“Without hesitation, she rushed straight to the building with 300 residents.”
“When she finally extinguished the flames of this building, the voice sounded again, “Well done, although you threw away two hundred lives, you undoubtedly saved three hundred lives!” Needless to say, this is justice! “”
“Hearing the word justice, Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t feel happy, but her heart tightened. She only felt annoyed and unwilling. The weight called life weighed on her heart! It made her almost unable to breathe!”
“Then, the environment around her changed. The two buildings disappeared and were replaced by two temporary camps.”
“Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart, and the voice that followed immediately proved her premonition!”
“”The two buildings were no longer habitable because of the fire. The surviving 300 people built two temporary camps, one of which had 200 people and the other had 100 people. That night, two camps suddenly caught fire at the same time. As before, you can only save one of the camps. What should you do? “”
“”who are you? ! What is the point of doing such a thing! “Yukinoshita Yukino roared angrily, now that the scene of the sudden change in the environment has made her understand that this is false!”
“After she understood this, anger followed in her heart. What good is it to play with people’s hearts like this!”
“”significance? It doesn’t make any sense, it’s just a simple multiple-choice question, just like a student answering a question on a test paper, and I just want to know your answer. “”
“This time, the voice is no longer the hoarse male voice that came out of the tape recorder before, but the voice of ARCHER!”
Chapter 296: Another Personality
“”ARCHER? It’s you! ” Yukinoshita Yukino was startled for a moment, then glared at her, “Where is Yui? “”
“”Leave that woman alone, let’s have a good chat, you haven’t told me your answer yet. “Archer ignored her question and looked at her with a chuckle.”
“…” Yukinoshita was stunned for a moment, then turned her head to look at the two burning camps, even though she knew it was an illusion, her heart was throbbing a little bit.”
“In the end, she said with a complicated expression, “I should go to the camp to save two hundred people. “”
“ARCHER applauded and clapped his hands, “A wise decision, compared to a hundred people, there are obviously more than two hundred people! Two hundred is greater than one hundred, this is a problem that elementary school students can calculate.” “”
“”What is a problem that elementary school students can calculate! Do you treat human life only as a number? ! “Yukinoshita Yukino roared angrily.”
“But ARCHER was not angry, just looked at her, “Then let me ask you again, if a plane is covered with a large number of bugs, as long as these bugs touch humans, they will cause death. “”
“Then kill all the bugs… Yukinoshita Yukino just wanted to say this, when ARCHER continued, “But there are still two people alive on the plane, and they are the two pilots of the plane , because the hatch was closed, the bugs didn’t hurt them. “”
“”If they want to survive, they can only land immediately and wait for the rescuers to kill all the bugs before escaping. However, once the plane lands and the door is opened, the bugs will overflow immediately, and it is difficult to strangle them all, which will eventually lead to a large number of deaths. ! What do you think? “”
“”I…” Yukinoshita Yukino was silent, she knew what the best decision was – blow up the plane, before the bugs spread out, use a powerful bomb to destroy the bugs and the plane together! But such a decision is too cruel for the two surviving drivers!”
“It seems that you already have the answer in your heart. The corner of ARCHER’s mouth slightly curled up, “That’s right, I can only choose to give up those two poor drivers. Who told them there were only two of them?” You were just berating me for treating life as numbers, right? But in the end, don’t you think so in your heart? We are the same. “”
“”Do not! wrong! I’m not the same as someone like you! “Yukinoshita Yukino glared at the girl in front of her, then looked at the face that was almost exactly the same as her own, and fell into a trance.”
“Is this person really not me as she said at the beginning?”
“”Who the hell are you? “”
“”…” ARCHER was silent for two seconds, and then the corner of his mouth curled up, “When I was summoned by Yuigahama Yui, I said this sentence, although she didn’t understand it, but you should understand it, right? “”
“”I should usually be summoned as an ALTEREGO job, but this time the Holy Grail War does not have a special job, so I will respond to the call with an ARCHER job. “”
“”ALTEREGO! “Yukinoshita Yukino’s pupils dilated suddenly, and she murmured, “Another personality…””
“”Hehehe, hehehehe…” ARCHER smiled happily, “That’s right, another personality! I am ALTEREGO who symbolizes happiness, Yukinoshita Yukino, a personality born out of despair. “”
“”Since the reality is so desperate, then as long as all the desperate things are regarded as happiness, whether it is killing people or saving people, everything should be regarded as happiness! So, I was born, I am Yukino Yukinoshita and I am not Yukinoshita Yukino. If you must address me, you can call me Melt Lilith. “”
“Another personality? She is really me?” Yukinoshita Yukino was a little confused, so why didn’t she react when she heard the word ALTEREGO before?
ALTEREGO, what an unpretentious translation, you should be able to understand it after a little thought! Why didn’t you react to this?
