“This is undoubtedly sad! Even that succubi felt a little uneasy…Of course, it may be purely out of bad taste, wanting to see the entanglement of human beings.”
“When the girl was about to pull out the sword, the succubus that had been appearing in her dreams appeared behind her this time, “Before picking up that thing, it’s better to think carefully, I don’t It will hurt you, so don’t do it. “”
“Once you take that sword, you will cease to be human until the very end. Not just that. Once you pick it up, you will be hated by all humans and meet a tragic death. “”
“The girl felt scared, but the fear wasn’t because of the end she had described by the succubus, but because she began to worry about whether her decision to draw the sword was correct.”
“But, in the end, the girl still drew out her sword,” I saw many people laughing. So, I think, that must be right! “”
“Ah, you have chosen a difficult path, but miracles have a price, and you will have to exchange your most important things. “Then, the succubus magician shouted, “The promised king, the incarnation of the red dragon, has come here!” “”
“In Britain, where the mystery hadn’t completely subsided at that time, she possessed the heart of the red dragon, and she could obtain a large amount of magic power from the air with just one breath. With the burst of powerful magic power, no enemy could compete with her!”
“She reorganized the cavalry unit, and she was almost unscathed when crushing the foreign enemies. When she swept across the battlefield, the fortresses that were dedicated to defending her were also crushed and completely collapsed by her! Her enemies also followed her battle. Gradually falling apart, the undefeated king after twelve battles, this is her, the king of all the lands of Britain!”
“But… in order to win, her decision-making is cold and ruthless.”
“Once upon a time, before a certain battle, she led the army to squeeze out an entire village to prepare the army, and then conquered all the alien races before the territory was invaded by alien races, thus protecting ten villages! No knight has ever The sword is stained with more blood than her, and the girl’s sword may not only be the enemy’s innocent soul.”
“She has always kept in mind the succubus’ instructions that a king cannot rule a country with human emotions!”
“That’s why she never reveals human emotions, and handles the affairs of the kingdom in an almost mechanical way.”
“Because of this, after a certain battle, one of her knights murmured: “Your Majesty, you don’t understand people’s hearts. “”
“Thus, one knight after another betrayed her. She, who was once regarded as the savior of Britain, is now betrayed and resented by everyone. But no matter who accuses her, no matter who betrays her, she accepts it calmly.”
“It’s too much… Yukinoshita Yukino thinks this from the bottom of her heart. A girl has never aspired to become a king. It was people’s expectations that made her born! It was people’s expectations that determined her life without authorization! It was people’s expectations that bound her Her heart! It was people’s longing that wiped out her emotions!”
“But in the end, these people said… the king doesn’t understand people’s hearts? It’s too much! What kind of pain is hidden under her indifferent appearance? Is there anyone who can understand her? Even one person is fine.”
“Finally, the girl came to an end. She lost her scabbard, and Britain fell apart due to civil strife. After purging many of her former subordinates and people, she and her rebellious son came to an end together.”
“In the end, her dying body was sent to Fairy Island by a knight. At the last moment of her life, she recalled what the succubus had said to her when she was about to draw the sword from the stone… Maybe, she really should think about it at that time, maybe, there will be someone more suitable than herself to be the King of the Promise.”
“”Well! “Yukinoshita Yukino was suddenly pleasantly surprised from the dream, and there were still some tears in her eyes.”
“Yukono, are you finally awake? “Saber, who has been guarding by the side, finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time.”
“Well, I’m awake. “Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the girl in front of her with a complicated expression, the king of all Britain, the sword in the stone… She only knows one person who fits these two terms—King Arthur!”
“yaKing Arthur…” Hori Kyoko blinked, then reacted suddenly, clapped her hands on the table, and shouted, “King Arthur? ! ! ! ”
“What’s the matter, so loud?” Miyamura Isumi asked a little puzzled.
