“”What silly things are you talking about! “”
“Okay, okay, both of you, don’t say a few words! Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Yubihama Yui interrupted their words, and then she pointed to the construction site beside her, “Look there, the building seems to have stopped construction a long time ago, it is probably an unfinished building Let’s go there and rest for a while! “”
“”it is good! “Yukinoshita Yukino hurriedly moved, trying to walk over, Yuigahama Yui trotted over and helped her up.”
“In the end, they hid in this abandoned building that was stopped under construction. Yuihama Yui found some discarded cardboard and spread it on the ground, which could barely be used as a bed.”
“After tidying up, Yuigahama Yui nodded in satisfaction, and let Yukinoshita Yukino and Saber lie on the cardboard.”
“”It’s pretty remote here, and we’ve already run away so… It will probably take some time for CASTER and the others to find us, maybe we can hide until tomorrow morning. “”
“”Hiding until tomorrow morning…” Yukinoshita Yukino was a little depressed, “What if I hide until tomorrow morning? “”
“”Xiaoxue like this is not like the Xiaoxue I know! “Yuigahama Yui said with a smile, “The Koyuki I know will definitely say, ‘If you have time to feel hopeless, it’s better to think of a way to solve the predicament’, right?””
“…” Yukinoshita Yukino looked at her in surprise, then laughed softly, “Well, that’s exactly what you said! As long as I find a way to make Saber recover, there will always be a way! However, how can we restore SABER? “”
“While talking, she reached for the Command Seal again. As an amateur in magic, she can only think of this way!”
“Xiaoxue, don’t think about using Command Seals! ” Yuigahama Yui exhorted, she absolutely disapproves of letting Yukinoshita Yukino use the last Command Spell!”
“But the reason for her disapproval is not different from SABER’s strategic reasons, but a more basic reason!”
“Command Spells are the great magic given by the Holy Grail to the Master to force and command the servants, but in other words, the Master has no way to restrain powerful Heroic Spirits other than using Command Spells!”
“So, once the servant has the intention to kill the master…then, the command spell is not so much used to command the servant, as it is to let the master save his life in front of the servant! And the chance of saving life like this is only Just three times! Once all the Command Seals are lost, then to the mighty Heroic Spirit, the mortal Master is just a fish on the chopping board!”
“Although SABER seems to have a good relationship with Yukinoshita Yukino now, but what will happen in the future… who knows? It’s always good to keep an open mind!”
“Oh my god! Is this Yui?” Yumiko Miura was completely dumbfounded. The analysis in the video was so logical that she even thought that the person who wanted more attention would be Yui Hihama? ! This doesn’t fit her personality at all! Shouldn’t her personality be as wise as a goddess?
“Yes, yes, is this really Yui? Could it be that she was dropped?” Ebina Himina also seemed very surprised, strange, so strange!
Yuigahama Yui put on a straight face, “Although I don’t know what you are talking about, I always feel that my intelligence seems to be insulted!”
“”Then how can we make Saber recover? ” Yukinoshita Yukino asked anxiously, but just as she asked, a terrifying thought appeared in her mind!”
“The reason why SABER’s injury cannot be recovered, and she is still in such a weak state, is because of the lack of mana! So as long as the mana is sufficient, can’t it be recovered?”
“Then how do we recover mana? Whether it’s RIDER or CASTER, they all gain more mana by absorbing people’s energy! Could it be…”
“Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression changed, and she said very seriously, “You don’t want Saber to attack ordinary people, do you? I absolutely disagree with that kind of thing! “”
“I don’t agree with this kind of thing either! Yuigahama Yui puffed up his mouth, and said a little unhappy, “Compared to that method, I have a better way!” “”
“”any solution? “Yukinoshita Yukino breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Saber was not going to attack people, but at the same time asked eagerly.”
