“Afterwards, Saber’s voice slowly sounded, “CASTER, Shizuka Hiratsuka, you two, don’t even think about leaving here! “”
“” SABER! “CASTER glared at SABER, and immediately made a move with both hands, and a large number of magic bullets poured out.”
“Although there was no communication, Shizuka Hiratsuka understood Caster’s intentions immediately. Since Saber wants to stop them, they should just turn Saber into a follower of Caster!”
“So, she needs to restrain SABER and provide CASTER with the opportunity to use the treasure!”
“The strengthened Shizuka Hiratsuka punched out, and the terrifying power brought a sonic boom, hitting Saber’s head.”
“Saber’s blade blocked Shizuka Hiratsuka’s fist hair, and there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.”
“It’s so heavy! Hiratsuka Shizuka felt the difference as soon as she fought with Saber. Saber’s strength is much stronger than last night! Although she didn’t have any expression on her face, there was a flash of shock in her heart. I’m afraid it won’t be so easy to win today.” It’s time!”
“But, after glancing at CASTER out of the corner of his eye, Shizuka Hiratsuka took a deep breath, discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind, and concentrated on fighting SABER!”
“Whether she can win or not, she will do her best! All of this… is to realize Caster’s dream!”
Shizuka Hiratsuka: “…”
She feels a little bad now, she thought that only CASTER was plotting against her, but now it seems that she is also greedy for CASTER’s body? !
Could it be that she also has hidden attributes of Lily? But why didn’t she know it herself?
Jingle Bell……
The sudden ringtone of the mobile phone made Hiratsuka shiverShoutout, probably because I’m a bit guilty now, right?
Seeing that it was from her mother, she quickly answered it, “Hey, Mom, what’s the matter? Didn’t I just say that the signal is not good?”
“It’s not a good signal to leave here with me! Do you like women? I think you look so much like me, you are beautiful, how can you not find a boyfriend, so there is something wrong in your heart! I have prepared more than twenty men here for you…”
“Ahhhhh, the signal is bad again!” Before her mother could say anything, Hiratsuka Jing hung up the phone in a panic, her face full of fear, more than 20 men on a blind date? This is killing her!
Also, she is really not Lily!
Chapter 294: The Betrayed Witch Medea
“”Okay, now it seems that SABER has suppressed the other two! “Yuhihama Yui clenched her small hands into fists, looking very excited, “I still have a little gem here, which has been filled with magic power long ago. Although it is not as good as CASTER’s big magic, it can at least cause some damage to her. Hinder! “”
“”Later, I will watch the time and use gem magic on CASTER! In this way, the victory will definitely be established! “”
“Hearing Yuigahama Yui’s seemingly perfect plan, Yukinoshita Yukino frowned slightly, “Yuki, although you have thought well, but… there is a servant on the opposite side who hasn’t appeared yet! “”
“”one left? Ah, it’s ARCHER! “Yuhihama Yui was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that her ARCHER is now a servant of CASTER!”
“”But, where is ARCHER? She frowned slightly, and searched around a few times, but she didn’t see ARCHER. As for ARCHER shooting arrows in secret… She thought it was impossible, she had never seen ARCHER use a bow and arrow! Too serious ARCHER!”
“”Ah, you guys are looking for me, aren’t you? “”
“When did you get close?! The two were startled, then turned around, and saw ARCHER looking at them with a smile, “Good morning, my former master, and Yukinoshita Yukino. “”
“”ARCHER! If you don’t help CASTER, what are you doing here? ! “Yuhihama Yui made a defensive move and looked at her vigilantly. The two of them, without any servants around, facing ARCHER alone is undoubtedly a very dangerous situation!”
“Help CASTER? Oh, stop joking! It’s just the guy who happened to be my Master, doesn’t he really think he can order me? If she dares to use the Command Seal on me, I will definitely poke a hole in her body before she uses the Command Seal! “”
“ARCHER snorted coldly, and then set his sights on Yukinoshita Yukino, “My purpose is very simple, Yukinoshita Yukino, I just came here to kill you! “”
“Xiaoxue, be careful! “Yuhihama Yui’s face changed, and he threw all the gems in his hand out without hesitation, and then these gems exploded violently in an instant!”
“A horrible explosion sounded, and the whole building fell down!”
“”! ! ! “Saber, who was fighting with Shizuka Hiratsuka and Caster, heard the explosion and panicked. She quickly took the time to look back, and sure enough, as she expected, the building where Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui were hiding was blown up. destroyed!”
