“Although he is covered in bruises and his body is already stained red with blood, at this moment he looks extremely tall!”
“”Master, you take that little brother and hurry up, I will find a way to stop them! “”
“”Stupid you! Obviously you were sent flying without even blocking a single move just now! “Yi Caiyu roared angrily.”
“”Although I don’t want to participate in this holyFrom the beginning to the end of the cup war, I was just involved in it somehow! But, you call me Master, right? In that case, I have to fulfill the responsibility of the Master! “”
“”Ah! I thought you were just a little girl, but I didn’t expect that you are actually quite heroic! “LANCER chuckled, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood at the moment.”
“But, Master, my wish is to go all out and fight to my heart’s content, so I stay here not only to let you leave, but also to fulfill my long-cherished wish! But your wish is not to watch me die right here? “”
“Lancer turned his head, his blood-stained face smiled so gently at the moment, “So, hurry up and go!” Let us each fulfill our wishes! “”
“”…” Isiroha remained silent, then helped up Sawagoe Hachiman who had put Lancer on the ground before, she pursed her lips and asked, “Will you come back? “”
“”Who knows? “LANCER smiled freely, he actually knew very well that in his current state, he would definitely die!”
“”Huh…” Yi Caiyu closed her eyes and let out a long breath, then opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes were already filled with enlightenment, she raised her right hand, revealing the three Command Seals on her wrist, “LANCER, I order in the name of Command Seals! “”
“”First Command Spell, you will go all out in this battle! “”
“Second Command Spell, you must win! “”
“”Third Command Spell, you must come back alive! “”
“Under Lancer’s astonished gaze, the three Command Seals in Yishiroyu’s hands all burst into red light, and then disappeared. Following that, a terrifying magical power poured into his body!”
“He can feel that his current state is not far from his previous state!”
“…Silly girl, I told you before that Command Seals are used to restrain followers, right? That’s not what this thing is for! “Although he said accusing words, the corner of LANCER’s mouth curled up into a smile.”
“To be honest, he also knows that his lucky attribute has always been low, and he is afraid that he will meet a Master who will make him commit suicide, but…”It’s great to have a Master like you. “”
“Listening to the sound of footsteps getting farther and farther behind, he faced Berserker and raised his spear again, “Berserker, let’s decide the outcome! “”
Chapter 276: Hercules
“LANCER is down.”
“After fighting with BERSERKER for nearly half an hour, he finally fell down. Several wounds on his body were still bleeding, and he looked like a blood man at this moment.”
“Only his slightly undulating chest still shows that he still has a little life. He has the inherent ability of fighting to continue, and he is finally approaching the end of his life at this time.”
“He opened his eyes with difficulty, and looked at that berserker who looked like a giant with the last bit of strength… Sure enough, he was unharmed!”
“Heh, heh…” He couldn’t help but smiled wryly. At first he was able to injure the other party with the magic spear in his hand, but after a while, he discovered that Berserker’s muscles had already developed resistance to his magic gun. sex!”
“Recognizing that normal attacks could no longer cause damage to Berserker, he immediately activated his Noble Phantasm. Facing his B-rank anti-human Noble Phantasm, the Spear of Piercing Deaththorns, Berserker didn’t even attempt to evade or counterattack!”
“Although his death thorn spear is a treasure that reverses cause and effect, it is extremely difficult for Berserker to dodge if he wants to dodge, but Berserker didn’t even try to dodge, which is enough to prove Berserker’s self-confidence!”
“Sure enough, when the thorn-piercing spear pierced Berserker’s heart, Berserker… was stabbed to death!”
“But before Lancer could be happy, he saw a scene that shocked him. Berserker, who had just died, was resurrected immediately!”
“And more importantly, when he launched the Noble Phantasm to pierce the death thorn spear again, the Noble Phantasm didn’t even pierce the skin of BERSERKER!”
“The life that can be resurrected, the terrifying power, the powerful martial arts, the agility that surpasses ordinary people, and the body that has been tempered… So it is you… Hercules, Hercules!”
“Lancer smiled with satisfaction, and then slowly closed his eyes. This time, he is fighting with all his strength. He can already return to the Hall of Valor with satisfaction.”
“Looking at Lancer who turned into a spot of light and disappeared, Yukinoshita Yono smiled softly, “BERSERKER is the strongest! The Twelve Trials of the Noble Phantasm are the embodiment of the twelve great achievements he has accomplished before him. They are both “God’s Blessing” and “Curse”, and they are the Noble Phantasm representing immortality! “”
“That’s right, Berserker’s Noble Phantasm is not a weapon or armor, but his body itself! This Noble Phantasm not only turned his body into tough armor, it could neutralize physical attacks and magic methods below level B, and it even had a full twelve lives! By the way, every three days, one life will be restored. “”
“”In addition, the Twelve Trials also have a third effect. Once he is defeated by a certain method, his resistance to this method will be greatly improved! “”
“It’s like explaining to the dead Lancer, let him understand that he didn’t deserve to lose, YukinoshitaYang Nai stood at the same place and explained Berserker’s ability over and over again, and finally she laughed softly, “That’s why I said, Berserker is the strongest!””
