“Sister!” Yukinoshita Yukino shouted angrily, and the sad atmosphere just now was gone.
“Soon, Sawagoe Hachiman’s indifferent voice came from the villa, “You go, to be honest, I’m not interested in women like you at all! It was just playing with you before, so hurry up and don’t bother me! “”
“…” Yukinoshita Yukino’s small face turned pale instantly, she pursed her lips and didn’t know what to say, so she could only walk back lonely in the end.”
“Wait for me, Xiaoxue! Yubihama Yui hurriedly chased after her, and then whispered, “Xiaoxue, don’t be sad!” That voice just now was not Hachiman’s! I can feel that there are traces of magic, that someone used magic to disguise the voice of Hachiman! “”
“”Magic disguise? “The blood on Yukinoshita Yukino’s face immediately recovered, “Is there a magician in Ze Yue’s family? ! “”
“”There must be! Otherwise, there is no way to explain the magic just now! But…” Yuigahama Yui said with some melancholy, “I don’t know if Hachiman is also one of the seven masters. “”
“Just when the two girls were feeling depressed because of this incident, a thin and handsome high school boy came out from Ze Yue’s villa. He rubbed his hands and smiled at the old man and said, ” Father, those two girls…””
“”You can go if you want. “The old man seemed to have understood his thoughts a long time ago, and said directly.”
“With the old man’s permission, the high school boy hurriedly opened the door and trotted out, “Thank you father. “”
“But what he didn’t see was that the smile on the old man’s mouth at the moment was extremely sarcasm, and the word “stupid” seemed to be revealed in his eyes.”
Chapter 368 He always thought he was a good person
“Wait a minute, is this brat Ito Makoto?” Ze Yuezhi’s face changed, as dark as it could be!
Ito Makoto is his son, but now, Ito Makoto calls this old man who looks like he’s going to die father? In other words, this dead old man is actually himself!
It’s over, it’s over, it’s over… He has dedicated his whole life to the love action career, and he planned to die in the love action career, but he turned into this kind of old man? Isn’t this even the weapon is worn out? Who can stand this? Anyway, he can’t stand it!
“Wait, don’t be so excited, there is another possibility! That brat Makoto Ito is learning from Wen Hou Lu Fengxian, and this dead old man is his godfather! Well, that’s right, that’s it! ”
Ze Yuezhi turned his clever mind and thought of this possibility in an instant. While lamenting his wisdom, he scolded Makoto Ito angrily, “This little bastard dares to recognize a thief as his father!”
On the other side, Makoto Ito is not in a very good mood, he is keenly aware that he is a villain in this video!
He said with some worry, “I’m still trying to find a way to pursue Yan Ye. What if she thinks I’m a bad person?”
He always thought he was a good person!
It’s just that occasionally, sometimes, maybe, probably, he can’t control the weapon system on his body. But he felt that this was a trivial matter, and it was impossible for him to lose his life because of such a trivial matter, right? Impossible, absolutely impossible!
“After Makoto Ito got permission from the old man he called his father,, hurriedly chased towards the door where Yukinoshita Yukino and the two walked, but unfortunately, did not catch up. ”
“”RIDER, hurry up and find them two for me! “”
“After he gave the order, a tall woman with a blindfold appeared beside him, but the woman didn’t move, but shook her head and said, “Sorry, Master, I can’t leave you now. Those two women are also masters, it is too dangerous to leave you now, I can’t guarantee that there won’t be any servants who will come back and attack you. “”
“”what? ! They are also Masters! Makoto Ito was taken aback and almost jumped up, but in a blink of an eye, he became confused, “Then why didn’t you stop me just now?” “”
“RIDER was silent and didn’t speak, and Ito Makoto didn’t care. After calming down, he said, “It’s okay, you can absorb enough magic power when the enchantment is activated, and then find a way to get rid of their followers.” Lose! “”
“”In this way, they still can’t escape my palm! Just the legs of the two of them, I can play for a year! “As if recalling the two pairs of beautiful legs he saw before, his expression became more and more obscene.”