“” Did ARCHER do it? “Her heart tightened, and then she looked at the surrounding environment…the place is remote and uninhabited, even if she uses the treasure, it will not hurt innocent people.”
“If that’s the case, then there’s no need to keep your hand anymore! As long as Caster is defeated, her contract with ARCHER will naturally end, and by then, Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui will naturally be safe!”
“Thinking of this, Saber’s expression changed in an instant, and the wind that wrapped the sword of the vowed victory dispersed little by little, forming a huge storm.”
“”That sword is…” CASTER saw the sword of vowed victory revealing his true face, his pupils dilated suddenly, and before his thoughts could react, his body had already run in front of Shizuka Hiratsuka, “Xiao Jing, hurry up!” escape! “”
“The golden sword exploded with infinite light, and finally swallowed Caster and Shizuka Hiratsuka.”
“When the light dissipated, Caster’s dilapidated body was revealed. The defensive barrier she had set up hastily was broken almost instantly, and her life at this time finally came to an end.”
“”CASTER…” Because all the attacks were blocked by CASTER, Shizuka Hiratsuka hardly received any damage at this time, and the strengthening magic on her body gradually dissipated.”
“Knowing what this means, Shizuka Hiratsuka slowly clenched her fist, walked up to Saber without changing her expression, and then punched out!”
“Without the blessing of CASTER’s strengthening magic, how can she still be an opponent of a follower? This punch hit SABER who does not dodge or dodge. Not only did she not hurt her, she even broke her own hand!”
“Stop, CASTER is dead, you have no reason to continue fighting! “”
“Facing Saber’s admonition, Shizuka Hiratsuka didn’t speak, and the movement of punching didn’t stop at all!”
“SABER was silent for a moment, and finally understood her intentions. Then, the sword light slashed across, and a trace of blood appeared on Shizuka Hiratsuka’s neck.”
“”Well! “Hiratsuka held her neck and took a few steps back, she canShe felt that her life was passing, but she was not in pain, only a little sad… In the end, she still couldn’t help CASTER fulfill her wish. ”
“”Xiao Jing…” CASTER clutched his wound, walked with difficulty, walked to Hiratsuka Shizu’s side, and gently stroked her face.”
“A gust of wind blew past, lifting the hood on CASTER’s head, revealing her illusory beauty like an elf.”
“Passing Shizuka Hiratsuka’s face, Caster’s mind returned to before the Holy Grail War. At that time, her master was not Shizuka Hiratsuka, but a traditional magician.”
“That magician is a scumbag. In order to obtain more magic power, he ruthlessly killed the girl among humans. She couldn’t see it, so she plundered the magic power from the girl’s body in a more efficient way. And this kind of The method will only make the girls fall into a coma for a period of time, and will not harm their lives.”
“However, CASTER’s terrifying magic attainment caused panic among the magician. The magician was afraid of being betrayed by CASTER, so he bound her with command spells and magic, tortured her every day, just to erase The self-awareness in CASTER’s heart makes CASTER an obedient weapon.”
“Naturally, why would Caster let him do it to her? Finally, she found a chance and killed the magician!”
“She’s the betrayed witch Medea! It’s no big deal to betray the Master!”
“However, Medea, who was thinking like this, felt sad in her heart. How much she wished that she was still that innocent princess. How much she wished that no one in this world would call her a betrayed witch again!”
“Impossible, she can’t go back to the time when she was a princess, and there will be no people in this world who don’t have prejudice against her! Medea told herself this in her heart, but…she finally met her!”
“Hiratsuka Shizuka, there is no brilliance in this woman’s eyes. In her eyes, everyone and everything in this world are equal! She will not have contempt for anyone!”
“Although, it sounds like this is not a good thing, but for Medea, this is enough, this is already very good! What she longs for is just such a simple “no contempt”!”
“”Xiao Jing…Although you said that there is no need to explain, I still want to tell you that I have a good control over the people who are used to extract magic power. Everyone will only feel depressed for a day or two. Not life-threatening. “”
“CASTER’s expression at the moment is very gentle, he doesn’t look like someone who is about to die at all.” In addition, there is one more thing, I want to apologize to you. “”
“”I said, I want to get the Holy Grail, back when I was an innocent princess, right? But, I’m sorry, I lied to you… I know, you sometimes wonder what kind of life you would be living now if you hadn’t been kidnapped as a child. “”
“To be honest, I want to know too. But I think, you will definitely become the best teacher, right? After all, even when you are back home, you are always seriously preparing for the teaching job. Although you always say that this is just a disguise, I think you must like this job the most. “”
“So, I think, if I can make a wish to the Holy Grail, so that you can grow up with your parents and live a normal life… Even if you forget me like this, it doesn’t matter… This is, I My wish…but, even if it’s such a wish, I can’t fulfill it…””
“CASTER’s voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared completely. Her body also completely turned into a spot of light and disappeared without a trace.”
