“Looking at Isiroyu who died suddenly, Sawagoe Hachiman hurriedly struggled to get up from the bed, but he lost his grip and rolled off the bed. Then he shook his head, gritted his teeth and grabbed Isiroyu’s shoulder hard While shaking, he kept using healing magic on her.”
“But… no matter how he uses the healing magic, Isshiroha still has no signs of waking up, and her body is gradually losing heat!”
“”Dead…Isshiki was killed by me…I can’t save him anymore? Why is this happening! Uh ah ah ah! ! ! “”
“Sawagoe Hachiman finally realized this.In fact, he grabbed his hair full of pain. Compared with the pain from his body, the pain from his heart made him feel even more desperate! ”
“It’s not just because he feels sad, but he can’t believe the sudden fact! And, more importantly, he can feel that Isshiro Yu was killed by the magic power of his rampage! He killed Isshiki! ”
“Hehehe… actually took her life just like that. See, it’s just who you are. “”
“Suddenly a familiar voice sounded in his ear, and Zegoshi Hachiman was stunned. He could tell that it was the voice of Zegoshi Zhi! You can’t be wrong, it’s him! It’s him!”
“”Where are you? come out! Come out for me! “”
“Zegoshi Hachiman gritted his teeth and looked around for Zegoshi Yuki. In his mind, the runaway magic power in his body might be related to Zegoshi Yuki!”
“”Hehe, you don’t think it’s because of me that your magic power goes berserk, do you? “”
“”Is not it? ! Where the hell are you! Get out of here! “Sawagoe Hachiman resisted the pain from his body, stood up with the wall, and then searched the house, but found no one!”
“”Why not? Judging from the guy’s voice just now, he should be right near me! “”
“Facing Sawagoe Hachiman’s doubts, Zegoshi Zhi’s voice sounded again, “You don’t think I’m near you, do you? you are wrong! I’m just an existence imagined by you! You killed that girl with your own hands! “”
“”In order to let yourself feel at ease, that’s why your subconscious fantasized about me. In this way, you can feel from the bottom of your heart that I did everything! “”
“But did I actually do it? No, it’s not! You should understand that none of this has anything to do with me! You killed her! It’s you! It’s you! ! ! “”
“”No, no! I didn’t want to kill her! No! ! “Zawagoe Hachiman squatted down with his head covered, tears kept streaming from his eyes, and his whole body was trembling violently. The despair in his heart and the pain from his body made his reason begin to evaporate rapidly.”
“Every word Ze Yuezhi said pierced his heart like a knife!”
“Seeing Zegoshi Hachiman’s performance, Zegoshi Yuki’s extremely pleasant-sounding voice sounded again, “You don’t want to kill her? So how did that girl die? You did all of this with your own hands. Do you want to just erase your sins like this? You murderer! “”
“”Murderer…” Sawagoe Hachiman murmured tremblingly, “Murderer…I am a murderer…””
“”Ah, yes! This is who you are! “Sawagoshi, who was hiding in Sawagoe Hachiman’s body, became more and more excited. He could already see something dark in Sawagoe Hachiman’s body began to flow into his heart!”
“This damn old man!” Yukinoshita, who has always been calm and calm, and who doesn’t use swear words, swears for the first time.
She was absolutely sure that Yi Caiyu’s death was done by Ze Yuezhi, a dead old man! But this dead old man still wants to throw the blame on Hikigu Hachiman!
“Hachiman, someday you will find a chance to see if this dead old man is still alive. If he is still alive, then give him a knight kick! It’s best to put on a super insect instrument and kick him!”
Hearing Yukinoshita Yukino’s swearing, everyone in Biqigu Hachiman was stunned. Is this the Yukinoshita he usually sees? The character design is wrong!
“That’s right! Kick him to death!” Yukinoshita’s mother also said angrily, this child, Hachiman, is such a good savior embryo, if she comes to raise him, he will definitely be another savior! How could he be fed by this kind of scum? !
“That’s right! You must not let him go, brother! And that bastard named Ito Makoto, who dared to attack my sister-in-law, this must not be let go!” Hikigu Komachi’s business was not big enough, and he raged wildly.
“Ah, um, okay, I’ll go tomorrow.” Seeing the angry expressions of a group of people, Hikigu Hachiman nodded repeatedly… In fact, he really wanted to kick him! Kick it together with Makoto Ito!
Of course, as a partner of justice, he definitely wouldn’t kick someone to death… Take it easy and just kick someone crippled.
“That night, Yukinoshita Yukino finished school and returned home with SABER with a tired face. Last night, she fought RIDER again, went to Zegoshi’s house to search for Zegoshi Hachiman’s whereabouts, and was worried about Zegoshi Hachiman’s safety kept her from getting a good night’s sleep. So much so that she was not in a good state all day today.”
“Where did Hachiman go? “As soon as she got home, she sighed, lay down on the sofa, took out her mobile phone and dialed Sawakoshi Hachiman’s number again.”
“Same as before, this time also did not dial.”
