“Stop pretending to be melancholy, come over and have a drink!”
“That’s right, you’re the only one who hasn’t taken off your clothes yet!”
“However, having said that, the drinking machine made by Gengping does not poke the needle!”
Imamura Kohei moved his gaze to the group of drinking people, each of whom had a strange machine on them. This machine will detect the results of their punches, and based on the results, it will automatically pour and refill the wine. If someone does not cooperate, they will be forced to open their mouths, which will cut off the repudiating behavior of someone throwing punches and not drinking from the root!
Once you wear this machine, you can only stop when you are drunk!
Seeing that everyone was enjoying the drinking machine he made, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, “Hahahahaha! There are things I can’t do without my divine ability!”
Before, he thought that his divine ability was regarded as a bug and deleted by the X-card of the all-powerful novel buried in the soil. Now it seems that he was obsessed with the second dimension before and didn’t discover this talent!
“What a godly talent, it will be used in this kind of place!” Yoshihara Mana’s mouth twitched a few times, she was a little afraid of Kohei Imamura after watching the video at first, but now…
She can only say that this god has been corrupted by the second dimension, full of funny thoughts, drinking machine? Could this be something a normal person would come up with? Two-dimensional, YYDS!
“After this thought hovered in my mind for a while, Yukinoshita Yukino said again, “In short, first find a way to find the person who set up this barrier. After you find him, there should be other ways to break the barrier.” Bar. “”
“She thinks that while waiting for Saber to recover, maybe she can find a way to break this enchantment first! After all, this enchantment not only gives her poor senses, but also covers an extremely wide area, including the entire school!”
“Such a huge barrier, doesn’t she think that it’s just to make people feel difficult to breathe, so what’s the point of such a thing?”
“” this knotIt is not clear who set up the world, but there is no doubt that he is an extremely evil person! That is a guy who can sacrifice the whole school in order to make his servants stronger! “Yuigahama Yui’s tone is very dignified.”
“”Sacrificing the whole school? Could it be that this enchantment will lead to the death of the whole school? “Yukinoshita Yukino’s breathing stagnates.”
“”Well, this enchantment has not been completed yet… When the enchantment is completely completed and activated, the whole school will be finished! All members in the enchantment will be melted and their souls will be collected. This enchantment is this type of blood temple! “”
“How could he succeed in such a thing! “Yukinoshita Yukino gritted her teeth lightly, her eyes full of determination.”
“Well, I naturally don’t want him to complete this enchantment. But if he’s been hiding behind the scenes, don’t know… wait! Yubihama Yui’s eyes suddenly brightened, “I remembered, on the morning when I discovered the enchantment, I saw a person from another school come out of our school!” “”
“”I thought at first, it should be a transfer student who just transferred to our school, so we don’t have our school uniform yet. But now it seems that he should be the one who set up the enchantment! After all, the timing of his appearance in our school is too coincidental! “”
“”Great! Do you remember what he looked like? “Yukinoshita Yukino looked happy and asked.”
“Uh…” Yuigahama Yui paused for a moment, then scratched her cheek lightly, and said with some embarrassment, “I don’t remember clearly, but as long as I see it, I should still be able to remember it.” ! “”
“”Well, then maybe you can check the student information of other schools. There are usually photos on the student information. “Yukinoshita Yukino thought of a way.”
“”Eh? Could it be that we should solve the mastermind behind this enchantment now? It’s too dangerous, what if BERSERKER suddenly appeared? “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head, “At least, we must first find out who set up this enchantment. “”
Chapter 271 This Is Not Me
“” Yui, do you still remember what the school uniform on that student from another school looked like? Through the school uniform, at least his school can be locked. “”
“Yuhihama Yui thought about it carefully, then shook his head, “I can’t remember some, but if I saw it, I should be able to recognize it, right? “”
“When she said that, she seemed very unassuming… because she said the same thing just now.”
“”After I go back, I will collect the school uniforms of several nearby schools, and I will let you recognize them then. Since he will leave our school early in the morning, he should not be far from our school. “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino seemed to have expected Yuigahama Yui’s performance, and was not surprised at all, and in the blink of an eye, he came up with another way.”
“It soon came to the end of school in the afternoon, and Yukinoshita Yukino was walking home, she planned to get home as soon as possible to sort out the information about the school uniform, and you can basically find all these things by searching the Internet. ”
“However, on the way, she heard a familiar voice.”
“Hahahaha, this is really fun. “”
“”This voice, could it be…” Yukinoshita Yukino’s heart tightened, and then she followed the voice, and there was an eight or nine-year-old girl playing on a swing in the park, it was Yukinoshita Haruno!”
“What happened that night resurfaced in Yukinoshita Yukino’s mind again, and she couldn’t help flashing a trace of fear in her heart.”
“And at this time, Yukinoshita Haruno also saw her.”
