“Ahhh.” Hikigaya Komachi let out a lovely cry, and then stared at his brother angrily, as if he was about to tear off a piece of meat with his eyes.
“Yes, I am Medusa. RIDER admitted her real name, and then she said softly, “I want to ask you one thing. “”
“”What’s up? “Yukinoshita Yukino also came over, looking at this heroic spirit who was about to die, she felt a little uncomfortable.”
“”Hehehe, don’t feel bad for me, as a heroic spirit, I am already dead. “As if sensing Yukinoshita Yukino’s emotions, Medusa first comforted her with a light smile,Then he said, “In Zeyue’s house, there is a young man, I hope you can rescue him.”
“”A boy…” Yukinoshita Yukino was a little confused at first, and then her eyes widened in the next moment, “Wait! Are you talking about Hachiman, Sawagoe Hachiman? ! “”
“Hey, that’s the kid. He is really pitiful, so pitiful that even people like me feel pity for him, so please save him, please. “”
“Hearing this description, Yukinoshita Yukino’s heart tightened violently. When she thought that Hachiman might be living a miserable life, her heart felt as if someone had grabbed her heart, “What happened to Hachiman? ! “”
“All I can say is, it was hell. “After the last words fell, RIDER completely lost his life, turning into little stars and disappearing.”
“”Hell…” Yukinoshita Yukino murmured with blank eyes, her legs seemed to lose strength in an instant, making her unable to support her body anymore, and fell to her knees with a thud.”
“” Yukino! “SABER exclaimed and helped her up.”
“But at this time, Yukinoshita Yukino still has such a blank expression, she regrets it…”
“It would have been nice if I hadn’t been separated from Sawagoe Hachiman that night. In that case, maybe Sawagoe Hachiman wouldn’t have disappeared! Then, he wouldn’t have experienced that kind of encounter either!”
“It would be great if I knew what happened to Sawagoe Hachiman before. In that case, she and Yuigahama Yui won’t be waiting for Saber’s recovery. Even if there is only ARCHER, they will do everything possible to get Sawa Koshi Hachiman rescued him! As for the possibility of encountering Berserker? At that time, who would care about such a thing!”
“” Yukino, cheer up, we’re going to Ze Yue’s house now! “SABER shook her arm to cheer her up, “Rider, a servant of Ze Yue’s family, has left the stage now, even if we go there, we won’t encounter any obstacles!” “”
“”Even if we are unlucky enough to meet BERSERKER, if there are no other servants entangled us, we can find a way to retreat immediately! “”
“Well, yes, go to Ze Yue’s house, we will go to Ze Yue’s house now! “Hearing SABER’s words, Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes regained a little light again, she can’t wait to rescue Sawagoe Hachiman!”
Chapter 281 Hold your ideals and drown
“”hateful! That useless guy RIDER actually died like this! Makoto Ito looked at the command spell in his hand that had lost its luster, and said angrily.”
“Although he already knew that RIDER would definitely be no match for SABER, otherwise he wouldn’t have run away after casting a command spell, but he never expected that RIDER would leave the field so quickly! From the time he started running to Now, it’s less than ten minutes in total! He hasn’t run very far yet!”
“” What a waste! “Thinking that after RIDER died, he would not be able to defeat Yukinoshita Yukino’s Saber and Yuigahama Yui’s followers, let alone get these two extremely beautiful women, Ito Makoto felt annoyed.” Why is it that kind of garbage heroic spirit that was summoned! “”
“Have you ever thought that it’s not that she is too weak, but that you, as the master, are too useless? “”
“A voice that sounded very pleasant but faintly contained murderous intent rang in Ito Makoto’s ears. He raised his head suddenly, only to see a girl in very cool clothes with huge spikes on her feet appearing not far away from him. place.”
“This is ARCHER!”
“Looking at the girl’s weird costume and the huge spikes, Ito Makoto understands that this is a Servant!”
“Although this servant has almost the same appearance as Yukinoshita Yukino, no matter how you look at it, she is a peerless beauty with an overpowering appearance, but Makoto Ito does not dare to look around at all, the fear of dying at any time A sense of fear lingers in his heart, and this fear even makes him unable to move his eyes!”
“”No…no, don’t…don’t, kill…””
“Itoh Makoto’s trembling begging for mercy has not finished, the spike on ARCHER’s foot has already scratched his throat!”
“Blood spurted out, Ito Makoto’s eyes gradually lost their luster, and then he fell to the ground like this. He no longer had the possibility to use his own weapon system.”
“Hey! If you die, you die. Why do you have to mention that you can no longer use the weapon system!” Makoto Ito clutched his lower body violently, trembling all over. He always felt that this video was full of malice towards him!
He just wants to use the weapon system, what’s wrong with him! Why do you have to suffer such pain!
Sure enough, let’s find a way to use the weapon system more before dying!