Chapter 295: More than 100 Blind Dates
Mei Lanyuan blinked her eyes, only feeling that the feelings between girls and girls poked her heart a little bit. For some reason, she suddenly thought of her sister… a little bit want to hug her and have sex!
“Wow!” Qin Chuan looked at the scene in the video with bright eyes, and sighed again as always, “Both sides are acting to fulfill each other’s wishes. As expected, the girls are really good.”
The protagonist of the video, Shizuka Hiratsuka, had red eyes at the moment, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, “CASTER, you guy, you did so much for me…Isn’t it that even I was moved?” Reached?”
She has always wanted to find a good man who is willing to do anything for her… But she never expected that, instead of meeting a good man, she did meet a good woman! This made her unable to bear it, and her orientation became a little bit bent.
Jingle Bell……
Just when Hiratsuka was sighing, the phone rang again, she shook her body and picked up the phone.
“Mom, why is it you again?!” She had a sad face, she didn’t want to answer, but she had to.
“Hey, Mom, why are you calling again? Didn’t I say that the signal is not good? Let’s call again when the signal is good.”
“If you dare to take advantage of the poor signal to hang up the phone this time, I will see you when you come back next time!”
“…” Shizuka Hiratsuka’s expression froze, and he explained weakly, “It’s really not an excuse, it’s really a bit of bad signal.”
“I don’t care if you’re making an excuse! How dare you lie to me that your orientation is okay? If this video didn’t expose you, I’d still be kept in the dark by you! Come back this weekend for a blind date!”
“No, Mom, is this the point of this video? The point is that I was kidnapped to be a killer in another world! How did you take care of me back then, and why did you let me be kidnapped!”
“This is not the point, the point is the little girl named CASTER! That girl is so cute, I am so moved, let alone you! So I have to pull you up before you fall completely into the abyss, remember to come back for a blind date this weekend! I have prepared more than a hundred good men for you to go on a blind date with! ”
“What?! More than a hundred? How come it has increased again? This number is too far…Hello, mom? Mom!” Hiratsuka Shizuka wanted to say something, but found that the phone had been hung up.
More than a hundred blind dates? This is her life! Shizuka Hiratsuka shuddered, how about running away quickly?
Or make a wish to the Holy Grail-I want to create a world without blind dates?
“” Yukino! Yui! “After defeating CASTER and Hiratsuka Shizuka, SABER hurriedly ran to the building that had just been blown into ruins.”
“Although she can feel that the contract is still there, and CASTER has been defeated, ARCHER should not continue to hurt Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui, but for some reason, SABER has a bad feeling in her heart.”
“But unfortunately, she searched here for a long time, but she couldn’t find any trace of the two of them and ARCHER.”
“” Was it taken away by ARCHER? “Saber frowned slightly.”
“”Here…where is it? “After Yukinoshita Yukino woke up, she found herself in a strange place, surrounded by nothing but two buildings in front of her, and there were no traces of Yuigahama Yui and ARCHER around her.”
“She looked at the surrounding environment in a daze, completely unable to understand what happened.”
“Just when she was at a loss, a tape recorder appeared beside her out of thin air, and then the machine started to operate autonomously without being controlled by anyone, playing the words that had been prepared.”
“”There are two buildings in front of you, one building has a total of 300 residents, and the other building has a total of 200 residents. “”
“”Now, two buildings are on fire at the same time. All the residents are elderly and children who have no ability to save themselves. The fire brigade is extremely far away. If they wait for them to come, all the residents of the two buildings will be burned to death. “”
“”And just in front of the building, there is a fire-fighting facility for fire-fighting. However, with your own ability, even if you try your best, you will only have time to put out the fire in one of the buildings. So, how do you do it? “”
“”…” Yukinoshita Yukino was speechless, looking at the two buildings opposite that suddenly burst into flames, she was plunged into great doubts.”
“What the hell is this place? Who is speaking? Do these two burning buildings really exist?”
“But the doubt only existed for a second or two, and she kicked it out of her mind. Even if there is only a 1% possibility that these two buildings are real, she will try to save them!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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