“Yuhihama Yui’s expression became serious, she took a deep breath, and said word by word, “This method is to transplant Koyuki’s magic circuit to Saber! “”
“”In this way, the two of you can resonate, open the passage of the soul, and the magic power in Xiaoxue’s body can also be smoothly transmitted to Saber’s body! “”
“”what? ! The weak SABER immediately exclaimed, “But, for a magician, the magic circuit is more important than life!” Moreover, the magic circuit is a kind of nerve organ, if you want to transplant that kind of thing…””
Chapter 292 Difficult Surgery
“”That’s right, the magic circuit is a pseudo-nerve in the body of a magician. The number of magic circuits that each person possesses is determined at birth, just like a gift from heaven! “”
“”If you want to transplant that kind of thing… the pain is beyond anyone’s imagination! Yuigahama Yui took a deep breath, “That’s why I didn’t tell you this method at the beginning, Xiaoxue, believe me, this pain is not trivial!” You can think carefully about whether to use this method or not. “”
“Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t think too much, and didn’t answer this question directly, she asked aloud, “Can this be successful? Can Saber recover from this? “”
“”I’ll make it work! As long as the transplant is successful, SABER can recover immediately, I can assure you of this! Yuigahama Yui’s words were full of confidence, “However, once you lose the magic circuit… then, no matter how hard you try in this life, you will never be able to become a magician!” “”
“”This is too much for Yukino…””
“SABER was about to say no, but before she could speak, Yukinoshita Yukino said firmly, “Then do it! Please, Yui! “”
“”Yue Nao…””
“”Is it really possible? light snow. “Really getting Yukinoshita Yukino’s answer, Yuigahama Yui flinched a little, “That’s pulling out the nerves in the body bit by bit! Just imagine how painful it will be! Even if you want to give up, no one will say anything! “”
“”Do not! I will not give up! Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head resolutely, “I want to stop CASTER from hurting ordinary citizens, and I want to take back ARCHER for you. Finally, I also hope to complete SABER wishes. “”
“”Really…” Yuigahama Yui felt Yukinoshita Yukino’s determination, she took a deep breath, and when she opened her eyes again, her eyes were full of determination, “Then, next, no matter how painful you become No matter what it looks like, I won’t hold back! “”
“Ah, of course! “”
“Afterwards, Yuigahama Yui walked up to Yukinoshita Yukino’s side, her face turned slightly rosy, she gently cupped Yukinoshita Yukino’s face, and then kissed her!”
“Pfft!” Yuigahama Yui sprayed on the spot. She could barely accept even the outrageous picture before, but now this is really outrageous!
Looking at the surprised and slightly wary eyes of the two friends around her, Yuigahama Yui wanted to cry without tears, “No, it’s not what you imagined! I’m not Lily! You have to believe me!”
“…” Yukinoshita Yukino on the other side was also dumbfounded, she was completely dumbfounded, she, was she forced to kiss? Or by a girl? This girl is even her rival in love? !
Hikigu Hachiman put his arms around his chest and quietly looked at the picture in the video. He didn’t want to watch the two girls posting or something!
It’s just that the building in the video, which has stopped construction, looks interesting. No way, just at that second, he suddenly became interested in the construction industry, so he watched the video intently, absolutely no other meaning!
It’s just… why does it feel a little heavy on the head?
Hikigu Hachiman burst into tears after thinking about it, obviously in this video, sister Yukino is his girlfriend, right? Not even kissed him yet! Why is this woman! woo woo woo woo…
Oh no tired! Yuigahama Yui!
“Yukinoshita Yukino was stunned for a moment, then pushed Yuigahama Yui away, “Wait, Yui, what are you doing? ! “”
“”It’s just the preparation before the ceremony! “Yuhihama Yui explained, looking very calm on the face, but if you look closely, you will find that her ears are completely red!”
“”Don’t keep looking at me, the two of you are the protagonists of this transplant operation, whether it’s Saber or Xiaoxue, you have to work hard! There must be no wavering in the slightest! “”
“While talking, Yuigahama Yui walked up to SABER and sat down, then gently put his hand on SABER’s body, “In order to ensure the smooth progress of the transplant, it is necessary to let the body touch as much as possible, so, so …There is no need for things like clothes! “”
At this moment, a group of men including Kogoro Mori, Kota Tsuchiya, Courage Aito, Shinnosuke Nohara, Iori Kitahara, Ken Sugisaki and others seemed to have anticipated what was going to happen next. For fear of missing a picture.
Their nostrils dilated wildly like Ala Garbage Lord, and they exhaled a cloud of white gas, which is enough to prove how excited they are at the moment!
“The following picture, due to the privacy of several girls, please LSPs make up their own minds.”
All the LSPs who were looking forward to it were numb, as numb as numbness!
We finally looked forward to it once, but you let us lose so thoroughly!
“As soon as the picture changed, in the early morning, three girls were sitting on the cardboard, each with a shy expression on their faces, an expression of afterthought.”
“Although their clothes are well organized now, it can be seen from the messy hair of the three of them that the transplant operation last night must have been very intense! It is indeed an operation, it is too difficult!”
“Are you talking about surgery?” Doma twitched the corner of her mouth, she always felt that things were not that simple!
