“”Little girl, are you his acquaintance? “An old man next door heard the voice, opened the door and came out to ask.”
“Yes, we are! Yukino Yukino quickly ran over, “Grandma, do you know where he went?” “”
“I don’t know, just came up this morning and saw his door was open. “The old lady shook her head, “I am the landlord here, if you can contact your friend, please ask me if he wants to continue renting?” If I don’t rent it anymore, I can find another tenant. “”
“After finishing speaking, the old man closed the door. Both of them were very helpless, the phone couldn’t be reached, and there was no one at home, which made both of them even more worried.”
“But now they can only pray that Sawagoe Hachiman will show up the next day. After all, they only disappeared in such a short time. Even if they call the police and report that someone is missing, the police in their Sakura Country will not act.”
“The two depressed people walked towards the house with heavy steps.”
“We meet again, big sister. “”
“The sudden voice woke up the two of them from their depressed state.”
“On the ramp not far ahead, a girl who was only about eight or nine years old was looking at them with a smile, “Listen to me carefully, and summon the servant… In this way, we can fight each other Yes! “”
“”Before, the person who talked to me was you? Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly thought of the voice that spoke before, “Are you also the master who participated in the Holy Grail War?” “”
“A girl who is only eight or nine years old actually has to participate in such a cruel battle, which made her feel a little distressed. Generally speaking, girls at this age are still eating snacks and watching animations! ”
“Hehehe, yes, I am also one of the seven masters. The girl’s smile looked very innocent and lovely, “Ah, by the way, it’s better to report the name?” My name is – Yukinoshita Haruno! “”
Chapter 263 Berserker is the strongest
“Huh?” Yukinoshita Yangno was dumbfounded, what did this little girl say? Her name is Yukinoshita Haruno? And you still call Xue Nai the big sister? ! Something is wrong! Something is wrong!
“Is this my sister? She’s so small.”
Seeing that Yukinoshita Yoshino is such a small one, and she also calls herself a big sister, this makes Yukinoshita Yukino feel very fulfilled and happy!
After all, she has never defeated her sister since she was a child, and now, just looking at the little sister in the video with a plain figure, she can’t help but feel a sense of superiority!
But…compared with an eight or nine-year-old girl, it feels too sad. Thinking about it this way, Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression turned gray.
“Hahaha, how could it be me, no matter how you think about it, it can’t be me, just the age doesn’t match.” Yukinoshita Yoshino smiled lightly.
On the contrary, Yukinoshita’s mother found it very familiar, “But, does this look very similar to Yang Nai when he was a child?”
“Could it be a clone of Sister Ono?” Hikigu Hachiman’s mind was wide open.
Hikigaya Komachi’s mouth twitched, “Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? Everyone is playing magic, you want to play clone!”
“”Hinano under the snow? ” Yukinoshita Yukino repeated softly, this name is similar to her, just sounds like sisters…but she is the only one in their family!”
Only Yukino? Who is she then! ! Yukinoshita Yoshino continued to be dumbfounded, the current situation is not right no matter how you look at it! Could it be that she was adopted too!
But this is not right, she and Xue Nai obviously look alike?
“”Is it Xiaoxue’s younger sister? ” Yuigahama Yui asked.”
“And where the two of them didn’t see, the two servants behind them, SABER and ARCHER, showed quite complicated expressions.”
“”Heh heh heh~ The other big sister is also there, that’s just right. “Hinoshita Yukino put her hands behind her back, turned around in a circle, and said cruel words in an extremely cute voice, “Kill them, BERSERKER. “”
“Behind her, slowly appeared a man over two meters tall, with black kelp-shaped shoulder-length hair. His right eye pupil was red, the white of his eye was black, and his left eye was golden yellow. He had dark skin and was naked to the waist. , both hands are tied with wrist guards, and the strong muscles can make people feel the terrifying power just by looking at them!”
“His lower body is wearing a battle skirt, his feet are bare, and he is holding a huge stone ax in his hand. If a weapon of that level is hit by a single blow, he will die on the spot!”
“”Roar! “The monster-like giant let out a terrifying roar, and the skin on his body turned red like blood! The huge roar made Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui cover their ears in a hurry .”
“”That is BERSERKER? “Yubihama Yui saw the opponent’s basic data through the master’s ability, but it was because of seeing such data that I felt extremely frightened!”
“How could there be such a monster! Except for luck being B, the rest of the attributes are all A! Muscle strength is A+! How on earth is this monster going to win? ! “”
“Hehehe, of course, Berserker is the strongest! “Hinoshita Yukino smiled lightly, that smile was as innocent as a child’s.”