“The RIDER next to him curled his lips very inconspicuously, and he doesn’t seem to have a good impression of him.”
“This guy is so annoying! His eyes are disgusting!” Yukinoshita Yukino’s pretty face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, she could know what Makoto Ito was thinking with her feet !
“Don’t be angry, don’t be angry.” Hikigu Hachiman hurriedly comforted her, “Look at his appearance as a bad guy, most of the follow-up videos are about to be blown up! If he hasn’t been blown up yet, Someday I’ll go and give him a Hypa Knight kick!”
“Yui, don’t be disgusted by this kind of scum, come on, eat more cake!” Yumiko Miura and Ebina Himina looked at Yuihama Yui with heartache, being targeted by such a disgusting man, they just wanted to I almost vomited.
How uncomfortable should it be as one of the former parties?
In order to relieve Yuigahama Yui’s emotions, the two of them hurriedly brought over a bunch of cakes and biscuits, intending to use this crazy feeding method to relieve Yui’s nausea.
“???” Yuigahama Yui looked bewildered, she was busy eating cake just now, and she didn’t even know what happened.
How come there is another pile of cakes and biscuits on the table when I look back? Can she say she can’t eat anymore?
“Student Ito is actually this kind of person. He looks like a normal person.” Gui Yanye was being pursued by Makoto Ito recently. She thought Makoto Ito was handsome and gentle. I plan to agree to him after a while.
Unexpectedly, Makoto Ito was such a person! Fortunately, this video allowed her to see the true face of this man!
“”By the way, RIDER, your barrier shouldn’t be cleared, right? “Makoto Ito is probably focused on how to make his weapon system work. He only reacted to something as important as the enchantment.”
“Relax, Master, this enchantment will always exist as long as I don’t die. RIDER said quite confidently, “Moreover, I noticed that someone tried to destroy this enchantment before, but they didn’t succeed!” “”
“”That’s good! Makoto Ito licked his lips, and then went back. Now he just needs to wait quietly for the enchantment to activate, and then get rid of the two servants… I don’t know what the two servants look like, If it’s also a good-looking woman, then, hehehe~”
“On the other side, Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui returned to the apartment. They were still worried about whether Sawagoshi Hachiman would be the Master.”
“But then, they realized that if Sawakoshi Hachiman is really the master, then he is impossible to be suppressed by the Sawagoe family! Ordinary humans basically don’t want to compete with the servants! Unless it is a super human , against a super-weak Servant, this is the only way to fight.”
“After understanding this point, Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to go back to Sawagoe’s house immediately, let SABER fight in, and rescue Sawagoe Hachiman, but…Saber fell down instead.”
“At this time, SABER has been helped to lie down on the bed, looking very listless.”
“”Saber, how are you feeling now? ” Yukino Yukino looked at her worriedly, and at the same time felt a little bit of self-blame in her heart, “I’m sorry, if I hadn’t insisted on dragging you around, you wouldn’t be like this. “”
“”Xue Nai, you don’t have to blame yourself, you didn’t force me to follow. As a follower, I volunteered to follow you to protect you. This is my duty. Moreover, I should apologize. I thought I could hold on, but in the end I caused you trouble. “”
“”Besides, the injury on my body is not too serious, as long as there is enough magic power, it is enough to heal itself. “SABER’s expression at the moment is not much better. In her opinion, such a self has already failed her duty.”