“However, my nature has been slandered by this video over and over again, and I have completely lost the right to choose a spouse! How can I find someone to use the weapon system!” Makoto Ito wanted to cry, but could it be that his weapon system could only Has it been sealed for a lifetime? This is worse than killing him!
He is obviously just a good guy who wants to use the weapon system, why should he be so slandered?
“After killing Makoto Ito, ARCHER cast his eyes in the direction of Yukinoshita Yukino, and said softly, “I told you already, the idea of ​​not killing anyone is not going to work! If it wasn’t for you not ordering SABER to make up the knife at that time, how could this guy escape? “”
“”If you still hold on to your childish ideals, then…” ARCHER turned and disappeared on the spot, her voice became smaller and smaller. ”
“”You hold on to your ideals and drown! “”
“On the other side, Yukinoshita Yukino and Saber rushed to Zegoshi’s house, only to find that Zegoshi’s house seemed to have been blown up by explosives, and it was completely reduced to ruins!”
“”How is this going? Why did Ze Yue’s family suddenly become like this? ! Yukinoshita Yukino gently put her hand on her chest, as if to soothe her nervous heart. This sudden incident made her a little flustered. After all, she didn’t even know that Sawagoshi Hachiman was It’s not here anymore!”
“What’s more, she doesn’t know if Sawagoshi Hachiman is dead!!!”
“Don’t think about that! It’s all right, he’ll be all right! He must be fine! “Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head vigorously, dispelled all the bad thoughts in her mind, then walked to the ruins of the villa, and started to move those things.”
“Now she is eager to see Sawagoe Hachiman, but she doesn’t want to see Sawagoe Hachiman. She longs to see the living Hachiman, but she doesn’t want to see the Hachiman who has already turned into a corpse under the ruins.”
“Xue Nao, I’ll help you. “SABER also hurriedly followed and helped to move up. Although the injury caused by Berserker has not fully recovered, the command spell before that made her recover a lot of magic power, and the injury also recovered faster. What’s more, Even with injuries, her physical strength is far stronger than that of Yukinoshita Yukino.”
“With her help, the speed is obviously much faster! After about ten minutes, they have already searched the ruins. Of course, most of them were completed by SABER.”
“It makes Yukinoshita Yukino feel a little relieved that at least she didn’t see Sawagoe Hachiman’s body, which is enough to show that Sawagoe Hachiman is still alive! But…”
“Hachiman, where are you now? “Yukoshita Yukino’s eyes were a little confused. She finally found out that Sawagoe Hachiman was at Sawagoe’s house before, but now, she lost the trace of Sawagoe Hachiman again.”
“At this time, Sawagoe Hachiman, whom she was thinking of so much, was being moved to her home by Isshiroha.”
“Pity her, a little girl, who ran such a long distance with Zegoshi Hachiman. The long-term exhaustion made her feel that her hands don’t belong to her anymore!”
“”It hurts…” Isshiroba pursed her lips and shook her hands lightly. The moment she put down Sawagoe Hachiman, she felt that her hands seemed to come alive in an instant, and her numb hands began to grow again. regained consciousness.”
“After shaking her hands for a while, she sat on the bed with a complicated expression. Although she used all the command spells before, the contract between her and Lancer is still there. But, on her way back, She already felt that the contract between herself and Lancer had disappeared!”
“Stupid LANCER…and said that I am a great hero. I clearly gave you three command spells, telling you to win and come back alive. Didn’t you fail to do a single order? ! “”
“Yi Shishiyu sighed lightly, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, “No, no, there is a command spell, you must have done it. At the end of your life, you must have given it your all and enjoyed that fight, right? “”
“For you, this must be the best thing! “”
“At this moment, a consciousness located in Sawagoe Hachiman’s heart awakened.”
“”Hehehe, both LANCER and RIDER have left the stage one after another! The old expectations are one step closer! “”
Chapter 282 You still have to hug your thighs tightly
The moment he heard the old voice, Ze Yuezhi’s eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, “This voice is actually me? I’m not dead yet! That’s great! Let me just say, I want to kill my life How could a man who devoted himself to the cause of love and action die so easily!”
“Senior, wake up, how long have you been sleeping? “Isshikiha didn’t know what happened to Sawagoe Hachiman, but thought he was asleep, so he kept pushing his shoulder, hoping to wake him up.”
“After calling for a while, Sawagoe Hachiman still didn’t move, she couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged, “Senior, you can sleep too much, right? “”
“Drummed and connected, she helped Zegoshi Hachiman wipe his cheeks, didn’t dare to help him change his clothes, so she covered him with a quilt, and then went to another room by herself, “Good night, senior. “”
“Early next morning.”
“Zawagoe Hachiman slowly opened his eyes, and there was no more biting sensation coming from his body, which made him a little puzzled, “What happened? And… where is this? “”
“Oh, senior, you’re awake! “Yi Caiyu pushed away, and said in surprise, she hurried to the bed and asked softly, “Senior, how do you feel now?” Is there any discomfort? Ah, by the way, are you hungry, what do you want for breakfast? “”
“Zawagoe Hachiman was stunned by this series of questions, but from these words, he at least understood that he probably left Zegoshi’s house.”
