“Ms. Hiratsuka is one of the few young people in the school. Those senior teachers will always push the work on her, so Mr. Hiratsuka will come back later.Night. “Yukinoshita Yukino explained to Yuigahama Yui while laying an ambush.”
“As expected, they waited here for nearly an hour before seeing Shizuka Hiratsuka’s slightly tired figure.”
“Let me try it out. ” Yubihama Yui secretly made a pistol movement with his hand, and said softly, “Yin, promise! “”
“Afterwards, a dark red energy bomb shot out, hitting Shizuka Hiratsuka’s body without hindrance!”
“This scene, why does it feel like a bad student beating up the teacher?” Yumiko Miura twitched her lips, and then looked at her friend gloatingly, “Yui, you have to be careful, maybe Teacher Hiratsuka will I deliberately targeted you and assigned you a lot of homework.”
“Eh?!” Yuigahama Yui turned pale with shock, the spoon in her hand trembling crazily.
What if I hit the teacher? Waiting online, very urgent!
“”Sure enough, Mr. Hiratsuka is not the Master, right? ! “Yukinoshita Yukino said a little excitedly, and then wanted to run out to apologize to Shizuka Hiratsuka.”
“”and many more! But Yuigahama Yui grabbed her with a serious look in his eyes, “Something is wrong!” “”
“Just as she finished speaking, a crisp female voice rang out from the scene, “Xiao Jing, I should give you some advice. During the Holy Grail War, it is very dangerous to travel alone. It is because I am afraid that this kind of thing will happen, so I tell you, it is best to stay at home and not go out. “”
“At the same time as the sound sounded, petals flew over one by one, gathered together and turned into a woman wearing a hood that covered the upper half of her face, but she could be vaguely seen as a beautiful woman.”
“And the way she appeared was not the spirit form of an ordinary heroic spirit, it was more like she was teleported from a distance through magic! Being able to use such a fancy way to appear on the stage, there is no doubt that this woman is CASTER!”
“”I am a teacher after all and always have to take responsibility for my own work. Hiratsuka patted herself on the shoulder that was hit, and her smiling face gradually turned cold, “But, it’s good, isn’t it?” After all, the prey is also hooked. “”
“CASTER looked at the wound on Shizuka Hiratsuka’s shoulder. Although her expression didn’t change, there was a little anger in her tone. A magic circle appeared under her feet, allowing her to float in front of the place where the two girls were ambush.”
“Come out, foolish magicians! As your punishment for daring to hurt Xiaojing, I will give you back what you did to her just now! “”
“One mouthful and one Xiaojing, why do you feel that the relationship between CASTER and me is not right?” Hiratsuka raised her eyebrows, with the expression of an old man on the subway looking at his mobile phone.
To be honest, she felt that CASTER seemed to have a bad idea of ​​her in the video… In layman’s terms, she was a bit of a jerk!
Chapter 286 I Have No Dreams
“Xiaoxue, are you ready? Let our followers attack together later! ” Yuigahama Yui said in a deep voice, ARCHER has also appeared beside her.”
“But Yukinoshita Yukino walked out directly, “Sorry, I’ll talk about that kind of thing later, now, I have more important things. “”
“Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino who really came out obediently, Caster was obviously surprised for a moment, “It’s really surprising, are you the type who obediently obeys as long as others tell you? “”
“Under the snow? Seeing the person coming, Hiratsuka raised her eyebrows in surprise, “I really didn’t expect that you are also a member of the masters.” We teachers and students are still fighting each other, this is really fate. “”
“The moment Yukinoshita Yukino heard those words, she understood that Shizuka Hiratsuka participated in the Holy Grail War out of her own will!”
“But, even so, she couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Hiratsuka, let me ask you, are you being manipulated by Caster, right?” “”
“”Um? Why do you ask? If you have doubts, then there must be a reason for doubts, so let’s hear it. “”
“Because you are a good person! You always care about us as students, and it’s obviously none of your business, but you always try your best to enlighten us! How could you allow CASTER to do such a thing like this! ” Yukinoshita Yukino said eagerly, those eyes seemed to be yearning for affirmation.”
“What did CASTER do, what was that? “”
“”Don’t you know? Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes lit up as if she had heard something gratifying, “CASTER collects magic power from people in the city. For her, human beings are living sacrifices!” If this continues, sooner or later someone will die because of it! “”
“”I see, this is indeed the first time I’ve heard of such a thing. “Hiratsuka nodded calmly, but there was neither surprise nor indignation in her expression.”
“On the contrary, CASTER seemed a little flustered when he heard this, “Xiao Jing, listen to my explanation…””
“”CASTER, there is no need to explain. “Hiratsuka Shizuka stretched out her hand to stop Caster’s defense, and Caster’s face hidden under the hood turned pale in an instant.”
“But in the next moment, Caster’s face turned red again, because, Shizuka Hiratsuka said, “Yukishita, because you think I’m a good person, and what Caster did was unforgivably bad, That’s why you think I was manipulated by CASTER… But, is what CASTER did really so heinous? “”
“…Is this something I can say?” Hiratsuka ShizukaThe hand holding the water glass was shaking wildly. This is purely a murderer who regards human life as nothing!
