“Is she in a daze?” Yukinoshita Yukino murmured in confusion, she has no doubts now, if someone can give Saber the Holy Grail, it will be fine if she cuts off her master!
Chapter 273 You caught my attention
“Hey, Lancer~ Senior is in here? “Yishishiyu looked curiously at the slightly gloomy villa in front of him, and asked the man in the blue tights beside him.”
“”Master, you have asked me many times… I have said it all, and the detection is very clear, Sawakoshi Hachiman, that man is inside! Moreover, tonight, that guy named Makoto Ito has already taken his servant RIDER out! “”
“LANCER let out a sigh of relief. He doesn’t know why he is a spearman, and he does ASSASSIN’s work all day long!”
“However, recalling the scene where Ito Makoto took RIDER out, he was a little puzzled. That RIDER did look at him at that time, probably found him? Then why didn’t she tell her Master? ? Or are they already setting up an ambush in this villa?”
“However, he doesn’t care whether there is an ambush or not! He is thirstyLooking forward to only women and fighting! However, he is still a Heroic Spirit now, so he should pay attention to the image problem and just focus on his desire to fight! ”
“Lancer’s hand holding the scarlet magic gun was slightly stronger, and the smile on his face gradually became grim.”
“”That’s right. “Isshiki Yu nodded slightly, and said to himself with some puzzlement, “Then why didn’t Yukinoshita-senpai and Yuigahama-senpai go to rescue the senior? It’s so weird. “”
“”Maybe it’s because Saber’s injury hasn’t healed yet? After all, he was hit by my Noble Phantasm on the shoulder! “LANCER shrugged, with a relaxed expression on his face. Having fought against ARCHER and SABER successively, and he still has a slight upper hand, he already thinks he can say the last sentence, everyone here is hot chicken!”
“After all, generally speaking, the physical strength of the upper three riders is stronger than the lower four riders! Of course, although you have to despise the enemy psychologically, you still have to be careful in your actions.”
“”So why did you wound Senior Yukinoshita’s servant? Didn’t I say that you only need to be responsible for investigating the situation, and don’t fight anyone? “Yi Caiyu rolled his eyes, dissatisfied with Lancer’s self-assertion.”
“LANCER sneered, “Master, you have already been involved in the Holy Grail War, don’t you still have the idea of ​​being cute and pass the level? “”
“”Even if you have the idea of ​​being cute and foolish, so what? I told you from the beginning, I’m just an ordinary person who was involved in the Holy Grail War, I don’t know anything, and I don’t want to participate in this Holy Grail War! “”
“”So, you who don’t want to participate in the Holy Grail War, what are you planning to do now? “The corner of Lancer’s mouth curled up, and he didn’t expose the lie of Yi Caiyu. How could ordinary people be chosen by the Holy Grail if their desires were not strong enough?”
“Of course it’s to save Senior! “Yi Caiyu put his hands behind his back, and smiled, “Hey hey~ I will save the senior!” In this case, senior will definitely be grateful to me, maybe it won’t be a problem if I take it down like this! “”
“Pfft!!!” Yi Caiyu spat out a mouthful of old blood, she thought she might be the mastermind behind the scenes, after all, how good that Lancer was when he first came out! At first glance, it was taught by the mastermind behind the scenes!
How did it turn out to be a love brain? Is that Sawagoe Hachiman, or Yukinoshita Hachiman really that good? There are so many people who like him!
Yi Caiyu couldn’t help feeling a little curious.
In the words of a domineering president, man, you caught my attention!
On the other side, Hikigu Hachiman shrunk his neck slightly, the atmosphere at the scene was a little bad, to be honest he felt a little dangerous… He obviously didn’t do anything, why did he suddenly enter the Shura field? This is not scientific at all!
“Speaking of which, Master, aren’t you afraid that you made a mistake? If Zegoshi Hachiman was not imprisoned, but he just simply didn’t want to contact you anymore, wouldn’t the behavior we are about to do be equivalent to breaking into someone’s house and smashing up a robber? “”
“Facing Lancer’s doubts, Yishiroyu said confidently, “Impossible! I know exactly what kind of person Senior is! “”
“”I’m cute, right? ‘ she asked suddenly.
“Although LANCER didn’t know why he suddenly asked this question, he still said obediently, “From the perspective of universality, you are indeed cute. Just based on your appearance, you are at least Maeve’s level!” “”
“”Can you stop comparing me with Maeve…” Yi Caiyu’s mouth twitched, as if she didn’t know what kind of woman Maeve was?!”
“Then she took a deep breath and continued, ‘Yes, I’m cute! Such a cute appearance is naturally very popular among boys… But among girls, it is not the same thing! Some boys that girls admire don’t like them, but like me who is cuter. “”
“”With this kind of situation, how could I be popular among girls? They always think of various ways to make me look ugly and embarrass me. Facing a group of girls with a large number of people, no one will protect me, even those boys who like me are the same. “”
“”Because they are afraid that if they help me, they will be regarded as people who stand on the same side as me, and then they will suffer the same experience as me. “Speaking of this, Yi Caiyu sneered, so she has always looked down on those people. Whether it is the people who choose to bully her, or those who are obviously greedy for her body, but dare not help her because they are afraid of being bullied.”