“Looking at the direction in which Isshiroha and Sawagoshi Hachiman were going away, Yukinoshita Haruno turned and left. She had already planned to let those two people go temporarily. If I had to say the reason, it was probably Lancer’s desperate fight Let her heart tremble.”
“Hercules… the legendary Hercules, and the skill of the Twelve Trials is too perverted, how can such a guy win!”
Although I thought this BERSERKER was too strong before, but now after seeing the detailed description of his treasure, Yukinoshita Yukino is a little confused. Can this kind of existence really be defeated?
Every time he was defeated, he gained resistance to that attack, and then he had twelve lives, in other words, he had to be killed twelve times in twelve different ways!
Besides him, there are six heroic spirits. Even if each heroic spirit’s treasure can kill him once, that’s only six times! Not to mention, his life can still recover! This is really a head-to-head fight!
“Should there still be weaknesses? For example, if the damage is high enough, maybe it can kill several lives at once?” Hikigu Hachiman guessed, after all, if this is not the case, you can only rely on super variety, And the attack power needs to be strong enough to kill him.
But, how can anyone have so many treasures? Impossible!
“On the other hand, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t resist SABER’s request after all, and brought her out together.”
“The two came to the vicinity of the school all the way. Yukinoshita Yukino stepped into the school, and the sticky feeling that she couldn’t breathe hit again, which made her understand that this enchantment still exists, and it has not yet been activated.”
“”The barrier has not been activated yet, and no suspicious people have been seen near the school. That is to say, the barrier has not been set up yet. Yukinoshita Yukino touched her chin and said, “SABER, let’s wait here for a while, if there is still no suspicious person, then let’s go back.” “”
“”You said suspicious person… I did see one. “Saber cast her eyes into the distance as she said that, Yukinoshita Yukino stood on tiptoe to look, but she didn’t see anyone, her eyesight is naturally inferior to SABER who is a heroic spirit.”
“”SABER, take me there to have a look! “Yukinoshita Yukino said quickly without hesitation.”
“SABER nodded and led the way. After walking in, Yukinoshita Yukino realized that this was a beautiful female high school student with long blonde hair, and she was wearing the uniform of her school.”
“”A classmate from the same school? What’s wrong with her now? “Yukinoshita Yukino asked anxiously. This girl walked on the road with blank eyes, as if she was going somewhere, but the strange thing is that she didn’t respond to anything happening around her!”
“”It’s hint magic! Someone gave her a hint to go somewhere! “Saber frowned slightly, and then grabbed Yukinoshita Yukino who wanted to stop the girl.”
“”Xue Nao, don’t stop her yet, let’s follow her and see who gave her a hint. She might not be the only person controlled by magic! “”
Chapter 277 Loss of right to choose a spouse
“Yumiko, Yumeko, it’s you!” Ebina Hime said in surprise.
“Yeah.” Yumiko Miura was not happy to see herself on the stage, and even a little sad. She looked like a passerby! And most of them are passerby characters who will be rescued by Hihama Yui’s love rival!
It made her very sad, as a person at the top of the class in the school.
She finally made an appearance, but the reality made her lose so thoroughly!
“Yukinoshita Yukino and SABER followed Miura Yuiko all the way, and finally, they came to a very remote alley.”
“Looking at Miura Yumiko walking slowly into the alley with eyes still blank, Yukinoshita Yukino and Saber looked at each other, and they both saw the meaning in each other’s eyes. This must be a hint to Miura Yumiko This is where the magicians stay!”
“Yukinoshita Yukino followed closely behind, and SABER transformed into a spirit body by her side.”
“The moment Yukino under the snow stepped into the alley, seven or eight girls lying on the ground came into her eyes! Every girl was like a broken doll, motionless, with blank eyes , only the faint ups and downs of their chests can prove that their lives are still alive!”
“If there are no accidents, Miura Yuiko will probably become like this in the future!”
“”This is…” Yukinoshita Yukino looked at this scene in disbelief, her eyes were full of anger, who is it? Who did this kind of thing!”
“Da da da……”
“There were some footsteps in the darkness. She looked up, and a handsome male high school student wearing a school uniform from another school appeared in front of her eyes.”
“The moment this male high school student saw Yukinoshita Yukino, he showed a surprised expression, and even licked his lips, “Oh, I said where did the unexpected guest come from, and disturb my good business? I didn’t expect it to be you… Hehehe, this is really, really great! “”
“Looking at this perverted guy in front of me, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help but frowned, “Although you seem to know me, I’m sure I haven’t met you, who are you? “”
“”I? My name is Ito Makoto, you probably don’t know this name,But mention another name, you should be very clear! Sawagoe Hachiman, I’m that guy’s big brother! Makoto Ito grinned, his eyes kept turning on Yukinoshita Yukino’s body for a moment, and he laughed from time to time.”