“How can I educate students in the future, how can I make them obedient… um, wait?” Hiratsuka Shizuka wanted to cry, but then realized in a blink of an eye that there was such a murderer’s BUFF hanging on her body, Are there any students who dare not listen to her?
“It doesn’t look bad, does it?” She giggled, anyway, Hiratsuka Shizuka in the video has nothing to do with her, and the police can’t catch her if they want to arrest someone! She didn’t kill anyone!
“”What did you say? “Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression changed suddenly, she never expected to hear such words from her beloved Shizuka Hiratsuka.”
“”No matter how many people who have nothing to do with me die, it doesn’t matter to me. If they want to use the meaningless fact of’I’m still alive’ as a threat to me, it’s a big mistake. “Hiratsuka Shizuka said calmly.”
“…” Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression was completely stiff, followed by unspeakable anger, “What are you talking about! Could it be that you used to pretend to be a good teacher? ! “”
“”That’s right. “Faced with the questioning, Shizuka Hiratsuka agreed unabashedly, “You know, when I was very young, I was abducted by human traffickers and sold to a killer training base. There, I was like a robot, practicing the killing punch day after day, just to kill people! “”
“”When I finished my goal and left the organization, I thought I would get the freedom I expected…but in the end, there was only endless emptiness! The first half of my life was only for killing people, and I couldn’t find any meaning in life other than killing people. “”
“”Being a teacher is just a coincidence. The reason why you think I am a good teacher is only because I am imitating the teacher template I found on the Internet. So, you are right, the good teacher you usually see is just a disguise! “”
“???” Hiratsuka Shizuka slowly put a few question marks on his head, and sat up in shock as he was dying, the orphan was actually me!
She quickly called home, “Mom, you didn’t pick me up, did you?”
After a moment of stupefaction on the phone, Hiratsuka’s mother’s gentle and kind voice soon came, “If you want to be scolded, you don’t need to be so tactful, I will satisfy you.”
“Ahahaha, didn’t I just ask casually?” Hiratsuka Shizuka laughed twice, and then remembered that her appearance was just like her mother’s, and she could tell it was definitely her own just by looking at her face!
Just as she was laughing dryly, Death Lian asked from the other side of the phone, “By the way, have you had a boyfriend recently? Is there a boy you like? If not, I have prepared a dozen good men for you. Come back someday, so I can arrange a blind date for you.”
“Ahhh, the signal is not good, so I hung up.” Hiratsuka Jing hung up the phone in a hurry, afraid that if she was a second late, she would be arranged for a lot of blind dates.
Although she also wants to get married, she really doesn’t want to go on a blind date!
“But… that’s me. On that day, I met CASTER. I don’t have a dream, but I can protect her dream! In order to help CASTER win the Holy Grail, I will give everything! “”
“”Xiao Jing! “CASTER’s voice visibly trembled a little, and he was moved.”
“Then, even if you die here like this, you won’t have any complaints! “”
“When Saber’s voice came, she had already changed into an armor constructed with magic power.”
“With her foot kicking, a huge pothole was stepped on the ground, and she rushed into the air in an instant. This terrifying speed even caused an air explosion!”
Chapter 287 Iron Fist Invincible Hiratsuka Shizuka
“”Don’t try to succeed! Seeing this, CASTER quickly chanted some spells, and immediately a large number of magic circles appeared in his hands, and the next moment, a large number of magic bullets shot out!”
“Usually, the larger the scale of the magic, the more lengthy the chanting is, but CASTER just chanted for a moment, and used a big magic that far exceeds the level of Yuigahama Yui Yinuo! The power is even greater. Far beyond Yin promises!”
“This is due to Caster’s unique skill, High-speed Divine Word! With this skill, she can greatly shorten the time for chanting!”
“However, SABER caught all of these large-scale magic light bullets without dodging or dodging. These magic bullets can’t even stop SABER a little bit!”
“”This is, right magic power? ! The anti-magic power of such a high level is at least A-level! “CASTER said in a panic.”
“The anti-magic power of A-level can even directly ignore all magic below A-level. It can definitely be called the nemesis of magicians!”
“”Drink! “Saber, who rushed to Shizuka Hiratsuka with countless light bullets, slashed off her sword blade with a roar! She, SABER, will never show mercy!”
“With a crisp sound, Shizuka Hiratsuka actually used his elbows and knees to hold the invisible sword of the vowed victory!”
“”How is this possible…how can he block something that he can’t even see? ! And, that’s SABER, a Servant! “Yuhihama Yui shrank her pupils and said in disbelief.”
“”This is strengthening magic? ! “Saber recognized Hiratsuka Shizuka’s support to block her attack at a glance. It is a strengthening magic of the level of a great magic! Obviously, this is the BUFF that Caster gave her!”