“Different from Yukinoshita Yukino’s imagination, Yukinoshita Yoshino’s eyes lit up at this moment, she jumped off the swing, and trotted over, “Yukinoshita, we meet again! “”
“Looking at the girl with such an innocent smile in front of her, Yukinoshita Yukino was in a daze. She looked like the neighbor’s little girl, but why could she say such cruel words with such an innocent smile? ?”
“Xue Nao, why don’t you speak? Seeing that she didn’t speak, Yokino Yukinoshita felt a little strange, but in a blink of an eye she forgot about it, stretched out her hand and pulled Yukinoshita Yukino to the park, “Let’s play with me!” “”
“”Hey, wait, I…””
“Okay, come on, come on! Swinging is fun. “Yukinoshita Haruno interrupted her and forcibly sent her to the swing. I don’t know why such a small girl is so strong?”
“However, if Yukinoshita Yukino can see the arm under Yukinoshita Yono’s clothes, then she should understand that it’s magic, and Yukinoshita Yono used magic!”
“After sending her to the swing, Yukinoshita Yono happily jumped onto the swing, and then swayed by herself, “Hahaha, that’s interesting! “”
“”Is this fun? ” Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t bear to play with this, she grabbed the rope on the swing and looked around, but she didn’t see the terrifying muscular man, “Are you outside alone? Didn’t let that BERSERKER protect you? “”
“”No, if BERSERKER comes along, it won’t be fun. He is worried about me all the time, even if a cat comes over, he will scare the cat away. Really, he is clearly an irrational berserker, yet he cares about people. “Yuno Yukino pouted, and said with some complaints, but there was a smile on his face.”
“Ah…” Yukinoshita Yoshino panicked at this moment, why does it feel like this Yono in the video is very dependent on that muscular man? Could it be that these two still have a relationship?? Beauty and the Giant?
But fortunately, the Yang Nao in the video is not her! No matter in size or age, even if she really has a relationship, it has nothing to do with her! Not a big problem!
“”But if you don’t have a follower, isn’t it very dangerous? You, the Master, might be attacked! “Yukinoshita Yukino said anxiously.”
“”But you don’t have a follower, do you? “Young Nai Yukinoshita blinked his eyes, and then smiled softly, “Hehehe, you seem to prioritize other people’s safety over your own. “”
“”I, I can’t help it, Saber hasn’t recovered yet. “Yukinoshita was stunned for a moment, then explained.”
“Hmm~ Is it really okay to just tell me the current state of your servant? “”
“”For you, no matter what the state is, it doesn’t make much difference. “Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head and said.”
“Hahaha, that’s right, BERSERKER is the strongest! “Hinano Yukinoshita laughed, looking very happy. She likes to praise BERSERKER the most, and she likes to hear others praise BERSERKER the most.”
“This kind of mentality is like an elementary school student getting a new toy from his parents, and then showing it off in front of everyone, hoping to get the envious eyes of all his classmates.”
“Looking at the innocent and lovely girl, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help showing a little smile, “Yuno, why did you let us go that day? “”
“”why? Yukinoshita Yangno looked at Yukino strangely, “Of course I let it go if I wanted to. Does this kind of thing need a reason?” Kill if you want to kill, let go if you want to let go… Although I haven’t killed a single person until now, that’s what they taught me. “”
“” What are these teachings! “Yue Shixia Yukino suddenly felt a little anger in her heart. How can anyone teach children like this? Are they planning to teach a murderer? Or is the person who taught her a murderer himself?!”
“”Is it your parents who taught you this? “”
“”Not. “Yuno Yukinoshita shook his head, the smile on his face disappeared in an instant, “I don’t have parents. “”
“Hmm, it seems that my guess should be correct! This Yukinoshita Yono here is a clone!” Hikigu Hachiman nodded affirmatively, he really is a prophet! How can human beings not be cloned have parents?
“However, it’s the same for orphans, isn’t it?” Hikigaya Komachi put forward a different opinion, “I think it might be that Ms. Ono was abducted and sold by human traffickers when she was young, and then she was taken and raised by a group of bad magicians!”
“Then how do you explain Miss Yang Nai’s age? If she was just kidnapped, her age shouldn’t change.”
Facing the intense discussion between the two siblings, Yukinoshita Yono rolled his eyes: This is not me!
“After finishing speaking, before Yukinoshita Yukino could react, she jumped off the swing and laughed, “I had a great time today, see you next time, big sister. “”
“And Yukinoshita Yukino is still sitting on the swing, thinking about what the girl said just now.”
Chapter 272 They all have a bright future
“”Saber, how are you feeling now? “Yukinoshita Yukino returned home, and immediately came to Saber’s bed and asked.”
“Master, you are back. “Saber, who was resting on the bed, opened her eyes, and she hurriedly got up from the bed, “I’m already much better, it doesn’t matter if I face a battle immediately. “”
“”Stop talking silly, you’re clearly not well yet! “Yukinoshita Yukino hastily pressed SABER back, just the movement of getting up, she already saw that SABER started to frown, hurt like this, and she didn’t know how she followed her out before.”