“But after listening to these words, Yukinoshita Yukino’s guilt became heavier, “I’m sorry, because I have a master like me, so I can’t use magic to heal your injuries, and I can’t provide you with enough food.” Magic power… Well, wait a minute, I’ll cook for you! This is the only thing I can do for you now! “”
Chapter 369: A Symbol of Wisdom
“Yukinoshita Yukino quickly went to make a bunch of dishes for SABER again. At this time, SABER didn’t eat so fast. She finished her meal slowly, probably recovering some of her magic power, and her expression turned ruddy. ”
“She was visibly relieved.Take the dishes to the kitchen to wash up. ”
“At this time, Yuigahama Yui walked up to her and said softly, “Xiaoxue, I think we should form an alliance for the time being. “”
“”Alliance? Yukinoshita paused while washing the dishes, with a surprised expression on her face, “But I remember you told me before that in the Holy Grail War, all masters except yourself are enemies!” “”
“But then, she smiled wryly, “However, we always act together, and it doesn’t seem to be much different from forming an alliance. “”
“”Ahahaha, that’s right. “Yuhihama Yui was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head with a smirk.”
“Her smirk as always, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help but smile, and both of them are in a much better mood at the moment.”
“What do you mean by smirking like always?” At this time, Yuigahama Yui didn’t eat cakes and biscuits, and when she looked up she saw such a scene, she looked at her two friends with tears in her eyes, “Do I look stupid? ”
“Uh…” Miura Yuiko and Ebina Himina couldn’t help but fell into silence, as if they were thinking about what to say.
After contemplating for a moment, Yumiko Miura asked, “Yui, do you want to hear the truth or lies?”
“…Fake, tell a lie.” Yuigahama Yui stammered.
Then, Yumiko Miura immediately began to praise wildly, “Yui, how could you be so stupid? Your whole body exudes the light of wisdom! It is simply a symbol of wisdom!”
“…” Yubihama Yui accepted the compliment with tears in her eyes, she is really smart!
“Yuhihama Yui smirked for a while, then said seriously, “Yukino, I’m serious! I also want to save Hachiman, but before that, there is still a strong enemy in front of us, that is – BERSERKER! “”
“”BERSERKER? What does he have to do with us trying to save Hachiman? Yukinoshita Yukino still didn’t quite understand, but then she reacted, “Wait, you mean, Yukinoshita Yoshino may suddenly attack?” “”
“BERSERKER itself is an extremely difficult heroic spirit. Even if we know that he will be resurrected this time and are prepared, I am afraid that SABER and ARCHER will have to join forces to barely contend against him.”
“But if Berserker suddenly appeared while they were fighting the Sawakoshi family, they would be in danger!”
“”That’s right, that’s it! Therefore, I think we should give priority to the crusade against BERSERKER! Of course, now we have to wait for Saber to recover. ” Yuigahama Yui nodded and said.”
“”But if she really wanted to attack us, why did she let us go last time? ” Yukinoshita Yukino’s mood is quite complicated. She can’t figure out Yukinoshita Yono’s thoughts. She obviously put up a posture to kill them all at the beginning, but why did she retreat when she has an absolute advantage? ”
“”She did let us go last time, but we can’t pin our hopes on the fact that she won’t do anything to us again! ” Yuigahama Yui said.”
“Well, that’s what you said, after all, she is also a participant in the Holy Grail War…” Yukinoshita Yukino’s tone was a little low, she couldn’t figure out why such a young child had to participate in such a cruel battle, at her age, You should be looking at the magical girl and eating the cake.”
“Xiaoxue, then we will go back first. “After talking for a while, Yuigahama Yui waved and left.”
“But for some reason, ARCHER didn’t leave. Instead, he deliberately showed his figure in front of Yukinoshita Yukino.”
“”Is there a problem? “Facing this ARCHER who looks almost exactly like her, for some reason, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t maintain a calm mood, which made her tone a little rough.”
“”Humph! ARCHER snorted coldly, with a cold smile on his face, “It seems that you can at least feel the hostility of others.” Let me give you a piece of advice, since you have participated in the Holy Grail War, don’t try not to kill anyone! “”
“Is it strange that you don’t want to kill people? Isn’t this kind of holy grail war that kills the enemy wantonly even more strange? This stupid Holy Grail War, I will end it as soon as possible! “Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help clenching her fists.”
“Lancer who kills witnesses just because someone saw the battle. Hinoshita Yukinoshita who is going to participate in the Holy Grail War at only a few years old and can even say “kill them” with a smile on his face. …The Holy Grail War that caused this situation is even more strange!”