“As her laughter sounded, as if hearing the drums of war, Berserker stepped hard, and his bare feet stepped on the ground to create a huge pothole. With that force, he almost instantly Just jumped in front of Yukinoshita Yukino!”
“That huge figure blocked the moonlight in the sky, like the shadow of death shrouded Yukinoshita Yukino’s heart!”
“At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino doesn’t even have time to arouse fear!”
“Behind her, Saber took a step forward, and the invisible weapon in her hand suddenly appeared, and then she swung her hands upward.”
“A muffled voice sounded, and the weapon that looked like a rock in Berserker’s hand slammed down heavily, crushing Saber standing in front of him! Even the one that Saber was standing on The ground has been pressed out densely, like a spider web of cracks!”
“”ARCHER, go support SABER! “”
“Don’t use that commanding tone! It’s just that you signed a contract with me by chance, don’t think that you are my master! ! “Hearing Yuigahama Yui’s order, Archer slid towards Berserker despite complaining.”
“At this time, the wrestling between BERSERKER and SABER has undergone some changes. SABER’s body now only has a skirt, but no silver-white armor! At the same time, under the pressure of BERSERKER’s terrifying power, she unexpectedly Slowly stood up, and bit by bit pushed that huge stone ax up!”
“Magic release, it’s magic release! She used magic release!”
“The armor on SABER is constructed with magic power, and at this moment, she undid the armor and unleashed all the magic power used to maintain the armor, thereby gaining a huge power comparable to Berserker!”
“But on the other hand, her defense power will be greatly reduced! Facing a heroic spirit like Berserker, this is undoubtedly a very dangerous situation!”
“”Roar! “BERSERKER roared again as if he didn’t see the ARCHER attacking him, and the power in his hands strengthened again!”
“At this moment, ARCHER finally arrived on the battlefield. She raised her right foot, and the sharp spikes slashed across his chest.”
“But to everyone’s surprise, when the spikes passed by, there was a “sizzling” sound, as if passing through steel! And of course, BERSERKER’s chest is not injured at all!”
“”is that a lie! How strong is this guy’s body! “Yuigahama Yui was taken aback, her eyes were full of fear!”
“”Of course, a weak attack like ARCHER can’t hurt Berserker at all. After all, BERSERKER’s body can neutralize all physical attacks and magic at level B and below! “”
“Yinoshita Haruno said as if showing off, “Let me tell you, Berserker is the strongest! but……””
“She looked at ARCHER quite puzzled, “I didn’t notice it before, but now I see that Yui, your servant looks the same as Yukino. I didn’t have any interest before, if this is the case, then… Well, let’s kill them together! “”
Chapter 264: The Invincible Berserker Has Fallen
“”Roar! “After hearing the order, BERSERKER swung the stone ax in his hand, and knocked SABER away. Then, with terrifying power, the stone ax in his hand swung towards ARCHER’s head.”
“”Humph! Abominable muscular tumbler! Although I really want to poke a hole in you, but I really didn’t expect that you can’t even break the defense! “Archer gritted his silver teeth in displeasure, and slid his feet lightly, dodging the opponent’s attack as briskly as if jumping in a ballet.”
“”Although my strength is inferior to yours, my speed is obviously faster! “”
“But what is surprising is that although ARCHER seems to move with ease, BERSERKER is also not slow, even heThe speed is still accelerating! Such a strong and tall servant is so terrifying in terms of speed and agility! ”
“Obviously, ARCHER has no way to cause effective damage to BERSERKER, and can only contain it. If this continues, it will definitely be completely defeated!”
“”Step aside! “Saber, who had just adjusted her figure, also saw this. She roared and charged forward, using the speed and kinetic energy brought by this distance run-up, and then jumped in the air and slashed! Just when her sword was about to strike When I hit BERSERKER, a strong wave of magic power broke out!”
“”drink! “”
“”Roar! “BERSERKER seemed to have sensed the threat of this sword, and ignored ARCHER directly, and threw the stone ax across the air. But this time, the invincible BERSERKER was knocked back a step!”
“Seeing that the attack was effective, SABER showed a smile, and then softly shouted, “Wind King Hammer! “”
“A strong storm suddenly erupted from that invisible weapon, and this storm was continuously compressed until it exploded! The terrifying compressed storm directly penetrated the Berserker, which was countless times tougher than steel. body, and opened a big hole in its entire chest!”
“”Roar…” BERSERKER’s roar became smaller and smaller, and then he lowered his head, as if he had completely lost his life!”
“The invincible BERSERKER has fallen!”