“This guy, why do you only look at Yukinoshita and not me? Am I not as good-looking as Yukinoshita?!” Miura Yumi slapped the table angrily, how could she not be as good-looking as Yukinoshita! Impossible, absolutely impossible!
Yuigahama Yui fiddled with the spoon in his hand, slightly tilted his head, “But, Yumiko, do you want to be stared at by such disgusting eyes?”
The furious Yumiko Miura froze for a moment, she withdrew her hand, with an expression that nothing happened, “I suddenly felt that Yukinoshita Yukino might indeed look better than me. Well, that’s right!”
“” Hachiman’s big brother? What does it mean? Your surname is Ito, so you should have nothing to do with Hachiman! “Feeling the disgusting look in his eyes, Yukinoshita frowned slightly, but in a blink of an eye, he was attracted by the words in his mouth.”
“Makoto Ito fiddled with his hair, “I follow my mother’s surname, and that guy Hachiman was adopted. He is indeed my younger brother. A few days ago, when you came to our house, I saw you. At that time, Hachiman said something very exaggerated to you, right? It’s really too much! How could you say that to a cute girl! “”
“He looks aggrieved. If he doesn’t know, he thinks his mother has been scolded!”
“”That’s why my stupid brother really doesn’t know how to pity girls, but I’m different, I’m the one who knows how to cherish girls the most! He put on a refreshing smile, and stretched out his hand to Yukinoshita Yukino, “I said you, how about being my girlfriend?” I will protect you well! “”
“”No need! Yukinoshita Yukino refused without any hesitation. She looked at the girls on the ground and asked, “I ask you, are you responsible for these people becoming like this?” “”
“Being rejected straight away, Ito Makoto seemed to have hurt his self-esteem, and his face turned dark. However, after hearing Yukinoshita Yukino’s question, he showed a sinister smile again, “Yes, it’s me! “”
“”I originally planned to let RIDER absorb their blood and then enjoy their blood, but I didn’t expect you to appear suddenly. But it doesn’t matter, it’s a good thing to enjoy together when you are defeated! “”
“…” Makoto Ito was dumbfounded. Although he really wanted to use his own weapon system on the beautiful girl, he couldn’t say such things in front of everyone!
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! ! ! This is no longer a question of whether they can catch up with Gui Yanye, but a question of losing the right to choose a spouse on a global scale!
He hugged his head and howled in despair. In this way, his weapon system might hardly see its glory!
“Tsk tsk tsk, in this way, I’m afraid this kid won’t be able to survive on this planet.” Ze Yuezhi showed a slight smile. Although his ending was not good, seeing a similarly miserable person made him feel sad. He couldn’t help but feel happy.
As for the fact that his son might not be able to carry on the family line…then he doesn’t care at all, since he has many children anyway!
Gui Yanye looked disgusting. Although she had already noticed that Makoto Ito was not a good person before, hearing Makoto Ito say such words still made her disgusted!
“Why don’t you just change schools… I feel uncomfortable when I think of staying in the same school with a guy like Makoto Ito!”
“As his voice fell, a tall woman wearing a blindfold appeared beside him.”
“”RIDER, this is my servant! Makoto Ito said triumphantly pointing at the tall woman, “I learned that you are also the master, so I tried to use hint magic to get so many young women, just to make her suck blood and increase the magic power reserve!” “”
“”The current RIDER has sucked so much blood, and her magic power reserve far exceeds that of ordinary servants. She is already invincible! Hahahahaha! “”
“Looking at Makoto Ito who was laughing wildly, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t restrain the anger in her heart anymore, she clenched her fists and scolded angrily, “You bastard, how much did your followers suck in order to get such strong magic power?” human blood? ! “”
“Makoto Ito stopped laughing and said disdainfully, “Do you remember how many slices of bread you have eaten? “”
Chapter 278: The World Should Beat Makoto Ito
“You bastard! You actually compared people to bread, just like that guy Katz!” Baiyin Dior slapped the table angrily.
What he hates the most is the guy who compares people to bread. If this Makoto Ito dares to appear in front of him, he will definitely not have his good fruit!
He must use the world to beat Makoto Ito severely!
“Ah…that’s weird, why do you always feel that the world should beat Makoto Ito by nature?” Baiyin Dior was taken aback, just now when he thought about beating Makoto Ito with the world in his mind, he just felt relieved for a while, and his mood improved a lot .
“Is this the destiny?”
“Hearing this kind of words, Yukinoshita Yukino came to his senses. This guy doesn’t treat people as human beings at all! In his eyes, people are like bread!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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