“And Yukinoshita Yukino also noticed this miraculous scene, she asked in amazement, “Who the hell are you? “”
“From the previous words, Saber already understood that she didn’t understand the Holy Grail War, so Saber explained softly, “As you can see, I am a servant with the job title of Saber, so just call me Saber . “”
“”SABER…” Yukinoshita Yukino repeated the word in a low voice, and then introduced herself, “My name is Yukino, Yukinoshita Yukino. “”
“Under the snow? When SABER heard this surname, she seemed to think of something, and frowned slightly, but then her expression calmed down, “Master, do you have any instructions next?” “”
“”Master? I’ve been wondering since just now, what exactly does Master mean? Wouldn’t it be weird to suddenly call me that? “”
“”Strange? “SABER was a little surprised, “Then, let’s call you Yukino, Yukino… well, this name sounds nice, and I like the pronunciation.” “”
“”Sounds good…” This sudden teasing made Yukinoshita Yukino’s face turn slightly rosy.”
“EMMMMMM…” Hikigu Hachiman looked at the video with a delicate expression, why does this picture feel a little girly?
“Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to continue to say something, but SABER’s face became serious, “There is an aura of riding a heroic spirit! Yukino, please heal me! “”
“”Eh? Me, me? Yukinoshita Yukino was still a little confused about the situation, “But, I don’t have any bandages now, so let’s go to the hospital first.” “”
“SABER understood in an instant that her master was not only a layman who didn’t know the Holy Grail War, but also an ordinary person who hadn’t even touched magic! Without saying anything else, she directly cast her gaze to the left, “Then Let’s fight like this, although the shoulder is injured, it shouldn’t be a big problem to fight another battle. “”
“As soon as the words fell, under the horrified eyes of Yukinoshita Yukino, she jumped into the air several meters high, and then swung the weapon in her hand heavily!”
“With the sound of an iron object colliding, three figures fell to the ground, one of them was SABER. The other two were Yuigahama Yui and ARCHER who rushed to save Yukino!”
“” Yui? “Yukinoshita Yukino was a little confused, but the next moment, she saw that SABER made a hypothesis again, trying to attack! ”
“Because she was worried that Yuigahama Yui would be injured, before she had time to think about it, she quickly shouted, “Saber, stop! “”
“The moment she yelled, the Command Seals in her hand burst into a red light, and then one of the Command Seals dimmed like this.”
“”what are you doing? Yukino! They are enemies! ! ! “SABER suddenly realized that she could no longer attack these two! She understood that this was a Command Seal! But it was precisely because she knew that it was a Command Seal that it was even more difficult for her to understand!”
“How could someone forcibly order his own people not to attack the enemy when fighting the enemy?”
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Chapter 261 Must hold on
“”SABER, she is not an enemy! “Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head, looking at Yuigahama Yui with a complicated expression.”
“The girl next to Yuigahama Yui with spikes on her feet is very impressive. I saw her on the rooftop before! Although she couldn’t see her face clearly at that time, she could see the long spikes !”
“I didn’t expect that among the three people I saw on the rooftop, one of them would be her best friend.”
“And when she saw the appearance of the girl with spikes under her feet, she opened her mouth in disbelief. This girl’s appearance is almost exactly the same as hers!”
“”Xiaoyuki… I didn’t expect you to be the last Master. “Yuhihama Yui saw the Command Seal in Yukino’s hand, and his expression was a bit complicated.”
“Since Yukinoshita Yukino is also the Master, it means that they must fight each other.”
“”The last master? “The confusion on Yukinoshita Yukino’s face became more serious, so that her tone became a little anxious, “You keep talking about masters, servants and so on, what do you mean by that! What is going on now, I have no idea! “”
“Well, Xiaoxue doesn’t know anything. Yuigahama Yui nodded knowingly, and then said, “Xiaoxue, can I go to your house?” I will tell you everything. “”
“”it is good. “Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, and then brought everyone into the apartment she rented.”
“After about ten minutes, she has already figured out everything about the Holy Grail War from Yuigahama Yui, and that Yui’s servant ARCHER is not her.”