“Yeah, sister, you are so noisy.” Sota Hori puffed up his mouth in dissatisfaction. He is still watching the video, can you not disturb him?
But Kyoko Hori ignored her younger brother’s complaints, and grabbed Miyamura Isumi’s shoulders and began to shake wildly, “Isumi, did you really look at it carefully? This is King Arthur! King Arthur! It’s a girl’s King Arthur Ah! How could King Arthur be a girl!”
“However, no one in our modern times has seen King Arthur, so how can we be sure that King Arthur must be a man?” Miyamura Yicheng said still rather weakly, “On the contrary, we have indeed seen it now. A female King Arthur.”
“Uh… what you said makes sense.” Kyoko Hori paused in surprise, and then sat back down again.
“I didn’t expect that I could still be alive. “Yukinoshita Yukino then looked at her body with admiration, she thought she was dead.”
“”I never thought that my scabbard would actually be inside your body. My scabbard can heal all wounds of the bearer, and this healing speed will be accelerated when I am by your side. “Saber said something shocking with a deadpan face.”
Chapter 266 Tired, no more love
“Your scabbard is on me… what’s going on? ” Yukinoshita Yukino asked in surprise, she never knew she had a scabbard on her body!”
“Maybe, it was the man who buried it. “Saber seemed to have some clues, but she didn’t directly say the name of that person, but said in a vague way.”
“”Do you know that person? Who is he? “”
“Facing Yukinoshita Yukino’s questioning, Saber changed the topic, “Yukino, at that time, why did you catch up? Don’t you know that is a very dangerous thing? ! “”
“Understood that SABER didn’t want to say it, and Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t continue to ask, she pinched the hair next to her ear, “Maybe it’s just that she simply doesn’t want to see you die? Before I could think it through, my body was already moving. “”
“” Yukino, you can’t do this again in the future! “Saber said with a serious expression, “Fighting is our servant’s business, as the master, you only need to protect yourself! “”
“Then you let me watch you die indifferently?” ! “Yukinoshita Yukino obviously cannot accept this kind of behavior.”
“But SABER thinks this is a matter of course, “But you don’t have any fighting ability. Compared with dying with me, from a rational point of view, it is better to let you escape first!” “”
“”Rationality…” Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression suddenly became a little sad, this girl only thinks about reason at all times, but, as a human being, although reason is important, emotion must exist! ”
“What’s wrong with you, Yukino? The expression is very bad, is it still a little uncomfortable? SABER asked with concern, “Do you have anything to eat?” Although I don’t know how to cook, I should still know how to cook instant noodles. “”
“”Aren’t you limited to instant noodles? Does it matter what I want to eat? “Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t laugh or cry, she never expected that the famous King of Knights would have such a cute side.”
“Ah, that’s right. Only then did SABER realize what she had just said, but she didn’t show any shy expression, but stood up as if nothing had happened, “Then I’ll make you a cup of instant noodles. “”
“”no, I’m fine! Yukinoshita Yukino hurriedly stopped her, “I’ll do it myself later… By the way, what time is it now, how long have I passed out?” “”
“”From last night to now, you have been in a coma for almost a day, and it is already past four o’clock in the afternoon. “Saber looked at the time on the wall and said.”
“”It’s been so long…I didn’t go to class today, so I don’t know if Hachiman has returned to school? “Yukinoshita Yukino thought of Sawagoe Hachiman again. A series of things happened after school yesterday afternoon, so she had no time to find him at all.”
“About this, the master of ARCHER asked me to convey it to you, and she will help you ask for leave today. At the same time, if Sawagoe Hachiman arrives at school, she will call, but I haven’t received a call from her all day today. “”
“Listening to what SABER said, Yukinoshita Yukino felt a little depressed, “Hachiman, where are you? “”
“However, she still has some expectations after all. Maybe it’s just that Yuigahama Yui forgot to call her? Maybe Hachiman has already returned to school!”