“Afterwards, she said with a slight smile, “But senior, don’t be afraid, he helped me in that situation! Therefore, I believe that someone like Senior will never cut off contact with us without saying a word! Something must have happened to him now! “”
“…” Yukino Yukino gasped, she was familiar with this situation! She has often encountered this kind of thing from junior high school to high school! She never expected that she would encounter someone in the same way at school!
And Yi Caiyu was a little confused, although she was indeed squeezed out by girls, and her classmates didn’t have many friends, but… it shouldn’t be that serious, right?
“Well, since you have already decided, let’s order, Master! “”
“”Um! “Thinking that Makoto Ito and RIDER might be coming back soon, Yi Shiroyu didn’t hesitate any longer, and ordered, “Lancer, let’s go!” Save the seniors! “”
“Of order, Master! “Lancer grinned at the corner of his mouth, and responded cheerfully, then jumped to the gate of the villa,Kick it on the gate! ”
“The huge iron gate was kicked away, as if hit by a truck, it flew far away!”
Chapter 274 Occasionally pissed off
“In the insect warehouse, the rotten old man was watching the scene of Zegoshi Hachiman being bitten by insects with a smile. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise from outside the door, and turned around with some doubts, “Huh? What happened? “”
“Afterwards, he immediately activated the perception magic, and within a second, he nodded clearly, with a completely indifferent expression, “So that’s it, it’s Lancer. “”
“Could it be that this dead old man is actually very strong?” Koshitani Natsumi asked in surprise.
After all, even though he had sensed the existence of the Heroic Spirit, he still had that indifferent expression. It looked like a big boss behind the scenes!
“But this guy is so disgusting!” Koshigu Xiaoju was trembling from the disgust of the pile of bugs, she wished that the old man would just cool off and stop letting her see the bugs again!
“Huh?” Koshitani Natsumi thought for a while, and realized what her sister was afraid of. She showed a funny smile, and then pointed at Koshigaya Xiaoju and shouted, “Ah, there are bugs!!!”
“Wow!!!” Xiaoju Koshigu was so frightened that he jumped up and went under the table trembling, while trembling, he muttered, “I’m not afraid of bugs, I’m not afraid of bugs…”
“Hahahaha!” Seeing her sister’s embarrassing appearance, Koshitani Natsumi rolled forward and backward with a smile.
“I noticed Lancer’s whereabouts. Before the old man could move, a guy in a blue tights smashed the ceiling of the worm warehouse, fell from the top, and then stepped on the inside of the worm warehouse, trampling to death Dozens of bugs.”
“”Huh? This is this kind of place, it’s really quite funny. Looking at Zegoshi Hachiman, who was surrounded by bugs, with blank eyes, Lancer frowned. Even a veteran warrior like him, seeing this pile of bugs would make his stomach feel a little nauseous, and he didn’t know How did this little guy endure it!」
“”Hehehe, the presence of a hero in the history of mankind really makes the humble house flourish. “The old man’s voice sounds like a distorted tape, very harsh, and if there is something weird wriggling around him, most people will probably be scared to death when they see it.”
“”Let’s introduce yourself first, Lao Xiu Ze Yue Zhi! “”
“What? It’s really me!!!” Ze Yuezhi’s eyes widened. What happened? What happened to make him grow old like this!
With such an old age, the weapon system is afraid that it will be completely damaged and cannot be used! In this case, what is the meaning of his life!
“No, I can’t be old! I can’t be old! After I get old, life is meaningless!” Even though he said this, Ze Yuezhi was still very pessimistic. How could he have the ability to prevent himself from not getting old?
Unless there is a stone ghost face! If there is a stone ghost face, even let him be Katz’s dog!
“”Ze Yuezhi…It is true that he has the same surname as this kid, but what does it have to do with me? “Lancer was talking, and in the next second he appeared in front of Ze Yuezhi like a flash, and shot him in the heart!”
“Being hit in the heart by this gunshot, generally speaking, is absolutely hopeless! However, Ze Yuezhi didn’t seem to feel the pain, and his face still had the same smile. Afterwards, he The body began to melt, and finally turned into a pile of bugs!”
“”It turns out that in pursuit of eternity, it has long since abandoned its body and turned to a monster made of bugs, so I say a magician…” Lancer curled his lips, although he can also use rune magic, but He just doesn’t like the soft fighting style of the magician, and the old coin attribute of the shady man behind his back!”
“Although there are still many magicians who like to fight head-on, such as Boxer, Axe, Juggernaut, etc., but I have to say that most magicians are indeed old coins!”
“”With so many bugs, it would be too slow to kill them one by one. I don’t like it very much, but this is the only thing I use. “”
“LANCER shook his head, jumped into the worm bin, picked up Sawagoe Hachiman, and drew a rune on the wall, and then a raging flame ignited in the worm bin.”
“”Oh! Oooo! “As the flames ignited, Ze Yuezhi’s desolate screams sounded immediately in the worm warehouse, and there was even a burst of meaty smell.”
