“In an instant, she thought of the enchantment in the school in her mind, and it was also frustratingCrazy plans to dissolve the students, using the flesh and soul of everyone in the school as a source of magic power! ”
“Combined with the school uniform worn by Ito Makoto, she can almost be sure that this Ito Makoto is the one who set up that enchantment in the school!”
“Go on, RIDER! Show me your strength! Hahahahaha! “Seeing that Yukinoshita Yukino stopped talking, Makoto Ito called Rider to do it quickly. The weapon system on him is already ready to move! He can’t wait to use the weapon system on these beautiful girls!”
“RIDER didn’t say a word, he stepped hard, turned into a streamer, and rushed towards Yukinoshita Yukino!”
“That terrifying speed, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t even see RIDER’s figure!”
“But amid Makoto Ito’s wild laughter, RIDER, who just rushed out, flew back at a faster speed!”
“A loud sound sounded, Rider’s whole body was embedded in the wall! Then he slowly fell out from the wall.”
“Beside Yukinoshita Yukino, SABER slowly emerged. Obviously, it was her who made the move just now!”
“”call. “Yukinoshita Yukino obviously breathed a sigh of relief. She was worried just now that SABER, who is short of blood and mana, might not be able to beat RIDER, but now it seems that she is thinking too much.”
“Even SABER, who is in extremely poor condition, is far stronger than RIDER!”
“But SABER frowned a little strangely. In her feeling, although RIDER is not as strong as her, she shouldn’t be so weak! Rider’s performance just now gave her the feeling that she was trying to fish.”
“”Gah? ! “Ito Makoto’s wild laughter stopped abruptly, and that face mixed with wild laughter and bewilderment looked so funny.”
“He calmed down, walked to RIDER with a gloomy expression, then kicked RIDER, “Useless thing! stand up! get up! “”
“”Cough, cough. “RIDER coughed up a mouthful of blood, and stood up with difficulty under Makoto Ito’s kick. Her body shook a bit, and she looked extremely poor.”
“At this time, Ito Makoto was still insulting, “What a waste guy! I let you suck so much blood and accumulate so much magic power! As a result, you are still being instantly killed by someone! waste! Rubbish! idiot! “”
“He couldn’t wait for the activation of the barrier in the school – the Blood Temple, so he used hint magic to get some women over outside, so that Rider can absorb enough blood and accumulate enough magic power, so that he can defeat Xue earlier. The servants around Yukino and Yuigahama Yui. He should get these two women as soon as possible!”
“In the end, after sucking so much blood, it was still useless! If I knew it, I should have waited for the activation of the Blood Temple! Ito Makoto regretted that if the Blood Temple was activated, the accumulated magic power would definitely far exceed what it is now !”
“He looked at Yukinoshita Yukino and Saber behind him, and immediately ordered with the Command Seal, “I give the order with the Command Seal! RIDER, you must do your best to stop them! “”
“After giving the order, Ito Makoto turned around and ran away! Just kidding, he doesn’t want to step into the abyss with this kind of useless servant!”
“”Wait, stop! “Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t seem to expect that he would abandon the follower. After being surprised for a moment, she wanted to catch up immediately!”
“The weapon in RIDER’s hand passed Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes, and hit the wall beside her, making a crisp sound.”
“After that, RIDER’s weapon was retracted. Although she was wearing a blindfold, both Yukinoshita Yukino and Saber could feel that RIDER was staring at them with her eyes!”
“” Yukino, back off! “SABER quickly came to Yukinoshita Yukino, she could feel that the aura exuded by Rider at this time is completely different from before!”
“Sure enough, although I don’t know why, the previous RIDER was indeed releasing water! However, the current RIDER was ordered by Makoto Ito with a command spell, and she will no longer release water! A flash of understanding flashed in SABER’s eyes, and then , I am afraid it will be a fierce battle!”
“The weapon in RIDER’s hand is very weird. It’s an iron chain, and there are sharp blades at both ends of the iron chain. This kind of weapon may not have enough lethality, but it is flexible enough, very suitable for the highly mobile RIDER!”
“She didn’t speak, and threw out one of the sharp blades straight away, trying to wrap around Saber’s wrist! Almost at the same time as she threw out the sharp blade, she jumped to the side wall with both feet, and then rushed towards the top Run away!”
“If there is no accident, SABER will be suspended in the air by her, and it will be difficult to turn over!”
“But Saber, who is the incarnation of the red dragon, is also a warrior who has experienced many battles. Naturally, this level of tricks can’t be difficult for her! With a light wave of the blade in her hand, the sharp blade flying towards her will be hit. Fly, and then jumped onto the wall!”