“But even relying on thisThis level of BUFF was able to block the sword of vowed victory wrapped in the wind king barrier at the moment of being attacked, which is enough to prove how high Hiratsuka Shizuka’s fighting literacy is! As expected of Iron Fist Invincible Shizuka Hiratsuka! ”
“…” Hiratsuka Shizuka’s eyes widened at this time, the hand that lit the cigarette was shaking wildly, and the whole body was numb.
“Iron Fist Invincible Hiratsuka Shizuka? What the hell is this video, why did it give people a nickname!” Hiratsuka Shizuka wanted to cry without tears, she had a hunch that this nickname would definitely spread! It will even become a meme, what’s more, it will be made into an emoticon package or a ghost video and spread everywhere! Simply terrible!
“Iron Fist Invincible…that’s pretty vivid.” Hikigu Hachiman shuddered. Before he got the knight’s belt and the armored insect instrument, he was often beaten!
“Brother, you haven’t been beaten before, have you?” Hikigaya Komachi saw his brother’s expression, and understood that he had definitely been beaten!
Hikigaya Hachiman sighed, “Isn’t it, Hiratsuka-sensei hurts me when I beat someone!”
“Don’t underestimate me, SABER! “Hiratsuka yelled softly, and the moment she let go of the blade, her right leg was kicked out in an instant! With her body strengthened by Caster’s strengthening magic, if this blow hits, Saber will probably be hit. Very bad!”
“However, Saber is a battle-hardened warrior. Even though she is wounded and lacks mana, she still understood Hiratsuka Shizuka’s purpose in an instant. attack.”
“After dodging the attack, SABER stepped back and readjusted his posture. The next moment, the compressed storm scatter in all directions with the waving of the blade, like wind blades flying out!”
“It is conceivable that once a flesh and blood body is hit by these wind blades, it may be immediately covered with bruises, and it is not impossible to even die on the spot!”
“However, Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was given the enhanced magic, completely ignored these wind blades! Afterwards, her fists swung out like a storm, and those fists hit the sword of the vowed victory, as if a gold-iron strike Normally, there was a crisp sound!”
“Saber couldn’t help biting her lip, even if it was because of the strengthening magic and her own poor condition, but Shizuka Hiratsuka was able to fight her to such an extent, just as a mortal, it is really worthy of praise It’s scary!”
“While thinking about these things, the sword of the vowed victory in Saber’s hand is waving faster and faster, Yukinoshita Yukino can’t even see her waving her arm clearly!”
“This is obviously a battle full of fantasy. One side is a girl in armor who looks like an ancient knight. The other side is a woman in modern attire who looks like an urban white-collar worker. There shouldn’t be any difference between the two. The people who meet are fighting fiercely in the shadow of swords and swords at this moment!”
“The ground was crushed by the foot, and the air pressure brought by the swing of the sword or the fist cut the street lamp!”
“”Goo! “Yukinoshita Yukino looked at this scene nervously, her eyes had long looked down on the scene, and only the aftermath of the battle between the two could tell her what a cruel battle it was!”
“Wind, whisper! Facing the extraordinary power, the surrounding air let out a human-like scream.”
“Bursts of crazy storms raged on the deserted streets, wantonly destroying and trampling everything! Just a hand-to-hand fight between two people is enough to destroy the entire street!”
“”Well! “Suddenly, the corner of SABER’s mouth twitched, and there was an indescribable pain from the place where Berserker cut her before! During this fierce battle, her wound was torn apart!”
“Why at such a time?! SABER’s expression is extremely bitter, but he still insists on the pain in his body and continues to fight!”
“However, this sudden deterioration of her injury still affected her speed of swinging the sword after all. There are a lot of loopholes in the sword’s momentum that was originally impeccable!”
“”So, you actually fought me with injuries? In this case, I won this victory without hesitation! “Hiratsuka Shizuka deflected the sword of vowed victory, then punched Saber on the neck, then turned around and kicked her in the chest!”
“This kick that contained terrifying power caused Saber to smash through a wall like a fired shell!”
“” SABER! “Yukinoshita Yukino exclaimed, and was about to run over to check the situation, but SABER suddenly jumped out of the ruins, and with the help of the potential energy falling from the sky, he slashed with an extremely powerful sword!”
“”Ah ah! “”
“As soon as SABER’s roar fell, her sword struck Hiratsuka Shizuka’s iron fist!”
Chapter 288 She Is Playing You
“There is no doubt that this sword still did not harm Shizuka Hiratsuka!”
“Seeing this scene, Caster finally felt much more relaxed, and she was even in the mood to tease, “Saber, how about my magic and Xiaojing’s martial arts? Even if you have high-level anti-magic power, you can’t offset the enhanced magic I put on Xiaojing, can you? “”
“”…” Yukinoshita Yukino reached out and touched the Command Seal silently, there is only the last Command Seal there!”
“In the first command spell, she issued an order to prohibit SABER from attacking Yuihama Yui and ARCHER. In the second command spell, she issued an order to let SABER win the battle with RIDER. With this command, the command spell The tone endowed Saber with a lot of magical power, allowing her to win the battle!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
love without moneyI can only slay demons

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