”
“Finally, the spear arrived in front of her! Saber didn’t have time to think too much, and deflected the direction of the spear tip with the invisible weapon in her hand, eventually causing the scarlet magic spearJust pierced her shoulder! ”
“LANCER held the long gun, his eyes were like copper bells, and his face was full of disbelief, “You dodged my deadly shot, SABER! “”
“”Well! “Saber held the pierced shoulder, the bright red blood kept flowing out, and his face was a little ugly, “Curse? No, no, it’s causal reversal! The blow just now had the fact of piercing my heart first, and then the process of piercing my heart! “”
“”And, with the name of the Noble Phantasm GAEBOLG, your real name is Cu Chulainn, the Child of Light in Ireland, right? ! “”
“The blow just now, if it wasn’t because her luck value was much higher than Lancer’s, then she would definitely not be able to dodge it!”
“Reversal of karma?!” Izumi Masamune immediately sucked in a mouthful of Liangpi. At first, he thought that these heroic spirits should be super-enhanced people with faster speed, greater strength, and longer blood bars, but this treasure was blinded. his eyes.
There is the fact of piercing the heart first, and then the process of piercing the heart? How does this work? !
According to what SABER said, it was because her luck value was higher than the opponent’s, so she barely avoided it, but how many people in this world can be as lucky as her?
“Scary, scary! Maybe my novels should have some similar skills, so as to make the book look more exciting.” Masamune Izumi sighed with a complex expression.
But what he doesn’t know is…Since ancient times, spearmen have been lucky, and they can never kill anyone with a one-shot blow!
“”Humph! Lancer put away the expression just now, snorted coldly and put the spear on his shoulder, “I was recognized by you, that’s why I said things like treasures, if you can’t kill the opponent, it will be troublesome.” “”
“Although the current situation, no matter how you look at it, he has the upper hand, but he didn’t intend to continue to make up the knife, but turned around and left leisurely, “My master is barely a coward, she said, if the treasure is taken If you dodge, retreat quickly. “”
“So, I won’t continue to fight with you. Of course, if you want to catch up, there is no problem. Lancer turned around suddenly, “It’s just that, until then, you have to have the consciousness that you must die!” “”
“”Wait, Lancer, are you running away? ! “Saber wanted to catch up, but the injury to her shoulder caused her to stop.”
“And Lancer was not caught by her aggressive method. She stepped hard and disappeared after a few jumps.”
“At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino finally ran down the stairs, saw Saber clutching his wound, she trotted a few steps, and asked with concern, “Well, are you alright? “”
“Don’t worry, as long as you don’t continue to fight, you’ll be fine. “SABER shook her head and let go of her hand covering the wound. A little bit of starlight appeared on the broken armor. These starlights gathered together to repair the broken armor, but the injury on her shoulder still remained.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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