“Although it’s on the wall, the two of them ran on it as if they were walking on flat ground!”
“RIDER’s sharp blade made a sound of piercing the air again, and struck towards SABER. This time, SABER did not choose to knock it into the air, but jumped back lightly, dodging the sharp blade.”
“But in the blink of an eye, RIDER was already slashing at her with the sharp blade at the other end!”
“Saber who just jumped backwards and hasn’t landed on the wall yet, it is difficult to adjust your position at this time, and you are about to be hit! ”
“” SABER! “Yukinoshita Yukino exclaimed.”
Chapter 279: The Sword of Vowed Victory
“”Well! “Saber, who realized that she was at a disadvantage, looked a little gloomy. She took a deep breath, and the blades in her hand gathered again and compressed the storm!”
“”Wind King Hammer! “”
“A powerful storm blew out in an instant, and Rider, who noticed the attack, turned around in the air and returned to the original place!”
“Afterwards, both of them landed on the wall steadily, Yukinoshita Yukino exhaled lightly, she frowned and looked at the direction Makoto Ito left, and wanted to catch up.”
“But she also knows that her own physical strength is really bad, and she was blocked by RIDER just now, so she probably won’t be able to catch up.”
“Thinking of this, she hurried out of the alley, walked into the elevator in the building, and pressed the button leading to the top floor. The only thing she can do now is to watch SABER’s battle. If SABER is at a disadvantage, rely on With the Command Spell, maybe we can turn things around!”
“At this moment, Rider chuckled lightly, “It seems that you are not good at high-altitude combat, Saber. But…don’t worry, I’ll set you free right away! “”
“SABER’s face is a bit ugly at this time, fighting in this kind of place really doesn’t have much advantage for her! Moreover, the magic power provided by the Master is not enough, she even has to save her skills! The blow of the Wind King’s hammer just now made her fight again. The magic power in her body has decreased a lot!”
“However, even if she is at a disadvantage, she will not feel hopeless! No matter what kind of enemy, no matter what kind of predicament, as long as you don’t give up, you can always find a way to break the situation!”
“The two seem to have seen the timing, jumped up almost at the same time, and then fought in the air!”
“Obviously, SABER’s strength is stronger than RIDER’s. If you don’t rely on high mobility, but confront SABER head-on, RIDER is obviously at a disadvantage.”
“”Ah ah! “SABER roared, and swung the blade in his hand violently, knocking RIDER into the air.”
“And RIDER followed this force, jumped up and flew to the rooftop.”
“SABER also hurriedly followed, but when she caught up with the roof, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes. What appeared in front of her was a white and flawless horse. And more importantly, that horse There are also a pair of huge wings on the horse’s back! This is Pegasus!”
“”It’s actually a mystery comparable to magic! “SABER exclaimed, feeling a bit difficult.”
“This Pegasus is not an ordinary Pegasus. She can feel that it is already at the level of a phantom beast, very close to the highest-ranked ‘dragon’ among the fantasy species!”
“While she was contemplating, RIDER rode a pegasus and ran towards her, the speed was faster than RIDER’s own speed!”
“At the critical moment, SABER rolled over on the ground, avoiding the impact of RIDER.”
“The blow didn’t hit, Rider said in surprise, “I’m really surprised, unlike your petite appearance, you are really strong in person! Ordinary people face such a desperate situation, let alone choose to give up, at least their will has begun to sink, right? But your fighting spirit is still so high! “”
“”You can actually summon things from the age of mythology… Are you a heroic spirit from the age of mythology? “Saber tried hard to recall the mythical age, the heroic spirits related to Pegasus, but couldn’t figure it out.”
“Sarah, who knows? “RIDER kept it a secret, “However, there is one thing that I am very clear about. According to your words, it is absolutely impossible to touch this child! “”
“As soon as the words fell, RIDER drove Pegasus towards her again. SABER clenched the blade in his hand, thinking in his heart: The moment RIDER approaches, launch an attack!”
“”It’s now! “Saber’s eyes were fixed, and the blades in her hands gathered again and compressed a powerful storm, “Wind King Hammer! “”
“However, the moment SABER was about to launch the Wind King’s Hammer, the speed of RIDER’s Pegasus increased dramatically again! Before SABER made a move, he took a step ahead and knocked SABER into the air!”
“”Ugh! “The knocked SABER was like a kite with a broken string, drawing a parabola in the air, and then fell heavily on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.”
“” SABER! Are you OK? ! “Just got out of the elevator, Yukinoshita Yukino who ran all the way to the roof saw this scene.”