“I, did I really leave there? Zegoshi Hachiman pinched his cheek hard, and there was a sharp pain on his face, but he didn’t feel uncomfortable when he tasted the sharp pain, but became ecstatic, “I’m leaving there! I’m out of there! “”
“This sudden and huge surprise completely overwhelmed his heart, making him a bit at a loss as to how to express his inner happiness.”
“Isshikiha looked at him with a smile, even this Sawagoe Hachiman who looks like he’s insane now looks so good under her filter!”
“This filter is too thickCome on! “Isseiyu complained with a sullen face, she admitted that this Sawagoe Hachiman is very handsome, but this kind of crazy behavior of constantly pinching her face will only make people think that he is a… handsome idiot!
“Isshiki, do you know what happened? How did I get out of there? How did you get to your house? “Although Zegoshi Hachiman wants to guess that Isshiroha saved him, he knows very well that the Zegoshi family is a magic family.”
“Especially that old man Sawagoshi, but there are a lot of magic traps set up in that villa, the whole villa is like a bunker! It is impossible for an ordinary person like Ishiroba to break in there and rescue him of!”
“”What, senior, can’t you guess that I tried to rescue you from there? Yi Caiyu puffed up her cheeks and looked at him unhappily, “In order to save Senior, all my Lancers left the stage. “”
“”LANCER…are you also one of the seven masters? ! Could it be that you are also a magician? “Zawagoe Hachiman exclaimed, with a trace of vigilance in his eyes, he knows that magicians are basically inhuman guys!”
“Inhumane? Am I being scolded? Am I a bad person?” Yuigahama Yui blinked and asked in a low voice to the two friends beside her.
“Definitely not.” Ebina Himina shook her head, her words were full of trust in Yuigahama Yui.
“Really?” Yuigahama Yui was overjoyed, a warmth rose in her heart, it felt so good to be trusted!
But then she heard Ebina Jicai say, “Generally speaking, people with stupid brains are not good at playing tricks! So you must not be a bad person!”
Yuigahama Yui: “…”
She would rather be treated as a bad person now!
“Yishishiyu didn’t notice the vigilance in his eyes, and was still immersed in joy, “No, I didn’t know what magic was before I summoned Lancer. As for how I was chosen by the Holy Grail… probably Is the Holy Grail blind? “”
“Later, I realized that something was wrong with your situation, so I asked Lancer to save you, but something happened, and Lancer was defeated and left the field. “When talking about Lancer, she was a little depressed.”
“But in a blink of an eye, she cheered up again, “That’s fine, anyway, I’m just one who was pulled in by the Holy Grail to make up the numbers, and now I’m out early, so I don’t have to worry about being involved in any battles in the future. “”
“”That’s it. “Seeing that her words were sincere and there was no sign of lying, Zegoshi Hachiman was relieved a lot, and he laughed softly, “Thank you. “”
“”You’re welcome, senior~” Yishiroyu shook her body happily, “By the way, senior, you haven’t said what you want for breakfast yet? I’m going to buy it for you. “”
“”No, I’ll go back now. “Sawagoe Hachiman shook his head quickly, he can’t wait to go back to the small room he rented, and wants to contact Yukinoshita Yukino as soon as possible!”
“Hey, senior, aren’t you hungry? It’s better to eat before leaving, your current body may still have some problems! “Isshiroha quickly pushed back Sawagoe Hachiman who got up.”
“But… um! Ze Yue Hachiman frowned, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart! The pain seemed to smash his bones into pieces, and then bit by bit his flesh and blood It’s like tearing off your body!”
“”Uh! Ahhh! ! ! “He was clutching his chest, his head was dripping with sweat, and his whole face was twisted in pain!”
“Senior, what’s wrong with you? “Isshikiha panicked, and quickly stretched out her hand to grab Sawagoe Hachiman’s hand, but just as she stretched her hand halfway, she felt a tingling pain in her heart.”
“She looked down, only to see a spike made of condensed magic power piercing her heart, “Senior… Senior…””
“While whispering softly, her eyes gradually lost sight, and she completely lost her life!”
“I, am I dead?” A black line with a colorful feather on one end, “Could it be that my life is a supporting role? I just appeared on the stage for a short while, and I died! It’s too much!”
But as she talked, she felt a little fear in her heart. She never expected that she had already died once, so scary!
She swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and secretly made up her mind that she must hug Yukinoshita Yukino and Yukinoshita Hachiman’s thighs tightly in the future!
These two are people who have saved the world, as long as they hold their thighs tightly, then if she dies in the future, she will definitely be rescued!
Among other things, Yukinoshita Hachiman’s Transcendent Insect Instrument can also travel through time and space!
Chapter 283 Just kick a cripple
“”One color? Isshiki! Are you OK? ! Get up quickly, don’t scare me, Isshiki! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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