Then, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the overly cool outfit on Melt Lilith, and sighed, probably because she didn’t dare to admit that the person wearing such bold clothes was herself, so she subconsciously didn’t Think about that?
Then she saw Hikigu Hachiman staring intently at the video, her face blushed, and then she slapped him on the face, blindfolding him, “Don’t watch!”
Being blindfolded, Hikigu Hachiman was a little disappointed, but he still tried to break Yukinoshita Yukino’s shackles, “Actually, I’m just interested in the two camps that are burning in the back. You can see that they have been burned for so long. Still, aren’t you curious?”
“I’m not curious. After all, it’s just an illusion. It’s strange that it can be burned!”
Hiki Valley Hachiman: “…”
You are not curious, I am curious! Besides, it’s been so long since I watched it before, so it’s not too much to watch again, right?
“”Desperate… what do you mean? “Yukinoshita Yukino frowned puzzled and said.”
“”do you know? I am not a hero worthy of praise by too many people. Compared with those who save the world, I am far worse! So, how did I become a Heroic Spirit like this? “”
“Without waiting for Yukinoshita Yukino to answer, Melt Lilith continued, “About three years from now, I will encounter a fire because the rescuers have not arrived , I prepared some rescue equipment myself to rescue those trapped in the fire. “”
“But, after all, I’m just an ordinary person, right? Neither a magician nor a legendary hero, just an ordinary person. Ordinary people have their limits. Seven people were successfully rescued. When I was trying to save the eighth person, something fell and hit my leg. “”
“”I don’t know what it is, after all, it was burnt out of shape. The only thing I know is that the thing is very heavy, so heavy that it directly crushed my two legs. “”
“Melt Lilith said such words, but there was no panic on her face, she had already forgottenPain? Or had the injuries she suffered over the years made her used to the pain? Yukinoshita Yukino had no way of knowing, she said with a complicated expression, “Because you broke your legs, do you feel desperate?”
“From a normal person to a disabled person suddenly, such a blow is enough to make people feel painful.”
“But Melt Lilith gave her a blank look, “Do you think that just breaking your legs can make you despair? Don’t underestimate yourself! “”
Chapter 297 You are slandering!
“”Just when my legs were crushed, an existence appeared, �k claimed to be the collective will of human beings-Alaya, although it was just a light spot, but I could feel it, �k said real. “”
“”He said, do you want to sign a contract with him, become a guardian, and continue to protect others. In this way, I became an existence called Guardian. That’s right, I’m not an orthodox heroic spirit, but a guardian. “”
“”The so-called guardian’s duty is to protect the continuation of human beings. In order to ensure that human beings can continue to exist, everything needs to be done. Among them, there are incidents similar to the questions I asked you before. “”
“Meert Lilith opened her mouth, her expression was a bit complicated, “In order to save some people, you need to give up others. This is the reality. Obviously I became a guardian to protect others, but when I regained my senses, there was already a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood behind me. “”
“”This is Yukinoshita Yukino, this pathetic person who has such a naive ideal of saving everyone, but has committed countless murders in the end! This person’s life is nothing but emptiness. The meaning of this person is nothing but nothingness. “”
“”So…” Her eyes suddenly settled on Yukinoshita Yukino, and then she brought up a bloodthirsty smile, “When I heard someone calling in this era, I was super happy! In this way, I can kill my past self, that extremely stupid self! “”
“How could this be…” Yukinoshita Yukino was confused for a moment. Could it be that she was wrong to want to make the world a better place?
The hand covering Hikigu Hachiman’s eyes dropped, and he glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino, those eyes gradually became King B, and said, “Mother once said that the pursuit of light is always accompanied by sacrifices.” But that doesn’t mean it’s a mistake to seek the light.”
“No matter how many people you killed in the video, you saved more people and even guaranteed the continuation of human civilization. This is an indisputable fact, so there is no need to be confused.”
As soon as the words were finished, Hikigu Hachiman was stunned, cold sweat broke out, what the fuck did I just say? ! Isn’t this the battle scene yet? Why can’t I control the power of pretending to be B!
Mother under the snow is numb, did I ever say that? When did I say that? ! Why don’t I know it myself? ! You are slandering! You are spreading rumors!
Yukinoshita’s father looked at his wife beside him, then shook his head, “I told you not to teach your children to say strange things.”
Yukinoshita Yukino never thought that he would comfort her so much, she nodded in a daze, “Ah… um.”
On the other side, Hikigu’s mother was lost in thought. Why does it feel like my biological mother is an outsider instead?
“Meert Lilith appeared beside Yukinoshita Yukino like a ghost, the spikes on her feet slashed across, and if nothing else happened, just this one blow was enough to cut her throat!”
“But Yukinoshita Yukino is also a person who has practiced Aikido. Even if her physical strength is not very good, her skills are still there. At the critical moment, she dodged the sharp thorn! She was a little surprised by her success! ”
“After all, even if she has skills, there is a gap in her basic physical fitness. Her speed should be much lower than Meltlilith’s! But just now, she felt that the speed of the two of them seems to be about the same?”