“”Maybe, the person you are worried about has already escaped, but he just lost his mobile phone and can’t contact you. “Saber was sitting on the sofa in a precarious manner, even if she said comforting words, she still had that serious expression, “So, don’t worry too much, if this continues, it will only cause problems for your body. “”
“”However, if I don’t know the whereabouts of Hachiman, I will feel uneasy all day! Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head and forced a smile, “By the way, SABER, are you hungry?” I’m going to cook for you. “”
“Saber’s eyes lit up, she straightened her waist, as if to show that she was not too hungry, she said solemnly, “Although I am not too hungry, but in order to fully recover from my injuries, I still need to eat more food of. So, please, Yukino. “”
“Hahaha, then wait for me a moment. ” hearAt SABER’s words, Yukinoshita Yukino finally smiled from the bottom of her heart, and then she walked into the kitchen. Fortunately, her family is quite rich, otherwise she would have been poor by SABER long ago! ”
Chapter 284 You are blind
“Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino enter the kitchen, SABER didn’t bother, she thought for a while, it seemed that she hadn’t showered for a while, so she took this opportunity to walk into the bathroom, “Yukino, I’ll use the bathroom. “”
“”Do you want to take a shower? Well, it just so happens that there is still some time before dinner. “”
“After getting permission, SABER walked into the bathroom.”
“About half an hour later, Yukinoshita Yukino finished cooking, but found that SABER hadn’t come out yet.”
“” SABER? “She yelled, but there was no response, and Yukinoshita Yukino, who was a little confused, opened the door and walked into the bathroom.”
“I saw Saber soaking comfortably in the bathtub, gently closing her eyes, looking like she was enjoying herself very much.”
“Cut, that’s it?” Mori Kogoro looked disdainful, but he was still looking forward to seeing Yukinoshita Yukino open the door! This level of door opening is not good! A real master, when opening the bathroom door, will definitely encounter a picture of a girl getting ready to get dressed!
“Stupid dad!” Mao Lilan rolled his eyes at him, if she didn’t want to maintain her image in front of Conan, she would have already slashed Mao Li Kogoro’s head with a knife!
Kota Tsuchiya wiped the nosebleed from his nose, with a saintly expression on his face, “It’s not bad, so-so, this picture can barely score 80 points. But I couldn’t capture the previous wonderful pictures, spicy chicken photography The teacher can already launch the shark!”
“Saber, wake up quickly. “Although Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t bear to disturb her, she still yelled softly when she thought that the food would not taste good when it was cold.”
“”Uh… ah! “Saber made a cute voice, and the moment she woke up, she panicked and covered her chest, “Yue, Yukino, why are you here?” “”
“The meal is ready, I’ll call you. Yukinoshita Yukino was a little surprised by SABER’s performance, “What’s wrong with you?” We are all girls, don’t mind so much, right? “”
“SABER brushed the hair around his ears, his little face turned slightly rosy, “Because I often practice swordsmanship and have experienced too many battles, my skin is not very fair, and my body is full of that kind of strong muscles …It’s a little embarrassing to be seen by you. “”
“Then I’ll go out first, come out as soon as you change your clothes. “Yukinoshita Yukino smiled, closed the door, went to the living room and sat down.”
“Sorry, Yukino, I was a little slack just now and kept you waiting. Soon, Saber got dressed and came out. After she sat down, she said with a serious expression, “By the way, Yukino, you don’t need to call me like that in the future, you just need to say that dinner is ready.” “”
“”It didn’t take long. Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head, and then asked curiously, “Why do you just say that dinner is ready?” “”
“That’s how Merlin used to be. “Saber picked up the rice bowl and said while cooking, “As long as Merlin yells ‘Dinner’s ready’, I can hear it no matter how far away it is!” “”
“”Hahaha…” Yukinoshita laughed softly, and she looked at SABER with a softer gaze. Yes, before SABER became King Arthur, she was just a gluttonous little girl.”
“Yukono, why are you looking at me like that? “Saber felt Yukinoshita’s gaze from Yukinoshita Yukino when she was eating. She was a little uncomfortable, and her cooking movements slowed down a bit.”
“”It’s nothing… I just feel that you are really a girl! Yukino Yukino’s eyes lit up, “Ah, that’s right!” SABER, try on my clothes, it’s definitely suitable! Wearing armor like that all day, your beauty is wasted. “”
“”Beauty? “Saber paused, shaking her head with a complicated expression, “I don’t need to change clothes anymore, I’m quite used to this armor, and besides, how can I be beautiful? In the past, almost none of my people doubted my female identity, and all regarded me as a man. Does this mean that I actually look like a man? “”
“”? ? ? “Yukinoshita Yukino slowly put a few question marks on her head, such a petite and cute SABER, no one has ever doubted her gender? People of Britain, you are blind!”
“It’s really blind. They can recognize a man, and there is even a legend that King Arthur is a man. I seriously doubt that the people of Britain are all born blind! No wonder they can’t fight the invaders. Why are blind men fight?”
Hikigu Hachiman complained wildly, and while complaining, he also gently swept Yukinoshita Yukino beside him from the corner of his eye.
He actually wanted to say, how do Yukinoshita Yukino and Saber in the video look like Ji Ji?
But I was afraid of being beaten, so I still didn’t dare to say it.