“Hearing this anxious voice, Saber panicked, then turned around and looked over, “Yukono, why are you here? ! Run, it’s dangerous here! “”
“”Hmph, since you’re all here, let’s stay together! RIDER snorted coldly, and a rein to tie Pegasus appeared in his hands, “Don’t worry, I will let you die without pain!” “”
“”That rein, is this your Noble Phantasm? “”
“Facing Saber’s question, Rider waved the rein lightly, “That’s right, this child is too gentle, if you don’t use this method to boost your strength, it won’t be willing to fight at all!” “”
“”Riding on the reins of England! “”
“Following the waving of the rein in her hand, Pegasus, who was still gentle just now, suddenly became irritable, his eyes turned red, as if he saw an enemy!”
“” Boo! “”
“Pegasus let out a neigh, flew into the sky with RIDER, turned into a stream of white light, and fell from the sky!Just like a white comet! ”
“”Well! “Saber leaned on her sword, stood up with difficulty, and then took a stance against the Pegasus falling from the sky. She will never give up until the last moment!”
“Looking at that kind of SABER, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly understood that this girl, in order to realize her dream, has already given everything in her life!”
“Then, for her, this is the only thing she can do for Saber!”
“” SABER! I command with command spells! Go and win this battle! “”
“The moment the Command Seal was activated, Saber could feel the powerful magic power pouring into her body in an instant!”
“Thank you, Yukino. “The corners of SABER’s mouth curled up slightly, and then her eyes became resolute in an instant, “Wind, go away!” “”
“As she shouted, the storm that hid the sword in her hand suddenly dispersed, revealing the true face hidden in it!”
“The star-made weapon forged by the planet, the golden sword–the sword of the vowed victory appears again!”
Chapter 280: Medusa
“”RIDER, you have chosen a good battlefield. If I am here, I don’t have to worry about the power that erupts will destroy the town! “Saber raised the sword of vowed victory in his hand, and infinite light spots flickered around, and then gathered in the golden sword.”
“”Light, gathering…” Yukinoshita Yukino looked at this scene in surprise, and then her eyes moved along the light spot to the blade in Saber’s hand, at that moment, she understood.”
“”The shining sword is the past, present, and future, the tragic and lofty dreams of all the warriors who disappeared on the battlefield when they were dying! Such will is worth boasting! Such faith must be carried out! At this moment, the ever-victorious king sings Miracle’s real name, which is —–“”
“SABER suddenly opened his eyes, facing the white comet falling from the sky, and swung the blade in his hand heavily, “Gathering the breath of stars, shining the torrent of life! EXCALIBUR (Sword of Promised Victory)! “”
“The golden holy sword burst out with terrifying brilliance, that brilliance pierced the sky, shattered the sky, and faced the white comet!”
“Finally, in that radiance, the white comet gradually dissipated, Pegasus disappeared in the radiance, and RIDER landed on the rooftop like a drone out of control.”
“”RIDER, you lost! “Saber walked over with the sword of the vowed victory.”
“At this moment, Rider’s whole body was in tatters, even the blindfold covering her eyes was broken, but for some reason, she tightly closed her eyes and did not open them.”
“”Ah, I lost. Although there is still the last trump card, my life is at the end. Presumably, I have tried my best to stop you like a command spell, right? “At this time, Rider’s tone was very calm, and he didn’t intend to attack them at all.”
“”And the last trump card? “SABER was a little wary when he heard the words.”
“Ah, that’s right, the final trump card is my eyes. My eyes are petrified magic eyes, and everything I see turns to stone. But don’t worry, I’ll close my eyes properly. “Facing SABER’s warning, RIDER comforted her instead.”
“”Petrochemical? Petrochemical you say? ! “Saber said in surprise, “Could it be, are you the legendary Medusa?” “”
“If you want to say the most famous legendary figure related to petrification in the world, then there is only Medusa!”
“Combined with the previous Pegasus, Saber is more certain of his conjecture. After all, according to legend, when Medusa was beheaded by Perseus, the Pegasus Pegasus and its brother giant Chrysau Ears, born together from the blood spurted from Medusa’s neck!”
“The previous Pegasus, without a doubt, is Rider’s child — Pegasus the Pegasus!”
“It was Hercules first, and then Medusa. Two gods appeared in a Holy Grail War. I don’t know if God, Buddha, Zeus, Odin, etc. can be summoned… If If these are also summoned, it seems a bit scary, right?” Yukinoshita Yukino exclaimed.
“God? Medusa should belong to the category of monsters, right?” Hikigani Komachi was a little puzzled. If she remembered correctly, Medusa was indeed a famous gorgon.
“I told you to study hard.” Hikigu Hachiman pressed his sister’s head, “Medusa itself is the local goddess of the earth. Later, because of the continuous development of the myth, it was described as a monster.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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