“But unfortunately, her expectations finally came to nothing. Yuigahama Yui who came to her home did not bring her any good news, but instead told her a news like a bolt from the blue.”
“”Ms. Hiratsuka told me that Yawata’s father came to school today and expelled him, and he will never come to school again! “”
“”How could this be…” Yukinoshita Yukino, who just cooked another dish for SABER, turned pale, feeling dizzy. If it was just a simple transfer, why didn’t she be informed? Could it be, Hachiman Don’t you like her anymore?”
“SABER ate the food in a few mouthfuls, and then looked at Yukinoshita Yukino expectantly, but when she saw Yukino’s gloomy appearance, she couldn’t help but feel slightly depressed… ThisAt that time, Yukino should not be in the mood to cook for her. ”
“”wrong! wrong! “Yukinoshita Yukino quickly recovered. She, who has been with Sawagoe Hachiman for a long time, should be the clearest. That man would not do that kind of thing!”
“”Something must have happened… Besides, this father who suddenly appeared is very strange. Hachiman told us before, does he have a father? I remember he said that he was an orphan, so he had to work to support himself, right? ! “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly thought of what happened before, and hurriedly grabbed Yuigahama Yui’s shoulder and asked, “Is that right, is it like this, I remember correctly, right? ! “”
“”Ah…” Yuigahama Yui thought about it carefully, then nodded again and again, “Yes, yes, yes! Hachiman said that he has no parents and family, and is an orphan! There is indeed something wrong with this sudden father! “”
“Yeah, something is wrong, so where did he come from? Did Hiratsuka-sensei ask the man’s name? “Although Yukinoshita Yukino trusts Hiratsuka Shizuka very much, she feels that she needs to be more cautious when it comes to her lover.”
“And, on the very day when the Holy Grail War broke out, Sawagoe Hachiman disappeared… She had a strong premonition in her heart that his disappearance must be related to the Holy Grail War!”
“You actually suspected that I didn’t ask the other party’s name, and didn’t ask for the other party’s ID, so I directly asked Hikigu to drop out of school. Are you trusting me?!”
Shizuka Hiratsuka is heartbroken! In short, it is heartache! She didn’t expect that in the eyes of the students, she was so out of tune!
Tired, no more love! Hikigu Hachiman must be beaten in class tomorrow! Wife pays debts to husband, no problem!
At this time, Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was very sad, took a mouthful of ramen with tears in his eyes.
“Ah… I didn’t ask that. “In contrast, Yuigahama Yui was the unreliable one. She smiled a few times embarrassedly, then took out her mobile phone and said, “Let me call and ask Hiratsuka-sensei first?” “”
“The phone was connected quickly, and a gloomy female voice came from the opposite side, “Hello, how are you? “”
“”Ah, hello… um, may I ask, is Hiratsuka-sensei there? “Suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice, Yuigahama Yui seemed a little flustered.”
“The slightly gloomy voice on the other side was obviously silent for a moment, and then said, “Wait a minute, I’ll call Hiratsuka-sensei. “”
Chapter 267 Ze Yuezhi
“A strange woman?” Shizuka Hiratsuka was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, she had moved out of the house a long time ago, and she should be the only one living by herself, “Could it be that my cousin came to play at my house?”
She took a bite of ramen, then shook her head, “No, the voice is totally wrong! Who is this woman?”
“Soon, Shizuka Hiratsuka came over to answer the phone, and then told the name of the person who came to Sawagoe Hachiman to handle the retirement procedures, and even the address of that person.”
“Hehehe, I know that person! Mr. Hiratsuka also told us about his name, Ze Yuezhi, and the location of his house. Yuigahama Yui laughed brightly, and she was a little excited when she thought that she would see Sawagoe Hachiman again soon.”
“”That’s great, as expected of everyone’s beloved Hiratsuka-sensei! “Yukinoshita Yukino was obviously relieved.”
“So it’s the guy I adopted.” Ze Yuezhi touched his chin, then looked at a bunch of beautiful girls in the video, and couldn’t help but licked his lips.