“In the end, SABER still couldn’t pass Yukinoshita Yukino, and changed into her normal uniform.”
“”What, how? “Saber walked out after changing into her regular clothes. She seemed a little unaccustomed to this style of clothing. When she walked, her steps seemed a little stiff.”
“”Well, it looks good, SABER! Seeing SABER walking out, Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes lit up, and her voice was a little surprised, “I think this suit is very suitable for you!” “”
“Hearing this sentence, SABER was obviously relieved, showing a little smile, “Really, that’s great.Thank you, Yukino. “”
“Sure enough, it’s a girl. “”
“”Um? “Hearing Yukinoshita Yukino’s murmur, Saber asked in surprise, “What are you talking about, Yukino. “”
“”I mean, you are indeed a girl, and before you became King Arthur, you were just an ordinary girl. “Yukinoshita Yukino said with a smile.”
“SABER froze for a moment, then shook her head slightly. She didn’t agree with this sentence. However, maybe one day, when she fulfilled her wish and let the new King of Promise take her place, she might I will be an ordinary girl.”
“Then, SABER shook her head with a wry smile, what were you thinking, idiot, my life is already over.”
“The next day, Yuigahama Yui found Yukinoshita Yukino. At this time, the expression on her face was not much better, “Yukino, I asked ARCHER to go out yesterday to find the trace of Hachiman, but unfortunately, there was no trace of Yawata. can be found. “”
“”That’s it. Yukino Yukino sighed, “Where is Hachiman?” “”
“Now they don’t have any news about Sawagoe Hachiman. Finding him is like finding a needle in a haystack. If even ARCHER with excellent eyesight can’t find him, it will be even harder for them to find him!”
“”But…” Yuigahama Yui’s expression was unusually serious at this time, “ARCHER has something else to discover! “”
Chapter 285 Something is wrong with the relationship
“”What discovery? Yukinoshita Yukino frowned and asked, “Your expression is very serious, is it something serious?” “”
“Yugahama Yui looked around to make sure there was no one else around, she moved closer to Yukinoshita Yukino, and then whispered, “Yukinoshita, you should have seen the news on TV that someone disappeared in the last two days, right? “”
“Well, I have indeed seen it, is it related to this? Could it be that the missing people were found? “Yukinoshita Yukino asked.”
“No, the missing person was not found. Yuigahama Yui shook his head and pursed his lips slightly, “However, ARCHER saw someone being dragged into an apartment by a thread constructed by magic power!” That kind of exquisite means, you can’t go wrong, it’s CASTER! “”
“”CASTER? Does he, like RIDER, draw mana by absorbing human souls? hateful! Yukinoshita Yukino clenched her fists, eyes full of anger, “Yui, did ARCHER see where those people were being dragged?” “”
“”It’s this location that makes people feel difficult! Yuigahama Yui sighed, and then whispered, “That’s Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka’s apartment!” “”
“Pfft!!” Hiratsuka spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and the hand holding the cup trembled wildly, “What’s the situation, I’m also the master? But I’m not a magician! I don’t even know what magic is! , I, like Yukinoshita Yukino and Isiroba’s two children, are there to make up the numbers?”
After thinking about this possibility, she nodded, feeling that the possibility is very high!
However, so many make up the numbers in one Holy Grail War… Does this Holy Grail have cat cakes in its head? Or the Holy Grail can no longer find so many magicians to be masters?
“However, no matter how you look at it, I’m also a villain? Did I really do all kinds of bad things in the past?”
When Hiratsuka saw that CASTER was also using the method of absorbing human souls to store magic power, she understood that she must also be a villain, but she really felt that she was a good teacher!
“Why am I a villain? I shouldn’t!”
“” Hiratsuka-sensei? ! Yukino Yukino exclaimed a little, “But, how is this possible?” ! Hiratsuka-sensei usually doesn’t look like a magician at all, but a fighter! Moreover, even if she is the master, it is impossible for her to allow the servant to do such a thing! “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino’s words are full of trust in Shizuka Hiratsuka. After all, teachers who care about students like Shizuka Hiratsuka are really rare in this world!”
“”I know it’s unbelievable, but ARCHER just saw it! “”
“So, the two looked at each other without saying a word, and finally, Yukinoshita Yukino decided, “We must go and see the situation! Regardless of whether Hiratsuka-sensei is one of the seven masters, I will stop CASTER from harming innocent people! “”
“” But what if the BERSERKER is attracted during the battle? I think it’s better to let SABER recover as soon as possible, and give priority to crusade against BERSERKER! “”
“Facing Yuigahama Yui’s worries, Yukinoshita Yukino remembered the scene when she met Yukinoshita Yono that day, she shook her head lightly, “BERSERKER shouldn’t appear, Yukinoshita Yono… That kid is not a bad person. “”
“Although I don’t know what happened, Yuigahama Yui saw a little pity in Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes, so she also nodded.”
“In the end, the two of them made a plan to test Shizuka Hiratsuka.”
“After school, the two of them didn’t stay at the club, but took a taxi all the way to Shizuka Hiratsuka’s apartment and set up an ambush.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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