“”While thinking about ending this Holy Grail War as soon as possible, are you planning not to kill anyone? “Archer sneered, the disdain on his face was undisguised.”
“” What expression do you have! Do you have any problem with my thinking? ! “Yukinoshita Yukino frowned and said.”
“”What a naive guy. “Archer smiled almost contemptuously, then turned around and disappeared as a spirit body, but her voice was still ringing in Yukinoshita Yukino’s ears.”
“”As long as your thoughts are still so idealistic, they will be farther and farther away from reality, and there will be more and more contradictions. One day, your ideals will be defeated by reality. That’s the way you’re going. Because, this world is neither right nor gentle. “”
“Why do I feel more and more that this ARCHER is me?” Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression is very strange at the moment. No matter how you look at it, this kind of remark is the future self complaining about the past self. How difficult is your future road? What.
evenSo, it’s like the self ten years later always feels that the current self is not mature enough, and wants to strangle the current self to death!
“Don’t think too much, Xiao Yukino, when this ARCHER first appeared on the stage, didn’t you already say that she is not you? Besides, one of your classmates directly randomly found you without relying on the holy relic. Is it such a coincidence?” Yukinoshita Yono said.
Yukinoshita Yukino tilted her head and said, “Is this really the case? I think if it’s really a heroic spirit who looks like me but isn’t mine, it would be more of a coincidence, right?”
Chapter 270 Second Dimension, YYDS!
“The next day, the moment Yukinoshita Yukino walked into the school, she felt a strange sense of disobedience, as if her body was wrapped in viscous blood, which made it difficult for her to breathe.”
“She originally thought that a follower was following her, but after careful observation, she found nothing.”
“So, when I was eating with Yuigahama Yui at noon, she told me about it.”
“”Leaving aside that kind of thing, I want to know, why didn’t Saber follow you? Yuigahama Yui asked in surprise, this is the period of the Holy Grail War! There are no followers to follow, and acting alone, isn’t this the same as telling others that this person is unprepared, come and attack her quickly?”
“”SABER hasn’t fully recovered yet. She wanted to come with me, but I stopped her. It would be better to let her rest more. “Yukinoshita Yukino lit up the Command Spell in her hand, and smiled lightly, “If there is an enemy, I will use the Command Spell as soon as possible. SABER also told me that she would still deal with ordinary enemies. Can barely fight. “”
“Speaking of which, her expression is a bit uncomfortable. Even King Arthur, who is famous all over the world, is just a girl. That girl couldn’t act with her own will when she was alive, and she would fight to save her country even after death. Even with such injuries, I don’t want to give up hope of winning the Holy Grail War!”
“So the burden fell entirely on her alone…”
“”That’s it. “Yuhihama Yui nodded lightly. It’s good to have this kind of awareness. I’m afraid that I won’t be willing to use the command spell and be beaten to death.”
“After dispelling the worries in her heart, she then explained softly, “The situation you encountered this morning is because of the enchantment! This enchantment was discovered when I summoned ARCHER and went to school the next day. I also tried to get ARCHER to break the enchantment, but it couldn’t be done! I’m afraid, the only way to do it is to kill the servant or magician who set the barrier! “”
“”Kill? “Yukinoshita Yukino clearly showed a reluctance expression. In her opinion, everything in this world can only happen zero times or countless times, even if it is killing people!”
“No matter what the reason is, killing is killing. Once you break the bottom line, you will one day become a murderer who thinks “other people’s lives are nothing more than that, and you can take them at will”! Even if someone is really guilty, she also thinks it should be done by Judged by the law…of course, the premise is that the judge is fair enough.”
“That’s true.” Imamura Kohei held a glass of boiled water, his face full of melancholy, “I think that’s how I went astray back then.”
Killing is also addictive! Otherwise, why did so many people yearn for the position of emperor in ancient times? There is no one who does not desire the feeling of having the power of life and death in my hands!
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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