“I must have endured a lot of pain at that time… Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino felt a little sad in her heart. She obviously looked like a girl about her age, why did she have to go through all this?”
“It would be great if she could fight too. Then, she can share the pressure of SABER! Such thoughts can’t help but appear in her heart.”
“Then, she shook her head and said, “Let me go cook you something first, you wait for me here. “”
“”Really? Great! A gleam of light bloomed in SABER’s eyes. She looked very weak before, but she regained her energy in a blink of an eye. She was supported by some biscuits prepared by Yukino Yukino in advance at noon, and she was almost starving. !”
“Well, of course it’s true. “Being caught by the hand suddenly, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t laugh or cry, and only when she talked about food, she felt that this King Arthur also had a girlish side.”
“King Arthur is not only a girl, but also a foodie. This kind of thing is really eye-opening.” Nakano Wuyue took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun, with a solemn expression on his face as if he had found an organization!
King Arthur is eating biscuits, she is eating buns, they both have a bright future!
“What do you think happened to May?” Nakano Kazuka felt a little puzzled. Nakano May, who has always been a foodie and optimist, actually started to become serious. This is unscientific!
“Yeah, what a strange expression.” Nakano Yotsuba was also stunned, this is unscientific!
“Could it be that Wuyue feels uncomfortable seeing that others will soon have a big meal, but she can only eat steamed buns?” Nakano Nino put forward a very likely guess.
Nakano Sanjiu repeatedly nodded in agreement with this guess, “Yeah.”
“After waiting for a while, Yukinoshita Yukino went back and forth a few times and brought over seven or eight plates full of food, and SABER immediately started gobbling it up.””While SABER was eating, Yukinoshita Yukino quickly turned on the computer, collected the school uniform styles of all nearby schools, and sent them to Yuigahama Yui.”
“By this time, Saber had finished eating too. To be honest, although I have seen it several times, Yukinoshita Yukino was still very surprised. How can such a small person eat so much so fast? SABER Is it the Red Dragon Furnace Heart, or the Gluttonous Furnace Heart?!”
“She took all the dishes to the kitchen to wash, then wiped her hands and went back to Saber’s bed. Although Saber still had the same serious face as before, she seemed to be a little embarrassed to use the quilt Covering half of his face, people have to say admiration, he is indeed the king of quilts.”
“Although SABER is willing to help, she really doesn’t know how to do this,” I’m sorry, Yukino, not only let you cook, but also wash the dishes. “”
“It’s okay, there are only these things I can help with. “Yukinoshita Yukino showed a smile, this smile relieved Saber’s mood a lot.”
“”By the way, SABER, I’m going out for a while, you should rest at home first. “”
“She plans to go to the school to see the situation of the enchantment. After all, the method that she thought of before, although it is barely a solution, is too inefficient. She thinks that as the person behind the setting of the enchantment, she might go to the scene to see Depending on the situation, if you are lucky, you might be able to catch the person who set the barrier directly!”
“Hearing this, Saber quickly lifted the quilt and was about to get up, “Then I’ll get up right away. “”
“”Eh? Yukinoshita was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly pressed SABER, “SABER, you don’t have to go, just take a good rest!” You haven’t fully recovered from your current injuries. “”
“”But I feel that I have almost recovered now! If you still don’t follow you, what if something happens to you? “Although SABER’s voice is relatively small, his tone is full of determination.”
“”What has almost recovered, I think you almost didn’t stand up just now. Yukinoshita Yukino smiled wryly, her hands were still trying to push Saber back, “The most important thing for you now is to have a good rest!” As the Master, I cannot see you fighting with injuries! “”
“”But, Master, I never thought I could win without any damage! As a follower, I will use my body to defeat the enemy, even if I have only one breath left, I will continue to fight! What’s more, now I have barely recovered to the point where I can follow your actions! “”
“This time, no matter what Yukinoshita Yukino says, SABER doesn’t plan to lie at home anymore! As a servant, her duty is to fight, and she has no choice but to let Yukinoshita Yukino leave during the day, which has already worried her for a long time. All day.”
“In her opinion, Yukinoshita Yukino is not only her master, but also her hope of winning the Holy Grail! If Yukinoshita Yukino is killed, then she will also leave the field and lose the Holy Grail War directly. Qualifications! She absolutely doesn’t want this kind of thing!”
“”Even if you are a follower, how can it not matter if you are injured? Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly hugged SABER with a sad face, her heart ached, “Think about yourself!” How far are you going to go to save your country! “”
“”Yukono, you…” The hugged SABER froze, her lips parted, and it took her a long time to speak with a complicated expression, “How do you know my wish? “”
“Sorry, I saw it in a dream, I don’t know why, I saw something about you in my dream that day. “”
“”Probably because of the magical connection between the servant and the master, that’s why you saw something about me, right? “Saber guessed, then gently pushed Yukinoshita Yukino away, and said in an extremely firm tone, “Because you saw it, you should understand my heart better!” I will do anything to save my country! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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