Afterwards, watching the scene in the video where Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui were happy to see Sawagoe Hachiman again, he smiled softly, “It’s a bit like me!”
At this time, his eyes were full of hope. Although those two heroic spirits were very strong, he still wanted to know if he in the video could handle these beautiful girls! He is an old scumbag, and his favorite is a beautiful girl!
As long as this scumbag is a beautiful girl, she will try her best to deal with it, even if the other party is a kindergartener!
The women he has dealt with, I am afraid that just listing their names can write a 1,000-word composition!
Compared with him, his son Makoto Ito is as pure as a white lotus!
“Afterwards, Yukinoshita Yukino felt that her body was almost recovered. Regardless of SABER’s obstruction, she forced to go out with Yuigahama Yui. SABER had no choice but to follow behind them with ARCHER’s spirit body. More than an hour Afterwards, they came to Ze Yuezhi’s house.”
“This is a slightly huge villa, but for some reason, there is no light in the villa, and the overall look is very gloomy!”
“”Is Hachiman here? “Yubihama Yui frowned slightly, this place really doesn’t feel good to her senses!”
“”I’ll knock on the door. “While she was speaking, she had already stepped forward and pressed the doorbell.”
“After waiting for a while, there was a rustling sound from the bushes in front of the gate, and an old man who looked very old came out of the bushes, with a smile on his face, looking extremely weird , “Hehehe… It’s been a long time since there have been any guests here, who are you looking for? “”
“I’m looking for Sawagoe Hachiman, he’s here, right? ! ” Yukino Yukino asked hastily.”
“Oh, Hachiman, it turns out that he is an acquaintance, so I am really disappointed. “The old man’s rotten voice made people feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts, but although he said something that was far away, he didn’t mean to open the door at all.”
“”It’s just that Hachiman is in a bad mood recently, and even the old man doesn’t know why. Recently, he should not be in the mood to meet people, so please come back. “””I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the two girls seem to see something weird moving slowly on the old man’s face!”
“…” Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression froze, she was in a bad mood? Why? Is Hachiman really tired of her?”
“She didn’t want to believe this, and immediately yelled, “Hachiman! Hachiman! are you there? Can you hear me? ! “”
“In the villa, in a dark and damp basement dark room, the naked Sawagoe Hachiman lay on the ground with his eyes blank. Countless disgusting and terrifying bugs covered the entire room. He squirmed, gnawing at his body bit by bit, even invading his body!”
“Hearing Yukinoshita Yukino’s voice, his numb eyes seemed to light up for an instant…but they completely dimmed again in the blink of an eye.”
“Ugh! What the hell is this!” Yukinoshita Yukino turned pale and almost vomited. She looked at the scene in the video in horror, and tremblingly grabbed Hikigu Hachiman’s sleeve, as if she wanted to give him a hand. Offer some comfort.
Let alone her, no one who has seen this scene can feel good except for those who have special hobbies!
They seem to be able to hear someone complaining not far away, “I’m still eating! How can I eat this!”
“Brother, are you okay?” Hikigaya Komachi also looked at her brother worriedly, her face was not much better at this time, she was not scared to jump up on the spot, even if she was in a good mood!
“Bastard!” Yukinoshita’s mother gritted her teeth angrily. She not only regarded Hikigaya Hachiman as her son, but now she also regarded him as her son-in-law. In short, he was from their Yukinoshita family! But now, this family is being bullied like this, how can she bear it!
“Little Hachiman, do you want to come into my sister’s arms, my sister will comfort you well.” At this time, Yukinoshita Haruno also looked at him with heartache, her brother, she couldn’t bear to bully her… although it was because she couldn’t beat him , so it is really necessary to hit the younger brother as soon as possible!
“Eh…” Hikigu Hachiman couldn’t help but look at Yukinoshita Yono’s broad chest, a little fascinated.
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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