“Yukinoshita Yukino lightly clenched her fists, with an ugly expression on her face, “Seven magicians command seven heroic spirits to fight around the Holy Grail… What is this? Just for that kind of thing, they have to fight each other ? ! “”
“”That’s the omnipotent wishing cup. In order to get this thing, it’s just killing some people. It’s nothing at all, is it? “Yuhihama Yui slightly raised his head, with a little longing for the Holy Grail in his eyes.”
“What nonsense are you talking about! How could such a thing as murder be called just that? “Yukinoshita Yukino’s tone was somewhat startled.”
“”What I said is not false, this kind of thing, Xiaoxue, you should be the clearest, right? After all, you have been on the verge of death twice already because of being attacked by servants. “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help being stunned, and then she asked faintly, “Then Yui, what about you? What is your purpose of participating in the Holy Grail War? “”
“”…” Yuigahama Yui was silent for a while, then pursed his lips and said, “You may find it ridiculous to say it… I want to get the Holy Grail, back to the time when you and Yawata have not yet established a relationship, and this Once, I will not lose! This is why I want to compete for the Holy Grail! “”
“Yui, you actually went to participate in such a dangerous thing for a man! Did you even want your life?” Miura Yuiko said in amazement, she never thought that her friend would be so brave!
“Ah, this…” Yuihama Yui looked at the video in a daze. Is she so affectionate to Hikigu Hachiman? Why doesn’t she know?
Can’t figure it out! I can’t figure it out!
So, have your cake and eat it…
At this time, Hikigaya Hachiman was in dire straits, and Yukinoshita Yukino said rather sourly, “Oh, some people’s charm is so high that they can attract others to participate in such a dangerous battle regardless of their lives. .”
“Hehehe~ Little Hachiman really has a serious crime~” Yukinoshita Haruno laughed hahaha, as if he had found some interesting toy, and he laughed happily.
“Brother, you can’t be half-hearted! You must hold on, and you must not betray sister Yukino!” Hikigu Komachi clapped his brother’s hand earnestly.
“Whether betrayal or not, how could I be half-hearted… No, no! We are not in that kind of relationship…”
“Yeah, I understand, I understand.” Facing his brother’s sophistry, Hikigaya Komachi had an expression that I understood very well.
That expression looks better than Kigu Hachiman’s and almost wants to dig a hole to get in. This time the video is simply a big broadcast of the ultimate social death of him and Yukinoshita Yukino! And it was the opening lightning strike!
“Hachiman is quite the same as when I was young.Demeanor. “Xuexia’s father nodded slightly and said, and then his mother stared at him, and he didn’t dare to continue bragging about himself. If he continued to brag, he might kneel down on the keyboard.
“”What did you say? ! Yukino Yukino looked at her in astonishment, “Are you serious?” For that kind of thing, are you going to take part in this kind of battle that takes people’s lives at will? ! “”
“But then, she shook her head, “No, no! You will kill! I know, you don’t kill people! “”
“Yuhihama Yui smiled, she really doesn’t intend to kill people… But, if it is necessary, she doesn’t rule out the possibility of killing people.”
“So, instead of continuing the discussion, she changed the topic, “Anyway, there are only two things I want to say. First, Xiaoxue, you must fight. Now that you have summoned the heroic spirit, there is no way to back down. Second, Servants are very powerful forces that must be used wisely. “”
“”By the way, I don’t think SABER’s state seems to be in full state, right? As SABER, who is theoretically the strongest job agency, her current stats are too low. “”
“”As you said, I’m not in a perfect state, because Yukino is still immature as a master… Maybe it will be more difficult to recover my magic power. “Saber doesn’t mean to hide it. After all, as long as she doesn’t have the skills or props to hide her own data, these magicians can see through her data at a glance, and there is no point in hiding.”
“”Well, that’s going to be difficult… Ah, by the way, I haven’t told you about this yet, have I? Seeing Yukino’s confused expression, Yuhihama Yui began to explain again, “Servants rely on the magic power provided by the master to exist in this world, but Xiao Xue has never practiced magic, so the magic power he can provide is too little. “”
“”In this case, it is already very difficult to maintain the existence of SABER, let alone let her fight. From now on, your situation will be very difficult. “”
“” Relying on the master’s magic power to exist? “Yukinoshita Yukino looked worriedly at Saber, and then felt a little guilty. If it wasn’t for such a useless master like her, Saber wouldn’t have to be so difficult, right? She couldn’t even heal Saber.”