“It shouldn’t be? Judging from the news I got on the Internet, this situation should be…”
Before Prallard could speak, Doma Taihei punched him on the head, “What have you been watching on the Internet all day long!”
“Ugh!” Palad’s expression froze instantly.
Doma Taihei sighed, “POPPY, when I’m not at home, you should also take good care of Parad, don’t let her get in touch with such bad information, okay? I’m afraid that Xiaobu will be misled.”
“Hey hey hey, I got it.” POPPY smiled sheepishly, could she say that she was busy playing games?
On the other hand, the state of Yukinoshita Yukino at this time can no longer be described by the word numb, she feels that her whole life can be reopened!
Yukinoshita Yoshino murmured softly, “We really share the same bed.”
“…” Yukino Yukino wanted to cry, but she really wanted to say that she did absolutely nothing, this was just a pure magic circuit transplant operation! But when she thought of the sentence Yubihama Yui said, clothes are superfluous, she was a little bit speechless…
And Hikigu Hachiman felt that his head was a little heavier… What is this feeling of sadness? I also want to do magic circuit transplant surgery with Yukino-san! He wailed inwardly.
Chapter 293 So many blind dates, this is killing her!
“”In this way, can SABER recover? ” Yukinoshita Yukino asked, trying to break this embarrassing situation.”
“”Well, that’s right! In this way, although Saber still cannot reach the most perfect state, at least he will have a lot more room in terms of magic power. “Yuigahama Yui is still a little embarrassed, although the three of them are girls, and they are indeed just performing pure magic circuit transplantation.”
“But the frank meeting last night still made her feel very shy.”
“Maybe it’s because women have been disguised as men before, but Saber is the fastest to recoverYes, she felt the magic power in her body, and said in a pleasant surprise, “I’m in a much better state now! At least I don’t have to use my treasures anymore because of lack of magic power.””
“”Great! This will stop CASTER and the others! Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression was a little surprised, and it was not in vain that she was in pain last night, “Then let’s go find Caster!” If you continue to hesitate, you don’t know how many more people will suffer. “”
“”No need, CASTER has already appeared! “SABER turned her gaze to the left, she could feel the aura of CASTER approaching!”
“”CASTER? Has she come already? ! Yukinoshita Yukino was startled at first, but then she breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s great that she came here at this time, if it was a little earlier in the morning…””
“Thinking of the possibility of CASTER coming over sooner, her face turned pale. Although Yuigahama Yui released an enchantment around her to block her sight, this enchantment obviously couldn’t stop Caster! At that time, They will have to face CASTER with naked bodies!”
“Without a doubt, that kind of situation is definitely the best of social deaths! The ultimate social death! The situation is much better now, only the three of them know about it, as long as no one speaks out, then this matter It’s like it didn’t happen!”
Yukinoshita Yukino: “…”
It’s a pity that the whole world already knows about this matter!
“”There are traces of magic ahead, you can’t be wrong, they must be there! “CASTER sensed the enchantment released by Yuihama Yui last night, his eyes lit up, and he quickly flew over with Shizuka Hiratsuka.”
“And when she arrived at the place, she saw that SABER was standing there waiting for the formation, but Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui were not there, probably ambushed?”
“This made Caster a little surprised, “Ah, are you guys planning to continue running away? “”
“”CASTER, I will defeat you! “Saber raised the sword of vowed victory in his hand and said.”
“”It seems a little different? “CASTER frowned slightly, she felt quite keenly that SABER’s current state is far beyond the state of last night! Has the injury on SABER’s body healed?”
“Thinking of this possibility, CASTER felt a little hazy, and then he couldn’t help complaining about ARCHER in his heart, where did that guy ARCHER go, I asked her to intercept it, she won’t really stay in one place and wait for a rabbit, right? ”
“”CASTER, bless me with enhanced magic. “The still expressionless Shizuka Hiratsuka said in a cold tone.”
“”I have already blessed you, Xiaojing. After CASTER strengthened the magic, he looked around, “Xiao Jing, my magic won’t have much effect on SABER, so I’ll leave her to you, and I’ll go find her master!” “”
“”Um. “Hiratsuka quietly responded, and then put on a posture.”
“A magic circle appeared under Caster’s feet, and was about to float aside, but Saber moved!”
“Like a gust of wind and thunder, SABER turned into a beam of light and kicked CASTER!”
“Before CASTER could react, he felt a terrifying force hitting his waist, and then fell to the ground with a dull sound!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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