“So, I’m so cold? Then why are you pretending to be B in front of you!” Ze Yuezhi was almost pissed off by himself in the video. He clearly sensed Lancer’s approach, so he ran away quickly and insisted on playing. What self-introduction, and then it was solved easily.
He obviously looks like a big boss behind the scenes, but in the end he only has a record of miscellaneous soldiers!
I’m mad at Olei!
“LANCER put on a suit of clothes for Zegoshi Hachiman, and then jumped out, “Master, I rescued him. “”
“”senior! “Isshiki Yu’s eyes lit up, and he trotted over quickly, only to find that Sawakoshi Hachiman’s eyes were blank, as if he had turned into a puppet.”
“She was about to ask Lancer what happened to Sawagoe Hachiman when she heard a curious girl’s voice in her ears.”
“Hey~ Sawagoe Hachiman, is this the person Yukino likes? “”
“”who? “LANCER was startled, then followed the voice, and saw an eighthA nine-year-old girl and a muscular man over two meters tall were standing not far from them. ”
“Although he was fighting just now, he was able to get so close to them without him noticing… Either this servant is an ASSASSIN with the ability to conceal breath, or this girl’s strength in magic Very powerful!”
“But, no matter how you look at it, that muscular man can’t be an ASSASSIN! How can an ASSASSIN have so many muscles! Berserker is about the same!”
“Just now Lancer said in his heart that everyone present is hot, but now, he has to admit that the breath of this BERSERKER has put him under great pressure! The strength of this servant is even more terrifying than he imagined! ”
“LANCER made a defensive movement, “Master, you take this kid back and let me fight! “”
“”Hehehe. Yukinoshita Yono smiled softly, “I only planned to kill Sawagoe Hachiman, but it’s fate to meet you, so let’s kill them together!” Get rid of them, BERSERKER~””
Chapter 275 Let’s Showdown
“If you can do it, come and try it! “Cú Chulainn set up his spear. He didn’t feel any regrets in the life before him, and he didn’t pin his wish on the Holy Grail. He just wanted to do his best and fight with the strong as his opponent, worthy of a hero!”
“And the muscular man who appears now definitely meets his requirements! So much so that his heart is about to ignite!”
“Master, give the order! “”
“”call! “Yi Caiyu took a long breath, then his eyes narrowed, “Come on, Lancer!” Go get the victory you crave! “”
“”learn! “LANCER licked his lips, then kicked his feet, and there was a terrifying sonic boom. Accompanied by a huge air wave, he appeared in front of Berserker in an instant, and then swung his spear down!”
“”Roar! “BERSERKER let out a roar, and the skin on his body turned blood red! He swung the stone ax in his hand backhand, and it was obvious that he shot later, but he firmly blocked Lancer’s attack!”
“”This guy…” Lancer’s pupils shrank suddenly, feeling the power coming from his hands, he couldn’t help but exclaim in his heart, what a powerful force! Not only that, but his speed is far beyond ordinary people! This guy is definitely not an ordinary heroic spirit !”
“Just as he was shocked, the muscles in BERSERKER’s hand twitched, and the strength in his hand increased again!”
“Like a baseball being swung, LANCER smashed into that villa at a terrifying speed, and the whole villa was instantly reduced to ruins!”
“”LANCER! “Yi Caiyu stepped back as if it was unacceptable, and couldn’t help but exclaimed. Before, Lancer, who seemed to her like a superhero in comics, now faced this super big guy, and even made one move. I can’t take it!”
“There was a slight change in the pile of ruins. A few bricks flew into the sky as if they had been hit by a huge force. Lancer, who was covered in bruises, crawled out of the ruins while coughing.”
“At this time, he no longer has the majestic appearance before, but the only thing that remains the same is that the fighting spirit in his eyes is still fanatical!”
“”nice! Although I have already guessed that it is an extremely powerful Heroic Spirit, but when I actually face it, I can realize how powerful it is! “Lancer sighed secretly while praising, as a follower, his strength is not the same as before, but will be affected by the popularity bonus and the master’s magic power.”
“Leaving aside the popularity, his Master is just an ordinary person who was involved in the Holy Grail War for no reason. The state of life!”
“It would be great if it was in its heyday, so that we can fight him with all our strength!”
“It turns out that I’m also a laggard…” Yi Cai shrank her neck, feeling how embarrassed that a good hero was cheated by her like this.
“I don’t know how to learn magic? If I can learn magic, I won’t be able to hold him back when I summon a heroic spirit in the future!”
However, it’s a pity that she doesn’t know where to learn it at all…Wait, among the few masters appearing so far, Yuigahama Yui-senpai doesn’t seem like an outsider?
A color feather suddenly found a blind spot! Moreover, it seems that although she and those two seniors are rivals in love, they should have a good relationship. If you can learn magic from senior Yuigahama Yui, it shouldn’t be a problem, right?
“Although Lancer felt sorry, his movements were not slow. His aura exploded, and he jumped up from the ruins, standing in front of Ichicolor Yu.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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