“”call! “Saber let out a long breath, turned around and smiled at Yukinoshita Yukino, “Yukono, luckily you didn’t disgrace your life! “”
“It looks like it’s over. “When SABER said to get out of the way, ARCHER, who had already returned to Yuigahama Yui, said as if he was bored.”
“”It was your servant who lost, this Xiaoyangao? “Yuhihama Yui laughed as if he was trying to squeeze.”
“But what’s strange is that Yukinoshita Yono’s expression didn’t change at all when he saw his servant died, it was still that innocent smile.”
“”Roar! “”
“Just when everyone was wondering, BERSERKER, who should have died, uttered a terrifying roar again, and the stone ax in his hand had already been raised!”
“”Be careful! “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino yelled loudly, and SABER also noticed something strange at this time, she was chopped off by the stone ax before she even had time to turn around!”
“Saber, who has lost the protection of her armor, is extremely vulnerable to this kind of attack. After being hit, she spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and then rolled several times on the ground. Although she is still alive, she may have lost her fighting power!”
“SABER leaned on the weapon in her hand with difficulty, but she couldn’t stand up. She could only half-kneel on the ground. Her breathing was a little short, and the blood on her body kept flowing. She looked extremely miserable.”
“”Resurrected… Where did this Heroic Spirit come from! “Yuhihama Yui felt fear from the bottom of his heart at this moment, such a terrifying heroic spirit, I am afraid, the other six cavalry servants would not be able to defeat it together?!”
“BERSERKER, first, kill SABER. “Yukinoshita Yangno, with her hands behind her back, is shaking her body gently, looking very cute.”
“”Roar! BERSERKER responded with a roar. He came as a Berserker job. He lost his sanity in his life, and he is like a robot. He will only act when he hears the order.”
“Facing Berserker’s attack, SABER at this time is already unable to fight back, and even can’t dodge.”
“Has this journey come to an end? I, still can’t save my country… A thought of despair flashed in Saber’s mind.”
“But just as she was quietly waiting for her own death, a figure rushed over! She looked at the figure blankly, and before she had time to sort out the current situation in her mind, the words in her mouth had already yelled out, ” Xue Nai, get out of here quickly! ! ! “”
“With the sound of a stone ax smashing bones, Yukinoshita Yukino flew into the air like a broken doll, and the bright red blood floated in the sky, and then fell heavily on the ground, without any further movement.”
“Xiao Yukino! Why are you so stupid! Those heroic spirits are dead people, why are you rushing up! Could it be that if you save them, they will still be alive!” Yukinoshita Yangnai reprimanded anxiously on the spot I picked up my sister.
Don’t think that she usually enjoys playing with her sister, but she is actually a hidden sister-controller. Seeing her sister looking like she is going to die now, she is very worried.
“Isn’t this your servant’s hand?” Yukinoshita’s mother gave her a blank look. This useless eldest daughter can’t be a savior, just let her face be humiliated, and her second daughter was beaten to death up!
“…” Yukinoshita Yangnao’s anxious expression froze, and then he said without tears, “I said this is not me! Even if you only look at age and height, it can’t be me!”
And at this time, Yukinoshita Yukino was even more speechless. When others were the protagonist, they would be killed by quack, so why would she be killed by quack when she was the protagonist? How long has it been? He has already died twice!
“”Roar! “Finding that he hit the wrong person, BERSERKER roared again, and swung the stone ax in his hand, wanting to completely wipe out SABER!”
“Stop it, BERSERKER. “But Yukinoshita Yangno suddenly stopped his action. At this time, she no longer had the smile she had before, and just looked at him lying on the ground coldly, as if she hadn’t breathed out.Suck general Yukinoshita Yukino. ”
“”boring! “Hinoshita Yukino uttered two words coldly, then completely ignored the others, turned around and left, “BERSERKER, let’s go. “”
Chapter 265: The King Doesn’t Know People’s Hearts
“A long time ago, there was a girl whose destiny was already chosen from birth—you will become the king of the whole of Britain. The succubus who has no hearts but always smiles gently told her so. ”
“When she was five years old, she was already an apprentice knight, learning swordsmanship and etiquette from her brother-in-law. She spent most of the day learning the knowledge of being a king, and took care of the horses in the rest of her free time. , patrolling the village.”
“Even in a dream, I still have to follow that succubus to learn about the king. Such a day, even an adult may not be able to bear it for a long time, right?” But she said with a smile, “From early morning to Sunday Out, I have a good rest. “On the one hand, I accepted all the arrangements safely.”
“Her life cannot be determined by herself, and her fate cannot be determined by herself. Everything has been planned by others.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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