Chapter 262: Hunger is the Great Enemy
“As if sensing the guilt in Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes, Saber comforted softly, “Don’t worry too much, Yukino, my body is very capable of self-healing, as long as it has enough magic power. “”
“”Although the method of replenishing magic power is a bit more troublesome, there are still some! Like food…by the way, I don’t like mashed potatoes very much, so, is there any other food? “”
“”Liar, the heroic spirits eat human food? “Yubihama Yui said in surprise, isn’t a heroic spirit a spirit body? It should be like what ARCHER said before, devouring souls, right?”
“Saber said solemnly, “Hunger is the enemy! Moreover, although it is rare, my body can convert all the food into magic power, which is always a way to replenish magic power. “”
“That’s right, that’s great! Yukinoshita Yukino obviously breathed a sigh of relief. She walked to the refrigerator and took out some ingredients from the refrigerator, as well as a few ready-to-eat cans.”
“Fortunately, the refrigerator hasn’t been damaged yet… She was quite thankful and put the cans in front of SABER, and then walked into the kitchen, “SABER, you can eat these cans first, I’ll make you some dinner. “”
“At this time, Yukinoshita Yukino still doesn’t understand, what lies ahead…is hell!”
“In this world, there are two scariest things. One is responsible for cooking for SABER, and the other is responsible for SABER’s food expenses.”
“It shouldn’t be that exaggerated…” Yukinoshita Yukino still couldn’t believe this comment, she obviously looked like a girl who was about her age, and even a little smaller than her.
How much can such a petite girl eat?
Of course, she soon found out.
“SABER ate a few cans at a speed like a storm, and then ate all the remaining cans in the refrigerator after asking Yukinoshita Yukino.”
“Afterwards, Yukino ran back and forth in the kitchen several times in a sentence of “not enough”, until all the ingredients in the refrigerator were made into dishes.”
“Seeing that there was no food left, SABER was obviously a little regretful, and then she thanked Yukinoshita Yukino, “Thank you for preparing food for me. “”
“At this time, Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui are completely numb. How did such a small body eat so much food?”
“What’s the matter, is the way I thank you weird? “Saber didn’t get a response, and asked rather strangely.”
“”No, no. I’m just wondering…how did you eat so much? That’s an entire freezer full of food. “Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head and said.”
“”Meals are stored in the other stomach! “Saber said in a serious manner, it was not obvious that he was joking at all.”
“Yuhihama Yui was choked up, “Isn’t this sentence originally about dessert? “”
“Then, she shook her head and didn’t think about it anymore. She got up and said, “Xiaoxue, since I have explained everything to you, let’s go back first. “”
“”and many more! “Just as she was about to leave, Yukinoshita Yukino stopped her, “Do you know where Hachiman went? “”
“When she asked this question, there was both worry and expectation in her expression, she was eager toYou need to know where Sawagoe Hachiman is! ”
“But Yuigahama Yui asked in surprise, “I only know that Hachiman asked for leave, and even Koyuki, don’t you know where Hachiman went? ! I thought he would tell you for sure! “”
“”I don’t know…he didn’t tell me! Obviously last night we agreed to meet in the department room today, but he never showed up! “The uneasiness in Yukinoshita Yukino’s heart became more serious.”
“”Hachiman can’t do such a thing! He’s not the type to break his word! “Yugahama Yui doesn’t know what happened, but she knows that Sawagoe Hachiman can’t leave Yukinoshita Yukino without saying a word!”
“Finally, she clapped her hands together and made a decision, “Let’s go to Hachiman’s house to have a look!” “”
“”it is good! “”
“So the two of them brought their followers to the vicinity of the house that Sawagoe Hachiman rented. To their surprise, the door of Sawagoe Hachiman’s room was open, and there was no sign of him in the room at all!”
“Where did Hachiman go? “Yukinoshita Yukino searched the room carefully, but found that all of Sawagoe Hachiman’s things were there, and nothing was taken away.”
“In addition, the door is open, so she has to worry about whether something happened the moment Sawagoe Hachiman opened the door.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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