“”Hiding away? Melt Lilith raised her eyebrows slightly, but she was not too surprised, “It’s not bad.” “”
“”Your speed… no, it should be my speed, why so fast? “Yukinoshita Yukino looked at her body, then asked.”
“”This is my heart-like world. Only our souls enter this world. In terms of souls, there seems to be no difference between us. Melt Lilith smiled softly, “So, what determines the outcome is our fighting spirit!” “”
“But, do you want to fight me? Do you want to outwit me and go on to be a butcher named Guardian? Give up, it’s best for your life to end here! “”
“As soon as the words fell, Melt Lilith’s spikes cut Yukinoshita Yukino’s arm, and a smile that looked like a tax evader appeared on her face, “Hahahahaha, I’m so happy! So happy! It feels so good to pierce yourself! “”
“”Ugh! “Yukinoshita Yukino covered her arms and took a few steps back, blood kept flowing from her arms, this time, she didn’t dodge.”
“In order to save more people, the result is that a large number of people die. Is this really correct? Is this really what I desire? Why, is this the truth?”
“Looking at the spikes getting closer and closer to her neck, she didn’t dodge or resist. She just thought quietly, after all, why do I want to make everyone happy?”
“The sharp thorn was reflected in Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes, but the cold light shining on the thorn made her seem to see the past time.”
“Ah, that’s right… I want everyone to be happy because of him!”
“That was my first timeWhen I saw him, at that time, I was squeezed out by my classmates, someone put bugs in my desk, someone stole my shoes… At that time, I really felt that these people were boring and tight, relying on bullying others It’s ridiculous enough to establish your superior status. ”
“I have been smart since I was a child, and I am not angry with these people, because in my opinion, the entire human society is like this, and everyone is the same. There is no reason to be angry with these few people alone.”
“Until one day, I met a man named Sawagoe Hachiman, he always had a bunch of scars on his body, he looked like the kind of person who was bullied, but he always treated everything around him gently .”
“I was really surprised, so I went to ask him why, he didn’t seem to think that I would talk to him, he was a little surprised and said shyly, “Because, I thought, if everyone can be happy. That must include me too, right? “”
“As long as everyone can be happy, so you must also be happy? It’s ridiculous, what kind of strange theory is this! I don’t think he is great, but I feel a little sad. This man is smiling, but his eyes are Without a gleam of brilliance, he longs for happiness, but humblely believes that only when others are happy can he have the opportunity to be happy.”
“But… he is such a strange man, such a humble man, but I can see that his body is exuding brilliance.”
Chapter 298 Such a person actually existed
“”Um? “Meerte Lilith looked at her in amazement and grabbed the sharp Yukinoshita Yukino without caring about the injury. She keenly felt that this woman’s state has changed! She has regained her fighting spirit!”
“”What, are you sure you want to fight me? “”
“”what. ” Yukinoshita Yukino grabbed the spiked hand a little harder, the blood on her hand flowed out as if she didn’t want money, “Just now, I finally remembered why I had such a dream. “”
“”why? Melt Lilith raised her eyebrows slightly, “Do you still need to think about this kind of thing?” Even I remember clearly, I met that man named Sawagoe Hachiman, heard his dream, and then thought, ah, that’s really good, this dream is really good! “”
“”If everyone could be happy, no one would do such stupid pranks anymore. It’s such a simple thing! In the final analysis, this dream itself is someone else’s, and it is borrowed from others. “”
“”So, in the end, because of this dream, you will go into despair, and a personality like me will be born, right? “”
“Perhaps, my wish is indeed borrowed! “Yukinoshita Yukino slammed the spike away, and her injuries recovered quickly! Her fighting spirit is rapidly increasing, and the strength of her soul is also rapidly increasing!”
“”At the beginning, it was just a longing, longing for the man who has this kind of desire. “”
“”But even so… the wish for everyone to be happy is still beautiful! In the end, the desire rooted in my heart is the desire to completely subvert this hell! “”
“Her eyes gradually became determined, “That’s right! What I want is to completely subvert this hellish world! Because, I never want to see his eyes like that again! I never want to see anyone like him in this world again! “”
“That’s how my wish came about?” Yukinoshita Yukino frowned slightly. It was indeed because she was excluded in junior high school that she had the idea that most people are weak people who gain satisfaction by bullying others.
But she doesn’t remember seeing Hachiman when she was in junior high school?
Then she shook her head, forget it, don’t bother, anyway, the Hachiman in the video is still called Sawagoe Hachiman!
“Meerte Lilith was stunned for a moment, then she sneered, “Don’t want to see that look again? Hahahaha, too ridiculous, right? While praying that no one will die, he kills for the sake of the majority. He said that he didn’t want anyone to be sad anymore, but it made countless people despair. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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